Volt and Wraith Nerfed in the Season 8 Patch Notes! - Apex Legends

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2C0d3: ofc a guy playing caustic complains about "how broken wraith is" :)

Carlos Lopez: The gold barrel with the reduction of muzzle flash was significantly useful btw

Carter Nelson: Why does the sentinel have a hop-up slot?

Colton Ludwig: Instead of showing the legends stats for champions. It should show thier win stats from the previous game

Mitchell W: I dislike the fact they’re going towards a medium range meta, its not my type of gameplay

Jack Hobson: Thank god ramparts a bit better, I’m playing her!

Jack Hobson: I land on the leaf :(

Ben Smith: Ngl I hardly played season 7 I just didnt like it but rich is gonna get me into Apex again

Terry Porter: That Billy eilish ad I just saw went ham

Ryan DiStasio: I'm so happy they brought anvil back into the game. That's my favorite hopup

Leon T: No nerf to the Mastiff?? Sure, popping 2 clips into a guy only to get double tapped is loads of fun. Also, Horizon got nerfed with that crappy ult? No Prowler on the ground? No changes to the matchmaking system where I have to go against a team of dudes with 20k kills while being paired up with a lvl 2 guy and a lvl 5 guy? Yeah, another great job devs. Just a great job.

POTATO PUBG: I didn’t even here the patch notes I was only watching his game

TylerAndToast: The horizon nerf was not enough but excited about the changes in total

Alec Burk: You and Jankz are THE Apex duo!

Fallen Ghost: All i got to say before you read this is Itemp is amazing first apex yt I watched so close to 1mil. They keep nerfing the wingman, wraith, and the popular guns they pros use because of high win rates with those gun so when they see a spitfire with a low win rate they say lets buff it then its op and new players use it cause they get good games with it then they continue to die which gives a low win rate but give the gun to a pro now the lobby's gone when they nerf the things pros use its harder for casual players which use those items to play the game the wraith nerf with the 1 sec delay on her ability was necessary but the hitbox now shes suppose to be a small fast movement character and if a new player use the spitfire gets good games because of the spitfire then in the future when there in higher lobby's against preds and masters which know how to use the wingmans and mastiffs they are going to have to change the way they play by learning a different gun which may not be fun and result in leaving same with the causal players because they keep dying by spitfires they should be updating the game based of the pro players because its their job the play the game 24/7. Respawn is kind of slowly killing there game in a way. credit to Zues and floating koala whos vids I watched which made me noticed this. One thing that could fix this is bring the peacekeeper to floor loot lol maybe not but it would be fun though. Also Floating Koala has a vid of him using the spitfire as an example of the spitfire if you want to see so yeah. Like if you agree dislike if you dont or just dont whatever

BOOMTOWN 30: If you ask me wrath and the volt had it coming

Kerstin v. Horsten: hm... no revenant buff, will leave him with an even lower pick rate...

Arukado: "Hey let's nerf wraith (which is a fine nerf) but leave lifeline's cancer passive"

Zinczy: I remember watching your fortnite videos back in the day😔

Bryson Kaffka: Does anyone else think it would be a cool cypto buff if he were able to throw his drone as a secondary way to deploy it? I propose it would work like the grenades in that you would see a line designating it's path, but it would hover at the end of it's arc rather than falling like a grade would. For instance, if you heard a team coming you could throw your drone into a corner without necessarily needing to manually pilot it the entire way. A quick throw and then you use the drone controls to adjust the angle and you're good to go. I feel like this would add the option for a slightly faster play style for crypto users

King Legends99: Is this the Alia guy

Connor Rohlf: Where's the revenant buff???

EN Gaming: I don’t play Apex, but I love watching Rich videos, his videos are very entertaining.

bravetitangrizzly: Bro that volt has been fucking deadly lately. Full armor full health,, six shots with the volt and you’re down

Chris Andrews: When is the peacekeeper coming back to the floor 😭

JP Mercado: Devs ask you like movement and thats what we advertised as the core of our game? Well fuck you we will nerf all fun movement characters and buff campy defensive characters

usernametakengib: when you hear the drums of justice but there's still 4 teams left 😲

Kieran Rodriguez: Why dont you play on your actual account? Is your friends account kinda new or do you just like to wreck noobs and get free wins on an alt acc.


Nathan Fuentes: Pathfinder belongs in a museum at this point ...

Poba Pecon: "Who lands leaf?" Apparently four teams.

Ham Boba: Excited for the Alternator getting a buff, very upset cause they're leaving the Prowler in the care package, giving the Spitfire a buff is just dumb

Nikoletta Horvath: who thinks bangalore should get a buff that lets her see through her smoke (like caustic)

Spiros Chitiris: Οκ... How you make caustic run like that?!

