The Owl House: Season 3 - Full Intro Sequence

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amity waybright!: please read the description about why it's missing the last 15 seconds i know it's not the highest quality possible but it's what was made available join my discord server to see the full episode when it premieres:


James Temporary Account: I get goosebumps just watching an episode or like an update for the owl house cause I love the show so much

Nathan Marsh: I’m scared of what’s gonna happen in this episode 😥😥😥

floofy cupkim 119: Vee is baby! She looks like an adorable lil gremline of a cinnamon roll basilisk

Weebpotatoe !: The fact that Disney said that it doesn’t fit their channel 💀

Commenter: They're really saying "frack you Disney." with the LGBTQ+ pride. ❤️

GoldenFoxy_ 777: Hey! I'm wondering, are you going to be uploading the whole special on your channel, and if you are, when? I can't stream it, since I can't afford it, and your channel has helped me watch it. I am looking forward to seeing it, but I just wanna know the soonest I cam watch it. Thanks!!

b3ar coruja🦉: Luz is getting very similar to camilla

Alaina Reid: Hunter in crocs!!!

Alaina Reid: Willow cutting hunters hair and him blushing made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JH24821: I love this moment at 1:23. They're like a big family now! Seeing them all happy made my day. The reaction of Camilla, Luz and Vree is priceless.

KeBO42: I hope that luz and her freinds finds out how they can get back to boiling isle if note i will be really sad but this show is frikcking amazing thanks diana that you made this show ❤️❤️🇹🇷🇳🇴

Mason flower: If you look at the new poster for the new Season and zoom in close to amity you will see vee with her own Human form

SweetPea: 2:11 Look at Luz’s face here, you can tell that going back to school is the last thing she wants to do, or at least has on her mind. But she’s going anyways cus she knows she has to.

Motte's best of: awesome intro pity but that season 3 only has 3 episodes actually you could have made many more episodes eg where the school and so are shown

Mr.battledroid: Most unoriginal soundtrack

GlobularOne: why is t okay to sexualize kids in cartroons as long as they're not straight

Frankie Quartz: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy the best trailer

Maciej Urbański: Love Hanter

Sage Doggo: 1:38 this moment gives me life

Sage Doggo: IM SO EXCITED ⛹️

SirJames I Gamerfuzion: Man I can’t wait to watch the episodes it was hard hearing the issues it been going through but to have the fandom help aid in continuing the show has been fantastic to see still wish it would be a longer season but at least we are getting something rather then nothing

Dylan: 2:07 Next to Luz's lamp, you can see a post-it note from Amity that says "❤u Luz!"

//LostProxy Nevermore/ /: 0:43 OMG WILLOWS SLEEVELESS TOP! It has Mabel’s iconic shooting star!

The Green Globs: intro being 2:15 minutes oh wait I’m dumb SORRY-

darcygabi folken García Montes: the video as leader of the owl house is very good and greetings I'm new here

Daniel Rueda: wow incredible that this ridiculous serie could have more project seasons... really hard that the kids can have good cartoons... poor new generation...

Kirbpoyo3: Owl House Season 3 is a Final Season and Will Come Out in October 15th -Albert Einstein


allozillaraptor(experiment 09): Is this official?!?

⍟..sadness_catxx..⍟: now the characters were a bit nasty their old ways were sweeter :/

Raphiel: nooo money Lmao

Lotie The Bunny: This isso good!!!

Froggies Lol: I love how it just says I'm bi😂

DadMeene YTB: The gliph cannot work we have seen this in the end of season 1 instead it decomposes itself so the door cannot work and the drawings should bebgone on her book but its still amazinggggg


Ricky Barcelo: Ayooooo what the fu-

iTzArcuzMarcoo: hunter...Kinda looks like jacket and richard

The 808 Plate: these should have been full episodes instead of a montage

nick: they all look so cute

maiku: The Part of the new theme that hyped me so much it was in 0:34 IT LOOKS SO GOOD AND IT TURNS MUCH BETTER WHEN THEY SHOW UP THE NEW FITS

Setuaro: Luz must feel so disappointed about so many things, but now she's also just a normal girl, magic glyphs don't work on earth sadly D:

Frangart: Теперь это про лгбт , а не фэнтези. Очень жаль.

Raistlin 34: "Just telling my mom I'm bi? Too mainstream. Let's make an entire PowerPoint presentation with my girlfriend."

Illam95: I love them. They are adorable.

rottenwraith: I feel like there's 3-5 episodes worth of ideas here. - The witches getting used to the Human Realm - Early attempts to fix the portal - Luz coming out to Camila - Everyone getting a new look (Love Vee just backing through a clothing rack) - Hunter trying to find out about his 'family' for lack of a better term - Vee being more grounded with the Human Realm than the others - Willow taking up photography My inner anime fan is half hoping we get some sort of fma brotherhood treatment, and get to see these ideas fleshed out.

yonatan tal: What is this crap ?

