The New Octane Buff is Unbelievably Good! - Apex Legends Season 8 Octane Buff

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უწმინდური მამაო ღორმენ: they need to remove low profile from many if not all legend

Steven thehuman: I wish I could sub again, friend.

Vaaltor: If I could invest in octane stonks we’d be going to the moon boys 🚀

Arun Mehta: 8:09 rich has more kills but sooxfar is the kill leader

Donkey Kong: “Subscrblalalala” -Rich 2021 6:27

James Cooper: Show Cat

Christian Licea: @11:45 needs shotgun shells, pings Mozambique 😂😂

Gary Cain: What are the 700 number in the corner about

Jooj: Octane is the most fun legend to play

Desmond Campbell: Big up Itemp respect the grind man keep up the good work

Jordan Swanson: the comms when that lifeline came up the zipline at diving board lmao wth was that Rich "someones comi-AHLALALALA!"

Henry Fuentes: this man plays on 90png and SHREDS

nagasatya dhanush: Is it apex or jumanji? XD

Houdine Loveridge: we're so close to 1million, so fun to be on this journey watching him grow.

Ace Vintage: rich, carry 2 batts, 2 medkits, 8 syringes, 8 cells. then the rest you fill with ammo.

Jordan Remy: Lifeline pulls up Rich : sums ca lalala 😂

hoody hoo: 4:42 false this gun claps all ranges on controller

Stoneless_skating: YAY, I've mained octane since he came out. I'm so happy

Agus Hartono Muchlis: They annihilated every team in the game so casually... Add Jankz and they'll keep everyone away from the lobby...

Josh 3613: That was a fun game to watch

B Heath: Unbelivable good played

M K: nobody talking about how good the altenator is

Akar Abdullah: SHEEEESH

Fus Od: I forgot about this channel but now I’m back

Adrian Benjamin: I literally watch itemp since his first video and to see his progress is amazing. He has brought us amazing content so why don't we bring him happiness by getting him to 1mil

william russek: What happened to the double tap on the Eva?

Fahad Saeedi: Sometimes I think if it is fair when you get in a game with pro players and die so quick 😭

kathleen b: this game was so 🥵 literally melted the whole damn lobby wtf lol (like always)

Hamdan Bin Arab: I’m so excited for 1 million subscribers

Daniel Nuñez: damn richard, back at it again with the 500 shield cells

7DS_ Captain: You are so close to 1 million subs

Benjamin Naidoo: Suggestion for Rich to get a Cat Cam so we can see his distractions 😂😂


Payn3y: Not read about the algorithm but here’s a comment. Hope it helps. Been here since the FearCrads days.

John Carter: 30-30 repeater will definitely get nerfed lol

E Aaron: I’m actually so happy for u bro, I can’t wait to see ur channel hit 1 million

Good_Joe: After playing Octane, other legends are no option. They feel so slow and restricted xD

antonio lopez: been playing since before there were even seasons and i still DONT have a HEIRLOOM! red pawn has cheated me for a long time now. if you read it fix this my tag is COVID_the _VIRUS

Brawl Brawl: Lu rich

Ziggy Krantz: 6:30 Rich: Some-a come-a ah ahlalalah

Adhi Rafif: 10:48 this 2 kills is satisfying

Jisue Mane Beats: 🔥

Neal Copenhaver: Ahri Temp strikes again!

Animè Aesthetic: Octane and 30-30 are going to be nerfed. Guarantee it. Enjoy it while you can.

Vagarwal4 RS: I was subed since the day u first played apex. it feels like such a long time ago

Jacob Young: Rick and Jankz really got to work on their inv management of health heals and the fact that they are bloody scared of the first ring

noobmaster12 12: So close to 1 mil

edpenn13: Bro you are SO CLOSE TO ONE MILLY

ARL250: 😀👍👏👍👍👍

Sky Light: Idk why this is even a thing. Octane was already very op the way he was. Before this Players using him would wipe an entire squad alone. Octane needs nothing. Punching on the other hand...that needs a nerf, and the mastiff needs to go back as a cp weapon. It can 2 shot max health and max blue shields. Very bad for a common weapon.

