SPOILER ALERT! RuPaul's Drag Race Season 13 Extra Lap Recap: Phenomenon

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Theresa UzhcaP: Raven definitely deserved that Emmy because RuPaul looks gorgeous

Catapillargirl 20: I’m surprised Utica is 7th day Adventist. I went to a wedding for that religion once and there was no alcohol and no dancing (as it is thought to lead to sex)??? So seems pretty strict abc old fashioned. Perhaps there are many variations.

B Lacks Comedy: Where is that Jaida Essence Hall clip at 2:19 from?

M Toffo: I liked all of them, but Tamisha is the queen we need (though I wouldn't mind Rosé)

Midnightcattt: Jocelyn Fox for All Stars💙😸✌

Sergio Melendez: Does anyone feel Ross was really rude and insensitive with his critique that Kihmora has no personality and that doll referance? I mean.. how can you say to anyone "you have no personality"? That's the biggest insult ever.

V4Vonnie: I literally was thinking a few days ago, I guess we don't get extra lap no more

ella i’m still ella: Rosé’s second look in the mini challenge is one of my favourites from the whole show

Casey klee: Bitch put a damn wig on

Lord Walker: Tamisha’s sheer dress was nice but it would not even be on the top 20 of best looks, didn’t under everyone raving about it.

Alea Lytle: For how often her name is used, I hope Victoria Porkchop Parker is getting royalties.

ghosty4: Man, I thought there were cute boys, on Drag Race, in the past, but then Joey Jay came into my life, and I don't think any Drag Race boy will ever do if for me in quite the way he does it for me!! Cutest boy EVER!!

Josue Martinez: This guy it’s annoying af

Lamar Latrell: I miss jon and john

xxchobitsgurlxx: What happened to Kahmora's vamp lewk?

TAO TAO: It’s very clear that the “winners” were chosen at random. They have no advantage whatsoever. #teamporkchop #ilovetamishaiman

poggerz!111! ! ! !: tina is so annoying... so ugly.... so untalented.... so fat

Jj Mm: Elliott giving Pennywise Mug realness. Thorgy you are safe.

Fearsome Beard: John Polly, you is phenomenal baby. You make me swoon!

Harmony Shakurrr: Why Nicole look like she got beat up lol

Michaela Casey: I am in love with Tamisha Iman and Utica, and all of the girls in that group. The ‘winner’s circle’ may have a serving of humble pie coming up, hot 🥶

Valhala X: Is it me or did WOW skip over Kahmora’s second look? 😂

Derrick Harley: "No pressure, but Jesus is great!"

katydid9: I ❤️ you John Polly! This week is wonderfully punny!

Roy Moreno: Why oh why must you be so yummy, sexy and funny...;)

Pauline Moriarty: Rose has me questiononing my thoughts, whether in or out of drag

Bailey King: I have no idea why this series is still running, no offence but there are SO many other better recap series out there. The humour is dated. Queens like Bob, Alaska/Willam, Yuhua, hell even Kimora are better at recapping the episodes. Never understood the appeal for this series, but I guess the view count speaks for itself.

Andrew Thomas: The shade of not covering kahmoras verse

Joe Hicks: Why did that lip sync look choreographed? Like they did almost the exact same lip sync.... I’m not hating it was fierce but they really went for like the same 8 moves....

Lyssa: Special Guest? Hm Hopefully not Jackie again

Geena Lawrence: This group was better in every single way compared to the “winner” circle. The fashion looks, the musical, the lipsync performance etc. i was LIVINGGG this episode!

saxyroro: I loved Phenom! I feel like I was the only who remembered it!

Siobhan: What the fuck is this garbage

Johan Vajse: I absolutely fell in love with Tamisha this episode. And dang it! even Rose made me like her

Wendy Willason: Can he do the UK Recap show too because John Polly is KILLING me lol

joshidol: someone is hurting them vocal chords 😅

Michael Romero: I use to give my self a time limit of getting painted and if I didn't make the time I improved on what was taking me so long and use different techniques but omg just to see her struggle with time is worse than coming on the show not knowing how to sew

Jo Jo: Denali was givin me orchid realness 👌🏾💗 (my fave flower) 😻

ERIKA DOWDY: Tamisha looks like Doja Cat , in drag AND Rose looks like Simon Cowell, out of drag Imo

J.Sanime: I remember Phenom. Ashley Johnson was the younger sister.

karmabum21: i get that Joey Jay doesn't wear wigs but I feel like some of those looks would've looked even better if she did.

Yohan Brad: The world has fallen in love with Tamisha Iman🥰😍

Bryce Eilenberg: I'm just like Tamisha when my friends are picking out what to eat for dinner. I'll eat anything, I'm just hungry!

Amira F: its tamisha’s drag race now

Gevonte Watson: Extra special guess??? Will the other John make his return???

Yannick Chauveau: Please for the next Recap, don't forget to active the Translator Button, 'cause he's help a lot to follow, and understand, the fast race english language during the video !!!!!!! Thanks !!!!!!!!!

mikeytherealist: tamisha iman's drag race

Green Ghost: Not getting the tamisha hype, all of her outfits were so plain

No Hate Just Laughs: Kamorahhh!! Stop relying on that Bob Mackey dress-thethhh!! We see the “C”, but you needed to give us the rest of UNT, on this episode🤣🤣🤣🤣💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️

Scene In Vegas: so glad to see you JP! we luv ya ❤️

Hybridteddy: From the house of HAAAOOOLLLL

xchawk: I LIVE for JP's squeaks.. OMG.. and that smile of his too cute. BLM. Made my day. NMT(No More Trump)

Doctor Steevo: That would be great if WoW present had more representation with its présenters get more black, Latino, Asian presenters in your shows please.

Doxford Perlas: RuPaul: Can I get an Amen up in here? Kahmora: 👁️👄👁️

umm huh?: The last time I was this early, Kamora was still on the show, doing her makeup 😂

Mynor Hehe: Phenomenon non non non non...

Ismael Perejon Moguer: First comment

Ismael Perejon Moguer: PERIOOOOD

Liz Gill: I’m eary

Shy Computer: omg

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