Mid-Season Trailer | Marvel Studios' WandaVision | Disney+

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Jhonny Morales: Episodeo six go this mercury of evan peters

Klaus_Dark Phoenix: WandaVision shows ...How much season..1234?

Abhishek Dhingra: This show is so different and refreshing. Kudos Marvel

Karthick Chandrasekar: Episode 4🔥🔥🔥🔥 therikkudu therikudu mass


Glitch Ghost: I actually thought wanda vision was gonna be a movie

szewei85: Haha. Exciting times ahead.

Inkable: Did anyone see Vision die again when he walked through?!?

Bilow: Something tells me that episodes 5-7 are gonna have the same pacing as 1-3. All the action in the trailer is gonna be in 8-9.

Gianni SLUICE Vargas-Navalta: mid season? the show just premiered wtf


Anate Nishat: Useless. Rarely any new footage.

Rohan Olakiya: Its working theory 😂

Jhamel Booker Jr.: "Is this really happening?"

BAT BOY: Marvel releases as many trailers they wants But the reality "still we can't predict what is next .We only had more confusion & abnormal anxiety"

Klaus_Dark Phoenix: 0:50 her identity ... skrulls

Sameer: Does the music sound like tenet? Or is it just me

Jorrick W: Modern Family episode. Lol

Andrew Dukes: I really think Wanda and Vision are going to fight... but the more I think of it the more I realize it wouldn’t be much of a fight bc in Civil War she defeated him SUPER easily... so I really don’t know😂😂

Bhavya Prayag: I'm obsessed with the way Wanda says "Am I right?"

Ethem Öztürk: Bitcoin Buy 😄

sleepingmeat: Does anyone else hate Darcy’s character? I’ve only watched the first Thor movie. She was decent in that one. But in this show, she’s really annoying and cliche.

Aaron A420: I happily quit the series after the first episode. A complete waste of Scarlet Witch and Vision. Its just not that great of a concept, and it is executed poorly. Netflix did Marvel so much better than Disney+.

Brian Arista Marzuq: ARE YOU CRYING?

Natalie Vollmar: It’s pretty cool that we’ll see another Olsen in an 80s sitcom again.

Srijan Srivastav: Are episodes 5 and 6 coming together?

MFWAI- Asif: It's wanda it's all wanda.

Muhammed Coşkun: Turkey has not have Disney plus

Katie B: Mr Hart: Yelling at Wanda and Vision Half of a chocolate strawberry: I’m gonna end this mans whole career

Renu Chand: My prediction is that agnes is manifesto.

Thomas Ebert: and everyone was complaining about the first two episodes

Junkai Liang: Who else are exciting for billy

Heba Sara Dileep: We're all invested

Priyansh Joshi: It is not a mid season trailer Just a collab of the Sneak Peek and earlier known clips...

Ikram ou Reda BOUNABI: 0:54 Are they arguing??😐😯

Uncle Cookie: I wonder how long we're gonna have to wait until Darcy gets that cup of coffee?

Force Enhance: Cant wait for Eric Voss to break this down

jermaine588: Oookayy now I'm confused..there definitely running out of ideas..

DDayJedi - McFrozenNuggets backup: 1:14 The vocals where they say *_WandaVision_* somewhat reminds me of *_The New Mutants_* trailers in that regard.

03 Abhay Deshmukh: Welcome to 2021... We dont just do Trailers now... We do mid-season Trailer. Roll with the punches 👍

Empat Sehat Siapa Sempurna: 0:40 Agnes scenes might be a clue who she really is

Hibaaq Mahamud: AHHHHH Marvel really wanna make me suffer.

Taarak Gada: What's the time difference between the blip and wandavision?

Bali Ram Tiwari: Can't wait for Episode- 5 😍😍..... Super excited

iTs Messiah: You are experiencing Dolby

Friendly Neighbourhood Spidey: My husband and his indestructible head If only she watched episode 4

Logan Rader: Vision is starting to get a little suspicious of what’s really going on.

