Эдель Пьер "Whole Lotta" - выбор вслепую - Голос страны 6 сезон

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Dan Joseph Del Rosario: Men, this is a concert 🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻

David Panken: Does someone have subtitles?? 😊😅

Alex Navarrete: Como busco su nombre en españooool jaja

Ana E: He didn't win, what a corrupt program..... He is better than his judges all together Fantastic man, the most amazing

manuel camacho: Como se llama el primer juez que presiono el botón

Voluntas ad Victorium: Древнее ,очень древнее ,если Вы верите в эту практику.,то нужно отзаться от 5кг золота и наследства ,а потом у Вас точно чакры откроются,когда кушать захочется.Лапшу на уши вешаете людям.

Jeanpiere alvaro Guzman arteaga: yo cantaba igual, hasta que me lesione la rodilla.

pault1964: What is his nationality

FX Play: Me encanta el idioma ruso pero no entiendo nada cuando hablan

_maj3stic: you know your good when even the band is having fun playing

Xenia: Я кайфую от того как музыканты кайфут)

Vii Ravid: Where is this legend now?

Pablo Melo: melhor apresentação do the voice que eu já assisti

Foxiepaws ACAnderson: Omg he is brilliant!!

Биты с нуля[アライグマ]: вот это да

m29kt: Пьер красавчик

m29kt: Ооо, он так хорошо научился говорить на русском👍💪

Erik: May I say the best cover.?.............Yes I may.! .... wtf

STPS SD: Действительно ахренеть. Просто супер.

Terry C.: After his performance, I was still watching this, even though I have no idea what the judges are saying. I wish there was a subtitled or translated version of this. This guy was great!

Diogo C. Santos: os racistas piram ...o hino dos racistas .

Наталья Муза: Вот это даааааааааа!!!!

STPS SD: Песня бомба. Исполнение просто бомба. 🤪

The Shadow: the voice what is this?

Adevărul: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.” Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

Jewel Supreme: the look and the enthusiasm in the drummer's movements and on his face screams " this is my jam!".

appi vishwakarma: Love' for india Hari Krishna 🙏

Claudeni Santiago: Incrível!!!!

Sebastian Roa: name of blonde woman?

Ánes Némethné Simó: HAJRÀ

Ánes Némethné Simó: A LEGJOBB

Ánes Némethné Simó: A LEGJOBB

Лена Ковальчук: Француз планета!

jay k: Man has got pipes of gold. Hare Krishna

Константин Лутаенко: это круче оригинала 100 пудов красава

paulo willian: Cara canta muito ...

Jason: the band was like, finally a great singer with a nice music taste!


Corine Port: Wow incredible vocals I would love to hear him sing here I go again by whitesnake or something by black sabbath

Letícia Curcino: Você vê que o cara é foda quando exatamente cada pessoa no local tá curtindo na mesma vibe

Krishna S Parker: He was in The Voice France, The Voice Russia and The Voice Ukraine.

STPS SD: Это лучшее что я слышал.

Claire Amer: When am I gonna get bored from this? He’s excellent! Love it 🎶👏🏻🙏🏻❤️

Joel Grenier: this guy can sing megadeath like Dave

Samir Soi: Love from india this man is greatest singer

Samir Soi: любов з Індії ця людина є найбільшим співаком

Kristoff Snuffel: Pozdrowienia dla Rosjan.

LevanDevdariani: BRAVO !!!

Veli Dazo: OMG...I wish he chose the first judge

Mapuia Pachuau: Vwuoiidka

Heng Ly83838: He is very good talent ☺️☺️👍🙂

ELAZIO Rodriguez: Почему Украинский голос такой крутой? Самый лучший, на мой взгляд

Л Ссс: Талантище!!! Благодарю Господа за то, что посылает в наш мир такие зрелые Души!!!

Nurta Tokmyrza: Видно что гитаристы, басисты и барабанщик реально кайфовали!

