Cobra Kai: Season 3 | Quiet! Here's a New Premiere Date | Netflix

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Varun Patel: Best netflix show yet‼️‼️‼️

Slowlife Academy: I can’t wait. Most underrated show. But characters are so good it doesn’t even need big budget, naturally funny in the best genius simple way.

Mayomaya: If only we could do this in real life..

MarcomanIs_mlg: johnny lawrence hacked into netflix

Niki Topgaard: Thank you Johnny! 🙏

Abdul Bah: Ahh thanks Johnny

Fletcher Carlish: No way bro a few more days!!!

milad galla: Johnny: do you guys want it on January 8th student: NO SENSEI !!! Johnny: are you sure students: NO SENSEI !!!

Ross Kemp: Nice!

milad galla: wow only 3 days left am so hyped for this cant wait

revanth kumar: @Netflix When will Lucifer's season 5B?

Nightboost000: Yesssss

ReezyDrips _Drips: Yesssssssss

Arkham light: So it says Friday now so which Friday

Asterael: Woot Jan 1st :D

Broken Burst: Netflix: I don’t think you understand we can’t release it earlier than- Johnny: QUIET! Never, can’t, those are just words, they’re meaningless.

Storms10: Why have I watched this so many times?

John Sweet: Yessssssssssssssssss!

Lagboy 929: Johnny do be hacking the system

Brenda Morales: Everyon on December 31: 5,4,3,2,1 FINALLY COBRA KAI SEASON 3!!!!!

Darkel: YESSSS

Reeyaz Karkee: Yes it's coming

Melory Robledo: What song is this

Youssef Amilussin: Omg!

YS - 06BM 784614 Lorenville PS: Still late

NatasWasTaken: I am going to watch it before January first ends

Lucas Grezaud: the show description is too accurate 😶

Bilal Saleem: Anybody notice the description when he goes to change the date?

Sam Hyde: Cyberpunk 2077 can’t relate

Stefan Poslushni: YEAAA


WESTERN CEDAR: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣0:19 that has to be the meme of the 22 century

Ronald McDonald: Send it to the internet

An Average Doge: LET'S GO

Agent_of_Chaos: Wait what happened to the show continuing on YouTube?

Joel Lundon: What a guy

Christian L.: At this point there gunna change it all the time thats gay

CaptnLongDong: Can we get that guitar at the end as a ringtone? Asking for a friend

John Carlton: 8th of January does not exist in this dojo!

Oscar Martinez: Everyone: Netflix says it’s on January 8 and Johnny: Quiet!! From now on your not gonna listen to Netflix, your gonna listen to me is that understood? Now stop yappin like a little girl a give me 50 push ups on your knuckles.

Joey Ulmschneider: Let’s go

BhadBitch Haha: AHHHH

walter xd: Lets goooooooo

chicken guy: Yes that was to long 1 Jan I'm so excited

phillychick: YES!! New Year's Day plan sorted.

JACKED JULIAN: Johnny Lawerence wins at life and gets all the hot babes and loses everything. It’s the feel good story of the year. Zebra Rocks!

CrushingRock: HOLLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason Aguirre: My body is ready.

Lord Yamcha: Jonny Lawrence wins at life XD

3.V Audio & Video: Cobra Kai Season 3.V Soundtrack with ZEBRA songs!

Catherine Rodriguez: I would love to see it but I can't afford Netflix. Love the show. 🗽🕯️🕊️🎄⛄🌌

Imran Hussain: Ayt a week earlier

samic: My Netflix screen doesn't do that

silence_sinon: Look at description 😂

Sniffles HTF: Sensei lo quiero strike hard

Phil Mehr: 2021 already looks to be awesome <3

Andrés 360: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees

Tony Shwe: send it to the internet hits hard

Crioze: Best way to start 2021

Veerhan Sharma: Every cobra kai fan knows johnnys fav line..... Which is quite

samyferdinand83: Yes yes yes!!!

Fry Guy: Johnny: Is Cobra Kai season 2 coming out on January 8th? Miguel: No sensei! Johnny: Are you sure? Miguel: No sensei!

AmW: netflix: Cobra kai season 3 will be released on January the eig- Johnny: QUIET

Rodrigo dose Stuff: This is why you don’t let him make the rules

Matt Thornton: Ah Johnny! You’ve just proven you were the good one!

vunqk: Johnny Lawrence found out what Inspect Element does

Janice Gallego: Best. Ad . Ever


Alyena Hoy: Another reason to be excited for 2021!

citizensupreme: Oh hell yeah!

Jaelynn Game’s: YAYYYY

frike: Thank you

EX jnz: YESSIR!!

IvanchitorJR: The sensei knows how to hack Netflix 😎

Sebas Moya: Name of the song?

Mastiffhaze80 2002: All I have to say is god is reallllllll

Play4FunX: Omg another show to binge in a DAY! God I have no life! 🤟😆

MNSTER MM: F Yeah 1st

Canin Kendall: HUUUUGEEEE

shadowfaxframe: Best Christmas gift I received this year, THANK YOU!

Sergio Miranda: Thank you sensei Lawrence

Kaiden Mckenzie: Let's goo

Comic Freedom: And that’s why this show is amazing.

Remy: Changing the release date is an alpha move man!

Asalieri2: best christmas ever! Now it's REALLY gonna be a happy new year

Theresa D: 2021 is saved

Inan Perez: Epicc

liv malfoy x: OMGGG GET IN THERE

Solid: Let’s go

Mike 72: I low netflixxxxxx

Mike 72: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Ezio Flaves: ayeee

ElroChocoMocho: So they know that they’re just on a show?

Maniac536: Thank you Johnny L

martin naveyra: Anybody knows the song?

coco butter: AYO What The FOUCK ?!

Brad Tuomy: He’s right to long

Arvind Gaurav: Zebra rocks!!!!!

Lenyx: if the season done just release it now

MrFlappyPaDo: That's is actually good cuz i have school at january 8 thank you jonny

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