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Richard Amajie: nice story but the king should have for forgive them the second stanza make them do that stuff has his Prince love her he should have considered it and let him marry her she is a loving girl is circumstances closet people change thank you for sharing this great movie God said we should forgive those who are offending us Peace Love thank you for sharing

liz Harris: Nollywood movie even if he’s a criminal why saying to kill he’s mother? 🤔 African movie

Anita Hills: Hmmmm I see the return loading

Magalene Ellis: Is this the final season???

Esther Justice: Ok oooo

Brinda Khalil: Good job to you guys

Daughter Of Zion God sent 74: The guy that sang the song try welle

Nadia Mapson: People let’s pray for what we want when god give us is everlasting I pity the next fake princess she did it for her mom in hospital but she still die

Alila Sama: I love the sound track in the movie

Moses Ajuzazobona: Great movie thanks for uploading it guys mch lov to LizzyGold n Queenth n Harry b n prince Henry.Watching from Germany ❤️❤️🔥🔥🎉🎉👌👌🇳🇬🇩🇪

Doris Omo: Oh Prince Henry is in love 😍 Excellent movie 🎥

Joyglo Joyglo: Love is very stupid prince Henry is going mad for a thief. Fuck love 😜😜😜

aminata Tunkara Abdul Saccoh: This palace guard is very good looking, detective was fantastic in the investigation. Nice ending

Michael David: This is the best movie I've watched on this channel followed by the prophet

kirabo mellisha: The ending song is fire . This man is talented. Someone tell me his name and the name of the song

lulutiktoker 123: Every bad action has a consequence. It's a shame that most of the times people act without thinking . 😭😭😞😟

Efya Prilla: So it means the other tusk was fake?

Rita Nofear: Finally it ended, thanx for uploading. Bless

Hawa Sando: Is this the end ??

Saintvalue TV: Nigeria movie hahahahahahaha, in movie the criminal are always caught, but in real life they can't be caught, stop producing all this things to me it doesn't make sense

Star Jombo: love the background song watching from Moscow💝💝💓💓💝💝🇷🇺🇷🇺🇳🇬

Anulika Mbam: Prince Henry - prosper Chigbata for the movie🔥 More grease!! 💪 More favour!! 🙌 King Izuegbu - Harry B Oloye🙌 Princess cassandra- Ekene umenwa.. love the way she was crying like a baby for her ruined party lol Ugo Doris- D Queen: One of my favourites in Nollywood ✋ Helen- Lizzy gold 🙌🙌🙌🔥🔥 Mary Igwe - palative emeka 😆😆 U did well🙌🙌 More favour to all of you,🙏

Hajia Fatash: Wow finally great one there 👍👍👍😍

Jhenelle Nelson: Next part plzzz

Sonia Nora: This prince is really nice

Daughter of The Most High: Prince was such a humble one he kept quiet even after noticing something wrong with the so called Princess Mabel wow love is something else so our beloved criminal found love in the heart of a Prince well done beautiful ending indeed!

phfranzis confidence: nice movie. Thank you producer,director and crew actors for follow it through to the end. There was no dull moment and everyone acted so real, especially the king not letting his son make a very big mistake.

Esther peace: What lovely movie

Ogechukwu Angela: Thanks for uploading firstnollytv

RAYnellE Hall: The green gown is cute but the split is too much *_~

Mayou Compilation: Let me enjoy the song at the end

erica minott: Hope i will see more of the Prince nice one.The background song was Awsome.Thanks First Nollytv

erica minott: Let me sit and enjoy really enjoyed this movie and the Prince is so hansome🌹hope he will forgive mabel and marry her but will the king accept her let me see

Abu Cassandra: I would love to meet the person singing this beautiful song, am in love with the song❤

carol smith: Very interesting indeed. Quite entertaining too. I really enjoyed this movie. It made me laugh so hard to see the lengths these young and old thieves went to , to steal something that doesn’t belong to them. 😁😆. So they all ended without no money, no tusk and hefty prison sentences. I agree with the king, that street thief is too seasoned in her trade, I don’t think she is redeemable. Not at all. I think she replaced her heart with stone. 😊👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Regina Onwuemele: Nice movie thanks for uploading❤❤❤❤❤

Virginia Nelson: I don't think that's the ending,come on upload fast .

Segourney Marengo: What happens to mebel &the prince??? I begg, this can not be the ending😪

Nate Jean: That’s it!

hannah banana: But wait wasn’t there two tusks? I’m confused

Doris Brown: Nice movie good ending well done producers actors and actresses

JC Kennedy: What about the other tusks? Were they real?

Chika Chichi: Thank you for uploading so far fast next part 11 12

Brighton Chikweturo: Watching from Zimbabwe.This is a real nice it♥️

#BedianaWalker TV#: See how your greediness has landed you guys.

Omalicha Purity: The prince is a very orioda omo weree

Foday L Fofanah: Happy Sunday from Sierra Leone

Chizoba Zobachi: Next please

Just Venting: What's the name of the songs playing?

