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FZ_TGE: Enforcer is my favourite secret skin tho :\

Fishyambfnm pogs: Ok i havent watched the full vid but i gusse its like 3 items every 2 weeks kr 1

Alex: I'm going to be honest, I'm disappointed on the secret skin.

Isukat Games420: I hope it’s the original predator form the original movie and not the “ultimate predator” that would be gamer

Arjun Kochhar: I never got flip reset back

Pretty Feet: Really who wanted agent Jones skin 😂

Pretty Feet: Glad it’s the predator best hunter ever

Oof None of your business: I feel like Fortnite is gonna keep doing crossovers every season

Nightmaremoon05: I mean, regarding the secret skins from previous seasons, I’ve seen Enforcer a few times 🤷‍♀️

Joziah Lopez: I’m hyped bc I love the predator in general but in fortnite one this is sick

mm squad craven: Me

Kyle Barber: I'm hyped like crazy for predator. It would be awesome if they added a alien boss I r no so they could fight like in alien vs predator

T-21ChickenGamer: Yesssss predator

Rohan Toor: Let’s gooo can’t wait

Dark Hollow: Awesome!!!

adhokshja mirji: predator skin is very bad i wish it was jonesy

Glitchtrap: Yes

Jose Jokker: Dude I'm excited for The Predator because he's one of my favorite Sci-fi characters, also just the fact that I can have in my squad Batman, Deadpool, Marshmello and The Mandalorian or THE Predator!!! In one game? It's just amazing for me

Void Verse92: I just noticed that the enforcer could be a IO guard

Marshall the cubic frog: GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!!

Tarek Gaming: Hey Tabor I have A Video idea but I don’t think your channel really does it like challenges the challenge I thought You Should Do Is The Predator Challenge You don’t kill players if they are holding meds,shields or a picaxe Abd you can shot players in a Boat cause the boat is weaponised but the cars aren’t Thanks For Reading :D

oxhard 21: Tbh fortnite doesn't make the good choice for battle pass, sponsor can be hated but they can also be loved then its a big risk

Alfredo Lemus: I kinda wanted it to be agent jonsey

Xzile Bxltz: Are u kidding Iove the secret skin the predator I love it thx tabor❤️❤️

Mikey White: The Predator is amazingly cool! I love that movie. Or I guess movies😄

Tai Phan: Imagine it was Rick Astley the entire time *never gonna give you up plays*

Matthew Puls: I have not seen the movies but that looks dope!!!

Blamomaan Roblox: I killed ruckus and he didn’t become a ghost what do I do help

xXDOPExSMOKEXx Smokes: Already seen predator coming since day one bcuz hes a bounty hunter

Greatwhite is a gamer and Eats pizza: I was excited that it was predator rather than agent Johnsy

LETZ VISIT: Anyone notice the flip action of the new shotgun is exactly the same as how Arnie uses it in terminator 2 on the bike whilst chasing the truck! I just wonder if that’s coming next ??

Michael Chapman: I would be cool if alien came out as a skin

spruce_ here: I didn't own the music pack but I got it

Mista JVo: Im dying for the metroid (Samus) skin any new info on if that's real or not?

Mista JVo: The visitor was awesome but if secret skin is not story related as the enforcer and AIM are not a predator like an would be best, but when the secret skin is storyline related makes it that much more interesting. We just loose our interest in collabs I think.

Aidan Martin: Want some candy

Zachary Paquet: I got this and I didn’t have it before (music)

Matthew Dabice: I’m very excited to be unlocking the predator. I’m worried about the people who prefer the secret skin to be fornite skin, and not collaborate skin but I’m still excited

Nellyfitmom: I love I love the predator because I have his toy

Nellyfitmom: All the panels that I even have a predator toy

Maxwell Braggs: BTW you do not get the song if you didn’t own it because my sister didn’t own it and it showed it and only said claim not equip then when she went to her locker it was not there

That one Guy in the corner: people that knew it was the preditor

LSU TIGERS: I’m not mad come on it’s the predator like I just completed all 3 challanges to get them done and I’m waiting to get it

Pro Max46: As horror movie fan I’m so excited

killer_raze: If I had the enforcer then I would defo run that

Boba Ouma: i just wanted the agent jonesy skin.

TheRockSocksoff: Screw them bro. Bring on The Predator baby!

