SEASON 4 NEW WEAPONS, CHARACTERS, MAPS & MORE - Warzone / Modern Warfare Update

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that dank meme cat: e

Alexander Clavero: The operator on the left, Who is he??

Some_fifa_goals: When is the new season start?

Brittain Reed: Will you please make a video about leading sniper shots(HDR) on people and vehicles at various distances I struggle w moving shots as close as 150 meters but would LOVE to be able to hit even a fraction of the shots that you do. Thanks

The fishing Goat: Yo you know how many times your name pops up on cod

TheOne AndOnly: Just won my first Warzone game. Haven't played any kind of battle royales. I downloaded the game last week. Followed your pinwheel strategy and always just taking cover. Only thing I do differently is I land in the superstore, 4 times out of 5 I win the duels on the rooftop, then I loot everything on top and work myself into the building. Usually there is some 1 or 2 players left there looting running around, those are usually easy kills. The loot from the superstore is absolutely crazy. I get 10k minimum every time. The most I've gotten is 23k. Then I hit the store, buy a mask, buy UAV and drive to the edge of the circle to start my pinwheel strategy. This first win I only got 3 kills and those were at the end phase. But hey a win is a win.

The JOKER: Im waitin for the fn five seven pistol

Jeffery O'Hara: Your hacking bro I’m telling your from one hacker to another your hacking

Ted Bundy: Season 4 held back

Vladislav Hašpl: Crash

Gabriel Paes Orenstein: Can you make a video showing possible places to get the red card (to open the bunkers)? my friends and I are looting all the map but until know, nothing

Bruce Busby II: That was some good game play!!

Nate Christophersen: Can you make one about understanding the map, what kind of goals you have at the beginning of the map and like what your “game plan” for the match is?

jayhon rose: Thanks for helping us less than elite players. I'll be checking u out in the future

jayhon rose: Damb your good I play alot for the love of the game but I'm not to good I try.

Miguel Angel: nice slapper to end the game gg

Gary P: You're good. Though doubt you're that good with a controller. Mouse are for noobs 👍

chris johnston: I’m pretty sure Price was holding the Galil, so that would be dope if we got that also.

Walid M'Kaf: This last kill tho

Jonah Dolphino: Is that an HDR?

Brian Nichols: Could you make a video explaining META? I keep hearing people talk about which load out or gun is meta and I don’t know what that means?

Jamzan: I'm just excited for the next 30gb download

Jake: Thank you for your videos I got my first solo win ! Many more to come , do you have a regiment I knew a while back you were talking about one !

ONSET: Scrapyard is already in the current world...

Dallas Maru: Give us an indefinite and effective play to kill airport control tower campers, yep I know you should avoid them if it ain't necessary but sometimes these mfers get on your nerves and you devote your whole game objective to killing them lol

BRICKHOUSE: At the 3:08 mark it looks like CPT Price is holding an AK style weapon. However it doesn't have the wooden stock of an AK-47. I believe that's the new Galil.

Shawn Samson: Man i cannot believe I missed out on season 3. What the hell am I gonna do now. Whatever , im just looking forward to the new season!

Daniel Valente: Hi

Marek Peřich: wp

jury10: Scrapyard was already in warzone though

Cesar Gonzalez: New subscriber here, Your are doing YouTube the way it should be done, loving the content

Kit Burden: Great content Love your stuff brother. Keep the juicy vids coming!! P.S. I was going to call you out because I thought you reused footage from your previous video "Final circle tactics" but I knew you werent like that and sure enough it was a different game. The circles closing and situation was so similar it threw me.

The Stupid: U are an amazing creator and player just wanted to say :]

Firsto HD: Omg I loooove vector I hope they add the vector!!!!

Spiral Alpha: Can you do an Academy on when your out numbered by another team

Antonio Medeiros: I've never soon somebody run so fast be for in my life lol. Skill level: Legend

MrBugs: Does anyone here uses the ram? I’ve tried it and I can’t get kills w that gun

zeyad al thaqafi: What is his gun setup?

MrSwanny999: Oh great here we go again, another game on my system ready to be deleted just for this season 4 update.

dog man: I would like to see you play on xbox one With a factory controller

DBO 23: I did not just hear him say *VECTOR* I'm freaking hyped.

Grimmeour: I want to get killed by Ghost and T-bagged by Price. It sounds great

Kylemack 73: Jeez.... What a play in the house 😍😍

Telako: its not june 2nd season 4 drops, its june 3rd

Matthew Matthew: I need a warzone squad can someone help me

Jacob Shapiro: IceManIsaac what do you think about using the m4 as an smg FSS 11.5" Commando, Tac laser, no stock, stippled grip tape, 9mm rounds

Connor Young: Your growth has actually been cray dude! Keep rockin it

ZoovieTube: Hey Isaac kinda miss your videos, hope you're not burnt out.

