Westworld | Season 4 Official Teaser | HBO

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Thomas Kwon: Theres too much gap between each season release i cant even remember most if it

K aido: Just a perfect day.

Praveen Sampath: Completely lost track of what’s going on in this series.

Joseph Schneider: I hyped s1 so very much, i hated s3 the same way - but I am too curious to not give this show another shot!

ODDBALL SOK: story wise only season 1 was GOOD..the others made a MESS...nevertheless the imagery are always enticing... I have no more clue about who does what and why or for what reason..that is all crap...I just take every episode at its own as you would take a modern day comic book..beautifully sketched , but with illogic and senseless story..

Ademar Neto: Can't wait

DC_Ashraf: Why does Dolores look so different?...doesn't look anything like before

TheFly212: lol, they're still making this garbage show??? Ha!

Alexander Q: I was immediately reminded of Gob from Arrested Development and his bees business

Kanith Palihawadana: i cant remember anything its need a recap 😅🤣

Alice Martine: Does anyone else think the singing voice sounds like James Marsden? Is Teddy back?

Evigmae VonBenerot: Feels like last Season was between 3 to 30 years ago...

AlllPHA: I forgot that this show even existed

Yuka: да ну нафиг

Wilfredo Capdevielle Paz: Teeeessaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Ake Udoh: Comes out on my birthday

cnanden: Just want Logan back. And Robert Ford. surely they can find a way to do that in the story and have it make sense.

TierOne Sounds: With the constant wait between seasons ... I stopped carrying about this show ages ago. Great idea, fumbled.

Bruno Teodoro Pinheiro: 1:05 - Rise, Tarnished

Zaj Laug: Finally, Westaver it's back.It's been too long of waiting time. Already forgot what happened in all the past seasons. Can't wait for episode 1.

YİĞİT ILIKCAN: I was waiting for this. Awesome..

JEFFREY SMITH: Great visuals but it's going to be all empty calories. I view it as a 1st season epic with little value afterwards.

Fantomas369: i thought it was over

Subarno Sinha: Season 3 left a bad taste in my mouth, it was that bad. I don't think I'll tune in for Season 4 of Westworld.

SeaOfThoughts: loved season 1, but s2 and s3 were so confusing and long that the show no longer speaks to me. if it gets good reviews I might check it out

Juraj Kovalcik: you won't make me rewatch season 3

dion smith: Should've ended at S1..... 2 and 3 were not great all... Please please please no more Aaron Paul he's totally excruciating to watch

Horacio Trujillo Jr: No gracias, this show has lost its way long ago and no one asked for this.

Krystian: What if everything around our main characters are just, a next level? Next arena, next world created by humanity to...

Legend_ZeroOne: LFG!!!!

kamran shekh: Looks good but can't even remember where we left in season 3. S1 was great, S2 okayish, S3 was unnecessarily complex and forgettable.

Soumilya De: Sunday morning surprise?

Nakul Krishna: Wait Dolores is back?

Валериан Dimitrescu Crnčević: Didn’t Dolores die though….

Los Lobos: Season one was good season two was ok three was a dumpster fire. The show has been in a steady decline since season one so why did this get a season four?? It's only going to get worse gender and identity politics don't sell does HBO need to learn Netflixs lesson? You go woke you go broke.

Thapelo Afrika: Season 3 was very disappointing, I hope this is a return to what worked in 1 and 2 even though we are outside the park

VNNY DAY: Need to watch all seasons again....

Stingmon21: Who knew it would take this long For the Cylons to destroy Humanity.

khalil shaik: Are we doing it kanye's way now (mechanical bees)?

Lern Mor: I have so many questions from the last three seasons that I know won't be answered in this season.

Chaaos2: Might have to restart that hbo subscription for this one

Ferdinand Zebua: Shout out to everyone who loved all three previous seasons, _AND_ are also looking entusiastically forward to season 4! 🙌🙌🙌

Jamier King: I thought the last season was the last season

Anonymous Duh: Please don't be like season 3! It was trash

Anonymous Duh: Fk FINALLY! Please be good

Bobble Head: I AM HYPED <3

The dogs: Fine I’ll watch.

Achyut Adhikari: Wish it would be better than s03

ALPHAdigitUNBOXING: I though season 3 was the last one? Like it literally had an ending to it? So confused. But I love this show, glad it’s back.

