Datto Talks About Weapon Sunsetting Yet Again - Season 13 Update
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Mike Gibbons: They should unlock k the WHOLE game, don't worry about the size of it all as we gamers will sort it out as we want to play!! It would be Epic to have everything in Destiny 2Написать
Chris Clarke: Sunsetting = Why people quit the game.
SPACEHERO: Too late we all knew this would happen a few months ago
Jordan Lego: They need to just remove the infusion cap on weapons. If they want it viable in one season, let it... I’d they change their mind another season... leave it capped.
Limitless Power: For me personally, I don’t want consistently new weapons, but new gun types. If they added a new gun type like linear fusion rifles or trace rifles every expansion, they could mix in new weapons of those types thru the seasons, alongside varieties of other types of weapons. Then the new weapon grinds goes more towards new types of weapons we’ve never had before
gene colon: Disagree- because old players won’t be playing the new sunset content...if they infuse the old weapons, they neede new weapons all together thi should be called ‘season of the sunsets’ bad move on bungie part they show lack of dev teams. And creativity....
TheDeliciousMystery: Bungies decided "weaponised fomo" is how they can drive player engagement and retention via consumer fear. Thats not something i enjoy when everything feels like an effervescent chore. The "this gun last for years and is memorable" WAS the selling point of destiny and part of the ethos. It no longer is and doesn't make me want to play and i can't say "oh you should give this a try" to anyone yet to try destiny. To be blunt it feels like a rip off as someone who has paid for content. Also not fun. Add those two together and theres a lot of other games to play so why play Destiny 2 now?
Nathan Pugh: I thing I'll just stick with blue weapons and never have to worry about sunsetting again
Navarre Sissel: I have paid for guns that they have taken away. And now they want me to pay for the same gun, but new™. They'll get my money of course I just want them to do something new and useful with it.
Étienne Tremblay: I think that what we want is more impactfull guns. The ones they talked about when they said they would make guns that shit on recluse!!
Firefly567: Destiny just feels so... lost and aimless right now. Hopefully Bungie gets their act together, but it feels like they refuse to listen to the community and its killing the game
Isaac _R_S: What if they introduced a light modification/ weapon build system where guns could be modified by archetype and some other key factor, not too many but just a little to add to each weapon, like imagine if you could change your warmind auto rifle from 450 to 360 rpm but it would hit slightly harder or pierce a little more and you could switch out an attachment like having a grenade launcher on it that can launch your ability nade but it would basically be fastball but only on an auto rifle or maybe take the blasphemer and you could switch it between two damage types either the arc or maybe solar and then a mod that allowed it to continue as a regular slug shotgun or a super charged shot that takes up all ammo in the tube into one shot that’s like a regular shotgun but fires all slugs in that one shot? Just a thought, they could be future exotics instead too but maybe try something like what they did with that one Curse of Osiris arc smg that could change between 600 and 900 rpm
Beep Bop: i just want to do something that isnt trials because the raid is fun but my friends are on at different times and im really only doing the weekly pinnacle stuff just to increase light. i just want more missions to do
G Haus: I’d be happy to have less guns and gear available not as rando drops but as rewards that I earn from specific challenges that rewards big xp for winning, and less bounties that force me to use damage type blah or weapon type meh so a dearth of archetypes, weapons or damage types would barely matter. And frankly do away with levels completely, or at least how much we over level, it feels way too high currently.,
Todd Too: So find a new gun. Instead of whining , find new guns. That’s why they sunset weapons. Quit using 👶 weapons like Mountaintops and Jotun
Scott Killian: I am so glad I took a break before Beyond Light came out. This video just validates the concerns I had about sunsetting. I'll check back in on D2 in a year and see if they made good changes (if D2 is still relevant by then).
Jason Odom: I don't mind grind weapons sunsetting. I am against ritual weapons sunsetting, though. They required a lot of time to be invested to acquire and to see them become obsolete for no good reason was a kick in the nuts to everyone who took the time to play their damn game that they paid a fuck ton of money for to have that content ripped away. Rituals were a bit OP, but they should have been because of the means/methods it took to get them. I don't like armor sunsetting because there are so many different stat combos that finding the armor that fits your playstyle/preference with really good rolls is damn near impossible. And when you DO happen to find what you want, it becomes obsolete in a few months. We spend a lot of resources to masterwork this stuff just for it to become junk for incredibly arbitrary reasons.
