Rewiring my relationship with food Part 1| Glow up Diaries Season 2, Episode 4

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Alivia D'Andrea: Will post episode 5 soon since episode 4 is kind of short! Episode 5 is filled with cognitive therapy tools I utilized to rewire my brain and crush limiting beliefs! Please remember that this is the BEGINNING of my journey. I make mistakes and I learn from them. When you strive to change your life - you will try different thought processes and different amounts of exercise, etc. It’s trial and error. You end up finding what works for you in the process and developing balance. I show you my errors to keep it real and show you what I learn. Please don’t jump onto something you see and judge right away. I progress and change A LOT throughout this season.

itshannah hanahana: Omg u are so strong! Im so pround of you GO GIRL

Sunflower Songs: I'm in the before stage too. I lost weight before in 2019 but I got overwhelmed with college and became mentally unstable at a rapid rate. After i regained control of my life i had gained like 40 pounds. I dont hate myself. I think I'm pretty af. But i want back that discipline and that trust in my body and in the process that i had before i lost my shit. I see my story in you, Alivia. And i believe that i can win thanks to you

Mint Puff: Yes Alivia pls pls pls make a morning routine video please 🥺😁

rivers: Alivia literary motivates me to work out!

BeyondTheBop: Yaaas, this is what I needed to hear.

Johanna Köhler: i honestly love you moms respond of you walking 3 miles and then making you water like this is beautiful and ahhhhh i just love it.

Rijul Jangra: you deserve the world

Onlyheis: Challenge day 2 :D how you're going girls??

Chloe Berry: I have your exact body type !

Su McPhaul: I love that the video starts showing before and after, only it says "Where i started" and "Where I am now" not where I ended, shows that we never stop growing and changing. You are such an inspiration Alivia, thank you!

Medha Mishra: I found your channel just 2 months ago and you really have changed my perspective towards food, exercise and life in general. Can't thank you enough. I'm in a much better place now than I was a month before. Now I don't see food as an addiction, I don't see working out daily as a burden. THIS TIME I HAVE MADE A COMMITMENT TO BE THE BEST VERSION I CAN BE AND I'LL MAKE IT HAPPEN! love xx

MommyGirls G: It's not that the news is boring its just depressing and draining it really makes me down

Devishi Sah: your the most beautiful person ever and I never had a role model, now I have one. Alivia you are really a very big influence in my life and I really resect and admire you a lot. I'm 14 but I have the same habits and broken commitments to myself. You are actually the reason I'm changing and your an angel Alivia.

debeforesara: My healthy habit: reading the daily brew in bed instead of endlessly consuming social media. Day 1. 👌🏼

Lybeuh: I just want to say that those videos are so hurtful. My eating disorder got worse because of her. She made scared of eating food and i know i'm not the only one. She had BED and don't want to talk about it. It's not just being "lazy". She was sick. Please be careful with everything she says, don't take her words and advices for granted. Do your own research.

Marvellous Mocha13: I’ve never struggled with the same things as Alivia, but I love that the focus of this channel is mindset and not the results, like this isn’t a diet channel or a weight loss channel or a workout channel, this is about the strength of your mind and the results that can bring to any facet of your life. There are plenty of channels that tell you how to exercise or how to eat or how to get out of bed in the morning, but I’ve never seen a channel like this that really teaches you self control and how to redirect toxic habits and truly heal your mind. Thank you Alivia! 💕 (And on the off chance you actually see this, your middle splits routine and it’s amazing, I can practically reach the floor now and I’ve only been at it for a few weeks!)

Ivana Vuci: This video helped me so much Thank you 🙏🏼❤️

Veronica Simone: the dogggggggg

Veronica Simone: your lil sis driving the car aweee lookin cool

Spotted Elephant: Her parents house though. 😭. Dreams

Chortle: Man, I think I saw at least 5 ads in such a short episode -_-

Cane Libéro: Can you pls tell us which dance cardio you are doing?

Cane Libéro: we want LONG EPISODES AGAIN!! ❤

Hailey Soeun: I’m struggling so hard to lose weight. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror, constantly grabbing my stomach just to remind myself it’s still there

Mishane Perera: What is that dance workout in 11:05 ?

Mckena Playz: Me watching this eating my 5th bag of chips 😂

Bruna: When I tell you I ran to this video... my goodness.

Maryana's World: This should become a frikin Netflix show, so many people would adore it! You go, girl!!!

2020 Army: Have a day as beautiful as you are ! :D

Lisa R: I was one of those stupid people in Season one, asking myself, why doesn't she glow up? I'm so glad I came back, now I know, what was going on that time, you're soo inspiring ❤ I'm sure you're gonna change my life when I'm ready, when I'm healthy enough (mentally... I've got a really bad Depression, I almost killed myself in fall) It's a long process getting Out of there. I just wanted to say thank you ❤

Snow White: just a note on BCAA’s... you don’t need to supplement if you already eat multiple servings of quality protein everyday. it’s useful for preventing muscle wastage in patients with anorexia, certain digestive disorders and cancer. but for people eating a good amount of protein, nothing from the supplements will be absorbed so save your money. it doesn’t build muscle or anything like that.

boxb ts7: I am now on a diet 500/600 calorie diet for 13 days because after this 13 days I Will go to the university and then my crush can see me there soooo I have to do it 😢 after this 13 days and this difficult diet I will start a healthy One 😉 it will be around 1200/1500 calorie a Day 😍🤗 today is 16/2/2021 i am 88.5 Kg I Will Tell you The results in 1/3/2021 wish me The luck 😘 beautiful girls and give me a like please 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

LL: Everyone is talking about food.. and I'm here wishing I could have a house with a pool. Oh god.. hopefully one day.

