Official Trailer #1 | Subs in 6 Languages | BLEACH:Thousand-Year Blood War Part 2 -The Separation PV

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vizmedia: Where to watch #BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War, Part 2 – The Separation in six languages this July! 👀

CJ: Aizen is fighting on the bad side again?

Samuel Oliveira: Muito ansioso para essa próxima parte ❤🇧🇷

TheProevo Manager: THE MUSIC MAN OMG

Mega Parsia: Praying that one day before I die I will also see a perfect anime adaptation of Berserk and HxH, it means so much to see Bleach like this again. Absolutely amazing.

BleachKiller419: 1:30 man, just wow I can't even describe how excited this makes me.

Lucky Dueces: After so many years, the grand return of the bleach anime ended up living up to the hype. Amazing. Can’t wait

Gadv: Aaaah que noticia tan genial What a cool news, thank you VIZ

shinobeee: Lets ggoooooooooo soul reapers vs qunces part2

Warrior of GAD: Who was mariyu talking to?

DarkThanatos18: Uh is the sky gonna be red the whole time?

Archange univers: as nodt and superstaaaaar

Archange univers: as nodt and superstaaaaar

Juan Torres Barrios: Hirako : Bankai! ❤

Miguel Cabrera Hernández: Sera gratificante y satisfactorio para quienen ya leímos el manga anexen el contenido original de Tite Kubo, eso le da un plus muy grande, que en el primer cour hizo mi experiencia el ver BLEACH aun mayor y me sintiera un niño nuevamente, gracias BLEACH por toda la felicidad que me has traido, a Tite kubo por crear semejante obra, a la produccion de Pierrot y el gran trabajo que han hecho, esa gran vision del sr Taguchi, y ese soundtrack de Shiro Sagisu, que en lo personal para mi es el mejor compositor de soundtrack que he escuchado, un masterclass lo que crea, han hecho de Bleach mi obra favorita y para muchos seguro tambien piensan lo mismo el amor que tenemos a la obra❤

Rosilda Costa: Perfect

Kars One: Track pleeeease 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Miguel Cabrera Hernández: Se escucha prometedor el nuevo opening, si algo caracteristico de BLEACH son sus openings este se nota esta a la altura de las espectativas, ya deseo escucharlo a full junto con las visuales y junto con el ending que esperemoa pronto den informacion de quien lo interpretara


Miguel Cabrera Hernández: Se estan guardando la pelea de Rukia y Kempachi, eso me gusta porque para muchos que solo ven el anime les encantara, más con la calidad que estan manejando en este retorno de BLEACH The king.

Miguel Cabrera Hernández: Padre Bleach vuelve a demostrar porque influyo en tantas generciones que a dia de hoy mangakas famosos rconocen su influencia y no dudo marque a nuevas generaciones que mas adelante lo vuelvan a citar en sus obras la nueva generacion, no por nada es el mas influyente del big 3, BLEACH THE GOAT.

Miguel Cabrera Hernández: Uff papa, lo que sera este cour, y eso que aquí faltaron mostrar tantito aunque sea de 3 peleas que sucederan, puro sexo se viene en este cour

SBRO123(OFFLINE) : Omg on my birthday 🎉🎉

ChairSama: Hado 99 gruo temits

ouya tsuya: Shinji and hitsugaya takes the mvp in this season

Lisa J.: my blood is boiling cant wait to see part too

Gavin Sharma: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

David Oh: SHINJIS BANKAI????!?!? Are u serious????

Queen JT: 😏

Leonardo Franco: Shinji Hirako meteu uma bankai? Caralho.

ThikDikRiky: Peak

Frank: Letsgo

That Guy Bert: Peak is back, ladies and gentlemen.


carlos romero: Unohana is alive ❤

Damo: I ain't complaining but I swear if they give us shuhei's bankai just for a random fight i will be hyped

Dion Rodriguez: Looking forward to kenpachi’s Bankai as well

D.3.Z: Ichigo's new sword and power out the a** incoming 😂

Sterlines PBPY: The goosebumps are real💯

Jr Jones: Yaay!! I'm so excited 😊😊

ourforgiveness *com: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Co boog: MID.

