Cobra Kai: Peyton List CRIED When Show Got Season 4 Renewal (Exclusive)

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Solid 4life: Johnny makes the show for me the kids are cringe they should of hired a natural like me, but whatever I’m ready for season 4!

planetusa1: Mary mouser big fan but seems too old to be in high school.

Rohan Vlogs: season 4 is coming after 1 year

Yeo Edwin: Cobra Kai divas

Ethan Mpudzi: The only thing I didn't like about the last episode was that, did they have to zoom in on those snake's, like it almost gave me a hard attack. Damn

El Indigeno: Why? Did it end like that? Why? Come on now.

Cory Basetti: Mary and Peyton seem like lovely girls as well. Such a fantastic, epic show

Biron Hernandez: Real fans: who else thought johny was going to wear that red sauce on hes white blazer at the encino oaks country club, like Daniel did in karate kid 1? Press like

Biron Hernandez: I am so pumped cant wait for season 4.

Sant Lucky: Peyton looks at Mary awkward

International TVShows: Saturday night cobra kai night finished it all yeye where’s s04 aah 😨

Payton Mull: Ship Tory and Robbie season 4

Jeffery Freelen: i want season 4 now!!!!!

Charles the Lizard: Possibly the Greatest Show ever, and definitely the best re-boot ever! These producers who made this show are absolute masters, and the actors/actresses all do an awesome job!

Mega Man Rush Jet Renegade: This show is so well written!! I can't wait for Season 4.

GLS SaVaGe: Cant wait for season 4😢😢😢

Blink Blink: They should make Daniel Larusso and Johnny gay lovers to represent lgbtq everywhere. No gay characters in this series. Make daniel and johnny gay!

Trex Tzy: season 3 teaser Sam:i thought we were the good guys and then Demetri sweeps hawk me:O my god miyagi do becomes the bully me watching season 3:omg cobra kai is savage

Jessica: I just finished season 3 and oh my god it was epic!!!!! I cannot wait for season 4 and I’m so happy Hawk has changed he turned nasty & a bully

ItsJustScarz: Crazy how last season I blame the Majority of the problems on sam which I was right because that's what they was trying to say on season 4.

ItsJustScarz: I finish everything in one day only because I know I am going to get spoiled some way some how.

Cherubi 95: Hopefully good old Silver will appear in season 4.

G Entity: Hope Season 4 got new tough teenager. Like a new badass make teenager character. Not from Miyagi or Cobra Kai Clan but like newcomer kickass.

Josea Johnson: What's Peyton's Mother & Father?

TheWrite Font: I hope Mary trains hard for Season 4.

Wanda Jackson: What's Peyton's Younger Brother?

Jessie Jenkins: What's Peyton's Twin Brother?

jean pierre: Great story line. They need to work on the fight scenes. They could be wayy better. Slow movement and predictable blows. Bad fight scenes. I really think with the show taking over so much, they need to hire stunts for the fights. We need to see better kicks, acrobats and so on. After all, it s very entertaining. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Fortnitegod_ 2009: Maybe to end the rivalry,kick the shit out of kreese

JJmonz: I can’t fucking wait. These 2 are amazing

Jivs: Can’t wait 1 yr for season 4, that’s too long

Joel Ngwenya: I just finished season 3 and it was great 👍

Renato Laranja: Tory must have smoked a blunt before this was filmed. She's so calm and relaxed. And she's being nice to Sam. 😂😂😂

TheGreatLegend007: Please don’t bring Will smith son into it that Karate Kid was Garbage I don’t even it consider that a karate kid movie

Wisp Starz: Tory > Sam. Any other side is wrong. Idgaf.

a random youtuber: I'm the 1000th person to like this video

Odst soldier: Ofc she cried another paycheck lmao more to her resume a successful show is good for actors

Hanif Jones: This is so sweet

Hanif Jones: Again

Hanif Jones: Cant wait

DBJ Squad: Season 4 ???!!!

Ritual 12th Exit: To anyone in the cast of Cobra Kai..Enjoy this success!! And appreciate the fact that unfortunately, Hollywood is just about creatively bankrupt, so revel in the fact you have great writers who know how to craft a great story! Cherish the fact they know how to respect the legacy characters, while continuing to expand their back stories while perfectly merging with the exciting new characters!! And as fans, I think its safe to say we realize supremely crafted story telling is rare in todays entertainment. So we will enjoy it while its available! So thank you for this show..COBRA KAI NEVER DIES!!!!!

irmaheras: yes :) a finiched en one day :)

Spxce: i finished season 3 in 1 day man love the show

Calum Barton: Just had a thought after seeing that clip of Robbie fighting that black kid in juvi and knowing now that he’ll be with kreece in season 4 I think he’ll get him at cobra Kai.

Elvin Duraku: This show can go on for 30 seasons and I won’t get bored

Zanic: I just hope that Miguel and Sam stay together throughout season 4 tbh

Mr.potato: Omg i am literally watching season 1 episode 8 right now omg its crazy how it just popped up

Breezy2x: bro they needa make it longer than 10 episodes

cobrakaiISBACK: I was disgusted how the show paints Tory in a negative light. She is just trying to protect her mother and brother working 2 jobs and all samantha does his spend her parents money on new clothes thinking of herself. Also Daniel cheated on his wife in japan with kumiko but the producers edited it out. More slanted production to paint daniel in a positive light. Disgusting

alex lazzerly: Peyton really knocked the more subtle and dramatic scenes out of the park. But am I the only one who finds her "angry" moments a little too over-the-top? She pretty much turned into a cartoon villain.

star killer: Marry and Peyton are so GORGEOUS...glad season 4 is coming!!!!

