The Adventures Of Hercules

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Net Film: The Adventures Of Hercules FULL MOVIE = √ ™ Lorsqu'une pilule qui donne aux utilisateurs cinq minutes de super pouvoirs inattendus يېتىپ كەلدى dans les rues de la Nouvelle-Orléans ، قۇرامىغا يەتمىگەنلەر مارشى ۋە ساقچىسى يەرلىك دوۋېنت فېرمىسى équipe avec un ancien soldat pour faire tomber le groupe مەسئۇلىيەتچان de sa توقۇلما. √ ™ تاختا كومپيۇتېر ئىشلەتكۈچىلەرگە بەش مىنۇت ۋاقىت بەرگەندە ئويلىمىغان دەرىجىدىن تاشقىرى چوڭ دۆلەتلەر ، يېڭى ئورلېئان كوچىلىرىغا ، ئۆسمۈر سودىگەر ۋە يەرلىك ساقچى √ ™ چوقۇم بىر سابىق ئەسكەر بىلەن ھەمكارلىشىپ گۇرۇپپىنى يوقىتىشى كېرەك

Expanding Knowledge: Fantastic opening sequence, Great old flick...LOVE IT!!!

Patricia Mampel: Ok gotta go to sleep now...

Patricia Mampel: Whoah!!... a Star Wars Hercules movie...oh my...interesting positioning & powers said Herr

thegrayghost1000_: 36:46 lol

Thomas Vieth: Are you serious?

Jose luis Novoa: Lou Ferrigno is the best, you're gorgeous and awesome!! 💪🏾😋🔥🔥

MsAllureSensuelle: Loved the old time movie😍😍 Lou Ferrigno is amazing!!

Kevin Overbeck: I remember these movies so well.

Mia Fillene: Oooof dear god this was horrible. And so much damn fun!

William Rose: Jesus! Horrible!!!

J suede: This is corny to the max why didn't they use Lou Forrignos voice😂

Janice Sims: Yes, I know it's cheesy but I like Lou Ferigno so I watched it anyway. Go, Lou!

Mohd Hasyudin: This movie is really stupid!!

