LEGO Ninjago Season 14 Sets OFFICIALY Revealed
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Ashnflash: Happy Anniversary Ninjago! What set are you most excited for here?Написать
Xcel Mystic: The keepers village Is nice
Xcel Mystic: The dragon is so cool
Brent Bartels: I have one word for this: amazine
jasper garan: I Can't wait for season 14 :]
LEGO Master: Those heads are going to be usefull for costom brick built characters and also my favourite set so far would be the one WITH the heads
Alan Milch: Did anyone else think that the double headed minifigure in the dragon set was Ultra Violet even just for a second?
caden is smort: Noice
Logan_Official: lies, because the person who is the voices cole died, so this is all a lie. look it up, the person who played Cole really died!
TheOnesAndOnl y: is it a ninjao cmf
잼잼: 오 우 이서 뭐야
Luke Andrews: It feels a little indigo island with a little pirates in there. And it’s great.
giannis po: Horn joints will brake in one year nice
Bumblebee: Imagine if they put Lloyd in every set
UltraBoi101: Hate to break it to you, but we have known about this for weeks!
zoe deery: Lloyd and Nya on the 1st set it looks so cool
Toxy The Toxic Fox: I’m excited
Mrbandit81: Some cool sets as well as peaces added to the, can't wait till they're out in stores. I can all most imagine someone taking the character with the Tiki mask an using with the Explorer dude from a Mystery Pack that came out not to long ago, using said characters to recreate some new Johnny Thunder like adventures in some way maybe?
Nathalie Vasilj: I have been watching lego ninjago since I was 1 year old it was made when I was born
Spooky Marshadow: as a lego dragon collector the jungle dragon is a must have
Shay Ali: I love the half shirtless zane
Blake Arius: Very sneaky way of giving us old fans "islanders" for the pirates set
lol daisy: :0
Dávid Dombovári: Nice
Lemuel Delvalle: The forgotten Chapter of the Exo-Force Timeline?
Erica Burger: Oi me nAmE TeM ThAt A lOt Uf MuNs fOr AlL tho LEGO.
Amy Cownie: 6 sets
Tom Morgan: I really like kia's design 🔥🌪
Jaime Fairlee Jr: make lego Mario do a flip and he will make a suond
Mr.Mr.Mr. 99: Okay the “ninjas vs ____” thing is getting out of hand with ninjago. Like seriously this series needs an end
Jonester Dog: Does anyone know who the new voice actor for Cole is since the other one passed away 😢
NS - 06DK 784814 Balmoral Drive Sr PS: Did anyone notice the Godzilla on the purple guys shield in the jungle chopper bike
Gary potato: Lego Ninjago ads when entering the video
Felix Millo: Can’t wait to get all of the sets
ibrahim ahmad: 4:40 no in the catamaran sea battle chief mamathis is also there
pigsrcool626: These sets look like their from Nexo knights.
Alastair Moodie: I had a Ninjago HYPE ad when I watched this video!!
shachar movies: So coovllllllll
PIKMIN 4: I Think tagt can be the greatest season ever, and i Think season 8 is the best good season who ever come
BurnedFurno: Looks like you love everything.
Leonardo Casali: Why is jay always the one who is captured
Markiano: dang gotta wait longer for more legacy sets
Carson Productions: When I get 69% on a test Could be the green ninja?
giffari said: actually there is some info about the thunder tribes or something idk (what are they called) in ninjago season 8 episode 79
Nicole Tom: Squomint
FBI Ole Miss: I think I might pick up the keepers village and the 19 dollar set
Gigamarxstudios4: Huh, those dragon rings remind me of LEGO Atlantis! Very cool.
Kieran Leuchs: I❤️nijago
KS - 05SM 804366 Larkspur PS: My b-day is on March 19 ima get it on my b-day
Robbie Hart: A Ninjago/Moana crossover. Nice
Kohakka Nuva: them disk pieces remind me so much of the old Atlantis line. (man I really miss that)
Troy Collins: I am probably only going to get the jungle bike and village
Diego Cabrera: Duhhhhhhh I am going to buy them duhhhhhh
zane mcv 2: wich ones should i buy i know i want the legacy tournament of elements
Distory With Andrew: Who else is and og when lyold was a kid and then he turned into an adult and the original voice actors and character designs where so much better and the snakes and the skeletons sigh I loved the original series it was better even the sets
Flopy The flop: It was good up to the last episode of the ghost stuff
NovaNyite: 10 years man I feel old!
