FASHION PHOTO RUVIEW: RuPaul's Drag Race Season 13 - The Bag Ball

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Mo Ho: Wtf is this review... Nothing goes right.

Isabel Sophie: Utica getting top toot of the week is the only thing healing me after she didn't win the challenge 😭

lana gaga: pay the queens and guest and third FPR CRITIC NEW EVERY WEEK


lana gaga: im rewtching this for 20x for sureloebyou

lana gaga: thank you raja and raven

viciousgremlingirl: Finally someone has commented on Candy Muse's garders not meeting her stockings! That bothered me so much and actually ruined the look imo.

Angie: Dont sleep on Utica lol

Angie: lol Raven with the puns

TenNineEight: Utica’s face looks like she had an STI spread in that last look 👀 🤢

Cata Greene: i thought you guys were gonna do more than just tooting and booting and actually talk about all the looks like last video :/

nickbbi: love my queens raja & raven but this lightning round bs is NOT IT... especially when you toot 80% of everything

Jacob O'Leary: They tooted Joey Jay’s look... the one that got her sent home... ok

llanimay: I used to feel like the Pitstop was the less exciting series I had to lug through just so I can get all the drag race content I could, but nowadays the pitstop is what I'm most excited for (esp with Trixie hosting!) and fpr is the quick content to get through the week. I love y'all 💗 I just miss the energy!

llanimay: I was wondering if they watch the episodes before hand but realized if they did that it wouldn't be a first impression😭 I do wish they knew lala wasn't proud of her bag look, the poor thing

llanimay: I question y'all's choices as of late 🙂

Nola Girl: Tamisha Iman was trying to hide a colostomy bag.. she did fucking awesome! She had to throw a dress together in 30 min, that was sexy but didn’t show her bag “lumps” at the same time. All things considered, she did great! She gets a toot from me!

Tendy Moyo Mazuru: These girls are boring now!! I used to LIVE for the show. Now I go to Pit Stop and Sibling Watchery🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Harry Lian: I would have said Utica was a SHOOT

Superflat: I can visualise Violet watching this and shaking her head

Jr Burriss: I don't see the Gotmik look being all that.... it just looks like she strapped bags to her leg. It also looks sloppy. It seems like a Leeloo outfit gone wrong. Just my 1 cent

Ross Lynch: @WOW we do NOT stan this rapid fire toot n boot. Make it feature length

Malina Chainey: Raja and Raven were way too generous with the "toots" today

cain hewlett: ravens hair is giving me very “mother knows best”

sarah zoubir: fashion photo review is so boring always

Isabella McClymont: Of course I only just notice Raja is wearing a bin bag wig and still absolutely serving it.

Elizabeth: Does anyone else think Utica's hood looks like a vagina?

AnthonySteven. Alexzander: <3

cassandra sotos: Rosé in her ball bags looked like Raven.

Y Clay: too many ads

Linda evangelista: Gurl someone invite violet to do these fashion reviews. They are too lenient.

PMoney West: It's Not RIGHT it's Not OK 😂🤣 ITS A BOOT 👊🏽💅🏾👏🏽🤷🏽‍♂️

blond: All these toots got me thinking these 2 are on something

Anissa Ahmed: Kandy looks like she's in blackface

dfrank2003: Raja’s money look will always be peak iconic design challenge look

J M: not NEARLY enough praise for utica

Sol Ini: Yes! Finally some well deserved boots!

Edukon: Not Raja and Raven giving Joey a toot for that busted look, and not giving Utica a SHOOT for that insanely beautiful sleeping bag look. I'm outta here.

Con Li: Utica is a whole SHOOT Fa me

Benj Mil: Were they reading a script here ?

Wan Adli: Those queens letting lala ri walking with that outfit was shadyyyy

Moon Look: Okay can Tina Burger just sashay away and go back to McDonald where she belongs? She is so boring and doesn’t add anything to the competition besides hideous outfits #Seriously

Elohim O: We can already clearly see who the judges are pushing through at the expense of others, and I'm much preferring the UK version. Still scripted and produced, but not quite so obvious in their preferences.

Elohim O: Gottmik could walk down that runway in nothing but a merkin and the judges would love it. Oh, wait...

Jose David Gualberto: This episode is a BOOT. No more lightning rounds!

cashuwal: here me out I need need need this video to be longer honestly lightning round please c'mon I want them critiques and knowledge from these two amazing queens please @WOWpresents

Zarlacz Czasu: I came here only for lala ri's third look ruview

Julian Wooten: The mistreatment of black queens on FPR has not gone unnoticed. Justify it all you want, Kandy Muse and Layla Ri BOTH just glued unaltered bags together and BOTH were a boot.

Francisco Ferc: Utica not a SHOOT? Gurl bye...

Pierre Valente: Raven actually said shoot to gottmiks outfit, they edited it wrong hmm

I'm wondering: This whole thing is a train wreck of yesterday's failure to catch up to the times. Drag show anything is a complete miss of actual woman's rights and equalities. These men are degrading the hard fought and won effort of centuries of brave and good woman who refused to give up. Who has shown more moxie than any of these guys.