DDSam: I feel like if they bought Vision back into our reality, it would be so cheap tho...cus think about it, if he's alive in Wanda's fabricated reality, in ours'...he is dead. So if he pries himself out of West view, he should be dead the moment he steps out. And Wanda just has to accept that hes dead and move on.

Magician Crâneo: Wanda have the power of red stone, manipulation of reality

GUFRAN: Need 5 and 6 episode. Next Friday.

Starwars Shooter: I have a feeling when Vision comes through the barrier, he'll fall down dead looking just like the dead vision in infinity war

Jonathan Shaw: Somebody needs to give Dr. Strange a call.


Bacon: 1:12

Yassin Hani: Quicksilver:What you didn’t see that coming? Me:Hell no!

RoZeR: Agnes and Dottie Who are you 🙄

James Gratz: The demon lord is coming to play very soon...

Chida Ambrose: Episode 5 gonna be deciding one😊 for upcoming episodes

Robert James: Well if wanda doesn't know how it started then you can bet it's due to mephisto and agatha harkness

Joseph Albarran: it's finally getting better. I couldn't make it through the first five minutes of the first episode. 🤮

a.append(b): Vision will calm her down and bring her back to her senses. It's gonna be hard to let her twins go though.

Flxckie: Such an awful show. Tryna compete with The Mandolorian and its not happening.

flamingos are dumb: I think one part of wanda is evil and the other side is good i hope

DarkLordoftheSixth: Someone: Says the name Ultron once Wanda: yeet

Lutzkhie: so this is what spilling out of reality

Jo D: Best TV Show of 2021 so far

Nicholas Smith: They are an unusual couple, aren’t they

Fito Prayoga: There's no more "we are an unusual couple"

Glenn O'Connor: Kinda wish I didn't watch this

abbey hall: i'm so excited for more!

Paulo Carlo Pascua: We are all invested!!!

jassica albert: Hello dear! Hey ya kids! Hey ya kiddos! - Agnes

Kobby: Please don’t tell me they’re gonna bring Vision back just to kill him We’ve suffered enough

Phantomrocks #phani: may vision be alive and twerking

حسين عادل: but why ?

BlueHusky1: i'm on the camp *let Wanda be Happy dammit*

PorscheGT1: Excited for EP 5


Rishab Mudliar: Us: How many trailers are we gonna get? Marvel: Yes

Stalin the bruh: Pretty boring and I hate it

Mouthy: WandaVision about to turn into Wanda Vs Vision

Parata Plays: I bet 10000 dollars that there is going to be an epic fight between wanda and vision

Joshua's Joking: "What's outside of Westview?" Me: Northview, Eastview,Southview and possibly your death

Hamida Nazarova: Darcy: (sniffs) Jimmy: “Are you crying” Darcy: “What? I’m invested.”

Tarh Tapung: I'm invested 😵

Joshua Bracero: This show is getting a little crazy

K Stee: When did Darcy become an astrophysicist?

Эндрю Гарфилд: Serial - big govnina.

MR:SPOILER: 5 and 6 in one day please

Augustin Guy Paulin: I'm in love with Marvel.

Drawing Only: OMG

Mister King: *Wanda will see Vision die again* 😐

Spooder-Man: Wandaavisioooooooooooon

Solve z: Dr Strange : i can smell somethings wrong here,Wong

Rakshith Ram Katta: ohh come on same clips whyyyy

PràVéeN KùMáR: Darcy is so annoying..

Ramos: Imagine if all the episodes released at once. Glad they didn't do this

Nishok Aniruth: 00:13 give this music in any of episode. I watching the trailer again and again just for this music r upload in Marvel music vevo. Looks🙄 I'm invested .😅

Corine Redding: Now it’s getting crazy

MannyKunV: are the remaining ep going to be less than 30 minutes long? bc if they are then why not just make this into a straight to disney+ movie?

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