Bullet_: I miss when the Ninjas had 2 shoulder pads
Sowjanya Mudda: best wave ever in my opinion
JD TOWERS: When they will be released?
Electro Blitz: the jungle dragon is EPIC!!!
Island General Vex: 7:26 I may Get it! Its a Cheap Way to Get that Saw Piece In Silver so i can Use it for My Legacy Hover Hunter instead of The Blue One!
Island General Vex: I Actually got The Polybag!
Shxdow: Jungle dragon looks like an incredible set to buy I'm gonna cop this guy. (Edit) I would like to add that there are not very many sets for this wave.
s13 kai: That dragon symbol kinda looks like godzilla
Noah Duke: I know people might think I am crazy, but I think this is one of the worst ninjago waves ever. It is so distasteful for me and I think it could have been much better.
hunzacc: The skull plate seems to shoot the studs in 71747
Athena Prettybird: Ahh!!! Omg i cant wait for season 14!!! * screeches *
Benjamin Huether: The McGuffin reminds me of an Atlantis Key.
Hotchetosonic hotchetosonic: Lloyd chopper bike rewind me off the land bounty for some reason
jmklamm: Never bought a ninjago set, but those minifigs are giving me a strong classic islanders vibes
Riley Rondario: us Canadians really have to spend over $200 to get all mini figures
The High-Ground GameCat: I have a theory, Remember when Tommy tweeted out to be worried for Jay in 2021, The villains here have lightning so I think Jay will lose his power or just completely lose control of it.
RZONE2000: i like em a lotttt
eliansito: in my opinion,best set is keeper's village at 3:22
Steve the man101: I feel off ninjage but was part of my childhood I nees to get some of these sets
Curtis Jordan: They made Mumrah the Ever Living a lego villian!!!! Don't usually buy a lot of Ninjago but this may be the wave I'm into the most.
Ol Chap: Ninjago: Master of the Machete
KJ Iyere: I'm just happy that the main villain, Chief Mammatus, is in two sets (like Skull Sorcerer and Iron Baron). I mean the Time Twins and original Overlord and so expensive nowadays.
Redpanda: Im gonna buy the keepers Village
Whitney Bradshaw: Ninjago is go!!!!!!!!!!⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️
Reyna Camacho • 40 years ago: 6:39 and Tommy Andreason (I definitely spelled that wrong) said Jay fans should be scared for 2021 😱😱😱
Tharindu Walpita: HAppy 10th ninjago anniversary everyone thank you for giving us the good news Ashnflash
Alice Mansfield: Oh my god, OH MY GOD, OOOOOHHHHH MMMMMYYYYY GGGGGOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!!!!! They're so COOOOOOOOLLL!!!!!!!!!!! I want to get all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Ninjago, it's the best thing that ever happened to this world. To all Lego employees who helped to create the Ninjago theme, you guys are the absolute best. Love you Lego!
Emilio Palma Daccarett: Am i the only one that think they caputured Jay and the ninja are rescuing him thats why he is caputered in all the sets?
nyguy Claris: The jungle Dragon jaw is the overlords jaw
Belangerz: That dragon looks halarious
PATATAS PAN: I don't ninjago but AWESOME
Yanitza Tavarez: My birthday is march1
Roli Moser: Can you do every lego harley quinn minifigure
OnionPretzel458: ima get them as soon as they come out
jaden yuki: The Draco set
The Legocraft: I really like all of the ninjas, especially Jay, nya, cole and zane, but I dont really care about the sets, or the villains... i think they look bland.... there is not that much variety in them which is sad... i wish we had the same variety we did back then with the skeletons or with the snakes..!
Díto: I’m only interested in the Jungle Dragon set, the other ones are cool too though. But you get L-Loyd, and of course like you mentioned, basically an incarnation of the green mech dragon from the movie sets. $40, can’t beat it. March please come faster
Star battle 2099: The sets look amazing
Yosh Splatz: Is it just me, or does this wave HEAVILY emit Chima energy?
Yosh Splatz: ninja drip
Jose Becerra: The thunder keeper in the cave set is making mushroom stew bcuz there making a vid were they make and eat Minecraft food for 24/7
AnThOnYs wOrLd SiBaJa: I'm getting the poly bag
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