Ya Boi Roy: 13:00: When it comes to the I want more weapons idea it's the diversity of having more weapon variants that is attractive, even if those weapons may be similar to other weapons of their arch type. It allows people to resonate with one weapon more than others, As a mediocre crucible player the day I finally earned Luna's Howl after 30 hours of comp grinding to better myself that gun resonated with me for years. The gun became iconic to me, and that's how I have felt in both Destiny 1 and 2, unlike other shooters and looter games I am attached to my weapons as they are perfect to my playstyle. I still grind for new weapons to see if they better suit me than my own and I retire my old ones when I resonate with new ones. The idea of sunsetting does not bother me, it's the broad net that sunsetting represents. Weapons that never even had a chance to be in the spotlight were wiped from existence. I could generally get behind the idea of sunsetting weapons' that "shined too bright" like the outlying pinnacle gear but not the general loot pool. It takes the diversity out of the combat, I can guess what weapon is firing around me anywhere because there are only like 5 in the arch type left. I miss having to overcome people using weapons and combos that were outlandish and bizarre. Perhaps my combined 5,000 hours in D1 and D2 has burnt me out but the state of this game and the net of sunsetting and the destiny content vault has significantly reduced my ability to continue playing. Now I log in, get seasonal exclusive items and leave until the next season. "It's homework at best"
Infectedtedybear: To the more guns question: I just want a full set of weapons for an activity/planet. For example, I like auto rifles and grenade launchers, but there's none in the raid, there's only 6 guns in the raid. I don't need every raid to have one of very type of gun and then one of every archetype, I just want to be able to get the type of gun I like from any activity, even if I don't like the RPM I'll still be happy with a raid auto
Zach Childs: we care about using different and abnormal weaponry in the same way you love playing super hard content. most all of us do not care about goals in a game that literally doesnt matter at all. a game thats not serious and doesnt take itself serious. why do you want titles and goals in a game thats dying and killing itself constantly? in a game that could be the biggest and most popular game, but sits here pathetically under recognized? we just like to waste time the same way you do. we like to do new things.
necrosi nera: So Bungo basicly took out guns, reintroduced into the game and they called it new content... great...
Kyle Nowe: I want my pre nerf gjallarhorn back.
MetakirbX2: “Why tons of new guns would excite you when it does nothing for me?” Easy. Everyone wants something different out of the game. One person can use a gun and think “oh, this gun is boring” someone else can pick up the same gun and fall in love with it. Sun setting then says “No, you’re not allowed to use that gun” Why? Because people use just guns that they like? Because people gravitate towards META loadouts because they’re efficient and easy to use? If we’re sun setting the current OP most used stuff to get new fun OP stuff like bungee said then... where are they? At the end of the day removing options restricts player choice and turns people away. People don’t want to do the same things again and again for the same stuff they had a year ago when it’ll be gone again in another year.
Dan T: I only played after seeing a commercial of Cayde 6 shouting more loot. So for years I been farming guns that fit my playstyle only for they to be deemed obsolete.
AngryCanadianEH: Im still upset that I held onto like 10 god rolled Duke Mk44s with like 3 fully masterworked just for the architype to get buffed! And then for me to not be able to use it and not having another 120 rpm handcannon, outside of iron banner or a random drop from the gunsmith.
SnoVVinD: My problem with sunsetting isn't that old weapons got "deleted" . The problem is that every weapon has expiration date, so why bother getting something, when it's going to be useless in 6 months? The game feels more like a grocery store than looter shooter game.
Y154 Yu55uf: I bet he thinks the earth is flat too
Mun Jawad: You were pro nerfing supers and other stuf, because some players keep using the same weapons and supers during raids and it makes raids easy. Here you got what you wished for. Not just supers , almost every weapons everyone farmed for .
MegalaDan: Lets speak in hypotheticals and say bungie removes sunsetting and content vaulting. And give the game the mythical, would be the 5th "redemption update", i would still never return. They've betrayed my trust too many times. I quit before Shadow keep and I've seen at a distance how they somehow fucked it more than when i left. If they fix something, they'll just ruin it later. Its been that way for 7 years at this point. I'm never purchasing a bungie product ever again.
