Police Arrest Alleged Serial Killer Kevin Gavin In Brooklyn
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PLR 88: Coward!!!Написать
Neka Nostalgia: Wtf...smh this is the land for the criminals...and priviledged ...omg 💙🙏🏽
Adeena Amatullah: Wow...An old man beating and killing women...Something tells me this wasn't his first rodeo.
Goat on Molly: What a coward
1ts3rick2tyles_69: Thought it said Kevin Garnett 😭😭
HealthyLiving: https://youtu.be/-x-9A0paIxs 😱
AJae Soriano: They knew he was dangerous !!! Not policing the neighborHOOD is apart of population control
Tough titty P Diddy: Wtf
Ben Grimm: Wow... Psychopaths get old
Lamingus Maytubbie: Good job getting this QAnon believer off the Street
Nia: Show his face
Newton Cole: Its sad...the state of humanity these days. Its like killing others is the In thing. Not defending any of his actions whatsoever...but cmon, labeling him a serial killer...that's overkill in my opinion. Now ...if the body count keeps going up then there might be something to it.
mistress adina: im hoping he will be put in general population and some jail justice will be served.
Man Christian: https://youtu.be/gPE_SBu2afw
Dollar Dame: A crackhead and old people don’t mix..
Rotten: So you can pass your apartment to another family member does dhcr do a background on that family member well it looks like they DON'T I guess they'll blame Donald Trump for not getting the cameras in Time instead of fixing the situation so it never happens again like background checks, I guess that'll be unconstitutional soon also.
flave lawson: Its sad that the victims family is going threw this it was senseless and don't make any sense yes they did not deserve what had happened to them i know all the families are suffering and going threw changes cause of this situation u never no wat is going threw a person mind or wat he is going threw mentally this is sad and I send m u condolences to the victims family im sorry this happened
mikeymarriott: No picture of the suspect, maybe showing his face will break other cases.
Officer Ricky Rozay: I thought it said Kevin gates lmao
cash miller: Ridiculous!!! RIP!
jada nixon: Boy I thought this said Kevin Gates
Seagull Club: 😃 All wickedness will soon be eliminated on the earth! How? Our creator Jehovah will soon remove the cause of wickedness- Satan the devil!! The 1000 year rule of Jesus will begin !! 😃
Cammy Ymmac: .. a money hungry murderer. Not surprised. Condalances to the families and loved ones.
Neek 4way: Just sick smh
Mrs. Lovely: He’s to old for this 💩. He’ll spend the rest of his old rotten evil life under the prison. And how did they not solve this long ago using those cameras. This investigation os so sloppy and May the 3 women rest in heaven in Jesus name 🙏💝.
Donique Whonder: Oh my word this is terrible
John C: Come on.....this is so 2020
Anne Wantschange: Bad is bad. Why did he get away with it so long?
Oteka Macklin: Seniors, disabled, and babies... If you hurt either, your fate is sealed.
The correction: Where's this bastard's picture?!!
Max K: More kills to happen only because it repeats over And over
james jones: Glad he was caught, now come to Chicago and arrest these serial killers too!
BlimpCityFeeder: K. Gavin needs to be under the jail. Multiple senior citizens trusted him, for helping them with errands as they assisted him in return. Just horrible, not trying to hear about 730 defense either.
Erick Burgos: So no picture of the scumbag eh
Salafiyyaaa: Well im glad his not the Killer ..hes just the ALLEGED Killer ...soooo
Young Tycoon: Way of the samurai chop head off. FATALITIES!! Flawless Victory.
Bryan Bradley: How much u wanna bet if he was white they would say he was rasict lol
Sir Steve 2006: Even with Modern Technology, there are still Serial Killers out there
Purple Rane: DON'T TRUST ANYONE...,(but God!!) What demonic spirit goes after elderly &/or children. Those are one of the most vunerable& helpless of humans.
Smoove wet Gaming: I wanted to say something to minutes ago but never mind and I was too tired
Kelly Struthers: 66yrs old he's done this before.
Scott Burnhard: Brownsville smh
Oliver Heredia: What a time to wear a bad brain shirt
Thirteen percent 52 percent: Of course they won’t show his picture. He blak. https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2021/01/22/kevin-gavin-alleged-serial-killer-carter-g-woodson-houses-murders-brooklyn-nycha/
Emmanuel Timote: A serial killer tho ?
Mister Taveras: 2019?? that is what leads to shit like this.. poor police work!
A.D. Mitchell: It just irks me and work my nerves why do the media always say mister orm sir or ma'am for the lady know you are serial killer you are killer don't give them positive titles it all
g money: 3 murders they know of when someone gets caught just imagine how many times they did it without getting caught
Master Jedi: Why does every News station choose to use Reporters of the Nationality of the Victim to report the story. In this case it's a Reporter of Latin descent reporting on the murder of another of Latin descent and people of color?
Sound GOD: This is the Assisted living managements fault for not vetting properly and only wanting to fill apartments with low income housing.
