The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast - Season 4 Episode 1: Matthew McConaughey

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Jordan B Peterson: Matthew McConaughey’s new book Greenlights:

Domino Derval: I can relate to a deep inner pain that permeates us despite any length of time from the actual occurrence of the tragedy. I have devoted most of my life to the study of human evil and tragedies both by "nature" & the beast of our own. H.A.T.E. is just a Half-Assed Tiny Evaluation. ;-)

Victor Valenti: Now there's an hour and so of time exceedingly well spent! I've shared this, so should you!

Gary Sparg: Definitely won't be getting that book -- Jordan Peterson is a sellout.

NCLUSA: Alright alright alright (: . Two of my favorite men, oh is it ok to say "Men"? (: . It looks like Matthew is turning into a Conservative, he'll never work in Hollywood again ) :

My Name is Here: Great interview, I have always found the subject of a successful persons talent and fame interesting. Its seems a two edged sword it can reward you or destroy you and many times both. A persons talent draws your attention to them in admiration, but I've also noticed that while the talent may be attractive the person with it, is not necessarily so. A book on how to handle fame wouldn't go astray, I think Paul McCartney and Barry Gibb are excellent role models who recognize their greatest achievements are being a good husband and father with loving families.

Melvin Henderson: Jordan interviews actors

Tammy Noble: Too many interrupted stories and thoughts throughout the interview to insert an opinion of his experience. Maybe that's your style, but it's not for me.

Titus Paul: God Bless Jorden and Matthew for this wonderful interview !

Adam Hazelwood: I've read books from both of these men and it surprises me not to see them talking together with such animation.

Deikenity: They should have a podcast together.

T.D. Newsh: Shelly Long 8:52

Categoricamente: >Its late, you cant watch this 1hour long cool interview >>i will wake up in time tomorrow >Its not possible >>No, its necessary!

First Last: You are.almost there JP. You just need to learn that you are just a person. Just like everyone else and quiet the ego. Don't allow the ego to take over. As soon as you do.. you will become the ego. Ie. You had Mathew on here to talk about his book. And yet you spent several minutes interrupting him and making it about yourself. Kill the ego and be J Peterson.

Work Hard Play Hard TV: It's so good to see you back and healthy..

Tienke Bosher Pelzmann: Matthew McConaughey you have just been psycho analyzed(wink, wink), Mr Peterson, you are ready to run for president!!

Tom Beakbane: It is a joy to see people truly listen to each other — not subverted by their fame.

Dolores Campbell: I enjoyed this, Hopefully you both have a Blessed, life ahead

Leonard Look: did you know both of these have had hair transplants? and i've just had one ... random

Maria Gabrielle: Peterson's so dark. McConaughey's a happy guy. ♡

roberto seveno: So emotionally intelligent, both. Cool ending, two.

NECRO 69: Mathew lol do yourself a favor and stop thinking because what your doing is not thinking.

Chris H: This is an awesome interview. However, Jordan’s comprehension of the Bible is excessively and inaccurately metaphoric on issues that are meant by the writers to be literal, which serves to deny the validity and message in a Book in which he claims to believe.

Dan Khan: I loved the way that ended. Thank you for coming together and sharing ✌️💙

ADNANE LAMRANI: This video shoud be labeled : Matthew turns his Self-Authoring assignment and gets a straight A+ from Jordan

Walter Alfaro: Hello, glad to see many like minded peeps together and maybe this is the right place to ask.. has the fight been lost or is there hope for humanity?

the multiverse is calling b vigilant: Two of my favorite people refreshing my memory.Listening to this podcast,enhanced what I represent,what my psychology represents. I was right about Mathew the first time I saw one of his movies.From my point of view,Mathew is one of the many people on our planet who is positively motivational.Thanks guys.

human inc: the self ass kissing book. buy it. i was so successful, crazy :)) now it s wearing off. pls buy my book 🤣

Marie Griner: The rare chemistry morphologically hook because venezuelan inexplicably multiply times a careful macrame. fluttering, rightful step-son

Mike Todd: Enjoy the conversation very enlightening Hollywood reminds me of the Babe Ruth story to restore both baseball back From corruption. ... Made Babe Ruth turning into somebody that he could never measure up too ! To save baseball ⚾️

Peace Soup: Fame must be horrible. The craft fantastic but the fame culture we put on top of the craft is ugly. I'd rather give props to a good doctor or teacher then an actor, even though I think films are important they not the be and end all. Studio's love the actors to be so called stars to help sell the films, fame is just business.

Heňo Nguyen: What are your thoughts on connection between todays feminism and social Marxism JP????

its all art to me: His book changed my life, beautiful man and a beautiful book.

Dan W: I would hate to be a celebrity. The constant voices tellling you that you are more than you actually are. Matthew is clearly a celebrity who is trying to keep his feet on the ground. Must be tough.

Venger Satanis: Cha'alt!

