The Invisible Apex Man... - Apex Legends Season 7

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ulices antonio sanchez: He was behind your clone he wasn’t invisible

Apora & Stealth: Fax

Finley Dacombe: Mirage:Bamboozled Rich:Oh I killed him

Kris Dunlap: I respect Rich so much for being able to hit shots with a sightless G7. That's gotta be the hardest gun to hit anything with, the stock sights on it are awful!

2x 2x: I knew you get shot around the corner in this game! I'm not crazy! I'm always telling my teammates like "this person just killed me 5 feet around the corner"

2x 2x: How come when I watch streamers it seems like they're always fighting people that have no shield? But I get into a fight off drop & the entire team has purple shield already

ABDIEL VAZQUEZ-FLORES: Why is he such a good player yet such q horrible looter?

Purplezzz _: Is this map still in rotation?? I’ve been playing and I’m not getting this map at all :/

Fxyybleツ: pls Change your response curve to linear, it uses your raw input on your controller to aim

Aether Warrior: Shit I thought it was just me

jcwolves: Rich did shred caustic and SooFar only ate like 3 of his bullets. Their Rampart hit the barrel, from the slowed down footage, Rich is already around the corner when the barrel pops.

Isaiah Andersen: ahri trying to sabotage your game lol

Seji BS: Midnight release of Pong. Pfft. I was at the noon release of chess.

Prevail Jj: “Why are you running “

Devin Jefferson: he didn't die to an invisible man, he died due to fishy activity with his internet, because his latency is always consistently over 100... Those bullets were registered late on his system, due to his consistent and suspicious, latency around 100.

DailyDoseOfFunk: The servers are trash and they cater to weak connections. If only DanielZKlein seemed to care.

Devin Jefferson: I've been watching you for a while and there's something fishy going on... why is your latency always over 100, on every single video You're latency is always over 100??? I have to wonder how is this helping you... not trying to be a hater but honestly, that may be why you're killing everybody before they kill you. Not only that, your latency is consistent, around 100 to 140, so are you using something to do this??

TTV_ loftgleaming: The way he says of course mine goat

Jack Turner: Rich was vex ever since sooxfar blocked the shots

James Cooper: Still waiting for the 1v1 between you 2

Coffee Fiend: Must be what it feels like dying to zeus on his 200 ping

J Dubs: Americans calls flare trousers “bell bottoms”

Modern Arcade: Looks like you got "bamboozled" lol

outsidevent: Flare trousers = bell bottoms

alexander wilkinson: Am I the only one who feels annoyed that he didn't finish the caustic to get his shield back 2:53

Jose Pijamas: Dude it gives me anxiety how bad he uses mirage's ultimate

Fantasy YT: Is it just me or I am all of he’s videos before I watch it HAHA

DrkDreamz: I would love to see a 20 bmb 4K lobby from him I keep seeing bot lobbies

DrkDreamz: lol you just got angled on it happens so often

Eugene Genis: So, how long have the two of you been married?

Nikolay: Man it is Net lags He see you and shoot then net lag and you die after

Pyro Testra: That death was ping. You get used to it after 3000+ games on at least 230 ping

Game Over Movie Reviews: You 2 are adorable at times, like an old married couple

Aerial_Ace: What happened? It's such a minor thing but makes some difference. When you're peaking someone from around the corner of a wall, they can see a glimpse of your arm while from your perspective, you can't see any part of them.

Jason Stewart: I swear the same same thing happened to me

TheGoatLM10: Ping thats all i gotta say

Rishi Shah: U NEED to make a sensitivity video plssss🤪😁

pathfinder- Hi friends!: 1:31 "ARGH I'M LAGGING" 140fps... yeah ok sure

ryan bennett bennett: Flared trousers = Bell bottoms

Sharnae: Y'all I'm obsessed with you two 😍 you guys literally make my day whenever I watch your videos

ParaSaurLOLphus xD: 1:15 "Do you are uncultured do you not know what FLARED TROUSERS WERE?!"

ParaSaurLOLphus xD: 0:50 "Pong, midnight release of Pong - 1972. That's when it was released right? Pong. I was there though mate. If you see the press release from when Ping was released you'll see me in the background. I had a mullet back then" I'm fucking dead. I literally dead oh my lord Rich. He even got the year correct bless him.

David Degraff: I love how you both all ways have the same damage both of you are cracked at the game I’ve watched you for a few years now and love the content brother rich keep one eye open for that triple take man though 👍

nivrag00: He sounds chipper in this video. Anyone else agree?

BitMoreBill: Watch do u prefer apex or warzone

Guido Griffin: This is exactly what it’s like playing apex in South Africa. You get killed by invisible men alllllll the time!! London, Bahrain our closest servers.

LoRdNoX09: i legit just googled it for 5 mins had no luck finding him

Andrew Robertson: Is it just me or does the PS5 building look alot like the montreal olympic building? Olympic building/olympus??? Just saying.