Ambiyo Eunice: In kenya we don't handcuff women

Frieda Johannes: 11 and 12 please

Kel Babes: Maleek u too handsome to cry it doesn't fits u pls stop it😁

Daughter of The Most High: It's very dangerous to fall in love with strangers one day they will fall in love with ghosts and criminals like Princess Mabel

Chiboy Martins: Good movie 👍🏾

Homegee Tv Gh: Some people are fast on commenting happy Sunday to comments readers association

Linda Gifted: Nice movie

Sandra Obaseki: I love this song

erica minott: Happy Sunday so happy its here will watch later

Promise Anyanwu: U see a young guy doing well driven Avalon ship leaving comfortable now he has put himself in trouble Be contented with what you have

Farida Baraza: Thanks for uploading

Bird 2020: Watching

Millycent Rafimbi: The way i waited the movie and way was awesome at the beginning ending not good at all

Iyamu Anthonia: Thanks for uploading this lovely movie firstnollyTv,God bless you all and happy blessed Sunday everyone

Sophia Perry TV: Nothing In This Life Is What Dieing For, Great Movie

Doris Uloma: A very childish act on the side of the kidnappers, Jess!!. Nice movie though.

Daughter of The Most High: I wonder who finally managed to get this golden tusk and what will happen finally!

Daughter of The Most High: I thank God for the gift of life and the fact they I'm still alive on the 1st Sunday of this month God has been good even though we are faced with the 2nd wave of Covid 19 God has still kept me in Goshen when He specifically said He will take care of me and everything that has to do with me I am blessed indeed and you too are blessed that you are still breathing some people are struggling to breathe in coma and all machined up but we are here alive moving and doing things by ourselves indeed our Lord is a merciful God!

Sophia David: Wonderful movie 👏👏👏👏👏👌❤❤

օʄʄɨċɨaʟ sċaռɖօ: Hello, awa yuh ?🙃

Macani Videos Entertainment: Nice end, but did i heard,serge he still proving stubborn kill his mother ehh? since when police become kidnappers or cult gang that use such words?

Joy Santus: Finally we got to watch the long awaited movie, the ending is poor compare to the beginning.

prynce majexty: eii Queeneth can do big sins but at end she will be forgiven and becomes a wife to a prince ....a whole ghetto girl now queen. Hey if u're a fan of Queeneth Hilbert hit the like button.

Sarha Philcox Onuoha: Just landed let me take my place thanks for uploading this movie

Ifeh Ferrari: I hope is not the end of the movie because if it ends like this no 🥺🥺

Good Guy Prince: Who else is feeling Prince Henry in this movie.

Amaka Iloji: Very beautiful movie

talk all sister Gh: Nice movie ❤❤

amen enamuna: Hi guys I hope you all had a great time in the presence of God

Pepsi Cola: So after they got the tusk, the guy was no where to be found to buy that tusk. Now they have risked their lives for nothing and in police custody. Let's be careful of those guys who come around requesting for strange items to buy. Even the chef's father collapse because of this tusk.

Rosemary Wangari: Each episode is getting sweeter by the day😋😋😋do we have east African pple in the house

Bright Sunday: Thanks for uploading

Pepsi Cola: Beautiful queen

John Favour: Nice movie thanks guys for uploading

Alice Mbeyu: Nice movie

Kimmy Campbell: Good morning watching from jamaica 🇯🇲 ☺

Shantae Harvey: What is the title of that song that saying "let it rain our kingdom is falling apart"??

ti-ti omotola: This guys didnt do thier jobs well, next time u want to kidnap someone dont ever allow them set eyes on u Blind fold them .

Shantae Harvey: The detective is so determined 😂

lady Mariam tv: The Prince no well how can he fall in love with the may thief who where able to thief he father's tusk hmmmm which kind love be dat

Mikky Odibeze: D detective did a very good nice n intelligent job👍

lady Mariam tv: Hmm I talk say una go involve una self with all those pictures you all were taking....

Jennifer Goodluck: Nawao ooo why naaw you ppl should have sold the Tusk and leave the country at once

trust- trust: 🖤🤎🤍

Magret Nyadzua: Officer you must marry princess Kasandre for good job 😆😆😆😆🧐

God's favour: Oooops after all the struggle the tusk just went back to the king 😂😂😂😂😂I cant imagin after struggling to have something and you end up not having it cheiii

Alexander Sarfo: Prince in love oh wow . Great movie ✍🏻🤩

Faith Azubuike: Next part

God's favour: 😂😂😂😂😂mary this time you wont escape no more lies

chike agbo: The detective was absolutely incredible..He was meticulous and thorough with his investigation protocols..First time that I actually enjoyed the work of a detective in Nigerian movie..I am addicted to forensic shows and I know a good detective when I see one..

Patricia Gibbs-green: My wait is ova now let me see how it all ends

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