Dipankar Lal Jha: The singer: I practice vaishnavism Me: Proud as an Indian The singer: whole outta love Me: ..............

Dipankar Lal Jha: Never saw an audition that insane...everyone just got carried away

Викусик Пупсик: Я могу пересматирать это вечнооооо!

Bishwa Jit: He just nailed it.

Abdo Largo: 👌👌👌👌

Shaqx's #: Not a day goes by when I don't come back to youtube to watch this... Love from India🇮🇳💕💕

Vilalta: masterpiece

Mertcan Ozluk: Slava Ukraine! Amazing performans from Turkey!!

Евгений Васичев: Джай!!!!!!!👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😊😊😊

Ольга Коваленко: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯💐

Ольга Коваленко: Часто пересматриваю.

Squall Fire: Блиин, Пьер, надо было тебе к Вакарчуку идти(

moronsoff stupidoff: а жюрі собі думають от класно. нам би так співати.КРАСАВА

wAlk AlOnE Bibou: The best performance

Carlos Perez: No sé qué estén diciendo los jueces , pero yo gocé como el primero en voltear , salté y volví a saltar por la increíble voz

Joshua LoArt: After 4 Years i Came back here And i considered that HE ISN'T HUMAN!! ☠️🖤🤟🏼🤟🏼

Andrei Malai: Интересно а Роберт Плант как отреагировал на это выступление =). Ни одного лайва не видел в его исполнении хотябы приближенного по качеству вокала к этому исполнению. Музыканты красавчики.

Sil Souza: Alguém aí sabe que língua é essa que estão falando??

Ricardo Fernandes: amazing!

Jeanpiere alvaro Guzman arteaga: yo cantaba igual que el, hasta que me lesione la rodilla u.u

J H O R D Y 7: Resulta que no solo es un buen actor porno, tbm sabe cantar. Crack

Jorge Chaverri: Un rockero auténtico no hay mas k decir

Jithin: Whole lotta love... too good .... i can keep listening to this all day ..

Juice 26: Chester would be proud

Zerodawn New: артист, исполнивший Led Zeppelin, пошел в команду человека, который не может отличить треш-металл от рок-н-ролла:D

eugene german: Is this his second audition? The one who sang the house of rising sun?

Monty Singh: I keep coming back here every few weeks.. wish i could understand what the judges were talking about. bloody Amazing guy..

Donnie Cain: I have watched this video 50 times and I just CANNOT get over the energy that the singer brought with this great song ! I mean the band ...the audience and the judges just went into overdrive with this song ! And watch the woman and 2:48-49 smiling at the dance moves of the first judge who turned around ! I mean this performance was electrifying !!! Let me go watch it again !!!

Donnie Cain: I just love the audience's and judge's reaction when the song starts up ! And when he sings it's just incredible ! The best voice act anywhere at anytime !!!!

iam us: Hare krishna from india 🇮🇳🇮🇳

Дмитрий Владимиров: И все говорят по русски!!!! Ура 😃👍

Mundo Curioso: Starts on 1:53... U r welcome!

Maximiliano Cruz: No se que vergas hago aquí:v

le fabuleux: 3:28 the moment he hits the g spot

Jonas Mark Dejelo: Can we have subtitles for this. I am very interested in their convo.

Jonas Mark Dejelo: Ypu could see from the look of the band that they have waited so long for this kind of performance. Rock on brother!

edinburghgirl1: Brilliant 🤘

yoanne legentilhomme: super

Вадим Рус: Казлина аж распрыгался ! 😁👍

Геннадий Высота: Хорошая музыка и её хорошее исполнение сродни гипнозу))))

Данил Пронин: А те кто там танцует,им платят?

Boy Syahidin: Damn ...! So cool 🤘

slender: The band also were fantastic

Inesska Куценко: это Вау - голос! Браво!

YanaBunnes Play: Расколбас Славы это прям я

Alok Hota: This one doesn't sound like an audition but like a concert

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