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Matthias Haridy: I found a golden chair out of the io gaurd boxes

MsLesbo21: You dont no?

MsLesbo21: Duuu

Lucy Mishukov: What if female midas is pretending to help Jonsey but she is actually trying to bring Midas back or gonna try to do what Midas try to do in the doomsday device?

Najat Anna: If you go tho the zipline by weeping Woods you sy that house and you sy the rock wit de clauws of woverine!!!!!!!

Gaming_with the Cousins: I loved the mems can you add some more please 😀

Levi Sears: Shhhh

Najat Anna: Wolverine is coming back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zak Szabat: In the season five battle pass trailer Jones he has a purple tie

Cecilia Ochoa: Cg max is me the 12 year old boy and mabe agent jonsy is actualy og jonsy but went back in time and his portal rift broke

far cry fan: It's not an armband it's a tourniquet bro when you get hurt and your bleeding a lot it helps stop the blood

Josh Darnell: It all makes sense the visitor was trying to eskape the loop but agent jonsey rifed him away and the sintist succeed and agent joensy made it think the seven though they were in control but he was trying to manipulate them to make them never come back but that will fail

Josh Darnell: @communicgaming

Josh Darnell: @comunicgaming It all makes sense the visitor was trying to eskape the loop but agent jonsey rifed him away and the sintist succeed and agent joensy made it think the seven though they were in control but he was trying to make them never come back but that failed from josh

Josh Darnell: @communitygaming It all makes sense the visitor was trying to eskape the loop but agent jonsey rifed him away and the sintist succeed and agent joensy made it think the seven though they were in control but he was trying to make them never come back but that failed from josh

Josh Darnell: It all makes sense the visitor was trying to eskape the loop but agent jonsey rifed him away and the sintist succeed and agent joensy made it think the seven though they were in control but he was trying to make them never come back but that failed from josh

Josh Darnell: It all makes sense the visitor was trying to eskape the loop but agent jonsey rifed him away and the sintist succeed and agent joensy made it think the seven though they were in control but he was trying to make them never come back but that failed from josh

Josh Darnell: It all makes sense the visitor was trying to eskape the loop but agent jonsey rifed him away and the sintist succeed and agent joensy made it think the seven though they were in control but he was trying to make them never come back but that failed from josh

Martin Hinze: *CommunicGaming* its true what people say about this map 2526-8405-4603

Cristina Medina: Watch newescapepro

Gaming News: female Midas isn't coming to the game this was confirmed by my talk with EPIC GAMES. EPIC GAMES thought it was a interesting piece of art so they thought it would look cool in the battle pass and not as a skin. "It would be difficult to make a female Midas skin because we would have to change Midas' properties to a girl skin which would lead to the Midas skin to be locked. Therefore we will not make this skin as many players would be upset with the disappearance of the Midas skin, and they would notice that it's locked so they would think about a female Midas skin." This was taken from my talk with EPIC GAMES and it confirms that there will be no female Midas skin and its only just a loading screen made by Alex.

FortniteTravis YT: I new it was the dooms day divise as soon as it came out

Pęđŕø Hĕņřïqųē: ISPUDDY?! WOOOOOOW!!!!! btw the thumbnail is an freaking THE DEVICE EVENT RECREATION

RyanF7: Midas may want to recreate the device event and now he wants to escape the loop and let us escape the loop and Jones and his bounty hunters will try and stop that but Midas would succeed with his plan and break the loop and the Zero Point in the event this season

tihitina yimer: kill ruckus

•Soft Dxnosaur•: The fact I have played Fortnite in months is crazy and idk what going on anymore

he his goku lol: I have never seen him get a win

Med Najsladji: Clickbaiter

SHADOWNAGATO TJ GOAT: I'm soon making a video of lexa and her brother you should watch it

easha scranton: No it’s not the orb is bigger the zero point is smaller

John Equiv: If only he used his shotgun. 9:06

The Michael Show: Ok just because you commentors knew already doesn't mean everyone does Edit: And all of y'all bots need to go away no one cares about you and your links just go away and be normal

Ghost Master: Do you think you’re funny you’re not you’re stupid dumb and don’t nothing about this you are the one of the worst YouTube is that I’ve ever seen in the history you are the click bait master you’re like oh this didn’t happen and your title and click bait says I did the glitch happen you are dumb

Jeanette Barber: To Beef boss as mancake

Xavier Encarnacion: I new it

James Reynolds: Did u know that the black night has the same arm band as jonesy

Santiago Morales: It is not of midas it is galutes that made the zero point there was the zero point and gaulates sucked the 🌍 and galactus made the zero point not midas but good they.

Darth vader: When r u gonna do a face reveal

Ole Basile: The one he bringing the terminator in the game he might be dressing up

swe no: Mides sister

How to Draw!: Does anyone else realize that he is stupid Agent John Jones could not have been on the island the whole time he came to the island in the trailer.default jonsy is a snapshot of agent John Jones.

Nayyar Rizvi: Every OG default has that red cloth on their hand

MrLamaMan: Look at the terminator trailer agent Jonsey haves a ring on his left hand on his ring finger! Maybe it’s his boss/girl on the phone... Like so he can see this

TGP- Henry: 5:58 Looks like normal Midas with long hair in a skirt 😂

Madhurika Agarwal: I think female Midas is Jules

Matthew Bratton: The golden objects are connected to each midas the gnome is gone because girl midas is in the game. So it disappears when each snapshot comes in.