Lennie Leng: You need to put the music your playing in the description

Cal & Aly -: Soooo sick

Sam Badawi: hey what kind of monitor do you use?, and what monitor would you recommend for xbox console? thank you your freaking awesome!

Eczray: how is that scrapyard, it is literally the exact layout of boneyard in the mw text

Joe Bugiardini: love the vids

Tyler Sweetser: Hell yeah for Captain Price

Trendy TikTok: If there's any ice squad in malaysia, let me know if you want to play together

Chris A: Cant wait

E-Man TV: By the way if I haven’t heard yet there adding duos!

Black Texas: Is it me or does it look like there “may be” an sunset to night time battle royal?

Gerben van Erkelens: Holy crap. Epic ownage after 4:30. Great strategy and play style! Hope I won't encounter you any time soon 😉

H Renaud: Nice and quick! Tysm!

J Smo: Bravo Six, going daaahk.

Rebornenemy1: Quick Easter Eggs thank you! I watched the whole video just because you dropped the facts and was honest. "Here are the eggs, I'm done you can watch a great game for entertainment if you like" PERFECT.

cloudbear: Why does Captain Price look like he's animated by Pixar?

Daryl Hurst: It's got boring already

bronxbombers 2211: they need to stop altering gamemodes that no one gives a shit about everyone other day and just add duos. And maybe work on the rock scaling and parachutes bugging out. But hey im sure they have alot of jobs they need to justify like most places.

Jeremiah Gumpic: Man! Even Kristaps Porzingis is very good in warzone.

Check Mate: I love the movement and call outs. Oh yeah and hdr knocks too. 😎

Ace Lucky: Maaan I am barely getting the hang of this game and boom Season 4 😂

Cameron Nulty: Loving the start intro of your warzone videos.

Evan Litvak: Scrap yard is already at the bone yard no?

Oliver Thompson: Hey guys how’d you get the green foresight on the ram7 ? Mines always black and less visible

VoiceRank: Thanks Isaac, rapid updates with no BS, and then awesome gameplay... that's why we come.

Txrnxr: scrap yard has been in the game since day one, they are trolling i swear

Project Gaming: What maps we are gonna get, what guns will be unlocked, how many more hackers we are gonna run into.....

Alexander Schooler: Got a quads W yesterday with all my teammates gone i pulled off killing the last 6 people in like 45 seconds, it was insane

Steeve Daby: your computer is a cheat code lol

alelautaro: last night i got an actual win thanks to your advice

Bruise _25: When Isaac says, "Great footage.....I had to clutch up." He's basically saying....."Just a normal gameplay day for me." lol

Aidan: Keep this up, going places!

Owen Harrison: Love the fast fire info makes me want to watch to the end

Rusty96: Sounds like duos is coming with season 4 too. Issac and Zach are gonna tear that up together!

Adil: 4:27

Vardan Ahuja: I really hope they bring back the grau with the battle pass in season 4

qwxx: I haven't seen anyone else talking about the additional airplanes at Airport. Thoughts?

James Dylan: Full list anyone?

Matthew Miranda: Hope it takes out downtown lol agree

Anrchy: Yo Isaac how do you get that like gilly wrap thing over the sniper scope?


Dean Dazzle: We need duos, man

Globe Snow: I don't think ima cod veteran bc I said the map was Boneyard🤦🏾‍♂️

Aled Duckfield: That winning shot was just so clean

J Bizzle: Oh man, this video started w a Donald Trump ad... 😔

Chris Kerr: Those snap headshots are a thing of beauty.

Wyatt 7: Isaac you are without a doubt the best COD youtuber, so I wanted to tell you not to change your style or what you do. The subscribers will pile up- before you know it you will have millions. Keep it up!

Daniel Hartley: ‘If you did the bunker 11 mission’...every time I try it I’m killed by fucking campers and can’t get near it 😂

Blizzard008: Just desubbed. Youre too addicted for people to stick to your video, to the point where it gets annoying. I immidently desub to people like that. If your content are good enough, people will continue watching and sub to you...

Astonishing Mutha Phuckers: My theory is that Warzone is progressing with the seasons, it looks like there is a little more water in the canals and eventually, all the frozen areas leading from the Dam will thaw and flood the canals, This will make the bridges and areas around the bridges the new "Power positions" as the circles move and the nuke will be used to level downtown and open the stadium up with the inside laid out as a refugee camp.

Jesse James: “Time to go dark” that mean warzone gonna be night time?

TRIGGA TREY OG: Hey Issac love your videos bro! Keep it up. Just wondering if yu could tell me what kind of mouse you use?

Henry Hutchins: I really want to know who that is next to price(left) I reckon they'll be a surprise in S4 too.

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