David Alistair: Don't even know y ppl arguing there point y this games dreadful if ppl wanna waste there time on shit that's gonna dissappear later on down the line then that's there money an there time let them get on with it there loss bungies win and that's why I dont play destiny no more I have no power over the stuff I can keep or content even though I have paid for it just don't make sense to me know its got a big fan base an more power to you but when you put your hours in days etc to get a weapon then it gets nerfed or axed well its your time an you ain't gonna get it back so more power to you destiny is a pointless task an weak story big up them pyramids was expecting new bad ass bad guys nothing just fallen with enhancements an use stasis lol 😂 well done bungie take a bow cause 👏
azure98: I can only imagine they reissue guns for these specific locations in criticism to make them relevant again for the money you spend. However I also see reissued equipment as development not proceeding as fast as initially planned on entirely new, or converted D1 equipment so instead of having long, stale droughts of weapons they reissue older ones to hold it over. I do feel they probably went into sunsetting before they were ready given the current model and work force of D2. As far as the reissued guns themselves the pessimist in me says the guns will be the exact same as before with the dungeon specific ones getting access to the newer perks we've gotten over the seasons since. The optimist hopes that the non-dungeon versions have access to all the newer perks with the dungeon specific ones getting entirely brand new perks you cant find anywhere else, like they did with Iron Banner and DSC.
Alexey Zudilin: Sunsetting is a complete joke,spent a lot time farming legendaries from menagerie,forges,and pinnacles only for them to become useless.What a waste of time and effort.The only thing that should've been sunset was mountaintop and recluse.
Ragnarokyy: Dont put the fucking sunset guns back in the pool ffs, they are sunset for a reasin now putting they back to get the same fucking guns back is lazy as hell.
AceofSpades-6: Sunsetting is just plain old bad. No if ands or buts about it. It's kept me from masterworking all but like 2 weapons.
Richard Velazquez: It’s kind of hard to be excited about tracking down a new weapon when it’s only gonna be good for a few months.
Nordic Rosie: Sunsetting was the biggest mistake Bungie's ever made.
Grand C: I agree with u in regards of not wanting more weapons except from the raid. I only play D2 for the raids. The only reason I really don't like about sun setting is regarding the armor. After this season I have to re-grind all perfectly rolled armor for all 3 characters and that made me lose interest in D2. Sun setting armor does not make sense to me, I can see the reason for pinicle weapons but not armor, so right now I just play the raid 2 or 3 times and wait for the next raid because everything else is boring AF.
Jack Hunter: my favorite part of the video 7:10
vDenoh: i just want the first curse back 🥲
Page001B: Wait; I did not even know you could pick up warmind cells!! The more you know...
Page001B: You actually made me laugh thank you so much.
Page001B: Ok that was a great break from this COVID world! Thank you.
Sebastian C.Guedes: I dont like my favorite gun being useless, that a good answer Datto?
ajstyles367: I’m still pretty pissed about the whole sunsetting thing. All the hard work I put in to get mountaintop, recluse, and RTK, just to have all those guns rendered useless kinda sucks
Garhootalooth da Warlock: I deleted my god roll waking vigil after sunsetting.
Cloudkracker: I do want to point this out, although this does seem like a "no duh" kind of thing; you know all of the gear that's sunset in the Forsaken and Shadowkeep DLC's? Well, I see the same thing happening to the Europa themed armor and weapons that you get from buying the Beyond Light DLC. So in about a year, if everything stays the same, then players will basically be paying money for sunset gear.
Rylan Koegler: Sun setting is cool, it’s just not when bungie does it. That goes for most things actually
R2 D2: I feel that we've been in a constant cicle of "we'll fix it in the future" for the past 6 years, i know that a lot of people still like this game (and more power to them), but at this point i can't keep supporting this constant mess up so we can later patch it cycle. Honestly when it comes to this particular problem, i don't think I even have an opinion, mostly because I don't care anymore
Marcos Danilo: 12:23 imagine if everything was like that "random dude b dont enjoy pvp, so lets axe it..." this is not how this works, even if 10% of the people enjoy using a particular gun, its still 1/10th, "because i dont care" isnt a good enough reason to sunset. people want this for diferent reasons, some like having access to his entire inventory whenever he wants, others have a particular weapon that is just perfect for them, even if underpowered compared to the meta, while others just feel like its disrespectfull to their time investment in the game. the problem exists because the whole system is bad, from godrolls to light level. this is a self fulfiled prophecy. its a system that undermine its own growth by forcing arbritary leveling and rng farming. of course this would happen. this answer just goes to show how out of touch they are. finally, the whole "i dont care nor should you" has never been a good excuse for anything.