Rockerz Ville: Idk the spit fire with rampart sounds really good it’s at 19 damage season one it was 20

Alfie The gay one: Rich I am subbed to you on 4 accounts

Jackson R: Anyone else pause to read that the 30-30 will reload after every shot allowing consistent and continuous gunfire that other magazine style weapons cannot

Kenneth Ong: mate might want to consider tweaking your voiceover because it sounded flat! awesome content nonetheless! loveit <3

Finest Montero: I just want a good Loba buff😔

CmdData: They should've replaced the prowler with the mastiff or just kept it with kraber and peacekeeper.

BigZaddyYumYum: I just wanna run 99 and prowler dammit i love double smgs

Phil Backhurst: Mastiff nerf definitely should have been here, gun is ridiculous Atm

Ethan Grett: Can we trade the mastiff for the pk again?

CenteKE: torso, not thorax bro.. lol

Chris Mercado: And still has the 15% more damagae

Leorio San: I stopped playing apex but they only just now fixing that octane glitch? Now I remember why I stopped playing

Aaron Ricedup7: Noice 🤙

Anannya Gautam: the fully equipped R301 will get 2*4 or 1*2?

jimminy Jones: For all of you complaining about the Mirage buff.... FUSE had a tactical that will literally destroy any Mirage clone in impact, with a radius. Mirage will get buffed again after they realize they made a character that can cancel out BOTH of his moves like they weren't shit

Jani Kumlander: Mirage buff is stupid

jimminy Jones: Another Horizon nerf..... Wtf dude

Carmelo Landaverde: Alternator over r99 who agree

Mahzie 2x: Honestly I think rampart could be op if they buff her shields some more. Like making sure when you first put down your shield people can destroy it easily

Kid khalifa42: Cuz wraith really needs another nerf 🤦🏽‍♂️

JC: they should fix lobas bracelet and make it like pathfinders or just lower the cooldown. The farther you go the longer, and make it go HIGHER!

nA_Grogu: Are you kidding me...no changes to the mastiff

Ken Ji: Janks and Itemp together is the better duo. Much more entertaining.

edgarsoccer6: I like watching rick play but janks has just such a annoying voice

Sir Shlade: honestly just wanna see them add more players. imagine a lobby of 100. and they can finally add on to the 20 badge maybe a 30 and 40 badge. Def would be easier since there’s more players, plus the damage would be easier to farm

KASONDE BWALYA: Great gameplay as usual but how do these guys have PS4 button prompts? I’m getting sick of the Xbox ones even though I’m using my PS4 controller

Emil David Draghici: EA has to bring back the good days take out the Prowler to re-insert L-Star as Legendary and change Pk With Mastiff and not take out op weapons for slow weapons or that doesn't compare to the original I always play × 2 on rifles but when they are legendary ee can not change the scoupe

Emil David Draghici: wait I don't understand English perfectly as far as I understand they didn't put the prowler back in us but they took out our Flatline and R3o1, they drove crazy those were my weapons the 4,5 place and until the volt appeared I played flatline or prowler in each match with R3o1 or R99

BronIs TheGoat: The wraith nerfs are getting so old, she’s already been nerfed to hell when Gibby is the champ that needs the biggest nerf smh. Only reason wraith still has a high win rate is because sweats just play her cause they like her.

Yo my slime: Ngl I click off the vid when I hear jankz

Gsteezy 171: I just wanted the prowler to be on the floor honestly

Fuel Spider: Ring of fire wtf is this cold war zombies get outta here

treighton batty: I lost it at "if i die to another wraith mastiff- IM GOING TO LOSE IT!" 😂😂 love the humor and the vids rich keep it up

Ciaran Thayer: What did they hope to achieve with this wraith nerf 😂 won’t affect her pick rate one bit

Swordface67: The prowlers not coming to floor look because keyboard and mouse players don't have recoil.lmao

Marrriturnt: No revenant buff. Really thought we were getting one.

Fahad Saeedi: I was pretty much jus watching the gameplay instead paying attention to rich talking 😁

Fugitive: Wraith's hitbox is similar to lifeline's, so, it's not wraith, it's your bad aiming.

HMR WORLD: Rip to the Real Wraith. We got a clone n she's not doing such a good jab. 😌🙄📉

Griim804: Purple stock @ 14:35

These Hoes NATION: Damn how many times wraith gets nerfed?

13rtp: I felt personally attacked by what you said at the end lol

Alex G.: My mans called wraiths waist her thorax 😂😂 She's an insect to him

Superegular: Caustic needs a buff. Tired of people just standing in his gas as if it's not even there. What good is it if everyone ignores it? Maybe not a buff, per se, but a reverting of the last nerf.

Erick Hernandez: I’ll like to see the grenade have the 10 sec count down so when some is pushing you could pull out the nade have it tic for a little and throw it and explode faster

qadri rulzdood: Hemlock, G7 and Mastiff didn’t get a nerf? Ooookay.

