СПОЙЛЕРЫ! Новый турецкий сериал "ЗИМОРОДОК" 11,12,13,14,15 серия русская озвучка

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lada lada: Это правда,в мире очень много негатива и когда мы смотрим кино,то ожидаем положительных эмоций,мир и так полон трагедий,а душе хочется тепла,добра,любви.Конечно мы ждём хорошего финала.

Censored lnformation (Nick name): *History repeating like during WW2 and WW1/Spanish plague. Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler exterminated 12000000 under the guise of a typhus epidemic, and now under WW3 and a corona virus pandemic. Hitler used Zyklon B rodent extermination gas with the fumant removed. It causes symptoms like corona virus. Look up in the sky you will see planes spraying your cities! Hitler attacked Russia, just like what is happening now. The British Empire had no legal male Heir so they imported a fake one from Germany. The British Queen's husband "Prince Philip" renounced his German citizenship, became a Greek citizen and as a Greek citizen moved to Britain gaining citizenship there. After appointed a Duke, out of thin air and then as a Prince and married Queen Elizabeth. "Prince Philip" took the name of the Queen, not the other way, as it usually is done, where a wife takes the husband's name. The British Empire has run out of male Heirs at least twice, and they kill to suppress it. WW2 was a way of hiding this fraud, and now WW3 is a way of hiding that illegal combines Heir. The Bible says that a male would not fail to sit on the throne. A family name continues through the males, not the females, and Philip was a fraud. He had become a Greek citizen to make it appear that he was a Royal from the earlier Greek dynasty.* Total theater. *The Catholic Empires of the Roman Empire form one leg and the UK(British controlled) Empire forms the other leg of the Roman Empire, with the King Pope Francis as the ruler of the whole system. He has a triple teired crown with 666 on it in Latin(vicarivs filii dei). He is a King of the city state of the Vatican(the Vatican is the smallest Country in the world), Rome Italy, and is mentioned in Revelation, Apocalypse, 17,18 of the Bible. It mentions that this Empire is responsible for all those slaughtered on earth. It mention what the leaders wear, which is scarlet(Cardinals), and Purple(Bishops). The UK leg Royals also wear those colors, a long with Judges and Magistrates of the Crown. They refer to this entity as the Crown. When some one goes to court in one of the British subservient Nations, it is said that the Crown has a case against the person. Canada, Australia and others are not sovereign or free(whose image on money?). please read Revelation Apocalypse 17,18, and study it closely, because this Empire comes as a false system claiming to represent God, but exterminates to stay in power.* 1Timothy3:1-16 mentions that the one looking after a group(Church) should be a husband of one wife with obedient children. The Pope and the Priests of the Catholic Church are forbidden to marry, and so don't even qualify, according to the very book and God they say they claim to represent. *The Bible's Peter's mother in-law was cured by Jesus(Yeshua). So if Peter had a mother in law, then he had a wife as there is no other way. That is why Catholic Priests have sex with so many little boys, girls and women attendees. There was over ninety cases of Preists molesting little boys in the city of Boston, USA alone. None of the Priests were disciplined, but were only moved. The whole system is a fraud. The Roman Emporer forced a combining of Biblical and Pagan beliefs, when Rome Nationalized the Church. Rome forbid the celebration of Biblical Holy days and Sabbaths under threat of beatings, then confiscation of property and finally death.* Many beheaded or burned alive. *Revelation Apocalypse 18:4 says get out of this organization "my people" if you don't want to receive her plagues.* Freedom to communicate is under attack by Church and State, up to the point they are threatening to bomb the microprocessor production facilities. *Pray for me and you, please!* Russia says they have the proof that Britain was involved in at least three major terror attacks against Russia. Would Russia bomb their own 5+ Billion pipeline, their own bridge and powerplants? *NATO said that they would attack the Solomon Islands if they militarize their island, because Australia would feel threatened, but NATO was militarizing Ukraine, where they had bunkers full of weapons. Defensive? If an Island is not recognized as sovereign, then none are. Yet Australia is militarizing.