Paul Diaz-Arrastia: I know this video is old, and no one is probably gonna read this, but I think the "more guns" is really a cry for "viable alternatives for every archetype." Destiny doesn't have classes like other games have classes. Supers are complements to what really changes the way anyone plays the game, our guns. Sunsetting removed many guns that allowed players to engage in various content. Why do people want 140 arc autos? Because it's a playstyle that was effectively removed from the game. I get the need to cycle viable guns in Destiny. Bungie wants to continue to make new alternatives of these gun archetypes, changing the way we play. But that goes back to your 2021 video, when you said Destiny needs to innovate. Bungie hasn't done that, so the general consensus I'm seeing is until Bungie can deliver on the "new," they should at least give us back the "more Destiny."
Cwosby Jones: the pvp shotgun problem right now is a problem i mean hard to compete with a felwinterz all day with just 1 other shotty
Scope: I would allow the re-issuing of NLB & zhalo supercell
AMERICAS_soldier: unpopular opinions but to me hold true. One we are way too powerful. 90% of the community to can melt taniks in 1 phase. They need to find a balance of difficulty while avoiding bullet sponge enemies. Second, bungies biggest mistake was going f2p. Ever since then, majority of the community is happy for 1-2 months and then they are out of shit to do in the game. Lastly the light system is terrible. If they want to be closer to an MMO, they need to adjust that system. Once you hit a certain light level, you do the same damage no matter what level of enemy you face outside of grandmasters. They need to move to damage and armor values instead of light level because there is no reason that me at 1250 can do the same damage to a 1050 enemy as i do to a 1250 raid boss. But The fact remains and the main point of frustration for a lot of players. We play games for enjoyment, we dont want to play a game that starts to feel like a chore or job to play. It drives us away the game. Who wants to run high level activities when bungies idea of high stat gear is a 56 stat roll armor? Who wants to play any of the core activities if there is nothing to chase. They could add some element to the game by removing 75% of whats stuck behind eververse and make it rewards in core game activities. There is a lot bungie can do that they can make this game great to play and draw players back but all they are doing is driving players away
Dilophan: I like the story behind a gun, like even if it’s a crappy gun I know people who just run 2 precision autos in a raid and a good grenade launcher for dps. Sun setting just doesn’t make sense to force me to use another gun. I’d rather bungie sunset the perks (the perks get removed over time) than the light level getting lowered forcing our hand to grind for the new gun that isn’t the gun we want.
PeaceDeliverer: Just want to keep my own weapon, againg until i find something to replace it with. now i don't have my fav gun with fav perks, and when i find another one at least like it well new might become old it might get sunset in a day or two who knows?! that rng combined with sunsetting just garbage in my opinion.
skintxisu: Cause not every 140 HC feels the same to me, I disliked Old Fashioned but liked Better Devils. Sure the diferences can be minimun, but they were enough to make a difference
DoubleDOwnage: sunsetting is lame because Bungie's Destiny is the ultimate content recycler.
