Pro TIPS and TRICKS + Secret Changes Season 5 - Apex Legends

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Isaac Burns: Can you pin this comment?

Epix_VFR: Bloodhound is underrated

Baylee Crouch: the doors

Rock power: Dudeeeee tysm for these you don't know how much this means omlllll dude I can't thank you enoughhh

potato god: Who should I get, Watson or Caustic?

potato god: 2:53 why didn't he ping the square thing

Derpygamer 27: My fav weapons: Wingman R-99 R-301 Carbine VK-47 Flatline and RE-45

Sef Iscool: Hip fire with the re45 is the most fun gun to run

MrHuNTeR GaMiNG: They made lifeline stronger after all

Elite_Ace: I hate the caustic meta

Dr. apostasy: Me: I still attack the enemy head on with mirage while my decoys run the other way 😂😂😂

or oranbge games: What abaut market hot drop

Samuski: "Here is season 5"

Optical Nshots: Wow tips work

Alexandros Kavalierou: here in season 5

V Nation: Crypto

SWAPERTZ: bloodhound big underrated Legend +S tier +Confidence to push +safe +ez prefire +crows everywhere +farm cool stats +U can count the enemy team and u can push if it is only one +Kills people when they r alone +scan traps

Emmanuel Crichton: I love how he says “just yeet it”

nendez15: I wish these videos were labeled by system. Can’t trust a pc player when they talk about recoil

ZELA xz: Lifeline

BadboyDCX: Best legends to play more definitely is caustic

BadboyDCX: I did not know that with Crypto 😂

LamboMOT: That first one blew my fucking mind

Chase Playz: Gibby/Gibraltar

VirtuosoMaple54: Crypto should DEFINITELY be played more.

Vaibhav yadav: They should buff banglore now. It's been so long she didn't get any new changes.

It’sjust_Octavian -_-: I feel the beat team for ranked is blood wraith and caustic

Brandon: That Bang at 5:45 got fuckin obliterated lol

Souvik Roy: I don’t think people take this game seriously anymore , especially the ranked mode , pubs is fun

Carolyn Coleman: I feel like revenant i an underrated legend. I have over 10 season 5 wins and over 200 season 5 kids with revenant.

Lucas Catlett: Ya know what. Ima subscribe, one of the best channels for apex

MikeHert’s LAW: Bangalore is so underrated

Joe Hammal: I started playing recently but I've taken a liking to bloodhound he's great as a scout, I'm not sure if he's popular but I recommend him for newer players, hes simple yet effective

Andrew Gustard: Bloodhound

Deighton Sarna: i’ve been watching your videos for a while now and i never subscribed but when you stopped me in the video out of now where you got me and i had to do it

Petey: Do you have a Twitch?

Angxber4MyLife: Very good Video underrated!

Justin Davis: Thank you so much. Do you know if teammates can punch liba and teleport with loba?

Ryan Naylor: Im surprised no one mentions that you can rob the vaults with Loba. It lets you take 1 item then the vault destroys the store and sounds the alarm. Its a nice little touch that can set you ahead with another quaranteed gold item!

Hi: actually revenant is actually pretty cool coz he can use the token to get the banner after when he dies he teleports to the token

Sスルメ / Ssurume: Mastiff is a little more accurate when holding down sight than quick scoping btw just saying


Le_Bean: Any lifeline mains here?

SenseiOdin 武士: You said the charge tower tip twice...

stripedgamertv7 ,: other youtubers take 1 to 5 minutes just to start talking about what the video you get straight keep up the good work

Jce_drip Clan: Mrige can fly

Si uchi: Final note of your words are always same...

Coda: Buff Loba to be able to grab a squadmate banner

Vegetable Salad: I played Mirage before he was cool...


ppandapp: Just wondering could you get banned from the first one that seems a bit dumb

Hoodrich Rose: Crypto

SoggyDonut: Can someone do a "Here in Season 5" please lol

It's me Iphone7Inches: nice

Dobrx: Here's a free tip, when you are asking people to subscribe don't call it my channel but the channel, this will make a lot more people subscribe because it makes them feel like they are part of it and that it will benifit them too and not just you

Nicholas Fairbairn: Wattson needs more players

Hanes Mendoza: Quick Octane secret tip that I know only a few people know: Healing with a medkit and activating your Stim will consume health but will be completely healed by your Medkit, consuming no health

Mat Bettez: Lifeline needs a rework!!!

