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T: Are people still watching this CW shit??

Naz Azad: PLS trailer TROLL HANTER 2

Gaming Grenade: “I’m Bart akin and.m in the fastest man alive” Me imagining him naruto running: 👁👄👁

RedWolfGaming: Damn son weve got Godzilla verses Kong AND flash season 7 in march?!?

CC Elite: "GIVE ME BACK MY WIFE!" Barry ain't playing games

Duckybeau ROBLOX: Thawne is back?? 🤩🤩🤩🤩

Tana Hans: They left this too long I don’t think care anymore

Aid95able: I stopped watching after crisis on infinite earths... what a disappointment...

Angel kimy: B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G —L—o—V—E—S—e—X—y————۞———————————— Here ▶️▶️ √™ Lorsqu'une pilule qui donne aux utilisateurs cinq minutes de super pouvoirs inattendus arrive dans les rues de la Nouvelle-Orléans, un adolescent marchand et un policier local doivent faire équipe avec un ancien soldat pour faire tomber le groupe responsable de sa fabrication. √™ Когда таблетка, дающая пользователям пять минут неожиданных сверхспособностей, попадает на улицы Нового Орлеана, торговец-подросток и местный полицейский √™должны объединиться с бывшим солдатом, чтобы уничтожить группу, √™ответственную за ее созданиеj

Sisilia Hesty: み ゃ あ こ さ ん! ฅ (̳ · ̫ ̳ ฅ) ニ ャ ン 💕 TANTA BEYEZAS QUE DIOS A HECHO EN ESTE MUNDO ASERE Y DISEN QUE DIOS ES MALO SI DIOS ES MALO NADIE ES BUENO ASERE MIL GRASIAS POR TANTA BEYESAS I loro stati in the salute rispettivi prevenirli ラ イ ブ 配 信 の 再 編 あ り が と う で す! こ の 日 の ラ イ ブ 配 信 は, か な ら り や ば か っ た で す ね! 1 万人 を 超 え る 人 が 見 て い た も ん ね (笑) や っ ぱ り 人参 最高! ま さ か の カ メ ラ 切 り 忘 れ で や ら 1 か し た のも ド キ ド キ で し た! 今後 は 気 を 付 け な い と ね.🔥

胡善遠: Season 1,2,5, was masterpieces ,season 4 ,6 are shits

Mobile Videos: OMG The Flash 🤯

namrata agarwal: So good to see his face again

DEANDRE: Barry:Give me back my wife Me:Exactly 😤😡🤬

lDarKl: This iris shit and no speedster ahh come on

Adventures With D: The arrow was a better DC series but I don’t mind watching the flash

hack laurent 941: "We are the flash", " listen to my voice barry", "I can't beat him ", " I'm not fast enough", these are the moments I hate and not ready for

rejmanx: Can they end the series

Dbandzz Lit: respectfully this show is dead

Anuroop: This Iris shit isn't over yet? I am glad I stopped at season 4

Mr. Marvel: *Run Barry Run*

Stephanie Eiche: It's sucks that I can't watch it on the Dish Network.

Relyinglemming6: The Flash is one of the shittiest shows ever made

hasan imrul: the best

TheShadPlayzGames: Yay

Martin kauko: If Barry chooses the path of a one man team he'll be more interesting and powerful

Deadpool Chimichangas: Yo this is amazing!

Dawid W: Flash was good until zoom.. 😑

KireBam studio: Meanwhile in the flash 2022 bringing back all the batman 90s characters

Martin kauko: Again with the humanity and love talk🙄 but the rest is lit though

Kidmax: I got goosebumbs

Lofi Lee: We want red death

Md Sharukh: Only 1st season is awesome. 2 and 3 is ohhkk😒 Lost interest after watching 4,5,6,. No thanks for 7

L O L G a m e r s 99: Finally

Michael Said: There's a season 7?! Wow lol, I forgot this series was a thing

Felix Larios: I’m fast as F*** bois Just like time when I remember when the first season came out

Darklef D: Ooo the “Run Barry run” gives me goosebumps every time, also Tom Cavanah could kick me in the stomach and I would thank him, also only a month ahhh yessss

Besu: Miss the first season

muhamad nathal: :(

G1 Grimlock: DC forever

Han Solo: I wonder how many „run Barry run“ there will be

dani: Ahhhh

ShadowZoid: Finally!!!!

I’m nobody: Just give us red death. It all Warner bro’s there has to do dammit.

Husky Bros: Omg

Lmao Nacs: Saw this already can’t wait

Jaden Fernandes: First yo


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