Apex Legends - All Season 7 Battle Pass Rewards!

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Lucas V: My battlepass is different, at level 5 i got 400shards instead of a legendary pack

Le Blanc: What would happen If we get the 950 coins of battle pass, we would get a chance to get the whole Legendary battle pass packs, or we would get only 3 rare skins of heroes ?? Please someone answer. ?

Luke Saria: Hello!!!

Luke Saria: Hi

Dawson Godin: All right I go to a French school and the way he said magnifique is weird🤣🤣

Offline Ghost: This guy brings in such a good vibe🗼😂😂😂

Kerry Ann Wilson: Going to give me some free cards and Apex my name is Andre gifted Apex

Storm_77: Bruh should I get the battle pass or the el diabolo for red swift (I'm an octane main)

victoria segura: stick figure

Blue Phantom: The high fashion octane skin looks like it was for Ninja

幸治豊子: the weekend

-レゴシ: Horizon's Music Pack though

Kurt634: You will find that none of the streamers and YouTubers like stay will talk about the shitty new BP levelling system because they don't want to lose their sponsorships

Youssef Chakif: all the skins are perfecto

XxIsaiahDanxX: Am i the only one that feels like Respawn fucked up the bp leveling system

Dragonsin Meliodas: oh I can't even play the new season cause of the most stupid glitch or bug don't know what it is I open apex it takes me into the lobby and it just crashes and send me back into the origin game library anyone know how to fix this pls any help would be usesful

Quack: I don't think I'ma buy this pass, it's 2 hard to get battle pass points, a whole day and still lvl 1

GhOsTlY_SOULS: Ain’t gonna lie, all the top apex YouTube channels ain’t really talking about how trash the battle pass is, especially for average players like us and it kinda sucks, then I see this guy, being sponsored directly by EA, you my man, are a pig.

Helena Schmitz: One thing I hate about the battle pass is that they replaced the XP with stars and it takes so much longer to level up.. I have played for three hours and only leveled up twice. The star process sucks, all my friend’s does not like this either and a lot of the community

JOHNNY B: Hell yea, its ya boy STAY!! This man content is fucking solid frfr?

ConcreteElk: Cool battle pass, wish I could get a single tier without spending 2 hours. RESPAWN's biggest mistake in Apex so far. (In my opinion. Also, I know EA could have a huge part in this. My disappointment is immeasurable.)

KoKane: Only full-time streamers will complete this battlepass. It's a joke! Way too grindy.


cute boi: The octane skin looks like soldier 76 ngl

IDONT SNAG: Stay cation a cutie

Tristan Campbell: Yo stay there is a toy nessy hidden in firing range that I found

Dawson: Ur face is too zoomed in idc about ur reactions put more of the game on screen and just audio of urself

StinkymcChicken foot: Too bad it’s almost impossible to level up tho. I played four hours of the new season and got 1 tier

JOSHDDMNGZ: Who is your favorite legend?

Benjamin Cooper: Just started playing and was considering buying S7 pass but to me its really poor compared to season 6 so i'm not sure now :(

Volleyball Kid: There a weird bug with Bangalore where her emote quip thing with the bounty says different things than the select version and the real version you see

UTG_ Andrewgiffo: You know anything about Bangalore's heirloom

Eternal Jhin: The skins and the skydive emotes are all I really would care about

Typical Abdi: No 🧢 this giving me some Dr.Hiriluk


pankha nafis: I didn't play season6 the last 3 months,until I came back to it 3 days before the next season to grind & rack up my apex coins from level0....unfortunately,they designed the leveling up system in such a way that there is no scenario where you can play at a stretch for a certain time(like even 7 days at a stretch) & level up to 100 from 0.....you have to come back to this game every week,for at least a month to level it up to 100 at the least amount of time possible.......anyways managed to get to lvl54, completing most of the challenges in the last 3 days.Have to buy 1000 coins again...though I don't like this season's content(except the lvl100 r99,that looks really dope & the only thing making me consider to buy the battle pass again)

FORMULASODA: 1 fucking item for loba!

RaiziX: This new season battle pass system is so bad tho !!

IamxLuciferxFear -_-: Bro I completed season 6 battle pass but didn't get no coins or crafting materials what do I do?

Flamebreak: They never going to give bloodhound a 3rd dive

Ravit Saini: this time it's difficult to reach battle pass level 100.

Sidhantha Poddar: who all agree that season 7 battle pass is super difficult to complete

BADR72: Just subscribed keep it up 💯♥️

Robert Flores: I'm calling it. Crypto and his sister lived there. There were pink trees(cherry blossoms) in his street and it was futuristic. Cherry blossoms are the theme for the season. Also i think his quip in the battle pass is related to his sister. He says "the truth , tell me the truth" Maybe to someone who knew of her or horizon since she is new.let me know what you think.


