Eren Transforms | Attack on Titan season 4 episode 5 Reaction

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Arslan Sajid: In next episode War hammer titan beating shit out of eren😁😁😁😂

Jared's Doodles: bruh eren just killed dozens of innocent Eldian families

Sparkle Glitter: I LOVED THIS EPISODE!

Black Lotus 95: yall having fun....i hope you are because the main event is going to begin very VERY shortly and we will witness the internet be broken

Izuku Midorya: Willy: Because i was born into this world Eren: And i took that personally

Among-No-One: Willy declared a war that he couldnt even last 5 seconds in it

Danny Ton: 5:30 Dinosaur titan Transform

Renegade Emperor: People losing thier mind when willy dies Manga readers: be prepared to lose your mind and vomit out of disgust

Ayden c.: I don’t know why some of them were surprised that eren killed Willy he declared war on his home

Goku Black0789: Willy: THIS IS THE DECLARATION OF WAR Eren: You want a war... I'll give you a war

Granite: Youtuber's reaction: OMFAGOHFNDKAJVFYDHB My reaction: ( ._.)👍 nice animation

Tanpe Name: -_-chaotic

U. D. D. Sensei: If you knew the Manga.... Then you wouldn't be noob

Princess Aniel Cupat: you see?, actually anime watchers not manga readers still get the hyped when eren transforms its just this manga readers expect too much and too obsessed with *youseebiggirl* the reveal is just as good asf this manga readers need to chill smh

ristii: the first guy is a mood

kupis1408: Attack on titan always give the best reactions of cliffhanger to everyone for many years... and this masterpiece is going to end soon ;-;

陳信樺Eddy: Willy:i dont want die Eren:Nope Renier:pls kil me Eren:Nope

Casper Garcia: There’s ”reacting” and then there’s ”acting”

Yin Yang: Girls chill as f*ck... like they’re on the weed

Annalyn Udtohan: Y'all Hating to the director of this episode,now he locked his Twitter ACC because off the hate for not choosing the best ost

Ah On: I still do not understand why bother watching other people reaction for a scene ...I really do-not understand

AyeL Gals: that's what u call BEAST MODE!!

john kilroy: i can’t wait to their reactions with the stuff that comes later down the road. this season is going to insane

LegionAlt: Anime onlys : *SCREAMING* HOLYYY MOLLYYYY!!! LESGOOO!! manga reader : oh nice

Agus Suhenda: Waiting reaction Bill from indo 😎 🎉

Lyn Potter: Why is everyone so sad about Willy?

KD BANG: this is not reaction this is acting in a crazy way

Deathkiller _Kneck: This hype was actually 10x better then when thor arrived in Wakanda

James Rodriguez: Ngl, I wished I never have read the manga, since I could have been hyped af like these guys

Tài Trần: next episode will be more epic

Jhs Emoxitha: I felt bad for Willy Tybur

Rogelyn Anquilo: That is really really frickinnnnn awesomeeee when eren is transformed whattttt theeee He******l

C. Babs: old boy at 2:50 getting emotional was me, i cannot fuckin wait for the rest of this season

裏スジーミル・ポコチン: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Jaevin Ogo: 5:21 why is he in dinosaur suit

Muhd Adib: I know it's REACTION but overreacting is kinda....u know.

X Genesis: Willy:because I was born in this world Eren: and I took that personally

TheBeastSniper: Hundreds of people dying from Eren's transformation Reactors: LETS GOOOOOOO

nagi485: Just curious if anybody noticed the one poor guy that dies from debris when eren comes out of the building

ASHUTOSH KUMAR: I hate Over Reaction.

Dylan Chapa: Can we please take a moment of silence for what would have been the best reaction by none other than the late Desmond Amofa, aka Etika.