XXXSHURIKANSkull: listen to 6:28

Eldridge YT: I watched this

Corliss Davis: Rich: I have 11 shotgun shells I’m bout to search these death boxes Highlights a legendary shotgun and don’t take the shells 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️

JFpresents: Enemy lifeline: hello there Rich: askugalalalalhaha 😂😂😂

keanomonkey 2: Ever think rich sounds like Ali A

JFpresents: Get rich 1 mill. He deserves it

master gaming746: Luckily im an octane main

duck noris: Can’t believe he kept the gold helmet when he is octane wtf

James McHugh: Ok

Rory von Meyer: 6:27 Solid comms, Rich.

Shannon Crawford: Can we please get a cat cam? 🥺 she always wants to be a part of the videos!

Stolty Apex Legends: I’d love to play with you one time, I’m active duty and I love to play when I can I watch every video you post you’re an apex god, or as bloodhound would say, you may be the allfather

Nick Guzzardi: Soofar and rich are the most perfect apex duo ever. Rip kids all day long and just have a great friendship as well you can’t beat that shit man.

zaeem: 2k subs in a day lessgo rich

Chickenleg8023: I've made one of the hardest decisions of my life, I'm not watching apex gameplay until I've played season 8, I want to experience it for myself, sorry rich

Hashim Ahmed: Hope I ever meet u

Hashim Ahmed: Bro ur the best get this guy to 1mil pls

HotNCheezy: Get it!

Hully K: Anybody mention how the new season trailer doesn't show Gibraltar trying to protect the people with his shield. Just had to vent somewhere 😄

Lance Ropiha: Law toe

Austin Williams: I have been here since you started and yet you still amaze me it always makes me happier to know that if I have had a rough day I can just get on Youtube and watch you have a great time it makes me happy.

TheLegend2244: Could you do a game with the bomb squad (Bangalore, Gibraltar, and fuse)

RagyRaptor979: ¨happy octane main noises¨

NeverEverBlink: U give off stampu cat vibes

Hunter A: The whole time I’m watching this video with him and the EVA-8 and I see a 301, I see a 99, I’m like Rich, please drop the Eva, this load out doesn’t make sense 😭 but he was lethal with it and it made for an awesome video

YXGTV: Hello

Keegan Peiffer: Octane is the least useful player for a squad. He gets buffed every season but yet they nerf pathfinder every season

fearTHEspear52: You pinged a Mozambique but didn't take the shotgun shells, right after complaining gibby only had 3 😂

Malachi Sonderegger: Im a Pathfinder main but I will probably try this new buff. I have both of their heirlooms so I can still look kinda sweaty

Arta Khalvati: man I love that hyped up music at the end for your win, you are so close to one million subs!

Hector: 6:28 did you know Rich is now part of the taliban?

DLN- GAMINGZ: Rich the legend himself! Let’s get this man to 1 mil subs 🔥

John Wiechelman: i think Rich is gonna hit one mil by the end of this week his channel is blowing up :)

Kevin Davies: Doggie my cats name is Ari

Victor Escamilla: Pc specs?

Mr Wolf: Octane is the most fun legend and now with the buff it makes it really useful to reach higher ground,just awesome.

KB Gaming: Rich : I only have 11 shells i dont know if that'll be enough Also Rich : goes to check a box and theres 9 shells Rich again : Doesnt pick it up

Tyler Blodgett: I had four full 3 person team wipes yesterday. In proud of myself even if I didn't win a single game

Gangstaplank: Nobody : ... Apex Trailers : 10:47 ...

Biff Tannen: 11:46 rich completely missing the sg shells

Joey Green: I must be the only one who feels his launch pad was better before

Lord Bean: They made octane a crackhead!! Don’t get too happy they definitely gone ruin this fun🤣

Fake GamerZ: Hey guys, I’m just self promoting my YouTube page, I also uploaded apex legends gameplay videos

Ok Boomer: 6:28

Bachtimus Prime: Question: Is pathfinder useless now?

Andy Tupper: This buff I thought was very unexpected felt like they should’ve buffed rampart

KOKO POCO: Undying lalalalalala rich you are the best

James Evans: Hey ITEMP what's the hop-up that goes on the sentinel?

Rievven: Makes you wonder why it took 7 seasons to get the buff.

R E: How do you get the fps counter and latency etc thing in the top right???

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