A H: I hope they kicked out the actress who disrespected Kobe

Robert Bowser: I really hope we get to the point we’re it is all out war and we get to that season 2-3 ending in the ruins

Logan Tschen: season 3 is a piece of s**t

Brad Miller: I like Stubbs. I'm glad they found a way to bring him back.

gaurav rawat: Westworld lost his charm and rating after season 2...s1 and s2 whooping ❤️ but s3 is disaster hope s4 regain charm

bob vance vance: I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.

Fulasade Taylor: welp just enough time to binge watch the entire season 1, 2 and 3 before season 4 drops xD because I can barely remember what was going on

Brandon Clark: This trailer told me nothing and yet told me everything I need to know to be excited for this to come out.

aber dunsky: William is not dead!

K W: Wow so excited

Johann Witt: Should have stopped after Season 1, or they should have kept the same ghost writers.

Govind Pilla: Not living upto first season

MC Peko: Will be so much harder to enjoy after Evan Rachel Wood's horrible "Phoenix Rising" production. But I'll try. Love the show.

Billie Lachatte: I thought Westworld was done.


Milan Tichy: Boooooooring so Far.

Between The Ripples: Same writers as season 3. Expect the same result. A script filled with biased socio-political messages and virtue signals artlessly hammered into every page at the sacrifice of any cohesive plot, character development, or imagination. Or maybe they'll treat this one as they did Season 1, which crushed. Now that would be a welcome surprise.

Detavitluc Ssenippah: Woooooooooo!!!!!! It's back, baby!!!!

RaWMeSee SoundSavvvy: The Avatar 2 and West World Season 4 trailer have been the most pleasantly surprising things to come out of nowhere in the past week.

yuitr loing: “Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose.”

Nishal Nandwani: yes, evan rachel wood is back!

Thoriso Tswai: Can’t wait 😛

V3n0mCarna93: I guess I’ll go finish season 3 now

yomarcelojeje: This is still going on... omfg, I actually thought this show was cancelled like 2 years ago.

somthingbrutal: looking forward to this :)

Andrea Renee: 😎Cool and wacky show. Just like a rich white dude to come up with perging 4 real...

Ben Berry Perry: Always the perfect song for the trailers. 🤖

The_Judge_: I hope the Robots wrote this series 🤪 Great trailer

Goodthrust69: Dolores <3

Gonzalo Plot: I was sooo sure this show had ended... :o

Nickel City Rider: Finally

David Benko: What’s the hook supposed to be here?

Asephelele Shabalala: Welcome to Park 7. Big hype for these violent delights.

mustafa Ay: 0:40 who is he? Definetly man in black. just like in the old days. İts a deja vu

Max Music: YES!

TheMoonKingdom: It doesn't look like anything to me:)

Uğur Goz: The only thing I don't understand in this series is that there is so much advanced humanoid robot technology. Man goes and establishes an ecological system on another planet like the whole world. It does not occupy a very large area and park in the world. Seems unreasonable to me. Or send scouts of these humanoid robots into space. Actually, it would be nice if there were a series of scenarios about space. There are humanoid robotic technologies that will explore planets and create networks all over the galaxy, while still satisfying their animal feelings in the amusement park. At least I still haven't figured out whether the Westworld park described in this series is actually inside or outside the world. If anyone knows, can you tell me?

Terrtro: Season 3 was awful, so I really don't think the series is going to get any better.

Jordan Baxter: I rewatched Season 3 lately... and there's a lot of small details to appreciate. They made such a high benchmark with season 1 its impossible to live up to it but I believe Season 3 is well up there with most TV shows tbh

Lucas Rossi: Despues de lo que hicieron en la temporada ni mi madre va a ver la cuatro

Dexter Roberts: Loss me after season one

Cole Simon: Remember when this show was actually a western? Good times

William Thornton: This show's still going??

Upper Decker: They had the magic with seasons 1. Its been on a downhill trend since then.

Goodbrew84: I stopped watching halfway through season 2. Is it worth picking back up?

Alex And R: Dolores is back!! :O

Hunter4060: Bring back Anthony Hopkins!! He is the master at making this show sing. I hope this season can turn this ship around and give us good story. Season 3 was tough to get through, but the first two seasons were lit🔥.

IMAD HELLAILY: That's what I'm talking about I've been waiting so long for season 4

halil ibrahim: good

WD Foster: I couldn’t even finish season 3. Trash writing. Missed opportunities. Season 1 was a masterpiece though.

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