TheRandrx2: Tory=Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Pat Rick: Not exclusive fake

Chloe Hutton: this comment is for people who finished in one day edit: i finished the day it released, but i just saw this video and decided to comment

Viking Ghost 117: It's been a loooooooooong time since I've found a series I just can't wait to sit down and just binge watch. I'm pretty critical of stuff and if it's just not good I'll turn it off mid episode and just be like... Alright this sucks. I only have so much time I can devote towards entertainment and I'm not going to waste it on shit. But this whole series has been so amazing! There's so much good character development and I love how every character seems like they belong, rather how in most t.v. series, new characters seem like an afterthought/desperate experiment to be discarded. They're all relatable... they're not pure evil, nor pure good, some are better than others, some worse, You can see the moral conflict each character has within themselves as they learn who they want to be, and it's just perfect! If I was to complain about anything in it it would be how it's rated t.v. 14 and uses the f word in one episode? I'm not like anti-f-word but I don't want my little kid running around saying upgraded swear words at her age. I mean I guess it's allowed since pg-13 can use it, but I've just never watched a t.v. 14 series that uses that language ya know? It threw me...over a rail... I broke my back...was in acoma...find out next season if I lived.

obiclone: Sniffable

Cynthia Jones: Listen to this, the most important thing you'll ever read. If you die today will you go to heaven? Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name as a curse word (O-M-G)? According to God's law, you're guilty, your headed for hell, ignorance will not be an excuse... But wait, God loves you, he made a way out for you, God's son Jesus died paying for your sin. God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him will not die but have everlasting life. John 3:16 God is warning the world. End Time prophesies are jumping off the pages of the Bible, plagues, violence, scoffers, government control, earthquakes, fires, floods, people will be lovers of themselves, money, lovers of pleasure rather than God, evil will be called good and good called evil, sexual immorality, rampant adultery, fornication, abuse... the ultimate in child abuse mommies killing their babies in selfish child sacrifice (abortion), World leaders are prepping for a One-World order, government, religion (please don’t take a number on your forehead or right hand, read Revelation a number means no heaven, and there's only one alternative) The government is also prepping to have you believe that UFO's are real... Soon the believers in Christ/Christians will be taken up, away with God, then antichrist will come and fix everything, everyone will love him, he will deceive many... then the tribulation will start, life on earth will be horrific. Today if you hear God whispering to your heart please respond before it's too late. Say a humble prayer, pour your heart out to God, receive Jesus as your savior, believe God raised Jesus from the dead, and repent of your sins, you are now saved by grace! (NOT BY WORKS)

Don’t Sub: Dude the new season came out right at my bday. Best bday gift ever

Jay Garcia: She'll always be Emma💖 to me....😊😊😊😊

Razazad Razazad: Is anybody wondering if Peyton has watched season 4 of bunkd

sam 55: If you don't wanna be a wangless dork, like someone elses comment on your smart computer phone, hash brown coors banquet 🤟

Haley Binette: Am I the only one that didn't hate how season 3 ended.. people keep saying it was such a cliff hanger, but I think it was a pretty good ending to the season.

Cobra kai Fan: Peyton list my fav character in bunk d I don’t really like her in cobra kai cause she’s a bully

Ariana Bailey: Cobra kai season 3 is so good

Lavanya Agarwal: johnny is so funny

Homie Lavon: bra no bra robby and tory is not a good fit dey needa put miguel back w tory moe CHANGE DA SCRIPTTT #Miguel&Toryforever

Sillybright: Peyton looks happy 😊😊

Malika B.: Season 3 was awesome!! Cant wait for season 4

Kaniki Ken: Who frome same and miguel team come here

Ady's mix: Season 4 we need it right now!!!!!!

Holden308: Have to admit I wasn't a big fan of Tory in season 2, but Peyton's portrayal of her and the writing of her character showing both her human side in looking after her family, plus taking bitch to a whole new level in season 3 (especially with Sam), was awesome.

Martavious Tisby: Good show

Петр Петров: Tory > > > Sam

Miguel Smith: This is how many people have already finished season 3 and are waiting for season 4 👇

NmeForsaken: The likes are the people who finished in 1 day...And are waiting for S4 ;) Edit: Ty for the likes........I'm depressed from not having the control of binge-watching season 3

Darriel Torres: I am happy for season 4

Jack Sawyer: Mary and Peyton are so beautiful and badass.

Mo_Eazy 07: It's so weird Tory and Sam being nice to each other and tory is calm, lol. Love season 3 btw 🔥💯

Lidya’s World: Aww I’m so happy she has this show going for her! 😭

unitagz: *Choose your team:* Eagle Fang Karate - Reply Miyagi Do - Like Cobra Kai - Dislike

03 AI: Season 3 was also very good. I can't wait for Season 4.

SYAIR BERKUMIS channel: beautiful

Jacqueline Deras: I binged watched season 3 the day it came out

Jahniah Marshall Official: Just started watching last night and now there's a season 4 coming

Turner Paxton: Good. I wait for love from you 💝💖

Mikayle Volkwyn: I'm so excited I've been screaming all day

Bowen Wilkins: So Nice 💘💘💘💘💘💘

christien mourad: me finishing season 3 in a day: when is season 4 comming out

Alfred Aaden: 2:44 Beautiful 💋💋love u💋💋

Mayra Arroyo: Last

فراس احمد: Hi

Faze Titan: May I have a shout out

P H: I finished cobra Kai yesterday.

Teslime Batoudé: Hi ♥️♥️♥️

Gianna Hernandez: Didn't the next season already come out

KYESHA KNOWS SKIN: Team Tory or Team Sammy? Drop your answers down below!!

KYESHA KNOWS SKIN: They are all so beautiful!!

KYESHA KNOWS SKIN: They better had got ac season 4!! Just finished season 3 yesterday!! Awesome!!!!

mca mca: 3rd

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