Apoorv Singh: sir i would like to point out something for u so you can represent the community the bp level now takes 100000xp for one where as previously it was 165000 for 5 bp level not only have the increased the requirement by like 25 times it means that me an average gamer who could only afford a normal battle pass and not the levels..will take ages to reach tier 100 hell i am not even sure i ll be able to see the r99 skin by the end of this season i think this bp level system is unfair for gamers like me please try to address this issue also one bp previously 54000 now 100000

Marco Avila Baeza (Student): im kinda dissapointed i thoght it was a alternator vid

Goldie Alapati: I really want to know

Goldie Alapati: Plz somebody answer me

Goldie Alapati: Do u automatically get Horizon when u get the battle pass

Max Big brain: For me the new map looks like one of the black ops 3 maps

EMEE11nEvan: Bruh I haven't even seen a single mirage in every single season 7 video in every channel not even a gameplay "OH MY GOD WHAT A COOL BUFF" (Nobody uses him the whole season) Mirage: Leave a like if you are depressed 👍 Edit: I swear I'm probably the first one to mention this

Waffle 1130: I wish I had the battle pass :( I want speedy boi

Viperguy812: In my opinion ur so underrated but keep up the good work

Kleckscraft _: Its funny that bloodhound didn't get a skydive-Emote since season 2

I love me Some beans: Thank you for the quick battle pass inspection, I didn’t really like ur other battle pass review Bc it was kinda slow 👍

Naj Olrak Amsiral: show us the thing wtf your head is bigger than the battlepass

Stephen Armstrong: The map is beyond way to big

jotoro's fish: Bro ninja sucks at apex. WHY DID HE GET A SKIN. Actually. Worst season.

jarwebsterule: Anyone else just skip through the vid and close it as soon as gameplay started

Sebastian Varas: I wanted the octane skin to be crypto’s

JoshGuyPlays: Bro I NEED that Wattson dive emote. That was definitely my favorite thing from the new battle pass.

NonyaBuisness YaStalkers: And ah yes level 100...at the end you finally get to use one nice skin. I love apex, but this is how you get me to NOT buy the battle pass, Bought and supported for 5 seasons. But seeing the $100.00 bundles for "5" skins got ridiculous. As someone who enjoys this game competitively, why is there no attention towards Hit Registration Issues, and towards Silent Footstep Issues, that people are despising.

Evan Daspit: Uh that's a Ukelele

NonyaBuisness YaStalkers: 6:03 - 6:10 girl stop playin, they blander than tofu :'c
NonyaBuisness YaStalkers: Took 50 levels to see something worth any money... Man...

NonyaBuisness YaStalkers: 3 mins in still no excitement in the face :/

EaSyClApPs is here: Has anyone noticed that the octane skin looks like ninja

Ian Young: Anyone else notice the Caustic quip is a Princess Bride quote?

Clockwork 654: why does the battlepass always suck.

Josiah Garcia: TBH I don’t really like the wraith skin🤢

Cheyanne nash: I think they did great this season

Zoe Hewitt (STUDENT): I can’t wait

Jordan Alexander: Why did you say it comes out nov 4th today is nov 4th n the new season didn’t drop

Derek Fetters: So no skin for path sadness is all I feel

Jaskaran Singh: Omg ninja.

TFU Lemon: The wraith and r99 skin

LoneBerseker: Funny how free events get you better and more skins than 10bucks seasonpass...

Lauren Heritage: Apex is gay

Chuy Roldan: Is backoffmyjanks ok? He sound sick on that gameplay. Like REALLY SICK

DaRv0_LeMoNbol is the best: Who likes the Octane skin

Jason Baez: Am I the only one confused ab9ut why it looks like this

Semideiapranomedecanal: the first 3 skins sucks, revenant skin look like a white recolor.

CannedLyfe non TTV: No gun skin no skin no emote for crypto owww apex always octane and sweaty legend JUST WHY EA AND APEX JUST WHY

CannedLyfe non TTV: Owwww there no love for crypto again

purplesourpatch: NIIIIIIICCCEEEE!!! I cant wait omg!!!

Fariko Pacer: The banjo 😑😑 it’s the ukulele 🌺

jav2jav9: Anyone know the songs at 12:41 and 14:08 are?

BurstKitten: So when will we Loba players get anything? Cause she's been for some months now and it's like Respawn has completely tossed her aside cosmetic wise. Like, Wraith has gotten how many skins so far? Furthermore, what about previous legends like Bangalore and Bloodhound. I get that she's one of the popular legends but geez, this skin distribution is so unbalanced :/

Novelyn Gomez: I'm still kind of new to Apex so someone help a noob out, if you bought the battle pass and you miss a day of the reward, do you still get that reward or you miss it if you don't play Apex for a day??

Crishawn Andrei Simangan: Lol, Wraith stuck in the 90's. I gotta go with ooktane since I main him. I call octane ooktane because it's what my friend calls him.

Ayet The Raim: Why tf may he play yet season 7??

Matilda Shrout: Ofc loba gets nothing

Gamer of space 1684: It’s pronounced manific it’s in french

victorツ: When you eat something so good that you haven't had in a long time 1:35

Exotic_ Platanos: Octanes skin should be matched by the fluids color he injects every time. Would be a dope concept

Ray Reece: New skins remind me of the show Altered Carbon 👍

CjSchoorTheGamer yt: Lifeline mains watching like 😭😭😭

FishyNM: Y was there a holo-sight on the level 110 r-99 skin ???? Edit: OMG I didnt realize that was a digital sight omg im so dumb

not synxyy: I’m stuck in session 6

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