Charles Pittman: These patch notes are garbage

Ren Smith: Lol, basically fuse just made Watson more valuable now. I dig it though

Ty Gruber: i feel like jankz and rich are the TTV Hunters

James Shepherd: I hate to say it because I love the soxfar vids but when u play with jankz it's so wholesome like watching the two nicest team mates every play together like you take the loot no you take it so fun to watch dont get me wrong watching your friendship with soxfar get to the point you guys are mean is funny to guess I just love a itemp vid :)

Joe Keltie: Not a big fan of some of the nerfs... Horizon tac is longer that lobas tac now pretty much. What about gibby gun sheild? That wasnt mentioned. All gold mags but not energy? Whats with that... And still no fix for audio bugs and no regs. Literally been in the game a whole year now. Servers are still trash and game crashes every other game. Getting kicked out of firing range.not on really. New content is good and all that bt when the game is in the worst state its been in since release and devs dont mention a thing it really pisses me off. At least adress the issues and say you are working on a fix for these issues. I love this game and i dont want it to become the next cod.. Shouldnt take me 10 mins just to load into a server cause of code100. Also. The battle pass is a load of shit. Wont be buying it this season. Cause 50% of my longbow shots are no regs. So whats the fucking point!

Barometic: please delete caustic.

N Pierre: Still no new Pathfinder passive -_- should atleast make it so he can cut player-placed ziplines or atleast make it so he can zipline jump freely like the old days

Mr.Treasure: Hey guys. Like this comment if you agree so it gains traction but I've been thinking a good change for Bangalore. What if you could switch the direction that the air strike detonated? Right now it drops close to far and detonates close to far. What if you could detonate far to close at the push of a button? I hate dropping her ult and seeing a team just simply run away as they detonate.

Connor Waites: Personally I think Wraith needed a buff rather than a nerf. Phase isnt a get out of jail free card with that charge up Portal being much shorter means she cant really use that to get out either, sure she can use it for team repositions late game but that doesnt effect most of the player base, thats more of a Diamond + situation. No doubt shes gonna be an average size legend with low profile so she still takes the extra damage and full damage to limbs while being the same size as Bangalore but without the extra mobility. Personally I think she was perfectly balanced in Season 2. Gun Nerfs and buffs...great so now the Volt an SMG still does more damage per shot than an R301...an Assault Rifle but not only that so does the Alternator another SMG with barely any recoil 😂😂 "Whatever" is the only appropriate response I feel. Meanwhile, R99 is at 11 damage (220 per mag without an extended) feel like it was in a better spot at 12 damage. Would love a care package rotation swapping the mastiff and the PK again. Hell swap the Prowler with the Alternator and give it disruptors (people seem to really want disruptors back). Mirages buff seems a little op. Used aggressively you have like a 1 in 8 chance of guessing the right one and even then you dont know until after you've committed to the shot because they have 45 hp and now sound too...seems a little broken Wish they would stop nerfing legends to make others viable and instead buff the shitty legends. Hell or at least nerf the OP ones, what is balanced about a legend with a gunshield which eats residual damage, takes 15% less damage, has a dome shield which grants fast heals and fast res, forces close range play and is big enough to be used as cover while running away as well as having an OP Ult. Hes Lifeline, Revenant (extra life), Pathy (grapple player for shotgun spot) and Rampart (deployable cover) all on 1 but better.

Daniel Longpre: I love how you did this patch notes video going over all the detail in one go. I understand why you would cover details by themself from a content producing point of view but hey an overview now plus videos showcasing buffs/nerfs separetly later is the best of both worlds! That said you are so fun to listen to I would watch the video if you read the dictionary. Keep up the good stuff!

VBZ CRYSTAL: Wraith doesn’t need nerfs she sucks alrwady

Scott Knight: I can hear Jankz saying “I don’t want to talk about it” on him missing the zip in the intro 😂😂😂

Dominic Carrillo: patch note link?

supdawg: I hate that the Mastiff has replaced the Peacekeeper

n8doogie: I’m sad the double tap hop-up is gone. The G7 with double tap was SUPER underrated. Such a strong gun. 😪

Raul Vasquez: “Checking whether or not the cool down changes have a significant effect” goodbye Horizon it’s been real

Joe King: Sounds like the characters that didnt need nerfs got nerfed and the ones that need nerfs didnt. Wraith needed one but mirage didnt they ruined him with the remade shitty ult that literally never fools anyone. Gibby fat ass needs nerfed into non existence.

Lealtad Cali: How about leave wraith the f alone wtf she is already nerfed her ability is her strength why nerf stupid

ITTzDare Bear: No Bangalore buff. Cmon respawn

Afro Senpai: "If your bad, play the gas man" someone clip it. These caustic mains coming out the wood work nowadays....have they no shame? Jkjk...sorta. lol

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