Princess StarNight {*~MLPFDS*~} depressed: Wait amity can still use her magic in the human world?

HAIQAL siva: Wait there is that one scene that there is a snail but that snail looks familiar and turns out the snail is from amphibia series who was her name again? Bessy?

gao: willow's mabel pines shirt!

Travis Marshall Signo: Amity just cut off Odalia completely

Susan Kornas: 1:05 Ah crap, Hunter is blushing… 😓

DrawnWithLove: 2:07 Luz looking over to her egg after her failed glyph implies Luz will be able to use magic in the human realm soon, but she needs to wait till her palisman hatches (though honestly Luz if you just decided to make a normal palisman instead of your philosphical bs you wouldn't be having this problem)

jesus jimenez: Can you make a video loop of this? I love the song!

Ben Newmark: Are you sure this is an opening? Just looks like a clips montage.

Teddy: Why is this bullshit in my recommended

catrasredemption: Camila just standing there with a wallet full of money ready to dish out and buy clothes for her four new children (Vee is obviously already hers), and wearing a pride pin with every outfit. Mom of the year!

Khurt Andrei: 0:55 ayo can we all talk about that jaw line tho?

أحمد غانم: 🤮🏳️‍🌈


Just a person: Anyone else notice Willow is wearing the same pattern on her shirt than Mabel??


Everywhere but Nowhere: I love how everyone Is worried about Hunter being a clone while I'm over here squealing that he's in a flapjack fursuit 🥺

Ashley Graf: I wuk the owl house mro din you

Hilario Lieber Santana: You know one thing I REVERE about this series? That no one has the guts to say anything bad about her. Truly, in ALL of the vast Internet NO ONE has the courage to say a single negative thing. It is as if this series were Jesus Christ stepping back on earth. Literally the closest thing to a negative review is a video of a guy saying minor problems and a mental retard with a YouTube channel whose name I will not say so as not to give him propaganda that is ranting for SEVERAL insufferable minutes about all the minor stupidities of the series instead of seeing the real problems you have.

Harley Quinn: That is really tough for Luz. She discovered a magical ability she could do on her own but because it draws upon the magic of her surrounding environment, her magical education is rendered useless in the human realm. Self-empowerment found, but then lost as a direct result of her innate origins. That must be an emotional mix of loss, grief, frustration, anger, and guilt.

LoveNotLV: Love that we saw Caleb’s face

Aliyah Pulido: 0:44 I know all about the theories circling the internet about Grunkle Stan having briefly married Eda, and the connection between Gravity Falls' world and The Owl House's world, but LOOK! Willow's new tank top has the same color and design as Mabel's "Shooting Star" sweater that got Mabel her place on the Zodiac!

*BubbleGumLie*: “Gravesfield high” Grave is filled high?….

Dylan Kornberg: At this rate Camila Noceda is going to adopt teenagers faster than Sojiro Sakura

Naerion Targaryen: So the first one hour special, Luz adapts to living in the human realm again, but misses everyone from the Demon Realm. Meanwhile, her friends also adapt to living in the Human and Explore. But they all still try to find a way back home.

ThatOneWeirdo: Man the homophobes ain't gonna like this... good 😈


Beatriz: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💖

pollylik-e: I showed my mother the intro of this and she's Bi and she's liked it

Ramón Z: 0:53 I had never seen Hunter without his gloves. 🧤

Youtube Algorithm: They look like the greatest family to ever exist.

Rubric Cube: This was recommended to me and I don’t regret watching it

elly: the scene everyone drew her family i realised amity didn't draw her mom

Pilar paz Mayorga: Casi lloro, esta hermoso


Cunning Smile: 0:17 That's so precious

Lin2Waterfall: poor Luz. she is trying so hard to be happy and be there for Amity and the others. at least they are there for her in turn. they are there for each other. one big family

Hélios le gigantosaure: What is flag i dont know a country with this flag . And what this bi guy ?

𝓠𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼: It makes me kinda sad that all of these could have been full episodes but now they’re not because of stupid Disney

Zachary Renn-Kagamine: That’ll be awesome


Hodon Yassin: Looks amazing, especially with this scene! 0:18

Slimejumper: I'm still laughing at gus trying to put out a fire 😂

Da H: Notice how on 0:35 there are only 3 people on Amity's drawing: her sister, brother and her father. It's an interesting, but a sad detail.

Pamelq Taylor: Damn THANK YOU! I love the fact that Luz/Amity are together and have moments of pure happiness together and that Mama Noceda loves her girls! It honestly made me tear up!

Mr. YefuhD: Mucho homo no creen??

SOLTAN1383🔥: First : IT'S just me or Hunter's really got a crush on willow ? And second: DID they just put the flag of gay people on an intro ?

SOLTAN1383🔥: First : IT'S just me or Hunter's really got a crush on willow ? And second: DID they just put the flag of gay people on an intro ?

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