Can't Bear Puns: Well Datto, to answer you in your argument in 11:49, it's quite simple: My favorite legendaries are all from Black Armory. I paid for that, given that I don't have access to it without Forsaken. To this day I didn't get a roll in a Tatara Gaze that I wanted, nor Black Orchid. I farmed, and farmed, and farmed... and I didn't get to the rolls I want. So I had to say goodbye to the other guns I liked from Black Armory, such as Blast Furnace, a content that again, I paid for (with my money and my time). Something that is given to players, shouldn't be taken back, specially if you paid for them. I understand that we can't live in the past forever sure, but there needs to be a balance of the amount of commitment and time I put in the game, vs new guns that can naturally replace them. Also that argument or "hurr durr you can still use these guns in like 85% of the game hurr" is old. You cannot use these old guns during the Beyond Light campaign. You cannot use these guns in Nightfalls, Raids, Empire Hunts or assorted challenges in Europa. In fact, it's easier to say that we can only use these guns in non-light enabled PvP, which i've stop caring (since Bungie obviously don't care) and Strikes. So, truthfully, there's not a whole lot of places we can use the old guns either. As of right now I don't give a flying fuck for what legendaries I'm using, given that they'll eventually be retired. I see your argument, where you state that you don't understand the appeal of using old guns all the time. Here's the counter argument in my eyes: what's the point of farming in a looter shooter if: 1. There's not enough loot because they took a good chunk of everything away 2. Whatever you get has a life expectancy on it. Not feeling motivated to earn loot in a looter shooter is dangerous. But again, that's just me.
Marcos Danilo: 3:40 yeah, and what is happening now is exactly what people who against sunset said would happen. its obvious, bungie said they would raise the sky, problem is, they did it by jumping down a bottomless pit...
Marco Collyer: No point bringing back weapons sunsetted from the vault when so many people already deleted those non usable god rolls that they grinded long ago. This is very disappointing :/
philly phill: “I hope reissuing doesn’t happen.” Bungie has already said this is what they are going to do. Surprised you don’t remember or care to mention this.
Pablo Fernández: Still out of touch or rather maybe there's just a conflict of interests. If a person wants to use a gun for 300 years, what do you care?. Get the new guns like you want and use those guns, let the rest of the players do their shit.
Peace OneMuhammad: I miss the old WHISPER waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Whiteboyangel: So they are removing some guns and bringing some that we already have back? I was about to hop back on since no fun games lately but ill pass
3LOI RDSA: « I want more gun » because Bungie took all my stuff
Will Donaldson: i grinded the recluse and mountaintop and in one of the people who is content with running strikes for hours. these guns were everything in destiny for me and they pretty well halved my fun factor
hernan perez: Guns that had were tied to quests should not be sunset since we had to invest so much time and effort to even get them in the first place
J W: Destiny has run its course. Move on people.
James Richardson: I just wish there was a "ethiric light" like system where you could select one gun and increase its level cap (NOT PINNICLES THOUGH) I think if they did this people could grind for the item and bring a item the player values back up. I love my CoS loot and mindbenders because I love me hive runes. If the etheric light thing was introduced people could hold on to there favourites and look forward to the new guns. Probably a million and one issues but I wish this could happen. I miss my mindbenders... Edit: I am excited for new guns and honestly try to switch up my load out, but there's some weapons that I love, felwinter, ringing nail, tyranny of heaven. I just like the look of the weapons and wish that they were not useless. While I wish some pinnicles could be reworked as exotics, I just wish that some guns from the games past were still useful. Hell bunjie could even put up a "poll" of some kind where players can vote on which guns they would like to see introduced. Just feels bad because in season of arrivals my main thought wasn't "I want God rolls" it was "I just want crap to use next year". I still love the game don't get me wrong but I'm building myself around my abilities rather than my guns (and as a warlock if I'm not using well then what's the point?) There is just a handful of weapons that I think everyone is attached to and don't want to leave behind as they are "theirs" sounds stupid but I bet everyone reading this had at least 1 gun that they were attached to and used because they liked the look. Sunsetting while overall good forces people to leave stuff they like behind, if they start Sunsetting exotics though I'm done...
8bitpothead: @3:43 You're just wrong falling guillotine was strong and they nerfed it... That was supposed to be the point of sunsetting... If it's strong it will only be strong for so long, no nerfs...
Spoiled-Milk: I want more gun because there are no 120 rpm hand cannons in the loot pool the only one you can get is the iron banner one that only comes around once every season. There are pretty much no snipers with Quickdraw and snapshot you can get anymore. There are no 600 or 720 rpm kinetic auto rifle you can get anymore. They should just replace the world loot poll with umbral engrams so you can grind for what you want and not get drops of weapons you already have god rolls of
Zac Ward: Here's a thought I have always finished the season pass and had a month and a half or so to wait. before beyond light my season pass was like 400 something. I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED THIS SEASON PASS and I wont because its boring and why grind for an irrelevant next year god roll?
