Why is this even in the game? lol rip season 3

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Tareq 1990: I see a lot of salt against Paul here, cut the dude some slack he is designed to be like this at least he‘d not pay to win, stop this and try to learn how to counter him he‘s not that deep to read/download

Nick Dreamer - hitmanbreakeroftheye: Paul's rage = OP as damn <3

De Bernard: And they just buffed this motha.... man.... I'm plugging on all Paul's. If you're not ashamed to pick him, then I'm not ashamed to plug

tokyobassist: Beating up Paul legit just makes him mad as hell lol.

Never Average Gamer: Paul has always been and strong op character ever since he was introduced

Nova 1-up: Tekken players: "He touched me once and I died" Marvel vs. Capcom players: "First time?"

BADMAN121able: Yeah Yeah, Just release the next crossover character dlc already This game is going to hell.. sheesh

John Gillan: Because he's the strongest in the universe 😁😁😁

Ragey Boi: *wheeze*

Fr0Ck: Paul is braindead af not only his gameplay, but also his character.

Shia LaBeouf: Git gud son

Izuku Midoriyaツ: logic and physic of tekken is legit fun

Space Wargamer: I still don't understand how this shit is the more played fighting game, even some that at level of how many player they have are low tier are better.

Alex Serrano: It’s the equivalent of real K.O. Power. Real combat is even more overwhelming 🐲🐲

Matheus Schetz: I don't like tekken anymore since Tag 2

Sabrebengal: Paul Phoenix is my favorite character, always thought he was so cool. Cool enough to be the face of the franchise. The past couple of tekkens they made him a bit lame and insignificant. top teir in tekken 1-3, low tier in tag 1 and around mid tier in the rest of the series, but in tekken 7, he may be the best character definitely his strongest version.

LlortorYT: Paul + a wall has always been op

e69alpha: If I hear URRRAAGHH one more time before I die

Icarus3325 XD: ....gettin Broly flashbacks from DBFZ

King BvJ: I am ok with this 👌 😆 Paul's comeback potential is stupid

Sex Offender: To be fair, this is the guy who got a draw with Kazuya in Tekken one and beat the shit out of ancient Ogre. So I wouldn't put it past him to fuck up Devil Jin if the latter made a slip up in a fight.

Zapzzable100: Paul is broken 😂😂😂

Shady Fungus: Aw man forget flipping the table I would flipped the planet if I lost like that and I don’t even play this game.

Syrus2006: This is hilarious. Get fucking destroyed.

Tristan Prime: The god damn laugh😆😆😆 0:08

Zozzy_arcV: Going back to tekken 5 DR tbh

Lamar Pray: *gets jabbed and loses the round* ok

Roy Sunshine: Still more balanced than Whoreang and Julia

JACK REPAER: I like how he even started laughing before the guy was dead like he knew the outcome already 💀 🤣 😂

Tyagi Bladers: That's why I main yoshi

Tyagi Bladers: Paul defeated ogre by this

Blue Eyes White Karin: After seeing this I think Eliza needs more nerfs.

Blue Eyes White Karin: LOOK HOW EASY THAT IS!!!

Blue Eyes White Karin: “2D characters aren’t fair” -Knee 2020

cerebralassassin147: Paul is fAiR and BaLanCe

Elijah Blade: Lol you got clapped

Pitbull00000: Paf, paf paf paf,paf. Ahhhhaaaagh XD

RaDD C: People always ask why I never play Tekken. I always flatly respond with one word. “The damage.”

Mr. Knew York: Honestly, Paul is the best weapon against the Fakhumram and Leroy mains, have them a taste of their own medicine without even paying anything extra.

Mel Sanchez: I would quit after that

Brandon Larranaga: A Tekken God vs a 1st Dan??? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Wtf.

stef hass: Why is noone talking about how feng was in s1 and s2. Brain dead combos did shitloads of damage and his shoulder hit against a downed wall opponent was super bs

Karos: Death fisting to win

Ultimate Gamer: PhoenixPower

Lightning Angel: Is that.... a 1st Dan? Damn

Fluffy Knight: A quick look into why I would rather play Tekken 4 or 5 over 6 and 7. Rage mechanics are retarded.

camden clark: You can cancel rage arts?

Sezerims: And people still be saying T7 is better than Tag 2 and Tag 2 was not balanced smh. Sure, you could deal crazy damage in Tag 2 -if- you did crazy execution using 2 characters. But yeah, T7 is the balanced and better game when you can do a death combo with press of two buttons, or win by spamming or pulling a rage art without having to learn actual combos.

Bruh Consumer: Tekken 7 damage in a nutshell

Magi Karp: ...... He was like this every game he has the brute force then other but He is not hard to defeat as well that why high rank Paul player play casual and safe movement

Lester Rick Lisay: Ahh yes good old deathfist to start the day

Venar 5912: Im so glad that im not playing games like this anymore :D too less patience :D I love Dragonball but HELL NO i will never play FighterZ :D

Trash Gamer xd: Dude that laugh gets me everytime xD

Yahiko: Y’all realize there are 1 hit ok moves in the game right

Abram Tobing: damn paul can do this much damage? WE NEED TO NERF GIGAS NOWW!!!!!!!!

