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Mr Gaye: Zeke's plan is to return everyone to monke.

Meryem Meral: 100% my thoughts and I would like to thank you for making a non-spoiler thumbnail + title cuz seems like it's something v hard to do for most channels!

George T: Manga reader here and I love your episode analysis videos! They’re just so insightful. Thank you!

the true Star: Gabi looked like she was going crazy in that cell I can't wait to see where their story goes

Veronika Kovács: Hey, do you plan on reviewing Otherside picnic if you are watching it? It would be worth to give it some attention, since the story seems good and the animation is so intresting :D

DJ Milez: Eren continues to impress me with his can do attitude approach towards saving the Eldian race. We got less than 3 years before Zeke dies Mikasa and Armin, obviously the only "logical" thing to do is activate the rumbling. Alright, mass genocide lol

Francisco Salazar: It has become routine to watch your videos after I finish the episode Brandon i love youuu

Sun Bro reviews: I love the parallels between eren and gabi, both suffered a very similar traumatic experience and are going down the path of revenge, continuing an endless cycle of hate and violence.

hokieham: This was another great episode. After all the fighting it was good to get even MOAR character development.......I have a feeling the ending is going to be really painful........

Anna: This episode having funny parts was so relieving after how tense its been lately

Neko Chibi: "This is my hotel?" That line from Zeke killed me, I was not expecting that exasperated delivery for it. I love the wind down and focus on the relationships and events that have occurred. So excited to see more.

Kevin Nguyen: ss3 Zeke: kills everyone including Erwin. ss4 Zeke: monke friendly.

Cristian Castor: Drop a like to unwrinkle this guy's shirt 👕

Marquin: Finally, we get a proper introduction to Yelena! I've been waiting for this one for a long time 😁

Issy: i like how they reacted to seeing a black person for the first time 😂 i’m surprised that Zeke is actually on the Scout’s side. I get he had to keep up the act in front of the other Marleyeans but dang... he killed a LOT of people in season 3💀 Eren is a completely different character now, i actually like him this season. As for Nicolo and Sasha, i’m not sure if Nicolo had feelings for Sasha but he did blush when his food was complimented which is prob because no one on Paradis has had seafood before 🦞 🌊 glad we saw Annie again though, hope this means she’ll come out soon. I liked her character a lot and was curious as to how she really is as a person when she wasn’t putting on a facade 🙃

EduardoD BZ: I’m so gay for eren

rubikfan1: i love it so much that eldia looks up to marly tech. yet marly is behind the rest of the world.

EazeeOne23: Eren had very few dialogue lines in this episode but I'll be damned...his words carried a lot of weight

47 Zen: I just realized Falco acts like the Armin for Gabi. I especially noticed this during the episode with Armin's regrets.

Argyrhs Lazarists: And i gotta say, hearing you say how painful the wait for the next manga chapter is makes me feel lucky to be waiting only a weak, and also makes me feel bad about suffering this whole weak

1corn: Marley people living in Paradis are so lucky

James Osbourne: ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

History Egg: People noticeably weren't as hype but I was I love the geopolitical aspect and the lore of everything as much as the action, if you can't tell And I cried with Sasha and Niccolo Sasha was my favourite character.......

Devika: This was a slow episode where we get to know the backstory and also had emotional moments with the aftermaths of Sasha's death and it's emotional impact on other characters. Mikasa is such a beautiful & strong character. She really stayed by Sasha's grave for a whole day all alone and fun fact the yellow flowers she brought for Sasha represents deep friendship & sorrow.

theabstractguy •: The ending scene where Mikasa at the grave and says "if we win, we lose, if we lose, we die" and Eren in his jail cell completes her with "if we don't fight, we can't win...fight..fight" was great. What was really great about that scene is that both Eren & Mikasa have screamed out this chant to "fight!" with confidence in s1.. Eren to Mikasa when he was getting choked by those Mikasa's kidnappers, and Mikasa to the rest of the scouts to motivate them to fight in s1...and now both of them are saying it to themselves as if trying to convince themselves to continue fighting.

