Murray Ejected! Porter Jr Spoils Luka's Triple Double! 2020-21 NBA Season

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Kano Billz: Luka trash yea I said it

Stewie Griffin: I see the flow, "porter in the corner"

Ghat Next Basketball: Who believes that Chris could be a commentator in the next NBA 2k game...2k22? Ronie make it happen

George P.: Murray almost went for the single leg takedown..😂🤣

Renjolo Bagunu: haha

Devilfish303: He double fisted him

S: That was a low blow


Enter Nation: Just give the Most Improved Player already to MPJ.

Native2458: That was clearly intentional by Jamal, haradaway must have done something

Ben Henderson: Tim Hardaway’s *ballsack* exists: Jamal with the 9: AND THEN IM GONNA CLAP THEM

Amadou Ndiaye: Tf was Murray thinking

No Side: Luka prbly wanted to fight nuggets too lol

Ash: That was all ball by jamal

Lindon Samuel: Luca making triple double look overrated now

Swiss Cheese: How is that not a travel at 0:32?

D Shawn: Wow Jamal .M weak for that

Gustavo Moctezuma: Smoove should put in his edits to make the highlights more funny

Ronin Naidu: best ejection ever lol

Itzibbyz08 Da goat: Draymond jr

Jluyoungzone: Tim Jr thought he could guard the nuggets, but Murray taught him the Hardaway

TGBgang#8: That was dumb of Murry

Astavicious: Murray trying to take Tim's Hard away

Shart Nugget: We need Moses cuh nba 2k21 next gen mycareer

Andrew williams: Nothing about MPJ 30 points? Dam smoove

BlackLegg: we gonna have to embroider a red, “BT” onto murray’s uniform?

Big Daddy: Jamal Murray new nickname "Nut Buster"

Jimmy Doan: Murray got some low blow skill from his GF

Gus DeGroote: calm down jamal dont pull out the nine

Jack Young: Jamal “Wooooooo” Murray

Ryan Murray: Jamal pulled a Draymond Green on Hardaway

TyJamar: Low blow cheese.

klimundas1: Soo thats why they call them the nuggets i knew there had to be a reason

MalRulesAll: Great game 👏👏👏

Rajib A: Jokic better than luka

Isaiah Dobbins: rhyming accidentally

Flowers Flores: 0:45 “And low blows Tim Hardaway, big props to the nuggets” coincidence? I think not!

Han Sero: Potential: porter Jr. > Jokić

BobbyThe1st bob: a low blow is a low blow

David Bubar: 0:43 the dudes on the bench haha

Optimus Prime: Love Luka but he’s turning into Westbrook

MumblesandWool: Murray with the classic Ric Flair

ShadowCeltic: There is a dick joke somewhere with murray. I just think of one lol

Tony Cantu: Jamal Murray needs to be suspended for his actions from last night and a big fine will be issued too

Willie Earl Washington Jr: The Knicks took Kevin Knox over MPJ

James: Jamal Murray heel turn

Blafard666: WTF Murray ? that was so stupid to do, there are cameras everywhere

Nathan Bierman: Idk why ppl thought the mavs would be the one or 2 seed even with porzingis healthy.

Sven Eylander: Murray went to grab some nuggets!

hecksters423: You gotta always protect the McNuggets.

Asphyxiator: Lol, Murray doing a Ric Flair.

G rave: "In the first quarter. In the second Michael Porter" he makes everything rhyme 😂

IBRAHIM Alowonle: 0:32 bars

Paolo Infante: refs getting softer and softer each year

Famed Dribble2: Jamal Murray is so overrated

Xx_DiamondMochi_xX: RIP KOBE 1st year without him #kobe

Corey Gross: Murray pulls a Ric Flair move (wooooooooo)

!?: Why aren’t the players wearing masks? Do they not trust the Science™?

Triads: upload thunder vids you bum

future hofer: MPJ showing who the best player in the 2018 draft is

Sammy Sosa: Numbers luka been putting up is ridiculous 🤦🏾‍♂️

kd burner: I need to start watching the nuggets they be mad close all the time

Mr. Hagguard: God I wish the Mavs starters would come back already

Jeff Green: Luka triple double doesn't mean anything

RayThaGawd: Why u ain’t post the pistons and sixers game??

alonzo ball: Was luka tryna fight anyone tonight?

Sameer Kanade: Lol, Murray channeled his inner Draymond Green.

Pranav Gusain: Whoa calm down Jamal!

Amier phromPhilly: bruh....there is no excuse...the low blow was on purpose... you dont accidentally put your hands between another mans legs...

Pick & Pop: Murray gets a HOF Menace to Society badge for that

Bosnian Dragon: Denver NutGets

Jakob Salazar: *Murray just hit Tim Hardaway Junior’s Junior*

Jamirimaj: Mavs and Nuggets the possible WCF Finals in the future with the Jazz and Suns lurking

Marcus Evans: Let that would’ve been draymond he’d b suspended

Bryce: so happy to see mpj coming out of his shell after the back situation

Blank ?: MPJ saw a badie so he had to step up

DAT NINJANICE: 😭😭😭😭the low blow

Jevin Richardo: jamal murray has joined the sus team

Nkanyezi Akwande Mazaka: Murray is known for low blows 😏

SweetDrummerNrOne: Jamal's let out his anger from the beating you gave him in 2k...

: That was Clutch🌊🌊🌊👌👌😯Uuuuu Let's Go😤😤😤😤

Giulione: MPJ MVP

The Disclosure: doncic grinding those playmaking badge

LeBron James: Michael Porter finally starting to shine! 😁

Investor 2.0: Imagine the trash talk Murray gets on the court about his gf. That must be tough.

nrcarl00: YEAH MIKE

Geo Rockmann: All of lukas 30 point triple doubles don't mean shit if he's not winning

Zian Valderrama: Jamal Murray going for the family jewels!

KawhiLowry-Gaming: LoOk aT tHE SpIN MoVe! - Smoove 2021

FBI AGENT 02: J Murray with that Ric Flair Drip💀

Erik B: KP being useless.

Dani Pálvölgyi: that's a silver school threat 💀

Christ Twitch: Give mpj the fuckin ball!!!!

Yuli Fadida #keepinitreal: Jamal "the nut cracker" murray

Lucas Alink: Murray gay

Patrick Morgan: Mpj reminds me of tmac

Joshua Soyemi: I wanted him to say: 'he got hit in the nuts, but he still got those ups'

Nelson Kuria-Joseph: Trade john collins for MPJ then build a defensive team around him and trae.

X Drake: Tech for being gay

Myles White: Jamal w the wwe low blow

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