Top 10 Onboards Of The 2020 F1 Season!

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W P: that crash in Tuscany really was George Russell's fault

George Coleman: Whoever that was in Portugal in the Redbull who cut Kimi off needs a slap

George Coleman: Great respect for Perez in Portugal, great sportsmanship in that overtake

Davin Lyseyko: Typical Canadian, blaming everyone else.

Lijo: Can someone explain what actually happend at the Number 1 clip ?

Yves Souffle: 12:25 sounds like a dog yelping

John Polentina: Beatiful

TheApple90: 10:23 Leclerc becoming Kimi's engineer immediately after crashing

LazerLord10: On that last part: TL;DR the rear part of the pack started racing before the front part did, and confusion ensued. I'm new to F1 and was wondering what on earth was going with that last replay, and I found a more complete replay and brief explanation by looking up "F1 2020 Tuscanny". What happened was this was after the race 're-started' as they crossed the starting line, so there are green flashing things up ahead that say GO GO GO basically. But those are on for the people in front ONCE THEY CROSS THE LINE. You aren't supposed to start racing (and passing) until you get past the starting line. Because of this, the front of the pack _should_ start racing first, but _some_ of the middle and back of the pack started as soon as they saw the green light, and not when they passed the starting line. Key word being *some*.

Honolulu Boy: #2 The Ice Man stays cool in the midst of chaos!

Birdwave Racing: Classy Kvyat taking ownership of something that wasn't remotely his fault.

Максим Дмитриевич: Райконен на коне)))

Larasati Oetomo: Everybody: crashes Kimi: watch and learn sons

Antonio Ibanovich Valentín: Raikkonen also asks if gonna be a saffety car?. But magnussen asks everybody is ok?. the best person in f1!

Sein Schatten: Tbh #2 should be #1, this was a new "lap of the gods"

Bakashiri: Can we talk about how Kvyat pulled through in imola? Absolute beast at the end.

load714: It was enjoyable. See you soon.

Stephen M: Would like too know who was controlling the race pace at Tuscany. That was ridiculous!

Stead Shrumm: I think this was my first time ever hearing what latifi sounds like

Manolo Cast: Y Kimi siempre viendo con cautela cómo se dan en toda, para luego pasar tranquilamente entre la pedacería y el humo jajaja

Luis: Where is OnBoard about Sainz in Portugal???

No Thankyou: I will never give another though about F1 listening to these drivers are pathetic

Ruslan Salei: This season looked like they got drivers to the series from mad house

Bogdan Iacovescu: Perez & Kimi amazing drivers dude.

gavin richter: Kimi's such a savage

TOKYO-DRIVE-TV: ポルトガルのライコネンやべぇ

Arnaud a7x: 05:32 which is lovely 😂

Tra Thu: 0:33x.

Tyler Durden: Kimi saw so many crashes this year but was never really involved

Gino Bender: I love how the drivers are checking on each other after a crash. True sportsmanship.

XSebi: Kimi wanted to continue driving alongside his friend Vettel in Portugal. Thats why he overtook everyone. Only when he reached the Ferrari he realised it was Charles

ZM Gamerz: 17:54

SdewXGreat: Every Driver's 1St word in a crash: F#&$

Joash Naidoo: Kimi in Portugal was playing F1 2020 with all assists on and AI driver level at minimum

MadMax140476: Поменяйте местами первое и второе место :))))

Wayne Reuter: 10:40 those corners were sweet af from Kevin. Sad to see him go, despite not being a fan. He was geniune

John Cannizzaro Jr: Latifi is the only driver i have understood over the radio in at least 10 years. besides stroll.

Leenks Barrow: 16:38 - result then Valtery hold position James )

Rajeev Sisodiya Music: 6:09 he sounds like Batman

Sinking: They should show more onboards live!

George Beard: My heart dropped when I saw that loose wheel coming off of Gio's car and is heading towards George.

Manuel Gerson Massaku: Latifi: *what the fu-*

eric le rouge: the end crash cost ?

Pharmit24: 6:57 amazing brakes tho!

plus-minus: Definitly Raikonen first Place for the best START ever.

Blackjack21 Racing: F1 2020 Crashes 2

Arthur Lacerda Neto: 3:41 chanelling vettel

Morten Berg: Oh, would i like to see Magnussen in a proper car ......

Lol Loser5555: Me trying to control a car with no traction control in f1 2020: 0:39

eltzrothm1: The best must've been them freaking out over Grosjean. Where's that clip?

