FORTNITE SEASON 5 INTRO: Cinematic Trailer

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Affaan M: Lmao its been like 2 weeks 😂

Gracie Stanton: Why TF did I just get this notification

Youngxdave: Why did I just now get the notification?

Justin Olivas: Everyone has seen this already. Also people can play this in-game. But nice vid

Mindless: Just got a notification

Im-Bad-Aj: I just got this In my sub bell wtf

Subi: Damn, I just had deja vu, it felt like I just witnessed 4 days, woah, thank god it feels like today, still glad season 5 came out 3 hours ago, season 5 hypeeeeeeeeeee

Religz: If ur wondering why no one has seen this is because it was copyrighted for the Us and Australia and some other countries but that’s why

Mike Mike: Why did I just get this video I thought he was late

RandomYTdude: There was really no point of this video, everybody has allready seen the trailer I mean its like the diest thing you see before seeing the menu

Terrell Burse: Just got a notification for this, *5 days later?* ..

Jason Clark: Why lol

EliteIsUnfunny: I don’t get

Essenic: Anyone else just get a notification

Vinny Garcia: When you need the views

Leanpescado: Why did I just get notified right now

AGHASTLY: YouTube on some fucked up shit...I’ve always had notifications on for hollow but I just got notified that he posted a new video right now saying it’s this one . YouTube, fix ur self.

Tey: Hollow I literally just got this in my inbox it says 43 mins ago ?

Zeroh Zay: Why am I barely receiving this notification today?

simpbot 69: first

Erick Morgado: Why now?

Xaro: Why did the notification pop up now? YouTube logic

RIVZ: Why did I get the notification just now ?

Edwin Gallardo: U just put thid up rn. I watched it like 5 times already but loved seeing it again

bob daniel: Wat is the point of dis

Araiz Khan: Fortnite themselves uploaded on their channel, all of these videos! I am pretty sure everyone has watched this.

julius kracht: Lol

d squad: Can u sub to my channel please

BrassHot Dog: 0:13 that shit sounded like if it was a guy instead of a girl lmao😂

xxxai ten: Just now getting the notification WTF

-=CosmicGoat=-: First

Cyclone: Why did I just get a notification??!

iAbstract: Hungry for views??

Christian: How can I still watch this video if it doesn’t even show on his channel

Christian: Ok

conlewcon: Bit too late

Awww Fuck: Need money that’s why ur posting this

LucidSpins: You re upload it cause it didn’t get views😂😂

Che Is Still Alive: The evil within part 11 ?

Toby Okafor: So why did you upload this?

IkRick: Ur late man

Entice: His been waiting to milk this video

Niner Nation: LATE!

Ricardo Franco: Love your videos hope you have a good night

Jordan デス: A bit late don’t you think

cheese: Hollow I would have been nice to see your reaction rather than posting the actual trailer

Shshshshdh: When you need money...

Blackberb: Hey hollow

john: When u have no content

bullslayer bruh: Why did hollow re upload Epics video what's the point, everyone has seen it.

Magnum Saenz: Milking this

DyxnALT: Hollow I’m a big fan and I was wondering if I could be gifted a skin bc I don’t really have any

zTaft: Well C O P Y. RIGHTS rip hollow

Nexzify: U always want money like this isn’t even yours but u post it so u can make money stop Fucking 4 uploading a day

Max Lindrea: Hi

DEL SIN: notif squad

Anonymous: whats the songname

mannford 44: And your reaction hollow?

Beast Boi: Nice 👍🏽

groggychart 123: Lol

Chisomo Zulu: The glider guy who fell was just amazing

pandafire22: Whats that music when he is spray painting the burger

Reb_ishko 83: Song at 1:35

Itz Deathstroke: When fortnite dies... you people will be in for a world of hurt 😂

Selena Nur: Abstrakt vs Drift

Nathan Christian: What's going on my dude love the content 👍

callum.wr: This has no views

trash hacker nazz: Yo hollow punt can you please talk about not taking of your backbling and can’t be a no skin please thank you

zxtle: Sup

MrZMaker: this vid is so dead

Karl Rochkov: Where r the fucking pirates

Jacob Rodriguez: But we wanna see your reaction tho🤷🏽‍♀️

booty muncher69: I didnt see this was this exclusive

Yixso: Bruh

ryanevs: Boi

caleb: Hey hollow. Lol this video was not available in the us due to copyright from UMG. BTW love your videos!!! ♥️♥️

Ghost Space: Hello

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