AngelMediadorEntreNosotros=Amen: ¡¡BLIND GUIDES OF BLIND !! ¡HYPOCRITES! Because there is nothing HIDDEN, that does not have to be MANIFESTED; nor thing HIDDEN, that is not to be UNDERSTOOD, AND TO COME TO THE LIGHT. BUT WHAT WILL BE GIVEN YOU AT THAT HOUR, SPEAK THAT; BECAUSE IT IS NOT YOU WHO SPEAK, BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT..💯⚖🖖🏼👈 THE HOLY SPIRIT, WHOM THE FATHER WILL SEND IN MY NAME, HE WILL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, and REMEMBER you all the things I HAVE SAID. when that SPIRIT OF TRUTH COMES, HE WILL GUIDE YOU TO ALL TRUTH; because he will NOT speak of himself, but will SPEAK everything he HEAR, AND WILL MAKE YOU KNOW THE THINGS TO COME. 😎THE PROMISED COMFORTER❤⚖💯🖖🏼😇 Yes son; the so-called capitalism lost the so-called Christian world; because you cannot serve God and serve gold at the same time; all humanity asked to serve the Father without interest; the strange system of life based on gold, lost all humanity; because all mental action was influenced by interest; there is no human creature, that does not have a score of darkness, for having known the interest; there is no one who does not cry for this score of darkness; the higher the score against, the further the spirit is from the Kingdom of Heaven; while he was interested in life, each being must add a point of darkness, for every second lived; from twelve years of age, UNTIL THE INSTANT OF THE SAME REPENTANCE; .- Alfa y Omega THE SO-CALLED CAPITALISM, IS NOT WRITTEN IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVENS; FOR NOBODY REQUESTED TO BE EXPLOITED, IN ANY IMAGINABLE WAY; NOTHING INTERESTED EXISTS IN THE KINGDOM; THERE IS THE EQUALITY OR CELESTIAL COMMUNISM, WITH THE PHILOSOPHY OF A CHILD; THE STRANGE CAPITALISM, BELONGS TO A FAR AND MICROSCOPIC PLANET CALLED EARTH; A STRANGE LIFE SYSTEM, CAME OUT OF THE DARKNESS, WHICH REQUESTED THE FATHER, TO KNOW A WORLD OF LIGHT.- And he will put the sheep on his right hand, and the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those who will be on his right: Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Because I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink; I was a guest, and you took me in; Naked, and you covered me; sick, and you visited me; I was in JAIL, and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry, and sustain you? Or thirsty, and did we give you a drink? And when did we see you guest, and did we pick you up? Or naked, and we cover you? Or when did we see you sick, or in JAIL, and we came to you? And the King answering, will say to them: Truly I say to you that as soon as you did it to one of these my little brothers, you did it to me. Then he will also say to those who will be on the left: Depart from me, you cursed, TO THE ETERNAL FIRE prepared for THE DEVIL and for HIS ANGELS: Because I was hungry, and you did not feed me; I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink; I was a guest, and you didn't pick me up; naked, and you did not cover me; sick, and in JAIL, and you did not visit me. Then they too will answer him, saying: Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a guest, or naked, or sick, or in PRISON, and we did not serve you? Then he will answer them, saying, Truly I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of these little ones, you did not do it to me. And these will go to ETERNAL TORMENT, and the righteous to ETERNAL LIFE. 👉The Jail or Prison = LAODICEA = Latakia Syria, Colosences chapter 2.💯⚖🖖🏼👈 EVERYONE, NATIONS AND MEN, WILL DENY MY NAME. 👉😎 MY DIVINE NEW NAME.❤💯⚖🖖🏼😊👈 Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jehovah, The Most High, The Almighty, He I Am That I Am, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma= Yazan Mesto. FÁTIMA = Jennifer Mesto. JESUS ​​CHRIST = Mohammad Msto. The Divine Family of the Kingdom of Heaven. 2 John chapter 1. The Holy Spirit of Truth, The Promised Comforter, John chapters 14:26, 16:13, 7 Seals, The Scrolls of the Lamb of God, Apocalypse or Revelation chapters 5. and 10. ❤⚖THE HEAVENS HAVE OPENED🖖🏼😇 www.AlfayOmega .com www.AlfayOmega .pe www.CienciaCeleste .com THIS IS NOT ANY RELIGION OF MEN, NOR WILL MATERIAL TEMPLES BE RAISED AS WAS THE HUMAN CUSTOM IN THEIR TRIALS OF LIFE...

Werner Kujnisch: Worst movie on youtube ... don't waste time on this one .,...

Richard Howard: Thank you for this utube

Farhat Waddey: C’est dommage je suis faible en Anglais .

polar bear: The intro takes almost 8min

IraqiQanasu قناص عراقي: not bad for a low budget tv show

Raw Bacon: Lou always seemed like a good guy.

Shadowheartmk: Cancel Culture get everybody @1:18:30

Gregory Johnson: New meaning to the term, "Mr. Universe". 1:22:45

roggiedale: Amazing how we made better movies with so little. Here we are putting out junk faster than they can roll a camera for the sheep.

Gregory Johnson: 17:05 Ah, must have caught him in the shower, right?!

Rick Johnson: Liked the star wars type intro. Why don't they sacrifice an ugly virgin?? You know bucked tooth, cross eyed, talks with a lisp, 100# over weight, guess they some of that monster loving too.

Kingofgrowers: WOW I think this is the absolute most busted film. I am not sure I have ever seen such bad ... everything ! BUT , the deal is it is so bad that a bowl, of popcorn and some friends together will laugh and enjoy ! Thanks for the upload ... Hey I did actually watch it ! (cov 19 shut in)

Kris Blunt: This is a damn shame. I don't care if it WAS 1983.

djcrazy: so zeus with all his new found powers couldn't use it to stop the earth n moon n needed a human to do it!!