M Ichael: They say lifeline is balanced but it's the people that are good not her, I'm a lifeline main and I'm not too bad but she just isnt great anymore, she gets outshined by gibby and other legends

Jan Ginał SPLOM: pathfinder will allways be in our hearts as The best legend no mater how They nerf him. cheers pathy mains

Vaughn Liedtke: Big revenant fan rn

Beholder of the N-word pass: I use Lobas ability to loot the drop shit when it flys above me. As it’s flying over the map you can loot it from the ground

SwFt x Rainbow: Lifeline is underrated

John Hunt: His voice sending me asleep

Bobby Zimmerman: Revanent

Sam Cresswell: Great tips new subscriber right here 👍🔥

Clinton Brigham: What do you mean “you people”?

The Sea Lion: 7finally moving while looting death boxes controller

Clit Commander69: IMO pathfinders nerf was a little too hard 20 seconds would’ve been long enough

YaBoi Andy: Am I the only one that is watching the background game play

JOTN: Tip for really any legend but works best with octane and loba. When you are getting into a firefight that is in a building have your teammates go into the front to distract the enemy then you go from behind and take them out. I have done this a lot and I have never lost a battle. Like if this works for you 😃

Awful Waffle: Do you play on pc?

Doctor Plague: I can go for hours on the many buffs that could be logically great but for bloodhound I think just a slight change can make him just a bit better. The tracks that enemy's leave should also show a little arrow pointing which way they were going because sometimes the tracks just make no sense and get confusing and they go everywhere. Also the scanner should make the creatures into a different color or instead of saying enemy scanned it should say something like creatures detected. I main bloodhound and even I think he can be a bit better and just those changes right there would help him I think. Oh and maybe cryptos drone could connect with survey beacons but that might be a bit too op but it's cool to think about

ItsKiwi: Watson is really underated

Olinius Pedersen: gibraltar is underrated

Shockdolphin04: Can someone explain the crypto buff more I’m confused

Naseef siddibapa: Wait u need 2 shield cells to charge a sentinel ? Or is it just 1?

Brady Weatherly: no one uses gibraltar

Gaming Joint: It's funny that after 5 Seasons of Apex I still prefer TITANFALL 2 multiplayer modes.

Sinc: I think revenant should be played more same with loba

A-Smurfin-zombie: Crypto has always had that

A Letra Gaming: Octane is under rated

Manuel Rodriguez Delgado: Bangaloreeeeee

xStatiik: I prefer the eva in every circumstance over the mastiff

nathanuph: "here in season 5"

Tigerish 420: I feel like mirages old ult is better because you could flank while invisible. Whenever a mirage is popping his ult it usually doesn’t matter if the enemy just sprays down his decoys. Sure you can get a few good hits in but I think it would just be better to flank while invisible to possible my get even more hits.

elite alternate: wattson needs a buff so bad

Gavin Morton: *here in season five*

Cyndicater: He mentioned lifeline and loba landing at charge towers twice

Isaiah Adkins: we need more crypto mains... he is so underated.

Wildash: Tip: Crypto’s drone doesn’t scan decoys, so you can place a drone over a mirage ultimate and debunk which is which.

Wildash: Charged sentinel, and mozambique with hammerpoint, together is deadly if you have good aim.

Max Abbott: *sniff* he made fun of us pathy mains *snif*

JUSTUS VINCENT: Who didn’t know about crutch spamming and plays controller ⬇️

Aesthetic_ Dude: 0:11 I discovered that a lil ago but I never mentioned it because it just happened randomly while I was in a fight against a loba but glad y’all know now

WG IndexFN: I want them to rework on Bangalore or buff bc when I'm putting my smokes down, it takes like 5 seconds to actually get the gun out and put smokes :/

Harry Aivaliotis: Great tips - thank you

Black_Cat R6 and more: Now that pathfinder if nerfed i think that octain is the best and you said that his head shot hit box is at most 2/3 smaller witch just makes him better.

kittin_ duck: I think Wattson is one of the most underrated legends this season and like she’s one of the best legends but I just keep seeing fifer of her

TheChadUnKnown: I appreciate that you actually have unique and creative things to say. Every other video I've seen just says basic shit.

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