Marco Fernandes: Kimi lap around Portimao should be in first place !! damm

normantheforeman rety: Shame some of the best racing is coming from people that will be dropped next year due to Funded drivers...YAWN

Philip Squire: Who caused the Tuscany crash?

Reiner Anselmo: 5:56 Red Bull seat has been taken

Cheng Alex: My thought for whole video: Annie are you ok Are you ok Are you ok Annie

Giovanni P: The best circuits in this short season... Next season again like this plz!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jacob Bahr: 3:53 Giovinazzi weaving through all that is like me weaving between slow walkers and crazy children in the shops

pacmanpakkas: ALBON -im fine to carry on.... mean while the tire is shredded

La Yakal Ath Ahmawan Imad Ahmath: And it had absolutely nothing to do with the leaders . Although this race at the time of this restart. It was not your normal front runners. Lewis H wasn’t the leader. But this crash was caused by the mid pack fallen asleep from the front pack. Got to close and had to slow down . Max V. Was the leader of the race at this time of the race.

Nacho2382: 6:08 "Do you have any vibration?" "Ýêš Ï ďő"

Jeanette Armstrong: The unaccountable experience successfully warm because credit customarily agree a a youthful physician. glossy, breezy kidney

Cosmic Drew: Sergio is the master of 2020.

AMKHAN: Latifi: "What is the leaders doing? Like he's accelerating, going, accelerating going" Yes Latifi, that's what happens when you accelerate, you go. Pretty sure you're not okay. Definitely park the car.

TJ32: The backmarkers trying to gap the cars in front and then get a big run didn't work in Mugello. Bottas took them right to the line and all these guys arrived on the back of a stopped field at race speed.

홍현준: Kvyat’s drive is insane!!!! Did he remove the break?

W: F1 got their order wrong

Vishal Shanbhag: Kimi's engineer should've said "Yeah, it was a big crash but I got out"

kou: magnussen's start in russia was fantastic. thank you for your dedicated years. we remember you, kevin.

Honsy Jones: worst pilote ever

Emre Kosmaci: man kvyat was FLYING at emiglia romagna gp

dimych 555: подтверждаю. эта history была в 2020.

Altan Atilla: türkler +1

William Healy: It's clear that Leclerc takes a lot of pride in his work

thiscocks: No idea why Kvyat was apologising in Silverstone

Dave Betney: This list was BS! Norris' last 3 laps at Austria for his 1st podium should have been number 1!

Yexel 09: 14:13 When you put AI on easy mode 2%

Ty Xiy: Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh .

evs251: 10:18 Master of monza shows the apprentice how to drive the parabola

Igor Riss: Magnussen in Russia GP and Kimmi in Portugal GP are amazing, absolutely perfect breakthrough! Looking it from the point near the racer's eyes is priceless, thanks!

Chris M: Haha. Pèrez racing Albon for pinks at Imola 🤣

samghost13: Kimi Nr.1

Zenvo F1: Man raikkonen just loves the crashes unfold in front of him

BSI Dyto: 3:38🤣🤣🤣🤣

Vince Edwards: Those moves by Kimi at Portugal!!!!!!

Cris P. Bacon: On this episode of Kimi's hobby adventure...

Jeff Goddin: The way these cars turn at high speed is like they're on rails.

Nick K: How come the pit guy voice from every team sounds the same?

Stereotype: Why is Kimi not 1?! That was absolutely brutal. Hamilton could not pull this off.

Jordan 23: He called him "ve tell" like they used to

SuperSonic14: Raikkonen's start in Portugal was like someone putting the difficulty setting on easy.

cjm2005: Raikkonen started Portugal with the AI on the lowest setting.

The Yellow Cursor: WTH, Raikkonen's engineer said Leclerc jumped out of the car barely 3 seconds after he crashed but when we watched Leclerc's camera, he sat in there way longer.

The Yellow Cursor: LOL Kyvat torpedo'd his way past Albon.

The Yellow Cursor: Just realized Max is pretty critical of his car as well almost on the same level as Alonso but nobody is bringing out the pitchforks for him.

Vedran Pevec: I still wonder why Giovinazzi got a drive in 2021.

Sergio LP: and of course Hamilton is "not to blame" for the big accident in the last video

ashish yadav: Bring back grill the grid.

Max Levko: The onboard from portugal shows that with such uneven cars you can still race there, however we have weekends in Abu Dhabi, Sochi and France...

Michael Birchall: Kimi needs a faster car!!!

Callum Dean: Lol that Haas was fast in 2020 but unfortunately now we've got an angry groper and a future world champion at the wrong team

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