Kevin Durant Game Winner vs Bucks Thriller! 2020-21 NBA Season

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Samuel: Everybody ducking lebron in the west 😂.

Frank well': But do they know about Caucasian shaq

Θάνος Μέλλιος: middleton is clutch

Daniel Godfrey: Are we just gonna ignore Kd’s bald spot?

Equis: “They don’t know about Caucasian Shaq!” Lmaoo at the end

Danny Sandoval: Bruh KD gotta start brushing his hair or just go bald

KAMRON UTHER: Jump ball cheese

splink on kbm: One of the reasons why it’s so close is because the nets have no defence

Tui luafitu: Lakers will surely makes the playoff. And that's the moment I am waiting for.

SticksTV: Bucks fans don’t be too upset, the bucks didn’t shoot well

Michael Williams: Expect the next game to be 135-130 for the nets

Xeon: One of the top 5 game of the season

Christopher Solo: KD balding :((((

Uncian0: Giannis cutting hard for the ooop. Too bad Middleton hero ball moment took it away...

Vis Santana: The bucks should’ve taken the two 💀 and tied the game

Non Of Ur Business: why is nobody talking ab giannis hitting his jump shots.

Doom Slayer: KD is clutch. 👍

MixedBoii: Deandre Jordan and Harris are Underrated

Doom Slayer: Trade Kyrie for Drummond. Send his ass back to Cleveland. Lol

Christian Lillard: Is Kevin Durant going bald????

xFlow777: kyrie should troll Shannon Sharpe now

No Chill: why we letting kd bald spot slide lol

Dominic Carrano: Honestly, the Nets should trade Kyrie for some defenders. Harden can run point and the they have plenty of offensive firepower with KD and Harden. They don't need another scoring point guard

CHANDLER BATCHELOR: thats going to be tough harden and DJ.

ib macgrady: 2:23 that actually could have went in

Truefire: It’s weird seeing James harden pass the ball lol

Madam Madam want not: Is KD going bald?

David Gutierrez: Gianns should've came to the warriors.

Hungry Inosuke: Look how they chopped harden missing the 3 lmao

Ben Henderson: 2:28 .

David Brow: Kevin Durant is the best player in the NBA.

Jack nasty Gamein: Kd a dunker now

Cato Cash: 1:12 harden is so filthy 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Chance 2x: So we go ignore 2:26 😂 chris smoove kne wat he was doing 💯

Giannis Mparkas: Why Middleton is guarding kd?🤷🏻‍♂️

iSoCluTch2kX: Kyrie a goat for buying a house for George Floyds family

Clausvonclauswitz: the reason it was so intense is because Defense wasn't there xD

ngede nkiondalle: i love lebron but KD is a cheatcode my lawwd

Peter: 2:35 damn never knew KD was turning bald

Matt_Best11: Possible eastern conference finals

TyJamar: Nail biter hell of a game.

Whatever movie u didn't see i was in it: Snake charmer and the Beard

Isaac Shapiro: trade kyrie for a nice big

Beagle 2k: KD is now the best player in the NBA

KootenaiKing: LoL damn the nets needed an all-star team to beat Giannis. Fukk the nets.

Fit Fanatic: nets in 4

Jamie Nguyen: What a game give giannis his props cos he couldve been on the nets

TheDJShaw _: Anybody see KD head 😳

Medicinal Blood: I just wanted to be the 420th comment. 💨

Feralwolf155: Goddamn the Nets have no defense

Buccaneersfan13 Mendez: Breaking news: nets and bucks cant stop scoring😂

AveryMoodyVEVO: Nets looked scary and really comfortable. Harden is getting better with his new role.

Iso LovesTaso: middleton sold tbh.

KOTS: Little did we all know Kyrie is the Avatar and is just learning all the elements to beat the Lakers Nation

jake gecolea: Typhoon Kyrie is coming hahahaa team chemistry DESTROYER

Dennis Kaware: Nets with no kyrie can beat the fully healthy bucks 🔥🔥🔥

YaBoyWilli A.: Wtf was that 4th quarter? 💀

Marvin Petion: Jesus loves you all❤️, allow him into your hearts

Marvin Petion: Jesus loves you all❤️, allow him into your hearts..

Marvin Petion: Jesus loves you all❤️, allow him into your hearts..

Vinnii A: kyrie spotlight was mad brief, he ain’t gon be happy lmaoo

Mo obad: Trade kyrie for Giannis Mohahahaha😈

Don't choke On your aspirations director: I ain’t gonna lie the bucks long asf lol

Marvin Petion: Jesus loves you all❤️, allow him into your hearts

InvazeMo: Harden looks so weird in a nets jersey 😂

BatLUL: New Look Nets

Crazy Eight: They don't need Kyrie anymore.Trade him for big guys.

JensenAmory: People forget harden and KD have played together before...

GOOB: Middleton coulda hit giannis at the end there rip

Sammy Sosa: Middleton missed giannas on the cut 🤣🤦🏾‍♂️

Lillian Magee: KD "YES"

Myka Fernandez: russ will join them for OKC reunion

Michael Shannon: Kevin has a big bald spot on the back of his head

Dick Thunder: So we're now calling shots made 36 seconds before the buzzer a game winner, huh?

Ibadeniji 2013: Kyrie finna be alfred for KD and Kyrie

Noob: Both starters combine for 100, Nets 110 pts

Kuba Olszewski: Kyrie gonna make them worse.. and toxic

Devastinator: MIL BKN MILBKN

BigBoards23: The amount of threes that Brook Lopez missed that game SMH.

Αντρέας Νταλανάι: So giannis is still gonna stay in Milwaukee.... He is wasting his prime years unfortunately.

Johnny Boy: Looking at how KD and Harden have combined over just 2 games, I now understand why KD was pissed at OKC for trading Harden.

KaioCrap: Back and Forth lol 😂

Oel Dave: Trade kyrie for Westbrook

The Anonymous Prod.: 2:33 the bald spot of kd rises again

Mighty Maynard: KD’s about to put his name up with these 2 Goat’s hairline: LeBron Caruso

DRECAPONE: I got the bucks winning the championship

Nico Casanova: KD really need to join the bald team

Jamal Howard: Damn that bald spot in the back of KD’s head is prominent.

6 Feet-Tall: Place kyrie as pg but then when kyrie wants to make plays.. Pass it to harden to take decision.... If he wants to iso.. Allow him.. Cause with the way kyrie plays as a pure scorer.. 😂😂😂.. They won't still make the chemistry.

deep blue: Damn KDs wearing ginobili’s crown

Harmon: We in for a season.

lou J: I just realized Harden has reunited with his former coach from Houston ☠️

lou J: Nets are looking dangerous rn

Platnium Sky: Kd don't believe in a damn brush I see lol

J4M3Sx615x: GOTY

cackster72: Kyrie gonna come back and mess up the teams chemistry

Amadou Ndiaye: Thrilling game

Jave Boyboy: Nets definitely have firepower, but everyone’s jokes about no defense is so true 💀🤣

Edward Biglang-awa: Bucks organization is trash they don’t care about Giannis

TrackHawk1: "The bucks almost took them down" ......unfortunately the nets are the new villains

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