Blu: Why is it soooo late ???????

bunny: You guys are supposed to be talking about the fashion, right...? There’s no point in a lightning round because you’re just saying one word and moving on. There’s no point in watching that. Anyone can do that.

Doychin Kutsarov: Watching Trixie & Violet and Yhua Hahimaki videos before this was a mistake. Raja and Raven just did toot & boot speed run and it is like the pizza box without the pizza inside..

Fabian Alvarez: Is this an actual fashion photo review? It’s gotten lame. Boring!

--: Gives Utica’s last lewk a regular toot? Ohhhhh oh ok 🥴

tammy Smith: So much better taste than Ru at times!

ELIZABETH WILLS: tooting joeys hand made runway and booting utica’s money bags look was a CHOICE

Rigo Higuera: I can’t believe they tooted both Tina and Kandy last look both were not tootable haha

greenbean18: Am I the only one who thought that Symone 3rd look was a boot? It looked boxy to me... Edit: Also how tf were Tina and Kandys bag looks toots but Utica’s executive look a boot?! Girlll...🙄


ourabouras: Seriously expected Layla Ri’s third look to inspire the world’s first POOT😂😂😂

Ame T: Really raja trying to excuse lala like of effort!!

AnnaElisavetta Vonnedozza: Any person who can make a garbage bag look so chic is my kinda person. Garbage bags are very versatile-they’re also good for moving-u can wrap your hanging clothes in them & secure them at the top where the hanger loop sticks out-makes moving hanging clothes easy, so there’s that

Mac C.: It's a crime how Utica's sleeping bag COUTURE didn't get a shoot

Brooke Clouse: anyone feel like this show and just drag race judges *in general* has become so much less shady? giving out toots to literally everyone?

Elizabeth S: Some of these were choices

Will Bryan: Raven never gives an opinion anymore. Just toot or boot.

mm0710: If there’s a shoot for perfect wonderful dresses there should be a lower level than a boot for what la la ri did with those bags

Will Bryan: seriously why cant Wow get it right? This is a fashion review. You can just skip past them. We want to hear opinions on every look. It's a 3 look ball challenge. why you rushing babe?

Micheal Hyatt: Y’all still look so good for your age.

Synicaldisaster0531: RaVEN her Whitney gauntlets it’s not right or okay took me out!

Anderson Ferreira: i love how Raja liveeeeeeee for Gottmik

Holly Odom Cappe: This garbage bag turban. Is groundbreaking. Might be going out in a garbage bag tomorrow...or stay in in a garbage bag...

Adriana Griffin: I love Olivia but I was wondering why the judges didn’t mention how similar her look was to Symone’s. So glad they pointed it out!!

T Bear-Aspirin: Kandy was a boot. Utica was a shoot.

Joy •: “don't sleep on Utica” Lol I got the reference 😃

Kent Huang: I said the same exact thing about LaLa Ri using tissue or even fabric and stuffing them to form a skirt, Raja!

Tan Yanita: Boot uttica and toot Joey jay? Imma have to stop watching y’all!

Barrett Ozier: ya they fell flat on critiquing these looks. really bad lol

Ernesto Analla: Want violet on this. Let's update fpr

fordadbod: This was the episode to not do lightning rounds that give us recap and nothing else, and ya did.

Bradley M: These videos being uploaded a week after the episode airs.... chile

Ohbabs Roberts: Trinity has been dethroned. Gottmik's tuck is that.

Mycenaea: Eh, why did they give the gift bag look a toot? That was so boring.

Trinity The Tuck Taylor's Botox: this was homophobic.

Jordan Zuelsdorf: Tooting Lala and Tina for their first looks is a choice.

IRVING FLORES: Not Raja saying she was going to be very brutal but then there she is just with a bag on her head... no maam.

Za Losz: Next we have

lune78: Come on, Utica's sleeping bag look was a Shoot and you know it.

Jo Risu: Violet and Trixie on the Pit Stop for this episode were much more entertaining. Can't believe how many Toots they're handing out to these full on train wrecks.

S1QuanA: 2:43 Finally someone said it

S1QuanA: you have no idea how fast i clicked on this

richvarsi: Bruh get different people to do this if they don’t want to like they seem so uninterested and skim over the looks this is why I love Bootleg opinions

microtear: I kinda feel like they were a bit too liberal with the toots here. Ngl

Jacky Wong: The 3rd outfit of GottMik is alright... tootable but doesn't really deserve such high praise

Luana Mendes: I love Kandy’s backpack look 😂❤️

Jacky Wong: Love Symone's 2nd outfit and the wig... but they don't belong together! The collar clashed with the wig in terms of colour and size makes it looks like she was wearing a pixie cut

Jajar: Can you replace Raja please ? I love her but she has just candid opinions and I miss other queen like violet or aquaria

Parris Summers: It’s more Mera than Ivy

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