Serial Killer Was on Game Show During His Murder Spree

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raeanna chalifoux: that smelly boy

Fredy Rodriguez: Just imagine it happens again You’re on a dating show but then you see a serial killer on the show nobody else knows but you do

ashleywatson2007: Yikes! You just never know somebody. Always follow your gut!

Rob Thomas: I think he was racist. He was killing all white woman. Oh but wait ........nevermind, most serial killers do.

Dr.Jack Bright: Uh

X R: "Who used his good looks" No one believed that

MR Juggy: Wait which good looks did he use?

ECW5320: The balls on this guy.

LaraCo: wait... didn't they post this already

Hamster Whisperer: Wait, he’s in jail right

危危: They say he looks good but he looks as bad as a demon lmfao

Rodrick Heffley: T

Marla Rogers: I always get them vibes crazy you sent me this video because I been getting vibes about things all day I mean I just feel like something bad is about to happen women get these vibes so deep I know I do I know how she feels

Ben Palezza: Ok 🇦🇺

Munro McLaren: Good looks?? Uhhhhhh.....

Bugatti 14: LOL! I seen DIS b4. Way before the upload of DIS vid

Sita Vitel: How Juggalo of him.😆 Whoop Whoop!

THE BLACK DAHLIA: This is old news, why they talking about this??😑

Astro Flam: Dude this is like third time you’ve showed this video

Malia Cloud: Oh oh. Looks like Inside Edition is reposting.

Halo playz: this reminds me of that movie "Joker"

A.D: I'm sorry did he say good looks and charm

Xhimps Ruz: Creeeeppyyyyyy

Isaac Sanchez: Didn’t they make a video on this already

Sandy Chaze: Isnt this old news?

Vicki Pillars: This story is so old!

Lewis Mitchell: They ran out of new XD

angeldevil21: Is it just me or does the serial killer look like Chucky or Charles Lee Ray?

Jasmine L: Wow.

Mason A: "Using his good looks and charm" *shows recent picture of him* 👀

jo-joseph: If you guys heard the questions/responses on the show, you'd be disgusted

Andrea lee: This awful man got lucky Too lucky soo many times. He should of been jailed in the 70s for life

Reckless 1: This is old news

I M A QYN: I find him not attractive but creepy, he looks actually similar to Ted Bundy.

Zaid Moreno: “Respect your elders” almost got her kidnapped.

Robert Walker: This is very very old news...

Dutch Blue: This is as old as David Hasselhof

Raymond Solano: Ed Edwards waves ores. Check it out if you think this guy is bad.

AlexD Reacts: Sneak move 100

dreamtby: oh yea eleanor neale posted a video about this she does true crime videos but when i heard about it damnnn this man is psycotic

scooter: recycled

Aniya marie Scott: He got away with it because of his skin color, just like the golden state killer. Just shows you can't go on looks, sometimes your super hero can be ugly

Demitrius L.: HAHAHA you’re late to the party IE this suuuuuper old news... I’m talking years!!!

heydah: Fun fact he’s in jail 🙁

Nate Jack: running out of ideas

skeet gang: “using his good looks” LMAO HE UGLY AS HELL

One Touch: This guy's only famous because he was brazen enough to turn up to a date show, not the alarming number of potential victims how sad

Vex: That was her guardian angel protecting her lol


Kyle P: 1:07 James Franco?

Glenn Sprague: Sounds like possible movie?

calista cc: How did people find him attractive

ZorgOn60fps YT: Anybody getting joker 2019 vibes?? Cause I am!

Andrew Merrill: I pity the fool whom he killed thy women, May God have mercy on his soul.✝️

Grace: 1:35 see what that can do

Kat Majeste: Everyone always so he was so charismatic but I find him so cringe 😬

Trashy Pandur: This is old old news...

woober: Im getting joker vibes from this lol

NeXvA: I literally saw this exact same topic on a WatchMojo video a few months ago and now I see this. Inside Edition is terrifying.

sadid alam: 1:10 I get 182 every day with the aid of this right here *f u n d a i l y p a y*

NiceButBites: 1. That contestant should be really proud of herself. She had Great judgement, and she listened to it 2. He looks like Howard Stern, but even worse (and Howard Stern is an absolute Creep too!)

Aiden Cantu: I counted 8 people he killed when I saw the pictures.

Shiro Muchiri: why is it that so many people do not believe in God, he is very much alive and he has created us all, the good news that he sent his son to save us (Jesus) is real!

Angel Hernandez: Since when was Weird Al Yankovic a serial killer

Princess Queen: Rest In Heaven to everyone he killed hope justice is served hope everyone who’s alive today is okay prayers to them and families 🙏🤍

Harrison Abac: Ha im 585 comment

JourneyMan Smitty: Guys like him who inspired Bundy Gacy and Dahmer and The Night Stalker he was a creepy one🤔

KillerQueen msp: lol

Marc Madera: But he looked so nice amd funny to me...i dont see anything wrong with him. He just wanted to express love to every woman.

Read my ABOUT section PLEASE: Repost but ok

Nicki Ruby: Why did I think that was Steven Tyler??? 🥴🤣🤣

Jackie Dawson: Watched this on 20/20 last night and let's just say I couldn't fall asleep 😢

Random Doggo: This dude ain’t good looking. He ugly, bro.

Amay Kun: more than 100? Damn that's a lot young lady were killed

Shirley Mcgowan: How many years ago did this happen it must be a very slooooooooooow news night Inside Edition give us something that is happening now

Ilana: “Good looks and charm” LOL WHERE? lmao

YouTube Censors The Truth: Good looks and charm? Where?

Ray Mak: He's a monster.

Jemma J: Inside edition: his good looks & charm me: wheree 👀

Lindsey Carribean: He has threatening eyes, just like Ted Bundy. Two psychopaths.

Vanix: Inside likes reposting

ChanR15: He looks like the joker

Ibey: They ran out of videos to post

Homies Adventures: Homie was no where near good looking

I Can’t sleep: Wowowow more reposting lmao

Alternative Guitar Methods: “Good looks and charm”??!! Dude looks like Isaac Newton

Simulated Gamer: Same thing was uploaded on inside edition years ago but okay by me

Chris Jones: thank god this was only a once off occurance. also that amazing woman who casted him actually said it was okay if the lady that picked the murderer over the other two on the night was allowed to change her mind. She is the real hero in all of this

Official Videos: Reposting?

PINK USER: I'm glad she didn't go out with him.

Marchking45: Bruh, how do you kill 7+ people and not think about them only the daily.!!!

Jasson Martinez: 👁👄👁

Jake: Repost

Tim R: Old ass news...geez someone is working out of the basement going through some dusty stories they released forever ago

BRUHLIN: She is really lucky.

Butterfly Blue: Old news. Everyone older knew he was on the dating game. All kinds of people went on that show.

D T: He has that Ted Bundy looks so beware of people resembling Ted Bundy would be a good rule of thumb 🤔

PRØ KĪLLËR: “Bachelor number one was a successful photographer who’s father first found him at age 13, in the dark room, fully developed.” If that’s not one of the creepiest statements I’ve ever heard then I don’t know what the **** is going on in the world...

Jraiya Criswell: This is why i don't go dating shows

Makayla Masie: I think for 2021 we should use better news than reposts

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