Thunder Rockets Game Postponed! Harden Violation Protocols! 2020-21 NBA Season

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Chris Smoove: James Harden just got fined $50,000 for attending an indoor private party on Monday

HighestGrails: Harden hit that step back all the way to the strip club

GIVING ALL THE GLORY TO GOD: 1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

J En: He flopped an entire game lol

The Card Whisperer: Bunch of weak simps.

LeoElTroll: The gods working together to ruin my fantasy team

The Guardian: The NBA should have a rule that a player who violates the safety protocols be held liable for the costs of the canceled game. All the salaries for that game should be taken out of his paycheck.

Jakecaseyy: Harden finaa Ruin the whole season

V.G. Castle: Are anyone really surprise? These are millionaire athletes. What else will they do? Stay at home and watch Netflix?

Robert Gollnick: Strip club cheese?

Kingston: It's hard to put a leash on a dog once you've put a crown on its head

TA: Rockets should of been forced to take the L.

some Guy: Imagine if the nba bans harden for an entire season

NastuSan XD: Harden tripping bruh

Sneaker Head: Atleast Cousins got ring. Lol

Moises Sobrepena: Harden doing everything to escape Houston!

imro kwasiba: James Harden was tested negatif. What did those who caugth covid-19 ?

G2KPOAT: The nba should slap James harden with the biggest fine in nba history to teach him whose boss

Elijah Taylor: Why James getting that late Kardashian curse. I thought he was safe for years

CHARLES MAX: Houston cant catch a break

Armandeep Singh: Chris got 5mil

Nelson Chou: He really said strip club first, career second

Juan Daroy: Waive him.

Dont Mess with me: if the season is gonna be cancelled because of james harden imma shave his damn beard.

Amigo Primo: James Harden Is worrying about asses More than a Ring now that's some cheese

Lee Mcnair: Wow lol

Leonardo Dabestio: 30 for 30 documentary on James Harden incoming.

Paint The Bait: Of course Harden cant stay on a bubble... The man loves to travel.

Zeko F: Harden cares about numbers more than anything. If you just send him home and not trade it will kill him.

Zeko F: I had a dream that Harden was traded to the Nets. Oh please god don’t let it happen

MARVIN PETION: Jesus loves you all❤️, allow him into your heart.

MARVIN PETION: Jesus loves you all❤️, allow him into your heart.

LilJOplays _: James harden looking slim tho lolw

Adrian Lazaro: SeArch another satan

Marvin Petion: Jesus loves you all❤️, allow him into your heart’s

Marvin Petion: Jesus loves you all❤️, allow him into your heart’s

KOT2H: Red sus

TheNamesDitto: Harden gonna lock down the entire league.

Ziggen D'Gantz: Harden just make himself undefendable on the court. Imagine the opposing team hesitates to defend him because he might have that virus. 😂

Radoslav Takev Jr.: Tested positive for what Smoove be more specific

Lamont Smith: Omg did he just pull the professor teleportation move 😵😵

Psycho Sixx: That's some cheese! lol

trebledc: His old, expensive and arrogant why would any team take him.

Dhany Daniel: Harden own NBA

L Daws -: What? You mean two former allstars that are always injured are injured again? I would have never guessed.

Ayomide Akinlaja: Pls can you review the hawks game, that is one of my favourite teams

ThePlugV: All bro gotta do is stop running to the internet when he in the club

Subha Choudhury: James Harden vs Russell Westbrook Then James Harden vs Houston Rockets Now James Harden vs the NBA

johnres baja: James Harden Sus!

Loudmein Josh: What a spoiled brat

Danielle McCutcheon: Wow Why would he do that

taio taRIQ: Kick him out that's it 💯

rita the cat: Why postpone? Just make the Rockets 0-1 OKC was ready


Garri Van Malaluan: Now we all know who the real TOXIC PLAYER is.

mxtro: Congrats on 5 mill bro

Mr Fohunnid: whatever team violates protocol should be determined losers by default it’s not fair for the opposing team that didn’t do anything wrong

Qua'Ron Moody: He was at a strip club again

T- BONE: Don't forget "JE-RAA-ME GRANT"

TheBlackPhantomHD: Trade him to the Knicks

Eugene Oleary: Harden better be cool before the NBA OJ Mayo his ass

X Drake: Harden is stupid

Mr A O: They need to fineee himmm big timeeee

Rasool Crawford: 4pf Harden is wildin out rn

Lindan Garner: Anyone else see that Tatum game winner...

Holden Caulfield: James harden also make germs travel

Doki Non: Harden wantin counsins to beat his ass

OyonG 36: Bull

Man on the Moon: Harden reached Future’s level of toxic

Knicks Hope Saviour: Nobody gonna want him now 😔😂😂🤦😭

King Jaylen: I’m not shocked he traveled there🤷🏽‍♂️

Kevin Chou: I think nba should forbid any team to sign harden to a contract thats more than $15mil a year

mochi yt: The Harden Protocol.

Stacey Hopson: Harden did nothing wrong 🤷🏽‍♂️

saz19s8: Surely the Rockets trade him now

lou J: James Harden causing so much chaos in the rockets organization so he can leave 😂

jorge pangan: Houston is a loser team thats why Harden wants to leave Houston

Bimmer Audi: Harden with the Strip Club cheese lol.

Xander Chamberlin: Rockets should’ve pulled a golden state and played with 6 players 😂

MixedBoii: Houston we have a problem

LeBron James: Harden better not shut down the league, cuz I’m tryna repeat

LeBron James: Harden really bringing down the Rockets with him lmao 😂

XShadesX: They should of had to forfeit

1700: Harden dont wanna hoop he wanna be 4pf 😂

BrayUzumaki: If I'm the GM I'm saying, "Okay do that again and I'm trading you you to the Knicks

Classic Salsa: Send him to the Raptors

808 ROCKETS4LIFE: Still a W fo sho 🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼

Ray Cutler: Y'all really thought the nba could continue with covid going on! 💀💀💀💀!

Orlando Medrano: If I was John wall I would’ve have to run that scrap with harden

Dwayne Abrahams: I'd trade Harden to the CBA.

Digital Gravity: Just trade him. It’s clearly he doesn’t wanna be there no more but of course as a basketball fan, y’all Rockets fans shouldn’t still be mad. He might not act professional with it but y’all wasn’t professional also when it was with CP3 and especially Melo plus if teams does it what is the best for the organization, it’s the same shit with players. Also remember Harden is the reason y’all been a playoffs/contender team since y’all got him because if it wasn’t for him y’all not relevant til now.

Hector Soto: That sounds be an automatic L

bhill005: Harden acting up again? Jesus -_-

XSA: James harden gonna be traded to jail for 5 guys from the hood

Rein: The OKC is still undefeated tho 💪

Godspeed Killua: Harden trying to intentionally lower his trade value 👀

king Dre: James harden want to go

Damion Claypool: Give harden away

Harsh Easwar: I think if he actually changes his mindset the rockets will be crazy

Wesley Preskenis: When you have Harden on your fantasy team...😳

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