Jacob Lujan: And yet, no one was going to tell him the zero point was still underground during the device event. Midas used the *power* of the zero point, but that wasn't it up in the sky. Also, as a bonus, the "tunnel" that Agent Jones uses to make it to the island is actually a wormhole that activates when the dark power from "Kevin" and the zero point power mix, somewhat like a rift, but the rifts have one extra element we don't understand yet.

beanbag290: I love how every time we need v bucks in the game, we easily get them from fornite.best

ari_venture: I love how every time we need v bucks in the game, we easily get them from fornite.best

Michele: I love how every time we need v bucks in the game, we easily get them from fornite.best

coldmirror117: I love how every time we need v bucks in the game, we easily get them from fornite.best

Coolpig 551: I dont agree with your theorie

Coolpig 551: Predtor

Jesse Sandow: Watch ipuddy he is halaries

Fujisaki Tōru: That's a enchants aside catty corners

Shafay Qaiser: I tried the glitch that gets you in the portal it did not work but I did it with a truck with 98 or 96 or 100 fuel

Ben Gaming: *CommunicGaming* this map 2526-8405-4603 has zapatron

Josthin Rodriguez: i think the midas is trying to get powers to destroy the map in season 2 he was trying to destroy the map but his location got destroy and we saw the boat that hade his plan and we saw him 2 times season 2 and season 3 also in the trailer so is he trying to destroy the map

Ramiz Gul: *CommunicGaming* best map 2526-8405-4603 with hacks

Brayden David: Femail

I am a Fortnite Bot: I think the arm band looks a head band from a movie but I don’t know witch one

Brayden David: The email midas is going to redo the doomsday

Brayden David: My nigga


Catdog6712 YT: Has anyone been hearing the noise The containment team alert sound.

Gary Walker: Were sooo close to escape the loop

miles boanes: SUBSCRIBE TO @ispuddy

Betty Newton Husbands: I love you

boldviking: CGMax: no one knew what this skin was for, but she seems to relate to Midas. Everyone: we knew that ages ago!!!

Rickey recks99: yore the best fortite lore youtuber i watch thank you

Family Of Fun: Hey did you notice that the rocks in the center of the island resemble the vault from the first chapter and I think personally since the 0 point is above the wall like it was in the last game maybe remedy and the in the vault keeper are going to come back

Mackenzie Cross: Are you dumb video used a device was under the authority and the agency so what and when you’re like this Came he got zero points I’m on the authority are you dumb or what

isaiah D McDonald: I already node.that the zero point was in the Doomsday events

isaiah D McDonald: How do you know how old that is there a point was in the Doomsday events

Santana Jr. Aguilar: So madis made the hole

shadow squad: I think people are forgetting that epic games/Donald mustered already said that they have everything planned and that they are Probly working on ch 2 s8 right now. And Midas is coming back but as a female because just like Maxs has said people who have entered the zero point, just like touching kevin the cube, have had gotten a copy of them like dark bomber is a copy of bright bomber. And the Joses they are all copyies of agent joses. So sense Midas entered the loop and saw agent joses that means that theres going to be a copy of him. And that copy is female midas. And will probly have the goal of escape the loop but be forced to be a bounty hunter along with the rest because agent joses will treating to kill Juiles/Maragold. Now if you got this far you will know I am now going to take some Ibuprofen

Santana Jr. Aguilar: I new it

Benge Meca: I not got battle pas so can you gift it to me

Gemma Griffiths: Hey fuck you cg max stop click baiting

zaiden gamers: The doomsday device from the trailer

Pikachu. master Gamer: Or he could be putting all the force into the zero point to make it explode

hyett fraser: You can go in the zero point

Pikachu. master Gamer: To destroy

its dexter: BRUH it is just a tie

Pikachu. master Gamer: He said that The zero is the loop and Midas was trying to destroy the loop was he going to send The Orange zero point what is the blue one by blowing itself Up

its dexter: Superhero skins Coming on February 11th Thursday and the zero point isn't the midas orb the orb is bigger

MURTAZA ESMAILJI: The golden character is a snapshot of mida only in girl form or there is a girl fortnite portal that will he made

its dexter: It's midades bitch

Razibul Haqe: this week purchased my favourite car with the help of that here search on the web for *g r e a t e a s y p a y*

Keaton Galactus: Omg maybe a snapshot

Krystal Cassibo: Bro i found the Midas Golden chair

Dennis Cerrado: What if Midas and female Midas is work together and get the zero point

Jessica Stanley: I love how every time we need v bucks in the game, we easily get them from fornite.best

Mya Faubert: I love how every time we need v bucks in the game, we easily get them from fornite.best

hugo grigord: I love how every time we need v bucks in the game, we easily get them from fornite.best

jackson chase: I love how every time we need v bucks in the game, we easily get them from fornite.best

A&D Gaming Bros: You’re an inspiration for my channel

ThatNerd21: GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

segzy king: Check out the guy name AKAKO on youtube he is almost gifting everday

Ana Sandoval: The doomsday device is bigger than The zero point

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