Hermitcraft Recap Season 7 - week #50

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Chicken Will: Hows the next wandavision episode.... lolololololo

David Yodo: Best Moment this week: Bdubs exploded from Ninja Creeper

David Yodo: I wonder whoever created the HCBBS will admit it in the future....

Kyryzard: 10:59 (for personal use)

Chris Nguyen: Beautiful writting as always Zloy; the WandaVision and inflation joke we're A1.

JamesG 23: cool

Elvenjedi: WandaVision is still just as confusing as last week!

sapnu Sama: Doc will be a butler for Scar and tidy up Scar's chest monster... Spoiler, if you haven't watched the recent videos of the hermits . . . . . . . . . Mumbo's chest monster. It's his now. So does doc will be a butler for Mumbo now and Mumbo will be a butler for someone else's? Well, the butler rules does not says something about getting a butler to them again. Haha. The hcbbs backfired towards mumbo. Haha

Munarki IV: me : dont have so many times to watch every single hermits every week PIxlriffs : we've got you covered

metal: Zloy should name every hermit in the weirdest ways possible next episode

Neko: I'm really looking forward to see what stress does to impulse's base. I see a giant pyramid covered in pretty pink flowers....

Ryan Mitchell: I have a sneaking suspicion that Mumbo is in a fair amount of trouble with some fans

flying carnage: This season is almost one year old

Adam Crayford: HCBBS Hermitcraft big base swap

Yuvraj Mishra: “wE hAvE...... bOx” -JoeHills

LENNY WAHOO: To answer your question, WandaVision is insane.

Arthur Jay Cardenas: Did I........... Just get............ Rickrolled?

Some Guy: I missed joes episode, Definitely a good reminder it is NOT Christmas lol

Some Guy: Im still in the last week of Wanda Vision :( We get them a week late here in New Zealand

Redstoniack 18: Mumbo Jumbo Mustache man. The HERMIT CHANLENGEEEEEEEEEEES surprise hobbit butler.

Genera1007: That last joke hurt me.

A random guy who has a very super long name: Did we just go rick rolled at the end? 11:58

Cullen Hutchison: Mumbo essentially became Samwise.

Space Dave: Somebody build a secret base in your editing!

redstoneking46: Can someone tell me what happend to grians claim in aque town?

Arhab Hurairah: Since every hermit is swapping bases, Zloy and Pixlriffs should swap each others job too ( Narrated by Zloy and written by Pixlriffs )

Roksana Ruhe: Nice

Thatgingerdude15: You notice how most hermits are finishing their bases (or getting it to a point their happy with) **Spoiler** So they can swap it

Tank Baby11: That last joke killed me lol 😂

Jheymee Franco: did we just got semi rick-rolled at the end screen?

Kevin Smith: Man i cant wait for Mumbo to buy all the base tokens with Docs tunnel boaring machine.

scribbler 13: I don’t think anyone would have guessed the bee cult would get formed by cubfan and not the man with a bee as his minecraft skin

Cowplatter: the new wandavision is very good

Sharath S: I'm legit sad that you missed the HCBBS reveal this episode.

Zainul Risyad: Because it is Swap Base, next recap should be written by Pixlriffs and said by Zloy

Kawakawa Tea: 'If I take one more step, I'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been.'

TheSeventhMiner: Did I get rick-rolled at the end?

Lé Creep: The great thing is, the HCBBS was mumbo a intention from the start because why else would he make his base evil?

Madi: Legit though is no one gonna mention the Rick-Roll?

Crafty Sea Pickle: This is my secret base shhhhh

Doctorinthezone: 11:39 That is legitimately the best joke inhave hear all week🤣

SelectorOfSouls: Please read below AFTER watching the video (contains spoilers). You just got rick rolled by the hermitcraft recap.

Der Fooler: I'm was druk af while watching this video And it's really helped me out Thanks hermit crafft recap for helping me out

Emerald Emperor: Can't wait for #51! I wanna hear what you guys have to make of mumbo giving himself scar's base and forcing scar to feed his for him (as if grain hasn't already been doing it all season).

Ebraw Ebraw: 12:09

Montgomery Montgomery: Jellie is a trans rights activist- willing to be found in honor of the flag Maybe not but I BELIEVE

Pieguy: As an econ major I appreciate that joke at the end

Parker’s Really Dumb: when it happened yesterday i legitimately thought “oh no why tomorrow the recap is going to be so sad”

Adam Afzal: When you realise HC Recap has 4x the subs of TFC

Dio Brando: So Pixlriff you swap base with ZloyXP?