* NATO's puppet regime in Ukraine was banning the Russian language and culture even though that was many people's only language. The Ukrainian Capital is a Russian word until Western media changed it to hide the Russian history, as Ukraine was part of the Russian Federation until a recent NATO coup, which the US planned, as they told their dignitaries not to attend the Russian Olympics at that time. You can go to prison for teaching the Russian language. All opposition parties in Ukraine (banned). Those with out blue arm bands(now yellow?) being put to death. Many US Officials had been talking about a coming war with Russia and China. Years in advance. Donald J Trump said he couldn't answer corona virus questions claiming we are at war. Trump said that the US will soon be at war with Russia and China. Taiwan has no embassies, as they are not a Country, but are part of China, as acknowledged by most nations of the world till recently. NATO is planning to do to Taiwan and China what they did to Ukraine and Russia. Nancy Pelosi's husband's attack is a fraud. The Police changed and contradicted the events multiple times and it makes no sense. Corona virus is a code name for information that exposes the crown(Government/Royals). A vaccine is computer/electronic device program that deletes information from your view(anti virus software). Symptoms for a biological virus comes from being gased, radiated or sprayed in your environment. Planes fly in parallel patterns, causing heating of your environment and breathing difficulties. Like Hitler killed by Zyklon B gas, so now they use a deadly gas in incubators. Donald J Trump said he would put Hilary R Clinton in prison when ellected for starting a war and genocide in Libya, but when he got in power did nothing. Americans have started many unjust wars. America/NATO is about to start wars with Ethiopia, Haiti, Taiwan, Korea, Syria, Iran, Russia and the list goes on. *NATO Countries have invaded more than half of all sovereign Nations on earth, in the last 30 years.* When you print money on paper and then go buy things with it, and it is not backed by any thing then you have to attack a lot of people to keep the scheme going. *New Central Bank digital currencies(CBDCs) will be centralized and backed only by cow farts and trust, where as Bitcoin is decentralized and backed by gold. Bitcoin/gold and silver came under a major attack by the crown(governments). The digital currencies will create a M.O.B. type system, that if you get in government cross hairs you will be shut out of the system just like Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Russia and so on and so on. If they do it to a complete Country, then they will have no problem doing it to individuals.* Revelation 7:9, God says he would take out of all Nations and Tribes and Peoples a people for himself. God accepts all those who accept him of all Nationalities. *Donald J Trump started operation warp speed to force vaccinate the American people by military nurses. Trump added death by electrocution, firing squad, poison gas to the already used lethal injection. Trump foretold war on Russia and China years in advance, and said no one would protect the Pope more than him.* America turned it's back on God. *The US, Canada, Germany, Italy, Britain, Australia, Austria, Ukraine and many other Nations refused to agree and voted against a move at the United Nations to condemn Nazism. Russia voted against Nazism. Remember the Nazis? They started WW2 and exterminated 12000000 human beings, often by extremely cruel means. The Ukraine military has a entire Nazi battalion the Azov Nazi battalion. Church leaders clearly seen in Hitler's Nazi SS footage blessing the troops before slaughters. The Azov Steel Works was full of swastika tattooed Nazis that surrendered to Russia.* Fighting for Democracy? Britain installed two Prime Ministers that were not elected. *Donald J Trump used his office while President to start a business so called "Truth Social" that he claimed would enable free speech. Later Mr.Trump tried to get the Justice department to stop late night hosts from talking about him. So supposedly creating free speech over here, but attacking free speech over there.* Russia and China no longer accept US fiat currency, so G7 banned Russian gold. *Supposed unbiased media not allowing comments, is a mass deception and contrary to their stated purpose.* CBDCs attacking crypto. *1933 the US confiscated gold. For 50 years, 10 years in prison for having it, and only ended when gold was separated from backing money in 1971 now backed by cow farts. 2022 Biden bans Russian gold.* UK Queen's final confession, was that Protestantism was a fraud, and just a 2nd leg of Rome. *The US bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade Yugoslavia during over 10000 bombing runs, so does the world wage war on NATO, or during 10 civilians bombed in illegal Afghanistan war? What would bombing Poland gain Russia?* CBDC backed by cow farts, 12 week trial run happening now. *NATO is an alliance of Nations on both sides of WW2, which is weird until you realize it was fake. NATO needs to be disarmed.* NATO has the M.O.B on their flag. Think! Germany says they are out of weapons and need 20 billion to resupply. *Germany who started WW1+2 out of weapons? How? Ukraine. "Operation Barbarossa" ²* Corona/covid is information and the vaccine is antivirus definitions to delete the information. Vaccine passport and gun confiscation leading to forced 666. UK and US civil war starting? NATO equipment all new, but Russia's old, think! (Defensive?)NATO member Turkey attacking an other people in Syria. ;:;+-;:-