Florida bound: God 🙏 bless you and your family
Christopher G: It is media sensationalism to call this guy a "serial killer." Definitionally, he is a spree killer, a distinction that ratings hungry journalists find unimportant. And you wonder why nobody trusts you to get the news right.
mask-n-gloves: Brownsville on demon time.
Bill Brown: Let me guess: Cause of Death listed as COVID
Rhonda Mccoy: They should have not needed him anyway. Please take care of your love ones.
Monica Gandy: 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Bruiser Brodie: Piece of chit. Smdh
Anna Lexi: *_WTF is up with all these serial killers in NYC?!! Super scary.. Glad they caught him!! Poor women.._* 😞😢😭
Jerome Baker: A fight over money doesn't mean he is a serial killer if that's the motive. He's just a killer!
Lucy Goosey: Where did this monster live before he lived here? Were there any other unsolved murders there also? It’s sad there was a security guard there but didn’t do any good bc he also lived there. Sick.
Bossgang13: Crazy
Maghoul Jones: RIP to These Ladies.
Steven Ferruzza: No matter the age of the individual, whether he's 26 or 66, i believe in his mind he knew what he was doing, gaining trust from people and elderly people at that just to take advantage of the other eldery people, the true character always is revealed and comes out when there is money involved. This is a big crime, not nothing just to be swept under the rug just because its in a low income housing complex no, no...a big crime is death, attempted murder, assault, this is other people lives that were taken. This man deserves to be put in jail for the rest of his life no parole, i don't want to hear he has mental problems he knew what he was doing from the beginning. Unfortunately i was victim too, in a low income housing complex. Redwood houses in coney island brooklyn, this happened in September 2017. i went to the police they did nothing, the person and their friends tried to kill me. I remember their name and address, they belong in jail too, their name is eugenay. Santos the adress is 5712 Farragut Road Brooklyn, New York 11234. The apartment is 6a.
Militantreturns: Sick. Smh
Miami Twotone: stop gangstalking and it won't be so easy for these bums to commit these crimes people get to comfortable when they are always accepted on the scene
jdc31947: WHO DID HE KILL?
AkbarGaming TV: I thought the title said Kevin Gates 🤭😂
Gary Snyder: Why are we gonna look into his past...likely history of crime...cause Libs excuse every behavior as an oppression
We are Vikangs !!! n shiet: Let's blame whitey call it systemic racism or some shit .
John’s Reptile Page: This system so fucked up that killer is going to get protection in prison ..smh
Joe Trump: So basically a serial killer was on the lose in that building and it was still open for business. Wtf
Fmark Mend: You better start raising these kids better
De'Mario's Reef aquarium: Really sad that another human will take another ones life for a green piece of paper, pure evil amongst us.
Happy Girl: My condolences to the families!
Galaxia X: PBS won’t allow any comments because they are embracing communism style of suppressing your voice but every one knows that dominion software selected Biden not America, our constitution and republic are over .
Hamburger: Why did it take so long?
Kash x Lukky7: Thought shyt said Kevin gates
Summer West: 66 yr old kicking back at the senior center? Lazy ass, get a job.
Dave Beaudry: They need to look into this guys past of where he's been and similar crimes where he has been. I hope and know he's going to burn in hell someday.
Mrs Kia Martin Hill: How did he get away with the first one!! He shlda been arrested. NYPD sucks Prayers to the family and friends.
Kari: No picture?
Elevated Emotions: Old as man killing people too old for that
ung427: Hey! It's Steve Caballero!
Jim Tessin: So sad
Sergio Ingelmo: Dam I can’t imagine seeing my moms like that, that dude is going to need therapy
K-Kay: My deepest condolences to all the victims family's. This is heartless and tragic. Praying for them all
Tay Mosley: Damn..that’s some shit..RIP to them..my Granny would’ve popped his ass tho 💯
Tray Stephany: Sad story, poor folks.
Edward Mercedes: If he's alleged, how is he responsible?
Hás Starship7: grandma lived here,,,
JackedMumin: They should have cameras on each floor and elevators
Lenard Osborns Justice: I am tracking a serial killer in Sacramento I brought this guy on Dr. Phil and believe it, Dr. Phil covered up a child’s rape. Coke to my channel and subscribe. This is a true story! I promise all of you I found a serial killer I have the proof and yes Dr. Phil will get exposed in the process. #cancelDrPhil
Black Zeus: This guy was a monster. He strangled one woman with a telephone cord. For him to bag 3 at this age he’s done it before...
WizardBeard: You show all the victims families but protect the killers identity and don't even show a picture of him. Media is garbage.
mee mee the cat: DONT THEY HAVE SECURITY.
rhuttrho88: A serial killer in 2021?🤯
Vera Cruz: Damn I love cereal! Ps....you look stupid with your masks
T B: Of coarse he’s going to be prosecuted. Why say you “Hope” he’s prosecuted. What like he’ll have a million dollar lawyer. Doubt it.
William Zander: This individual had been caught before and he knew the system.
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