Andrea Sacre: Delightful meeting!! The pleasure is ours! Thank you so much! 🙏✨🇧🇷

Slippery Sam: Jordan seems to be feeling better. I hope so.

Slippery Sam: That South African philosopher has a hopeless worldview.

pekbek mkek: how is hollywood highly competitive if all the actors,producers and directors are part of the elite and connected with one another? the degenerate movies get worse from one year to another and the main actors are playing themselves yeah mr peterson highly skilled and competitive i doubt that you do not see that it is propaganda. you are a part of it. you are the definition of an fool professing himself to be wise. once again thanks for doing marketing for anti depressants.

pekbek mkek: hey mr proffessor dr peterson i thank you for advocating for antidepressants you can not imagine how much more interesting life has gotten for me after following your advice. now that my brain is damaged by chemicals i can see clearly that my life was not that bad.

John Gilley: I suppose there are already 9500 comments by interested fans. I was interested in JP from day 1. I watched LINCOLN LAWYER because the premise appealed. I wonder why this isn't particularly interesting (glad JP is better and MM isn't Hollywood.

ajmorris2012irc: This is a surprising deep conversation. Its heartening to know that someone like Mathew is a believer.

Paco Videla: What an excellent, utmost interesting, stimulating and inspiring interview! Two great men having a very productive dialogue. I enjoyed every single minute of it! Thanks a lot to both gentlemen (and to their respective teams, too!)!

Brad Hetzel: Absolutely loved this. Inspirational.

Nash Chi: What a beautiful podcast. Loved the energy from both. And so glad to see mr Peterson looking better and better. Would love to read the book. Hopefully one day soon.

Nick Nomski: Definitely a lobster.

marc thompson: 2 million views in 5 days. The good Doctor is back.

J B: Jordan as interviewer. Um...OK :-)

consuelo sever: Es fantástico verlos juntos!

Error Eliminator 2.0: Lots of fanboys looking for daddies in the comment section.

Error Eliminator 2.0: The political right is beyond insane.

John Mccaffrey: Thank you! Both.

redinthevalley: 40:09-40-40 Jordan you’re words adequately described something that I haven’t been able to process in my mind when I reflect on my own circumstances, Thank you and thank you for sharing this discussion with Mr. McConaughey, there’s more to man than what is the role in which he plays on the big screen.

AiN Entertainment: ...just had a breakthrough regarding "resentment". It's interesting how rational thoughts (which are mostly overrated, at least in my experience) can help balancing out emotions (which are WAY more powerful and follow their own biological / psychological / social rules and patterns). I'm 37, I've been establishing a successful business for over 7 years now and I've already overcome so many bad habits and self-destructive tendencies, but I've still been struggling with resentment towards the narrative of "It's not personal - it's just business!" I've hated the hypocrisy, the phoniness. I've felt so much despite. I couldn't understand how - our limited capacities (individually and in every social context), - all the pain and suffering immanent in our existence ("life") and - our need for positivity, laughter etc. to deal with that darkness, leads us to this narrative - and that's actually the best option we have to get along. I've thought about this and struggled with it for years. As Matthew & Jordan came to that issue, I once again felt that resentment towards their argument, but today it wasn't strong enough to keep me from hitting "pause". I took my time to reflect on it and finally, I could see where I've been wrong all those years. I'm gonna be and do better - I promise.

Torgo1969: The name of the anti-natalist South African that Peterson mentions is David Benatar.

Millie Snook: What an awesome interview. 2 of my favorite people!

Olov Olle Bohlin Tsigrimanis: Welcome back @Jordan B Peterson, nice to see you back on your feet!

Stephen Tierney: What a great, two of my favourite people!🙂🙏🏻

Che Rie: WOW

CoGo Entertainment: That was excellent!

Fiona: Another enjoyable interview by Jordan Peterson. Thank you both. Keep voicing yourself.

11ccom: OK Macahey. 2 different books. One path.

Cassandra S: Wow this new Jordan Peterson is not someone I recognize. I thought McConaughey was expressing himself well. I do not feel that Peterson needed to insert himself or keep focusing back on fame when clearly McConaughey didn't want to address it; there was a hesitance. Peterson, if you felt like treating him as a patient, as your "interview" presented, then maybe you should have kept this behind closed doors. At this point, I have questions on patient doctor privilege. This was too much and I think you crossed a line.

Johnny Bravo: I guess just the fact that Matthew is on his show must mean that he doesn't believe that Jordan Peterson is "Alt-right, Alt-right, Alt-right"....sorry someone had to say it.

Cris Cutter: Jordan Peterson to all of us listening: "Thanks for taking the time 'eh 🍁" 2 million listeners and counting: "My Pleasure ❤ !"

Stephanie Wallace: Trust We have none for Hollywood!

MadLeed: DAAAMN. I hope that Matthew won’t get canceled after this, since Jordan Peterson is not really loved by Hollywood.

