LACHLAN Skin Bundle EARLY in Fortnite! (Fortnite Season 4 ICON Series)

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qt isaiah: Did u get hacked

Дочка и точка ! Karmyshev: The bomb is something! I'm shocked

shock rexo: What happend to the other half of the stream lmao

Joey Garrix: 14:53 AYE it's me, POG much love Avxry wish there was the part where you read my other dono for Happy Birthday much love my guy!

Bopops: Love the streams

Knight: Avery I was the red plastic patroller skin that beat you in rock paper scissors in one of the customs GGs

Dahkim Perkins: so he got the skin early because he got 2.2 million subscribers yes or no.

Stefany Dugardein: DO it

Aragon Maag: Please do more customs And I am in it at 2:57:22 (the chaos agent blowing a horn)

Aggro Blur: 1:02:0 lol

John Adams: 0:36

Kameron Mills: Can you send me 2,800 V bucks to my fortnite name for free in my fortnite name is Rich_boy_kam08 and I'm your biggest fan please send me dis v-bucks.

ANTHONY JIMMY-IWEZU: This is awesome people

Katieexo: The best!

SSl4ught3RR: Who gonna compete in the Lachlan tournament I am not because I have no teammates 😭😭😢

FearXadam: Eightth comment!

Hannan YT.: Literally to ALL of you who read this, God bless you, stay safe and have a wonderful day 💙💜 (my dream is to become a YouTuber)

Cyclex: Who ever is reading this hopefully everybody is doing well. I am struggling to reach 100 Subscribers! ❤️

Phedeline Prophete: motorcycle

PxSharma: First lol

Dominic Fer: me

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