Hunter Weeks: Killing innocent people is awful but it can lead to peace. Japan and America are now at peace. The question is, as Yolena said, was there another way? Well we just will never know. That's why it's hard to judge people who choose the bloodier way because it's a hard decision. I love that about this show because it has the courage to make that clear without forcing you to take Eren's side

SpiderYass: At this point im just confused... classic Aot for you.

Abhishek Bajaj: Tbh I needed a cool off episode because all the previous episodes were fire.

Zero 陰陽: I love the rearrangement of some scenes. It‘s easier to follow.

Argyrhs Lazarists: This season is just a a brilliant episode after a brilliant episode, ive been spoiled on some things but i still enjoy it af. Mappa has done an incredible job and i love how not everyone on paradis is on the same page and everyone has their own thoughts right now, i just wanna see how this ends up and im happy to be alive to do so

MadPanda: Wow !!! man I don't know what to think or who to root for after these episodes .

Son of Thors: This episode reminded me of a conversation between Erwin and Pyxis, where Erwin basically said that the fighting will never end, until there is only one or no humans left.

bih ass: Aot gets better every week

El Generico: Every single week the story gets deeper and deeper and better and better, I see why this is favorite story ever. I can’t get enough of the legendary tale that’s unfolding in front of us. It’s amazing. As always, great review, Brandon!

malikparah915: When Zeke was first introduced in the show never did I think we'd get such a great comedy duo with him and Levi

Ameen Ahmed: Levi and Zeke conversation was pure favourite moment in the episode 🤩

Emirhan Ozdemir: Love your content keep it up

Jordan Dwiggins: The true GOAT Mr. Braus has returned 👏👏👏

@KreativeMente: Mappa is killing the adaptation so far. Im waiting for the next big plot points. I can't wait!

Random Trainer X.: Culture exchange, but mostly just info dumping up about what Marley has compared to them.

Sakkypal: Gabi is soo much like eren from season 1 now, i wonder if she will ever see the paradis point of view. Falco to me seems like someone who is willing to forgive and understand what happened. This episode was another banger and i cant wait to see whats next. Zeke is also such an interesting character i wonder what his true aim really is

FelixVF: Each time we get a answer to something, something else comes up...

Hridoy Abdullah: The show is getting sooooooooooo Good 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍. I laugh so hard every single time Zeke and Levi interact😂. Btw Zeke was a complete badass while talking with the Marleyans.. Masterpiece in the Making ✨

Ali Baig: This episode was literally "Peace was never an option" Except the goose is now Eren.

actionvids35: This is where gets complicated no one is trusting each other and everyone is manipulating each other Zeke and Eren for the most part. Armin question if we only had time perhaps everything could have gone the differently they could understand each other. But the problem is they did not have time war was coming to their doorstep whether they like it or not so they were dammed either way. War never changes. Also Zeek has only 1 year to live. by now

George Brown III: ik the eren stans going crazy at the last shot in the episode

Thorsal: Fun fact: the next episode, episode 69, will come out in valentine day in Japan time. *N I C E*

Kich X.: I liked how Eren holding up the marleyan ship looked like how the owl lifted it in season 3, thought that was a neat addition. Lots of good things like Eren in the mirror, and all of the past scenes with the anti faction teaching them these new things. Glad how Eren's shot transitioning to Sasha looked, with that red tint over her death. It was a neat addition.

Andrea Lorenzi: I love that the anime is taking its time and adapting these transitionary chapters properly, since they are obviously vital for the story going forward, and to explain and put into perspective what led up to the Eren attack. Great adaptation once again

Count85: Sasha innocently asking 'why is your skin so dark?' was funny as hell. Hopefully in this current cultural climate, it doesn't get taken out of context.

Randal the Vandal: Zeke: leave Marley Return Eldia "macaco noises"

DeAndre Dukes: *"it's like losing half of myself"* I felt that 😥

FelixVF: I know this is random but ARMIN GOT THE DRIP

krrish Bontal: I swear I can't get enough of the evil eren ost theme used

Scottie Neal: Damn Zeke

Mandanda: Isayama the goat

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