TheReaper2000: I feel like the community still isn't being heard. I don't care how cool or the loot is per season. I"m not gonna get "jazzed up" and spend 15+ hours grinding for a weapon with a power cap coming in 2 seasons. I don't care if they re-issue weapons because I know they won't be relevant after 2 or so seasons unless the re-issue them time and time again. I've never been a fan of the idea of sunsetting in Destiny. The reasons they give for doing it such as "bloat" and trying to make people use different weapons just seems like a lazy answer to me. The game at its biggest was only at around -what?- 100-110GB? Modern Warfare was pushing 200GB last year. Okay so maybe it wasn't the size, but the vast amount of content to play that was causing confusion in new players thinking about what to do. You gonna try to tell me that much variety and choice is a reason to sunset 3+ destinations and multiple ENDGAME activities like Black Armory and Managerie? Call me crazy, but weren't those two seasons some of the best Destiny has ever had? They're 2 of the only times we've ever been able to "craft" our own gear in this so called action MMO. So the other idea of it is that Bungie didn't want everyone running Mountaintop - Recluse strat for the next 2-3 years.Why remove every pinnacle weapon in the game that people spent countless hours working for? This is an especially sore subject for me because I EARNED the Recluse and Revoker, both of which are now useless in endgame content. Pinnacles should've been untouchable as far as sunsetting goes, just like exotics. They're some of the most unique weapons the game has ever had, and now every single one of them is removed because people whined about them being OP. I got news for anyone that whined about them: I whined too, and I went and EARNED 2 pinnacles for myself. Just because Bungie was too lazy to balance their PvP, I and everyone else that EARNED our pinnacles over countless hours of frustration and grinding now have nothing to show for it. (By the way, those same kids whining about pinnacles will do the same thing over every OP weapon Bungie adds. i.e, Felwinter's, any HC with a good TTK, etc.) TL;DR, sunsetting sucks, Bungie took the lazy/easy way out, we should've asked for Destiny 3 instead of a continuation of an imperfect foundation that Destiny 2 is. The game is always going to have problems because Bungie put themselves into a corner with how their game is built; they've said it themselves in the past, the engine isn't easy to work within. In the end, make Destiny 3 on Unreal 4/5 and build the game right.
Lunokhod: I called it as soon as it was announced. But I'm glad that the content creators are swallowing their pride and admitting it was a failure.
Freedom Bird: My question is why did bungie feel the need to sunset armor on top of the guns call me weird but I loved rocking the destination armor from some of the planets that they took away. Not to mention that we paid for with our own MONEY
Tyler Durden: I'm not sure what more I would expect from bungies biggest shill. You don't want new guns you don't want old guns. Of course not you want money from making content. Why have guns at all? Why not just have emotes and cosmetics and we'll just all run around with the latest eververse set dancing around with new emotes.
n1njachikin: How about this: Have the gun design team... ...wait for it... ...MAKE NEW GUNS!?!?!?!?
MillzthatKillz7: They need to have armor/weapons that gives stat bonuses etc, and give us things to chase that add to those bonuses (ie Diablo 3) & stat mid/maxing... until that happens Destiny will be painted into a box
Glyn Davies: Sorry Datto, but I rely on the internet for independent thought and freedom of expression. How can you continue to look yourself in the mirror? How much is Bungie paying you NOT to say that they just shafted their entire player base from both D1 and D2, AGAIN, and deserve to go bankrupt? *unsubscribe*
Alex Won: I think what bungie messed up on is that the sunset way too many weapons. Theres really no alternatives to many weapons that people like. Pinnacle weapons were the real point of contention. No one cared about nameless midnight being OP or broken but yet it was still sunset. Weapon variety is good, but what bungie did was take away all the weapons and gave us a few new Europa weapons and the raid gear and that was it. Hopefully these are just growing pains, but damn is it painful.
TUF Bubblz: You really kinda do speak for bungie because holy hell you are VERY out of touch.
Rip My Name: I don’t even think rampage is a problem
Jd Dye: I am a 50 year old solo player. The raids and trials are not an option for me realistically. So I just want to play interesting content, even if it is a little repetitive. That doesn’t seem to be asking for too much.
