Hornets Defeat Nets! Rozier Dunks Avoids Durant's Chasedown! 2020-21 NBA Season

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Olivia Santiago: No

Nicholas Ikwueme: Bro it poster, he tried to block him and fouled him

Life Master: Snap ...... in-large now a #Poster!!!!!!

Henwy: That was definitely a poster!

Ray beats: Definitely a poster

O.G. 1Love: ***Terry dunks on KD****

JD G: Poster

Martin Santos: What happen to graham?

No Side: 6 pts off the bench, what a MONSTER game!!

Food Grab: thats a poster smoove

Firestarter: Does Kylie still trust Katie in the Klutch? Bwahahaha. Little girls bickering.

FariWillArtistry: I'm sorry the warriors looked way more dominant when he was there , but hey it's still early

King Tray: Thats a poster

Grind today, Enjoy tomorrow: Rozier been in the weight room

Grind today, Enjoy tomorrow: Kd got dunked on

Andre Hurst: It's a poster. He set that shit up

eadekolu: @1:20 when you can trust the KD but not LeBron huh?

Samusi Adelekan: It's a Poster..Rozier didn't posterize(body to body) him

Eric IsBong: Even if u come from behind and fly into him it is still a dunk 😳

Ra Re: Rozier > Kyrie

Teen Bfl: He got posterized because even tho he was coming from behind he still tried to block and he still was in front of him at the end

Mitch Butler: If that's not a poster, what the heck is? 🤨

Chad DuBose: Definitely a poster he went for the chase down and put himself in the picture love KD but he got punched on that time lol😅😅

BigusDicccusPlays: If that happens at your gym, it’s a poster

Lewis Wong: Rozier ain't posterizing anyone lol

Will Laframboise: KD got dunked on

walter hank: KD GOT MURKED

ARPAN 1122: Chris smoove: 0:35 KD.. YOU AIN'T LEBRON BABYYYY

BruTuSz89: Lamelo to the bench, Hornets beat the Nets.

Kingson S: Kyrie weeks before - Finally playing with a clutch player KD - *misses*

Nikko Andrei C. Gepayo: Better defender =Lebron Better scorer= Lebron hahahahha 😆

reggie robin: I don't care what anybody says that's, a poster

Jonathan Reyes: Wait... Gordon Hayward is 6’6 and LaMelo is 6’8 but in the vid Hayward looks taller than Melo 🤔

Boomer72O: Thought Kyrie said KD was the one teamate you know could hit the shot....huh huh.

Ross Weisbrot: I love the dunk

DMONEYTHE BEAST15: Smoove don’t lie that is a poster

John Bain: That was almost a poster

pratik: KD got postered

Amari: definitely a poster

Eric Gonzalez: That’s a poster

John Sick: bruhhh smoove u aight but saying that is not a poster on kd??? Thats some cheese right there smh

Jon Quick: That’s definitely a poster! Lol you tweaking!

Tadeh N: Rozier dunked on skinny kd lol

Poorflopp Poorflopp: Cool bc i just broke Terry's ankles!

Haiden Franklin: I think he got posterized

Slam Dank: Kyire's jumper is looking a bit...flat lolololol

Yung Duval: KD got PUNCHED on, y do I keep hearing people say it wasn't a poster, foh, you don't want to be on a highlight then don't jump

junior johnson: Posterized 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Arman Santos: Lol at smoove it's not even debatable. Your thumbnail says it all. Smh

Sun rise: 6 points off the bench! Slowly but surely, next game it’ll be 8 points the next game it’ll be 10 points. Melo will average around 8-3-3

Tylerbase: That’s a poster

Guadalupe Rodriguez: But KD clutch though... lol

ytzephyrus 0116: Its a poster

Juanillo Rios: Lol so Kyrie has his mouth shut now huh after that missed shit by KD?🤣🤣

J Gomez: Prayers for Spencer Dinwiddie

RuiAlvez: That is definitely a poster. KD got posterized!

Yoshi Plush Town: That’s a poster

Drxppp: 0:45 Chris: but he came from the back Me:aaaAAYOOO

KtownSquad: He got poster'd. If you can hang it on a wall its a poster.

Dalyn Sanon: that's not a poster

Chadrick Foster: Damn right that’s a poster.

ponypower8: You go up with someone who's going to dunk, you're certainly going to be part of the poster or screensaver!

Gus Free: Nets still going to the Finals.. KD been out for 18 months.. His confidence still there

Boromir Smith: Ohhhhh baby that's a poster!

DonWuan: Depends on qngle

Bradd Audron: What was Kyrie sayin about playin with someone who can actually hit that big shot? Hahahaha

somi park: 다문화어린아운전쑤

ely babe: Yes that was a poster

TyJamar: OK Charlotte

Gee Boi: Chris smoove loves KD. Lol haha

SShaBazzz: Nah, it's no where near a poster. KD is behind him chasing him down. It's not a straight up defensive attempt.

J4M3Sx615x: its a chasedown attempt. not a poster.

Malik Walters: not a poster

Mykill Gaming: He's on a poster card give that man a pillow

Sports Bulletin: Hornet will never reach the playoffs LMAO :)

Dondrell Wilson: He dunked on him but it wasn’t a crazy poster

Laquish Danish: Being a fan of the hornets is finally starting to pay off 😂

Rayzajw: By definition it's a poster

Double O: Thats DEFO a poster cmon

Condy Loid: That was more of a postcard rather than a poster

Leonard Taylor: La Postra Nostra

المشاعر: GTFOH....A dude 6'1 dunked on a shot-blocking 7 footer that tried his best to stop him, and he still scored. That is a poster all day!

Ronald Mack: Definitely a poster if it’s taken right lol. No and 1 and if Durant fell that would’ve been insane !!

Ahmad Haseeb: as long as you make contact its a poster

Damodar Das: Durant was way behind and should have conceded but came in for the block late. Rozier cleanly dunked the ball before contact so He didnt dunk on him. Not a poster IMO.

Castille Alysah Imani: KD contested a dunk AND got a foul? Kodak moment 📸 DEFINITELY a poster 😂

Trenton Tucker: 1000% a poster


Ethan Jackson: That was a poster KD jumped with him and fouled

Ethan Henderson: There was contact, Durant went for the block, it's a poster. We've BEEN considering those posters

Cristian: It wasn’t a poster. Such a dumb question

0 7: Though the 2018 nets weren’t great, they were a more fun team to watch especially the bench

Ryan Roker: That counts as a poster

Christos Tsortanidis: 🚨🚨posterrrrr🚨🚨

Deafy Mapson: Chris Smoove with that posterizing cheese

FBI AGENT 02: It’s a poster bro he contested it his arm got on the way

Ian Huh: Thats a poster

Corbyn Bluiett: I gotta say it's a poster cause KD did Jump try to chasedown block Rozier

Mama Njoya: No itz not a poster

Pablo Ramos: THAT'S A POSTER WYM 😂😂😂😂

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