Kirby Eating Burgies: bro how old is Rich?

LEW TUBE: I have lost count of how many times i have been knocked down now behind a wall with no lone of sight, not even a crack for a bullet to get through. Its infuriating

AlexisBubba15: I think it was a server sync issue

r_607: Challenge: you cant pick up evo shields you have to get them from doing damage

Big Red: I feel like flair trousers is the British version of bell bottoms

Jackson Buck: Ive gotten a few of those nasty “perspective deaths” around a corner. That one was pretty bad though

YoBoyMG: 6:45 guys look at kill feed

BeatCommission: The number of times I've died to somebody clipping the corner of the landscape... There aren't enough fingers and toes in any of the Americas to count on. Fix your game Respawn!

Malcolm Davis: The first 3 minutes in that building was hilarious 😂😂😂

equitine _: Not invisible just hitting you on the tip of your jump pack.

yankeehaters1: Rich I wanna see start finishing more

creepsta memesta: they fight like an old married couple

Aaron: for some reason lately getting shot while way around a corner has gotten worse. It's not just me, my friends have noticed and other streamers are having the same issue. I literally get shot after i've run around a corner like 5 feet, so frustrating. My internet is really good too, but apex's ping is so bad.

Joshua Vanwinkle: .@iTempPlays you should try playing with inverted look. It's the only way I have ever been able to play.

xx.guilty.Felix. Gamingxx: 5:27 you didn't get killed by a invisible person that wraith hit you with call of duty logic bro

James Welbes: We called them bell bottoms in the states

fearTHEspear52: Rich, the ads both when the video starts and at 2 mins have just felt so excessive lately. Know you gotta make your money, but damn...

Alondra Andrade: Sooxfar is daddy 👅

TheVermillionAura: Love the banter between you and Sooxfar in this one 😂

SheLuvsDuke: 1mil on the way🎉🎊🥳👏

Panadaol: I forgot what its called but in CS:GO its a thing where if two ppl are behind a corner on opposite sides, whoever farther away can see the other player before they are seen

Ryan Berg: Rich and SooXFar: "OH I'm lagging" Rich and SooXFar: "you too??" 1:31

Jamal Frank: How old is rich sofar talks like he's 75😂😂😂😂

Titaqua BOEIE: Nice gameplay again Rich!

Charlson EY: Were is the commentary of standing like a "gargoyle", miss those times xD! cOME on Rich bring me new words in my vocabulary haha Cant wait for Season 8 btw

Arjun Gopalan: It wasn't an invisible person. Probs could see your arm round the corner when hitting the bat

SK Souls: 5:40 The player wasn't invisible, it was just ping difference.

ChiefKief: Rich and soofar man the pandemics got me and my kids living at my moms times are tuff and your videos and content helps get thru it thank you rich 🙏 god bless

UNIQUE: There wasn't any invisible player thare you were killed because of desync .

Clayton Eicher: Yeah she wasn’t invisible you see her run past you .5 seconds later, which you didn’t include in the slowmo. Maybe I’m the ONLY one who sees it butttttt definitely wasn’t invisible, just had an angle on you.

Ahmad A: Senpi 😂

Israel Rahat: Me when you did not take the 3x optics for g7scout at 9:10 😧

Noah Livingston: Flare Trousers = Parachute Pants

Kevin Gallegos: If you guys ever meet you need to make a video out of it

Kalieb Hinds: It’s cause ur packet loss

Joe Reeve: Why dont they just play duos?

Funny Stuff: How to I make the game fit my screen size. This is the only game it happens with

Uriel Cabrera: Stop running Stop strafing Stop moving lol

Trenton Cooper: Bro when you got killed by the wraith from behind the wall I got mad cause they need to fix that crap

Mustafa Salama: this what happens to us everytime due to ping differences

viizuka: the evidences showed us ... you didn't shot the barrel.

Sir Shlade: i’m from hawaii & play on 80-110 latency, just realized what you were struggling with Rich. New kind of respect for ya 👍

Isabella Antonucci: Is anyone not getting Kings Canyon in their map rotation? I haven’t been able to play it yet since it came back.

James S.: ⭐✴️✴️✴️✴️ *I could see the man*

Danny Davito: I remember you killing jackattack in another video and mentioning his name lol and now he's on your team

Gavin Hall: 2:18 I know I’m not the only person who heard this 😂🤣

Martin Durand: The Ego of Mirage is so big that Wraith was able to knock you down even if you didnt see her


Ian Lopez: If I was sooxfar I would never play with Itemp again

Chickenleg8023: 5:45 is when it happens

taj x: Not okay with how long that shield cell dibs was on the screen.

Chickenleg8023: Last year I had to do a thing of having dinner with 2 celebrities and one of the ones I chose was rich, it was one of the most cringy things I've done but I chose rich lol

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