SLIME: Flip reset came in my locker I didnt even play rocketeague

Adrian Perez: Tbh I'm disappointed, I really wanted the secret skin to be agent Jonesy

Geo Joubert: I didn't own the Flip Reset music but got it now

Upside Boogie: so, kiwiz go his own skin!?

Stevey Toes: 0:26 I've done nothing to get the flip restet music and I didnt even know how to get it, but today when I logged in I had it in my locker

Ben Harrison: Best youtuber 🔥🔥🔥🥳

Kathy Strong: I’m so happy that I don’t have to use vbuck

Cliff Lawrence: The only OG thing left in Fortnite is to constantly complain about Fortnite while continuing to play Fortnite.


Robert Thompson: Dude these skins of late have been fire and yes I’m an OG player (OG3) so don’t come at me with some nonsense about the original skins are better. I loved the old styles too but Fortnite has to evolve if it’s going to stay relevant and maintain. So STOP complaining STOP whining and enjoy the product.

KuyaCloud: To be honest I wear AIM a lot but really excited with all crossover skins and of course Predator. The crossover skins make me happy about this season

Riley Dinanmann: Predator be sick tho

Leismatt: Anyone else realize how in the second predator they say 2 city blocks in area was exploded by the predators bomb yet Arnold Schwarzenegger was standing pretty near it and all the trees are just gone while Arnold just stands there like he's completely fine. (Yay!! Tabor Hill liked my comment)

elmarsam83: I’m an 80s baby - I’m excited! The litluns not so much🤣


Cameryn McHenry: YES

COSMIC_ SHOOTERS: I love the predator!

En Zya Tee: Enforcer is okay but Predator is better

CoatedDolphin: man it shouldve been Agent Jones we already have a crossover skin in the battle pass

Reefback with internet access: Uhhh not thanks can I refund this battle pass? Aim and the enforcer are some of my favorite skins I don’t have

twobin54: I wish his pickaxe would be his blade gauntlet

Ozzy Bozy: My friend started yesterday and ge got flip reset...

Danni Mac: Didn't own the music but got in the update!

Alexandre Guererro: I want those then predater

Alpha X omega: hi, Tabor, I don't know if you read comments but I dm you this the first week of season 5 on Instagram. Non the less biggest fan keep up all the vids.

Chava gitty Tyrnauer: I quit playing fortnite cuz my x box broke so ggs

Owen Daboss: Predator is sick i love the movies and it will be the best secret skin

Archer Garstone: the sand is gonna be like the whirlpools isn't it coz they were disabled I mean the auto completed the aquman challenge so yh

Rifty: I rlly hoped it was gonna be female midas

UNCLE BUZZCOCKS 123: Can’t wait for every 5 year old to say they have been watching the predator films for a while

Elliott Is Good: I’d rather have an original secret skin than one that’s predictable

The Explosive Sword: honestly crossovers are a big reason I still play fortnite

VALENZUELA Ethan S.: I probably won't use him

Thomas Hills: Get ready to see half of the lobby being predator next week xD

Clive Bilby: I get goosebumps every time I'm in the jungle armed with a Minigun and THAT sound. I ain't got time to bleed!

TheManWithoutTheHead: I didnt have the music but i got it

EchoBrix: Imagine his built in emote is camouflage that'd be so pay to win

Player19: I kinda hate that it's not Agent Jonshey, but it's also kinda cool that we get the Predator as a Secret Battle pass Skin 🤷🏻‍♂️

Galaxy_Starultim: I wish we can be able to customise our own predator helmets.

z z z zachy boi: I dont know if u got flip reset back if u didnt have it to begin with I had it before

Sarves S: I hate it I want agent Jonesy

Tabor hill fan: I AM LATE oh and I am hyped

Miro Padania: I am so excited for the predator skin

adi: 1:48 yes

adi: i hate predetor as a secret skin

TheFeralKat: First off you can't please everybody. The first movie was great so go see the very first movie the best one, then go to stealthy ...also Fortnite isn't going anywhere so i see they are going to do any cross over that they can plus i bet they have the female Midas later in the season.

HazeFlameVerse: Fuck The people that hate crossover skins your the type of people that get spammed killed by sweats .

YAQSTHEMAN: people who hate predator are dum cuz this whole season is basically about crossovers between worlds

Ayaan Khan: Trash skin I thought it would be agent Jones

N8TIVEWW65: I would rather have The PREDATOR! 😀

Victorious Creed: I think I don't have the "flip reset" music cus I forgot to log in and I still get it now

Assassin Gamer: i knew it was predator i liked the movie glad there is a skin


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