Cobra Kai Cast Teases "Emotional" Season 3 | THR Interview

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Thorazine 007: Yes the fights have more emotion to them and more emotionally charged among the kids, because they don't have the physical fight I luved between the old school adults... but I still luved Cobra Kia III

Sonny Morgan: I watched cobra kai on the first day it came out on

angry bull: I'm shocked that they had chozen an all the original actors do a surprise appearance to me it was a suspense

felicia felicity: this is a great show keeps u on the edge of ur seat

Qautic: this season was crazy

Igloo Zoo: William Zabka definitely makes this show watchable. I don't really care for the new storylines of the younger cast. I feel some of the younger actors are miscast that makes the show feel more PowerRanger than Karate Kid which may be what they were going for. I do love the cameos of past characters using the original actors. It seems so many people long for the 80s. I definitely do.

Master Oogway: I want a crossover with kickin it

Melissa Goodenough: Watched the whole series in one day. Loved it, brilliant! Only one mistake though, if mr M left daniel a will in karate kid 2 for if he died. Doesnt that mean he owned tommyvilliage? Why does chozen own it when he inherited sato industry?

Notorious G: Why did it have to go Netflix? It was the reason I paid for youtube!!!!

CRIT ROLE: first 2 seasons were better but the cameos and the ending was nice....might have to watch it all again just to see if i feel any diff but right now overall disappointed tbh

Chris ewing: Hawk went Tyler Durden because he felt like destroying something beautiful.

CC Talks: Ahhhh

Andrew Langton: I don't wanna see virtue signalling or political correctness. I want Johnny be bad or Daniel. CobraKais doesn't have t teach us any morals.Lets see real baddies

John Rambo: Wow i can't wait for season 4!!

Cory Basetti: Ralph Macchio and William Zabka just don't age

David Luiz: Cobra season 3 is giving me optimism for 2021

john doe: Ally ,was the biggest cliffhanger after season 2. Knew Miguel would pull through

Michael Gardner: Waiting for season 3 to kick off is like holding in a wee for a really long time

Noah Jackson 20: Xolo is a person I would want at my high school

Laurent de backer: Oh come on Hawk! Don't tease us like that! Anyhow, i want to see everyone's story if i'm being honest, i do of course, want to see the development of the original Karate Kid Daniel and how he will cope with all of this. But i also want to see more of the other characters. I also hope Robbie (y)? Doesn't die, i think he is a really interesting character, but, i'm a bit afraid for him in season 3. Besides that, i know there will be some dead's in this season but in general speaking, in "Karate Kid", nobody really has to die. So i hope it won't be characters we were getting attached to! But, uhm, what would be the point if not? Right...?

Wendy wilson: 💜

Anna Gonzalez: Ralph macchio still looks 14 years old

Michael Dadourian: I’m excited to finally watch Season 3. Take me back to Okinawa!

Cara: I can’t wait to see that hawk fight it looks crazy

E M: Cannot wait.. wish the episodes were a bit longer though.

Public Relations 101: Aren't television interviews exciting? The role the PR team played here by putting up top cast members was create a tease/hook that'll ensure viewership and give audiences a purpose to tune in. It goes on to show the great role PR plays in supporting a variety of fields, who absolutely need their key audience's buy-in and without effective PR, they can't get it!

Darth _ 27: I just want the episodes to be longer

Joel Laukart reacts:

Solange Mutunzi: 1:32 Xolo: Figuring out of Sam is right for him He literally just gave away that Sam and Miguel are back together! 🥳🥳🥳

Stan L: Cobra Kai: Origins

Steel_Dragon816: The greatest season ever this will be can’t wait. COBRA KAI NEVER DIES 🐍🐍🐍

Moonlit: Just binged it and came here, such an amazing series! Incredibly inspiring also

Bernardo De Franceschi: I love Jacob Bertrand

Huey L: Any love for the homeless lady... will she be back?

Uday Singh: People getting excited for Cobra Kai Me an intellectual: The video is 4:20 minutes long.

rory Chevalier: What I can't wait to see is Season 3, Episode 10. It's obviously going to be something to do with a fight, similar to both episode 10's in the first 2 seasons

Sahara: Johnny and Carmen please get married!

OU812: *Johnny Lawrence -William Zabka you rock buddy, you're my hero I'm proud of you! It's great to see you again.*

Dini shire Ahmed Shire: What I really wanna see what’s gonna go down between Tory & Miguel, and her response to Miguel for kissing Sam and what will be the state of their relationship aftermath. Same with Robby & Sam. But I can’t deny that Sam is undoubtedly the instigator of all fights and drama that has happened in both Season 1 and 2. Wonder if Tory will forgive Miguel and they’ll still be together or Miguel and Sam will get back together. Can’t wait for Season 3.

Ian Morrison / MovieNutcase: I knew it!! Jesse Kove is playing a young Kreese in Vietnam!!😁😁😁

Fer Blues: Counting the hours.....😣😆

Mystical STD: Xolo looks like me every Saturday

Gigaming 1: I can not wait for season 3 Friday will be the best day ever can’t wait

Mr Froot Gaming: Did the lady or Mary Mouser just reveal how Cobra Kai Season 3 Episode 1 would open?!

VaZel Icy.: 💙

Jackie C: Just patiently waiting for New Years! :D its been two long years for me

connor scott: Bro I want to just watch it sooo bad

TheBebop: I feel like Zabka is getting shafted spotlight wise outside of the show not a fan of that

Galaxium VR: Why does Xolo look like he’s trying so hard not to spit any spoilers?

Adriana Avila: After reading the description, I was thinking who is Vanessa? Glad to see the actress playing Carmen in some interviews

It Came From A Vlog: Can't wait!!!!!

javier melvin: xolo has the same story as lurrusso\

Prod. Freez: Hopefully he won’t be in the wheel chair the whole season

ana tabatadze: how many series?

Max Craven: Wow even peyton list mentioned Martin kove's son Jesse kove is going to be in season 3 I can't wait to see his role in cobra kai

Luka Schwarz: Here before the bots

Carley Roberts: I am so excited for this season I can wait

Mohammed Hamid: Cannot wait for this!!!

CozyBoy Jay: The actors are amazing💪🏾 but I jus can’t get down with Sam😂 she’s the center of everything that’s happened

Angela: I can't wait to see this!!

Felix Guitar: So hyped!

JustAcadamane: This is gonna be the best season ever. <3

chester king: Nice Cant wait at all

Lerogg123: I love how in the show Daniel pronounces it Okinawa, but Ralph pronounces it Okeenawa

rlan GerlaGerl: Lovely 😍💋 💝💖❤️

Mazirod Lewis: Can’t wait for Season 3

iani Dena Mari: Need lovely 😍💋 💝💖❤️

nnel owitzoppo: 13:43 I love that. Do you love me? 😍💋 💝💖❤️

Benny The Bendy: First

O Mexicano: meu primeiro amv lança logo mais, ao som de dragon boy$, vê lá se curte, se curtir jojo se inscreve no canal, (um dia falo de outras obras) paz... ☮

Raghu Seetharaman: I always wanted to see Flashbacks to Kreese and Jessie Kove, son of Martin Kove playing the younger version of his father can't wait.

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