Scott Do: Just hilarious to watch!

KONO DIO DA: Dude that wheeze

Reevo Navarro: Don't blame shit reading and defense with broken opponent

TheUnknownShadow: Man I really hate paul mains lmaoo

gumdropkimi: this dj played the round cleanly and loses the whole round cus of one mistake despite the health lead, sad. i hate dj players but these combos are just...

Supreme Leader: Supers killed the game.

Alexis Beltran: I dont like that if u perform the special move after a juggle that it doesn't do much damage as it would if performed alone without a juggle.

MHARRTJ: What the hell, if Paul can do this, then why can't my boi Devil Jin do the same, just hit that first rage art punch, and cancel the rage art. Wtf

lidz: True Tekken God vs 1st Dan?

D D: And (some) people wonder why there's so much hate for paul.

mr What it iss: Bought this game because im fan since tekken 3 enjoyed the story got platinum sold it week after dont have regret because online is completely broken worse server in any game I've ever played also game is kinda lame for me

Aeon The Ivory King: Can someone fill me in about Season 3 controversy aside from Leroy and Fahkumram.

CyberdelicXP: Devs: I see...so what you want is for us to nerf Dragunov, have you pay for characters you have already bought like 6 times, and release some new OP pay-to-win characters....got it.

Mysterious J 123: Lol!

Mystic Quest: This is a reason why I don't play Tekken anymore. Just super long combos and ridiculous damages.

ocean Baadal.: Season 4 poor Paul nerfed more. He is punished by decreasing his powers since season 1. Because of him tekken was fun to play.

Monado Boy: Benefit of the doubt: It's Paul what else can he do but eat your health like it's a 5-Star 4 course meal?

lei wulong: This game become chess

Eugene List loves Truth: everybody talks about this inadequate damage but i want mention Paul's personality which moves from tough street guy,biker in tekken 3 to imbicil with dumb face and imbicil noises in tekken 6

Detective Bonghits: People need to stop bitching about ToD combos, as long as it's not one of these new no execution, autocombo, self playing game like dbfz or something. Too many people spent so long not playing marvel during a match they were In. All those people see shit like this and go "why are people bitching that's not even an infinite"

Judge Washington: PAUL: 🔥🔥BEST CHARACTER 🔥🔥USO!!!🔥

Aaron Graham: A seven hit death combo...gotta love it 🤦🏾‍♂️

February___: Man I hate when people say learn to match up or stop complaining and get good that makes no sense if something is way too strong you have to complain to the developer otherwise we'll have people like season one Leroy ruining tournaments did you people not see what Leroy did to evo Japan plus on top of that a lot of people will leave the game nobody wants an extremely unbalanced game just look at 3D arena games they're fun but extremely unbalanced and die out quickly

Rekka_Kien: Welcome to modern day fighters where you're not winning til you're losing.😉

??????: Nice wall combo

Thinking Human: This comment section has finished me 😂🤣😂

BullC6: Man...even the RA cancel did Deathfist damage. RIP scaling.

Tolerable F. Boys: Well video games are being pushed towards lesser skilled people so

Quantumest: That laugh in the end makes it better

Toxical Hits: i like ya cut g but it's Tekken 7 done by Paul Phoenix

Bruh Consumer: Making a mistake in season 3:

Macho Camacho: Lol Paul on his bullshit as usual I see. This is the only fighter to gain stronger and better moves over the years since tekken 4. They broke Jin into 2 silly ass parts that have ridiculous execution curves and stripped him down to one simple assed 10hit combo for what exactly?

Juancho OH: "Yeah so anyway just give them a longer life bar in S4 " Harada probably

dupree gerald: If you know it’s coming just block it innit

D.B. theGhost: Paul only has 3 mix options, he's slow, he doesn't have that many lows. He originally was a powerhouse. He wouldn't be Paul if he didn't do damage, instead he would be Gigas. I hate electric characters but I don't think they should change. Even though it pains me to say that. Speedy bastards... I really want them to do something about Gigas though. Some moves could have some fun tweaks to them.

Keith Simpson: You deserve that for leaving the Paul at 0.5 percent health rage and standing at a cornerwall. Smart player cuts combo at 30 percent if they think completion will put them there sometimes, especially with online weirdos.

D: If I can lose more than like 70% in a 1v1 fighting game I usually pass lol..

the one Above all: The real question is why the hell is a true tekken god fighting a den 1?

agent136: Season 3 in a nutshell: *P H A N T A S M A L W H E E Z E*

crash b: As someone who doesnt may tekken and only looks at a few videos here and there, this looks like every tekken match ever...

Mr Lakiro: Imagine if Paul was this strong in the story No one would survive

Bruce Leeds: NO NERFS 😈😈😈

JustGrisha: Meanwhile im playing Lee and killin my fingers for 80 dmg

Vibrant Feeling: This is what is wrong with Tekken 7. Not fair plus it should be more like an actual fight not some balloon smashing fighting. Tekken 3 and 4 were more good in comparison

Brandon Wilbur: Shouldn't of gotten hit

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