Abraham Vieyra: Some people hate this movie. Me this is one of my best classic favorites as a kid back then. Far better than the B rated movies made today. Considering the slim tight budget of those days they pulled it off not too bad. Also the if it wasn't for this film the Musical Score of later Superman The Movie would suck

Hollister Wellborn: yup diffently not Lou's voice LOL '

Rook The Texan: Fun fact: Dubbing was used for Lou Ferrigno because he is deaf.

Rook The Texan: Unintentionally awesome.

Kleopatra: I tried watching this. I really did. But it's crap. I gave up when they placed the maiden on the altar. Yuk!


Bee Rich: Threw the bear into outta space and created a constellation'/!!! Lol'er

Higgs Merino: Possibly the worst movie ever made. Discuss amongst yourselves.

Inblackestnight: Not sure Minos is using the term 'science' properly. I saw the original with Lou, but somehow I missed this one.

Mexico Unexplained: Date made? That would be a nice thing to add in the information sections to these movies.

Jeremy: 1:17:06 Well, I totally didn't see this coming.

Jeremy: 48:30 Unintentionally hilarious segway

Jeremy: 40:04 Is that Chewbacca on crack?!

Jeremy: 30:38 The women are like, "Why thanks, Hercules!"

Jeremy: 28:50 For kicks, yell this out when someone knocks on the door

Jeremy: 28:46 It wasn't easy, but somehow, Herc achieved a full body wax.

Jeremy: 14:04 I start every conversation this way.

Jeremy: 11:29 She's thinking, "Okay, how bad of a Trip is she on?"

Mario Pinot: Nice

Michael Alberson: Good movie the effects were obviously nothing like we have today.

Frank Cabanski: "What's the effects budget?" "How much change do you have in your pocket?"

MandM8181: What are the odds that two of the most popular bodybuilders of all time, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno, who competed against each other would star in three of the worst Hercules movies ever made in the history of the world with dubbed over ridiculous sounding voices? This is proof we live in a simulation.

Kendrick Cunningham: Dumbest movie ever

J B: You counted the thunderbolts. Admit it.


sheena p: The perfect classic physique of Lou Ferrigno in his prime!😍💖

Chet Biddlecom: Any day with watching Lou Ferrigno is an enjoyable day!

Lane Young: Urania is a very appropriately named character since the actress playing her always has a look on her face as though she's smelling a foul wind coming from the direction of Urania

BigLuke1980: 25:00 Minos: Tis you three. Poseidon: Um 4.

dale carpenter: it was like the he could not hear the director ! what a crappy movie ! the crappy commercials were a little better than the movie!

Barry Wainwright: The music and format is the same as the adventures of Superman

Cheddar Urchin: Pagan stories from the old world, before Christianity and even Judaism! Fascinating :)

Eh Lu: That Lou from thecredible hulk

fun4ustoo: Dude! I totally dropped Citric Acid to watch this. I'm ready! :-))

Gail Boyd: THANKS. YOU. TUBE. !!!

THE LIQUID ARKS: Weird Imaginations🧐🤔🤫

Mitt Obama: HIs pecs are bigger than his head.

Mikaelson .!: Wassup kids

John F. Kennedy: Somewhat ironic I found this today the day of release. Have had an interest in Lou Ferrigno for a very long time. Lou acknowledges both he and Schwarzenegger both played Hercules. _Pumping Iron_ is now available on YouTube streaming having revisited that too and many of the bodybuilding greats.

roguemonk: Holy Intro Batman!

Paula Sizemore: Yes, yes, I know - but, my youngest son loves Lou and this version. I taped over his VHS decades ago, and we hadn't been able to find this. I am so elated - cheesiness and all!

Alex McCauley: Dropping acid is a must for this one.

Ram Bone: They should paint his body green...

Santos Cortez: Ha just like Annie's Hercules, he is dubbed over

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