I am your inside thoughts: I wish they never gave a cipher quest to Xur, rather they made it a rare drop you can only get once a week from master or grandmaster nightfall's or trials. then they could be used to buy guns from the vendor or to raise the light cap on sunset weapons to the current seasons cap. This way we could continue to use only a few of our old guns. I just thought this while probably a pain to code was a good way around some of the issues.
ME-Resistance: Why people want more weapons? Some may want more weapons of the same archetype sure, but most of us I feel want a larger variety of weapons from different archetypes across different slots. We don't need yet another 140rpm handcannon. What we do need would be some energy 120 HCs. Any at all. Even without sunsetting the amount of previously 110s in that slot was ridiculously small. There should be an up-to-date version of any archetype for either slot. And some variety both aesthetically as well as functionally. Different recoil patterns, mag sizes. Little things like that can make or break a weapon for people.
Aaron: You know what? I am totally fine with expiration dates for food and medicine but, last I checked, guns dont grow mold.
Dream146: Just a few new and interesting guns a season, maybe one pushed "recluse" level weapon, worth chasing would suit me. I don't want or need another suite of 30 different weapons to dismantle every few months.
Mark: God this game is a piece of shit now. Feel physically ill even thinking of playing it. So sick and tired of Bungies bullshit and as a result of NOT playing this heap of shit, Ive had fun playing so many other games, it’s been wonderful. Do yourself a favour.
Thomas Figura: Sunsetting should be 6 seasons, and if you masterwork it it should be bumped to 8. This gives ample time for creative weapons to grind for.
YoRHa Fox: If the whole point of sunsetting was to move away from damage perks... Why the fuck didn't they just pull a D1Y1 Felwinter's?
APghost 16: Rip my God rolls of every gambit and crusade guns
yackfou2412: For me the ‚new content‘ or sunsetting means i have to work to have fun in Destiny. I would like to play the Game How i want. Sometimes i play crucible sometimes i run a few NFs but now there taken all my motivation to play Destiny again because the Game seems like work Not like fun. I like to grind too but I d like to see an end. I would play different weapons but bungie only makes a few one busted. Greetings from Germany
bigmac22ify: Destiny always had bad terrible world building and storytelling. The only thing going for them is the loot and they can’t keep up with that, no new pvp maps, no new strikes, no new game modes but making some guns and armor is too much to ask ?
Mara Senna: I hate you Datto
Xander Saleh: What's up Dee hey man I don't understand, why no one's talking about it we pay for bunch of dlcs/seasons. But bungie took it away and sunset weapons.. so if this is the case give us some free dlc or give us back our money on all those seasons and planets they took away. I've never seen any company do this you pay for DLC after a year they take it away I'm very puzzled is Bungie the only one that's doing this s*** Someone please tell me
jh90066: Sunset Luke Smith.
murruelaflaga: I think those that want more guns it's just the idea of getting something new and something new to try. For me I'm a mix of both, I like finding a gun I enjoy and holding onto it, but I also like to dabble with new guns I find to see if I even like it. My big thing is having new armor sets cause it's always fun to see the new designs. I play warlock mainly and I love all the cool looks. Hate having those get sunset cause then I have to look for something new. Though it usually works out.
blackdragon 706.: To be honest D2 has died nothing good has came out of bungie after forsaken
Regan Johnson: I want variety, cool looking armour to grind so I can flaunt my guardians ass off. Not stat hunting and then buying the skin from the in game store. Strikes to have unique loot related to the strike boss and nightfall giving adept versions of said loot. I want to play in crucible and not get frozen every second (I play on console so not as much cheaters). No nightfall playlists or SRL to return. Items that evolve such as the husk of the pit > necrocasm. I want to be able to just dick around it patrol but still aquire good stuff in a variety of ways not just three ways. Hard mode raids to return with challenge mode, have a different design of the raid loot to come from the hard mode and challenge mode to award adept guns and armour cosmetics. There's allot more thing I think Destiny needs and that why I just mushed all these points together. I've been playing this game since day 3 of D1, I played though all the draughts ( even the infamous draught between the dark below and house of wolves ) stopped with curse of otitis in D2 and returned with Warmind, six year of dedication and consistent grinding and it crumbling away in front of us.
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