Bangerang Rufio: people who choose to wear clear frame glasses need to have their skin ripped off

Joshua J. Darcy: I was very surprised but at the same time I was not at all surprised to see this meeting of the minds. That is to say two very intelligent, spiritual people from different yet similar places in life. It definitely got my attention and I'm glad that it did. I look forward to seeing these two get together again.


Foxie Fox: I would love to see Woody Harrelson among them considering that he is very close to Matthew. Also a very wise and positive person.

Ana Luisa Negreiros: Two guys my husband and I would love to share a conversation with.

INFOCAT: Why would you even consider publishing an autobiography that's not even written by yourself? _That's fraud i.e. a crime_

David Tuer: When this chat started I was very concerned for Jordan Peterson, he seemed nervous and unsure. As the conversation progressed I thought he started to relax and about halfway through I could see the old Dr Peterson, thank goodness. He morphed into the insightful psychologist of before, drawing out Matt McConaughey so incisively. I think this conversation was good for both of them.

Aldo Durán: OMG, Cooper is so wise and down to earth, I was hoping he’d mention that time he was inside a black hole.

Raul Gubert: ... _ _ _ ... (SOS TRUMP ) People from USA, you can express your vote again, it is simple and powerful: beep your horn like an S.O.S. so everyone can hear you very well during the Biden Inauguration Day.

WING_NUT62: I truly enjoy listening to someone with the clearly immense intelligence that Jordan Peterson posesses, have a conversation with someone (of whom I am a huge fan) and hear him elicit such intelleigence, from someone that most people might be suprised by, as well as just the basic, common working man decency and humbleness that he displpays to just average people that he encounters in his everyday life.That is rare enough in just everyday people, even more so from someone that has reached he level of sucess and stardom that Matthew McConaughey has.

Ian McCauley: Thank you Matthew and thank you Mr. J. Wonderful to listen to. Like being a fly on the wall, listening to a personal conversation !

jamdisan: MM gets it. JP looking well, glad you are feeling better. Happy New Year gentlemen.

Jerry P: Both you sirs, that was a wonderful interview to take in. Thank-you!

Cara Lynn Patriot: This is such a ego session for both of them.

Darrin Godden: There is always something good to listen to. Meditation, Yoga, inspired people with crazy different opinions. I just cannot believe how close the folks on this planet are. Thank you.

Wreford Jones: What an eye opener from two much under-rated supermen of our present age, I thank our God for both of them.

Mcdonald: Professor petersen it's nice to see you again.. last time was when you send a message that you were thanking your family i guess you were under the weather we can say.... Glad to see you sir..

Mono gram adikt: i like matt, but this was way to boring to watch in full, total wank fest in all honesty

zwjeffrey: What an awesome ride with these guys. Feelin good.

Tartersauce101: Sublime people.

Bryan Cotty: It took an hour but Matthew managed to make him laugh. It's good to see the man smile.

cleverest: I've read some reviews that his book ends (or nearly ends) with a line about how 'all lives can't matter until black lives matter MORE'...which I find to be patently absurd. All lives matter exactly and precisely THE SAME; regardless of any race, class or (insert condition here), no matter what any political mouth-piece or celebrity states this book full of this extreme-left SJW pandering/one-liners? If not, I'll order it and try to ignore that asinine line.

M. R.: Ohhh Mathew...and wait til you arrive at Jan 6, 2021 ! Red Light.

Mila D V A L: This Must of been done on different days? Or MM just moved bc it was too windy outside.

hyphen pearce: Jordan...nice to see you, to see you....nice !! :-)

Victor Faulds: Fantastic enjoyed it very much indeed

Mono gram adikt: hows the benzos going bruv, we should get smashed together sometime and go cause some trouble at the pub ;)

Periadi Ritonga: When a psychologist do an interview...I gotta watch all his videos =D

Jeff Garbarek: 2 million views so far. Wow its been less than 1 week. These guys need a podcast.

Lookit Thisguy: Lol good ol YouTube algorithm, from Christ to JP and MM, I'm good on the esoteric and new age mysticism...I'll stick with Christ thx.

Ma Basa: Thanks for such a deep and insightful exchange of meaningful and informative words Dr Peterson and Prog M. McConaughey. Texan In spirit and in truth!

Chris Whinery: His delivery is a little hippy-dippy but ultimately his outlook on life seems to be not too dissimilar to the path laid out in 12 Rules For Life. It's great that for people who maybe won't respond strongly to Dr. Peterson's more clinical take on what makes a good life there's people like Matthew espousing similar beliefs in a different way or with different language. Hopefully should help more people get the message that life is what you make of it, hardships can be valuable learning experiences if you choose to make them so instead of choosing to complain about being a victim.

popo kaito: You know how much of an idiot Mathew macanoohhheyy is??? Wth is this jordan?? I swear I don't get these Canadians sometimes!!

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