Girls Reaction Mashup / Attack on titan 4x8 The Final Season Subtitle 🇲🇽 🇺🇸

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Tis-Tes: え、左下ってバービーじゃないの?

Shanks Dragon: The last bite for or potato girl

Ichigo Kurasaki: I hate manga readers because they know whats coming an there like ok i saw that coming u cant really get a good reaction from them i saw 2 manga readers btw

Black Pepper: most of the reactors : you're laughing? really eren?? they didn't realize that was their reaction as well when hearing the word 'meat' a few minutes ago

Dah ling: Eren glaring at levi always give me chills

dolphin mom4: 左下にワリオがおるww

Rodrigo .H: Eren laughing when Sasha died it's more than it looks

santiago alfaro: Eren is broken

Vincent Sun: "Sasha STAY AWAY!!!!" It is always too late since the beginning.

KAMOTE Studios!: That one girl: NO NO NO- STOP! STOP IT! I'm like: _B*tch, she killed everyone's favourite potato girl! What do you mean?_

Keno Bents: These girls are a lot more attentive than most of the aot reactors. Nice Mashup and choice :)

Peeper: 3rd in top row is a manga reader and while I love her reactions idk if having a manga reader alongside anime-only people fits well, like they’re scared of what’s going to happen 5 minutes before it happens- people who don’t know she’s a manga reader might find it a bit weird.

Koolstr3: I said these girls would be emotional wrecks this season, and I was right. And we haven't even reached next week's episode, which deals with the aftermath, which hits a lot harder.

Lazy Bop: Chinese girlfriend reacting to this on the channel!

Denis ZM: Great job!!!!

reza405 rtb: ok this is fake 👎👎👎👎😏

Santial: the 3rd girl from top left is a manga reader, i could never watch her reactions because she would literally open the manga and show to people spoilers or stuff the show didn't put in the animation, also she reacts like expecthing everything to happen and is kinda worthless to watch, i rather see new blood getting hyped or emotional over things that happens on the show and not a fake overreaction.

Lamont M.: Girl on the top left has an annoying ass voice, that shit need to go

Ali Mohammed Saleh: Dude take out that mange reader she is a spoiler

The Xpired: One of the biggest plot twist happens in all of anime The reactors are like...oh they killed Sasha oh no

Minhazul Karim: You seriously don't know why human beings eat potatoes!!" "Potatoes are much more delicious when they're hot." ~Potato girl aka Sasha Braus [ Shingeki no Kyojn/Attack on Titan] yep i cried for 3 days, i was mentally shocked for sasha all this happened cuz of hajimao isayama he could changed it but he didn't did it. I'm feeling like i lost someone very close to me. Sasha's death hit me differently. I'm still crying cuz of sasha, why did she died? why did hajimao Isyama wrote that RIP Sasha Braus aka Potato girl i will remember you always.

Black Kami: Holy fuck the third girl is annoying. How obsessed can you be? I've read the manga too but that is so extremely annoying. I don't know anyone that cares about the reaction of someone who already knows what happens. lmao

Cristhan Rebellion: sasha was supposed to die in season 2 but they changed the story

ネッド.スバース: サシャは人間に殺された。巨人じゃなくてね。この意味合いは今までとはちょっと違う。

kuon leng: Woman

FS channel: Meat is Sasha’s best friend.

Fire Heart: Gabi must run like at 100 mph to still be able to reach the Airship after all that talking with Falco.

NAS F: Good by Potato girl

Magic Medic: The AOT final season better than the GOT final season. hahahaha

Eng . Saleh Alghamdi: Bye Shasha

PG Werx: 10:27 "Oh she will and she can, she wants to see Twitter burn." LMAO, that has to be the best take I've heard so far.

Jose Virgen: Don't blame Eren!!!

Eren _: these girls were fake crying lol

Ellen Mora: Its Eren style he cry and laugh at same time.

Pops Limbu: Someone really spoiled this ep for me coz I knew Sasha was gonna die.. Damn!! I m not going to spoilers section from now.

Velocity Falcon: Sophia and Udo death: OMG Whole Village got squashed by Armin: OMG, this is how the war go Pieck whole squad death: Oh God Warhammer Titan death: MEME Time Lobov Death: No one even care Sasha death: Oh i f*cking hate Gabi Whole Logic: Yo WTF?

Soumyajit Podder: RIP Potato Girl. Eren you worthless piece of crap.

Christiano Hongo: Okay You Hate Eren Laugh At Sasha Death Right I Know okay Eren Laugh Because He Failed To Save Someone Like Hannes He Is Blaming Himself For Not Saving Hannes Now It Almost Same As Sasha But He Try To Cover It Up

Root control: 3rd girl laughs like Eren!

Aurelia Khansa: Don't hate gabi.. Its war, we Don't know who's die

EverZide: Supieran que despues de Sasha vendrá una muerte más dolorosa. 😣

Sebastian Rivera: La que esta arriba a la izquierda es insoportable.


Gilang Maulana: Nice works

Raul Tadeo Marin Pacaya: me gusta ver las reacciones de estas nenas hermosas :D

Kim Yo Jong: Crewmate There Is 1 Manga Reader Among Us

Ismael j: 💔💔

GianCarlooo___: 17:24 esa tia si que está necesitada

Noppriawan: Eren mentality is broken since reiner declare traitor to scout legion. When hannes has been eaten by titan he laugh but cry at the same time, now sasha died in front of him too so yeah he got another reason to kill all of marleyan with those 10.000 wall titan

Alfa Team Tr: Where is gabi lover 😠 last week all streamers says l love gabi ahhaaaagrrr blah blah blah 👊

Juan Carlos Canchari Saucedo: Gracias por el subtitulo en español

MrDaniDazz: Como siempre bien servido xd. Grande Nekuzo. Sera posible que reúnas a mas chicas en una segunda agrupación de este capitulo? <3

Wolf Gang: I Hate gabi Now

Shounen Kaname: Lol she got noscoped

dunia gamers: *When Sasha died Anime audience : 😭😭😭😭 Reader of manga : 19:43

sarah hellen: 0:47

山本謙次郎: 女子全員撃沈(Littleは違う意味で)。

Tommy Wu: 11:57 is why you're here

Mara Azúl: Sasha 💔😢

Rimber Carderon Paxi: Gracias

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