Kyuhn Fukaikage: This trailer litty

Leon S. Kennedy: Let'sss goooo

Ezana Tesfay: i can't wait anymore 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Wolfshalifi: Release all the episodes at the same time and not every week or 2

Шахматный Пешковод: Bankai: Sakashima Yokoshima Happō Fusagari

Tell me, do you bleed ?: Возвращаюсь в свою юность 😎

Dono Jokker: Chega logo julho,muitas lutas importantes n apareceram no trailer,n vejo a hr de ver elas animadas 🔥🔥

Cele Frioni: This is too much for my heart 😍😍😍😍😍

ButterCaster: I like that we are getting Shinjis bankai which was not in the manga just like the First Gotei 13 scene love it

SnackKingdom: One word, #BANKAI

Eric Manso: Man I been waiting for this since 2016 I feel sorrow for the bleach fans who past away before this going to air

Shigure2023_: I FREAKING KNEW IT MAN!!!!!! SHINJI’S BANKAI! That first TYBW part 2 trailer had Shinji saying something extremely similar to his Bankai unit in the gatcha game Bleach Brave Souls. I KNEW IT!!!!! So hype.

got a problem?: JJK Season 2: - MAPPA going all out - Gojo Flashback Arc - Shibuya Incident Arc Baki The Grappler - Pickle Arc - Yujiro v. Baki Fight Bleach TYBW Part II - Shinji's Bankai - CFYOW Content - Pierrot going all out - Shiro Sagisu OST's This summer is going to be Insane

Mohamed Attar: BANKAI! TIME!

Ruffles!: Where’s Grimmjow broooo

damaris: OV FX MSnhdwn bb i am. so normal. abt this. 😁😁😁😁😁☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️😇😁☺️

Titi: Este trailer está fantástico! 🤩 E com essas novidades ficou ainda melhor! 👏🏼

Pyramidas: Please don't let the Vizards get clowned like in the manga!!!!


MADARÃO ARTS01: Mano 30 no em alta aí dá mano bleach vai voltar com tudo hype grande 😊

Boy Wonder: Oh it’s about to be lit asf!!!!


Ramiro Suarez: Hype!

klªnt: I like the Soul Reaper with the Big ol' Biddies

KevLowry: No Aizen? WACK

DaDJDoodles: Touch grass

Lucas Pike: Can make a grown man cry 😢

Dutchman 80: 2 years and 24 episodes... What happened to full seasons?

kirby!: isnt this the one about the volleyball team??

Christian Nicolas: i cant wait

Latin Letters: Yall anime onlys aint ready for what shinji has been cooking in that slow cooker for years now

Video_game_reactions: BANKAI Sakashima Yokoshima Happoufusagari

Ciwarda Gezer: amazing !!!

Edwin Daylan Esparza García: Increíble ❤❤

Joel Brich: Wait, Shinji's bankai?! Are they seriously gonna show it?!?!?

TheChampcrisscross: No Kenpachi Vs Gremmy this go around?

kollie79: I feel like the only one watching the trailer just to jam out to this new opening song teased in the middle

CK Da Goat: #11 on trending

BioZombieActive: Whats the song name for the OP?


BenTheFart: im so excited for this

𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘺𝘢: Super enthusiastic 😍

Spooky Yuuki: Ahh on the one hand I'm happy and on the other hand I'm going to experience the drama again. I don't want to watch someone die again. Regardless of the sides.

Arnold Jimenez: Streaming on my birthday!

Mlondy Khumalo: Soi fon ate🔥🔥🔥🔥

Lightswitch: Not 1 shot of Aizen out of his chair.......

bruha: #life

superfatchao14: 0:22 Haschwalth 😢

JAVON CARTER VIDEOS: Been A long time coming but I'm geeked ! 😱🥹

Kasagf: I’m so excited for july sad it’s not sooner but I can’t wait tho

OniGiri: I know it's shown in CFYOW, but I have zero idea of what Shinjis bankai is or what it does, so I'm stoked that we're gonna get to see it and that Shinji is gonna have something to do in this arc.

SoFarSoGood: In this trailer promo interview, Kubo said that Shinji's bankai is a fanservice, anime-only scene. There will be a few more things like that here and there which sometimes obvious or subtle

terribly dank persøn: Hope it isn't rushed like the first part. It was honestly disappointing to see.

CHEEEEEEE: Me encantaría saber cómo se llama la canción I would love to know the name of the song 曲名を知りたいです

Felipe Fer:

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