Marcos Eduardo: SMH the hermits have no compassion for the recapers, making their event conclusions happening right at the start of the week 😔

Tahu Nuva: Wandavision *is* really fucking cool. One of the rare times with marvel stuff where I genuinely have no idea how it's going to play out.

Cora Murcray: I just realized Bdouble0100

Ellie Hunt: Beginning to love the recap more and more, subscribing a few months ago was the best thing I ever did!! ❤️

TheWarGod12: What happened with ren though? Server economy? Can someone please tell me.

JLH: I’m happy that the hermits are swapping bases bc every video I’ve seen so far, they’ve all been so excited to help each other out... build storage systems, add redstone contraptions, terraform, decorate.... it’s very sweet.

Noemi Lopez: that inflation Joke *giggles*


Issy: Thanks, I am from the future, Wandavision is stressful 😭

mahaveer d muragi: Next episode will be so good❤️

nutiketgotc: Jelly cat is transgender ally confirmed.

Chase Allen: The new Wanda Vision was indeed very good, thanks for asking :)

Bruh: All we’re seeing is inflation lmao

Ashleigh Lindsey: "inflation" HA thats hilarois

Normal'sWayOverrated: Me realizing what HCBBS really stands for: O: Me realizing that it was revealed on a Saturday so Hermitcraft Recap can't cover it for another week: O.O ;-;

OrdinalBroadcast: Man, it why does something dramatic always happen on the weekends

Mr.Davoose: yah what is the next wanda vision

General Nickles: "the other hookabubus cult..." Man, that was a good one. So quick and sudtle. Gotta love the writing in this show.

Derisis 13: Can't wait for Doc to walk into Cubfan's traps...

HUGO PNIK: "Expect a market crash soon, because all we see is inflation" *GET OUT*

SpIceThea: I love this humorous show

JCJ 0520: The new WandaVision is quite crazy next week, and the fantastic four show up(if I got that right, I’m a legend.)

KEI: Bobo the Brick Giant may have been deconstructed, but he will always remain in my heart!

endoverlord423: that joke at the end was AWESOME

Chriswer82: Iskall with two ls. Why Why Why did you have to do that

Cătălin Popescu: Bruh the inflation joke was legendary

Christopher Wadsworth: poor Joe

digitalvick: "hows the new wandavision" AHAHAHA. ... its ow. very ow.

Mr Esteban: based

Firejet6: Your killing me with the Wandavision talk. A WHOLE WEEK!!

Jack Servans: See, the starting joke doesn't work, because WandaVision comes out on Fridays, so the recap is all caught up.

Matt Evans: Let's be honest: The person who set up HCBBS, was just REALLY bored.

Pillager 6666: the new episode of WandaVision was great as always, thanks for asking :)

Pan Earthman: 8:45 i’m not completely sure if that joke was intended (a rapunzel tower coming from a *tangled* undergrowth?) but it was funny as hell

tzyvoski: "Expect a market crash because all we are seeing now is inflation" This sentence said just a few seconds after "Real Estate Market" brings back 2008 vibes

Fictious Silver: EYYYY

Mike Baker: That inflation joke. Solid. Gold.

Matej Grega: 11:41 Oh. My. God. That's so good.

Jussi Raitoniemi: This deal really hits all the people who've bothered to build something, right in the rear-end

gaming theplaybolt: Stress's voice is if the voice of british tea cup


Ivherson Sumbe: Welp just realized that HCBBS stands for Hermit Craft Big Base Swap/Swapping

Mario Antonio: Wait that land was grains land after the the turf was ended the rule was that if grains team won he would win that land.

Håkon Stangnes: Can I just say that 4,7k likes and only 15 dislikes is amazing!!

Ragnar Þór Guðmundsson: The inflation joke was the best thing ever

Huntracony: I think Stress' secret base might not be in her tower. She's done too much work convincing us that it is.

Sunfishen Sunfishen: **BASED?!**

Bamni 573: Honestly i want to see everyone get together and do something for TFC it would be really nice

Huntracony: 4:48 Oh damn, that may be one of the best unintentional innuendos I've ever heard and I completely missed it watching Zed's episode!

Callie Harm: Can't believe I got rickrolled in 2021

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