Jade San: Weird people make reaction videos just open their mouth to get fucked up

Suswati Dispora: Panic panic

hazmi shah: Now this is the definition of "shit just went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick"

Dhananjay mohali: Overreacters

Jarae Bryant: Wheres heavenly controller

The First President: Willy didn’t even survive a second of his own war

Azerisky RF: Please add "Bill Fiatussalam" his reaction is so funny asf🤣

Peter Senior: Most reactors: oh my God! Nooo willy! Me: did you not pick up on the fact that he was an eldian who sold out all eldians to the marleyans, even though he ruled the marleyan government? He's a fucking terrible human being.

Peter Senior: 90% of reactors: YOooo, let's goooo, he's about to go ham The good reactors: This is so fuckin depressing

jeese p abraham: Im guessing not many people read the manga.

André Freires: Diretamente do Brasil.. Tatakae para todos

Willy Fajar Ramadhan: Willy has the best reaction

Tsets Gamers: Next event on free fire Free fire x SNK

It be crispy 3D can’t catch me: He didn’t actually kill him it was the same blood from the cut that was on his hand earlier


aziz: Subtitle:Eren=Aroon Me:________ Subtitle:tybur=tybar Me:-----------

Itz Zacky Boi: No one is mentioning the guy getting hit by the rock at the bacc o-o

O'Art Studios: what a amazing moment

Tazio: Anime only Watchers be like

SkyTriKz: People who dont know who the french guys are I'm sorry for you these guys are fire.

BARA GAMING: Blm Tau Dia Lord Bill

Jayson Lopez: They're over reacting

Jan Levin: Season 1:Eren(Human) Vs Titan Season 2:Titan Vs Titan Season 3: Human Vs Human Final Season:EREN Vs EveryBody

Iqbal Rahman: Mana bill fiatussalam

GameDiceHD: Willy declared war but he got killed in instant after Willy: **Instant Regret**

GGO Gaming: everyone : willy NOOOOOO me : yes eren kill him

Axel1790: I fuckin flipped on this episode and then I find a compilation of people doing the same thing 😂 got this anime really knows how to get you hyped

Uso 684: Thats just the beginning pf Eren's Rise to Power

Rodrigo Santos: algum br aqui?lkk

Nate Junior: like they haven't read the manga...tsww

baha baha: 😆

Cloudrik Z'round: Optimus Prime ?

MYSTIC: Bill fiatusalam

Leo: the most exciting reaction is when eren start to wake up all the calossal titan, and that is the start of attack on eren wahahaha..

いちごマヨネーズ: いつも思うけど漫画見てほしい

DevilGhost YT: Willy declares a war but can’t even last 10 seconds in it

Shayne: Eren be like lunch go crunch

BxLT Pxycho: If u haven’t read manga eren will fight the war hammer and jaws maybe

That Guy: I wish I had friends wo watch around woth

sirsurgenor: Man... if only Etika could have been in this compilation :(

Kyro Génesis: Will: This is a declaration of wa-- Eren: TATAKAE

Angelic Stars: What the hell why, like have you guys not seen Eren transformed before? like yall seems so surpised. ?????

GoldReus: Wrong OST could've been so much better

davontae wright: What’s the girl in the black jacket channel

Garrett Schwinger: These people aren’t ready for what’s about to happen

jaz 32: Fans: Let’s gooooo Eren!! Also fans: Wait...what? Noooo he killed willy!1!1!


Ean: Bruh you should check Bill Fiatussalam

Tvrtko Kaurinović: These reaction videos are fucking cancer

BibahMax: Reiner: I want to die. Eren: Well, too fucking bad. Willy: I don't want to die. Eren: Well, too fucking bad.

Елай: Ебат у них реакция😂

Rio Feranto: gada yang bisa ngalahin reactionnya Bill

5645 Saiyam Khare: Came for the epic scene.. Stayed for the Dinosaur twerk..

Julian RN: 2:02 he said how y’all doing hahahah

Emmanuel Ogunmefun: None of these guys care about falco😔

dabguy 71010913: You can’t tel most of these fuckers never read the manga at all

fejirosuccess: So no one's gonna talk about the fact that Mappa's made Eren's titan look terrifying af? 💔😂

Santiago Rpi: I want to see their reactions to the NEXT chapter if they say "noo" to tybur

кто то: 6:00 ahahah

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