Muhayyo Yo'ldosh: Я окончательно возненавидела Ферида после допроса. Как он мог так низко пасть?! Как мог спросить Юсуфа о таком?! Он узнал историю замужества Сейрана от Казимбея, все равно ни капельки не жалел Сейрана. Зациклился на отказ. Как может Сейран хотеть его после слов: "Это фиктивный брак. Я буду с Пело встречаться как раньше, а ты прикроеш нас"? Козел. Ни Юсуф, Ни Ферид не стоят Сейрана.

Aylin Lin: Вы наверное перепутали. А это совсем другая история.🤦‍♀️

Лариса Мельник: Интересно какие ещё романы всплывут у Феррита Пелин профуосетка старуха султан дайте попкорм кто следующий

Лариса Кочешкова: Как говорится: навели тень на плетень!" Туман!🤔🙄

Хеда: Необязательно снимать точь в точь как было в реале. Хотим счастливый финал

Хеда: Почему они начинают снимать, если не придумали сценарий с концом. Смотря на рейтинги начнут тянуть, а людям то надоест

Оля Петрова: Только очень-очень хороший финал!!!

Name Last Name: С плохим концов не очень хочется смотреть, во всяком случае, второй раз, смотреть , как другие сериалы, не захочется точно .

Альона Мунтян: Я бы хотела хороший финал сериала чтобы ферит остался жив и жил с Сейран счастливо оба ❤️

Лейла Якубова: Какой толк смотреть та эти сериалы....если у них не счастливый конец и зря себя расстраивать себя? Не хочу и не буду я смотреть тогда.

Лина Попова: Я хочу только счастливой финал.

Юлия Насибова: Султан взрослая глупая женщина , куда она то лезит, имеет дочь взрослую,сына, терпеть не могу таких людей,которые лезут и портят жизнь другим. разве она Сейрану ровня.

Mirzohid Mirtursunov: Может грустный финал будет но я не верю что Сейран бросит Ферита в трудной ситуации

Юлия Насибова: Вы сумашедщие что ли, почему Ферит должен убить себя, я лично против чтобы такое случилось, они молодые, красивые, и так в мире везде молодые парни умирают, везде войны, дайте нам смотреть сериалы радоваться, у них должны быть дети 👶👶любовь 💞 💞я хочу любви , счастья, чтобы все были живы, страсти по больше💓💓💓

KBekash bk: Пусть будет счастливый конец.

Lorena Manca: Vogliamo un finale felice... c'è già tanta tristezza nel mondo..queste dizi,ci aiutano a sognare...

@user-wc4pw7pf6d: Когда только начинался сериал, то я читала, что будет 42 серии и что сериал проработан. А оказывается и не проработан вовсе, а будет как большинство популярных сериалов писаться с "колен", и ещё предположительно и конец плохой. Разочарование

Светлана Бурыкина: А я думаю ,что про Султан ещё долго не будут знать,потому что сын Султан ,похоже,от Фирита...

Милана Мусульманка: Ждём счастливый финал

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