Elena Kozyreva: “The new one is going to cost the old one. It’s going to suck at times but it’s worth it. In the end, you’re going to make peace with yourself” This quote means so much to me, I am a bit struggling now because I started intermittent fasting again after 1,5 months of binging and dieting, and now I feel in control of my actions. Yes, it’s hard to follow the regimen, and it’s easy to eat at night. But hard means growth, and growth means happiness. Love you, Alivia Edit: since I don't use social media, I'll update my progress here! It's day two of IF, and it's going well. I also did meditation which was hard because I felt soo sleepy because of my medications. During these 14 days, I also want to stick to my study schedule which was hard for me because I was super sleepy and fatigued (I get a lot of sleep, it's just the side effect of the medication)

Di A: I loved your videos (the first and second one) before you used so much ads. Like their is an ad over an ad. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Niwa -chan: No ones gonna talk about how beautiful she danced and she looked so happy it just made me smile💕😊

Sara Peine: I want to remind you that health and growth is different for everyone. For someone who is obsessing about productivity it might be very unhealthy to engage in more productive habits. Some part of me wants to get up and be productive after watching these videos, which, for me, is not the right thing to do. But I am still grateful for the techniques Alicia is sharing, for I can apply them to me and my journey in different ways. For me it is hard not to “just do it”, be a slave to my overproductivity. If it weren’t for my mental toughness I would have never been this close to burnout at 18/19. I’m very grateful I started rewireing my brain for the better and I’m slowly growing more happy, healthy and I am not just doing idiotic stuff without questioning it. I hope this message made you feel a bit better when you feel similar to me. Glowing up is different for all of us 🌼♥️

adrianinha: i noticed youre so much happier in this episode ! 🥰🥰 made me happy

Chloe Patten: not a nandos ad popping up

Jess ONeill: If a company is sponsoring the video im pretty sure you have to say it in the video??

Whalien Jung: I loveyou alivia

Rosas 神: Bro ur so lucky that it’s sunny and warm over here in the east coast is cold and dark 🥲

Chelsea Robinson: Alivia this has got to be my favourite episode so far. This content triggered a very relatable feeling from the quiet strength portrayed throughout the video even when you are so tired and when it's so so easy to slack off. You are so inspirational and always seem to succeed in empowering others to not just be dreaming, but doing and not giving up. 💖💖💖

dana holmes: Is helping and being strong healthy and you

Maddie Fishblob: Hey I’ve got a great tip for long walks - READ GREAT BOOKS WHILE YOURE DOING IT! I honestly spend around an hour a day walking in circles in my backyard while reading - and because I love what I’m reading I look forward to walking

Moon Light: I think the problem for me isn't over eating or lazy to exercise. I think is my overachiever mentally. My urge to multi task. When I work out I want to listen to the news, watch an episode of a show I like, read a book, study some more all while I work out. Its impossible but if I can't do those things at the same time I choose the most important. That is studying, since I have multiple exams and act exams soon. How do you get rid of this mentality in order to focus on yourself?

Saori S: watching this when i am having a night craving :3 <3

Desiyo ki Delhi: Can anyone tell why it’s showing one episode deleted 🙁😦

JustBrett: i know how long it takes for you to edit these and i know how much effort you put. in You are my new favorite youtuber and i think your work on here is amazing. You and the energy you bring to these videos are magic and something i am so grateful to find. When the days get long and the editing gets rough and the content gets frustrating, just know you are inspiring people everyday in every part of the world. You have inspired me to work out, do better in school, and to love myself greater than i did before. In my darkest day, tired, depressed, I accidentally stumbled upon your videos. You touched my heart and helped me begin a new journey. For that I am forever grateful. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Im Ginni: For her it’s “food”,For me it’s “fear to go for my dreams ” many “what ifs”

the unknown animator: MY 14 DAYS CHALLENGE ( 1,000 rope jumping everyday) 1 ✓ 2✓ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I'll keep updating ❤️

Jade Green: you’re helping me so much with my binge eating disorder

Sarah: loved this episode, Alivia <3 I found it really motivating and it gave me hope and courage. I like the ideas of practising of delayed gratification in small ways, recognising your urges are simply thoughts, and knowing the power of those few moments when you are about to give up but keep going, even just a moment longer.

Emily Dixon: your videos make my day so much begter

Natalie: whats the outro song?

Katy-Rose Anderton: Yesssss can you please do a morning routine!

yohana lee: She's already pretty in the beginning now she's prettier!!!! Different aura and positivity are really changing people's life

M L: What was that dance workout video? You looked like you were having a blast!! Great series, thank you!

Amy Ros: For me, I realized that I snack a lot after midnight so when I was determined to lose weight, I rearranged my schedule so I can sleep early. I’m not saying I lost significant weight but I totally avoided snacking and had a better energy in the morning. 😃

SintaWati Anggraeni: Its remind me a lott. Thanksss 😍

Lynette Shen: 你看,你看,这样多好啊。哈哈哈你妈妈太可爱了

Jessica 1920: Your mom is such a sweetheart

Jessica Schaefer: Your home looks like a vacation spot that in my 20 years of life, my family could never afford for a week.

No Greater love: I might not know what you guys are going through, but God does. And I want you to know that Jesus loves you so so much. He loves you so much that He died for you. So whatever you're anxious about cast it all to Him because He cares for you. Be strong!!!❤

JONALD SON MAGBANUA: Alivia do you have recommendation for upbeat musics? I want to listen to it.😁🥰

TATER CAKES: What is the theme song that plays at the end of every episode??

Allyson Kennedy: SO INSPIRING.❤️❤️

pizza slice: did she work out 3 times that day? no wonder she went and got the dessert. not trying to be mean or rude but working out too much can cause extra food cravings so i'm surprised she didnt show herself eating fruit or something

kelsey shania: i wish these episodes lasted hours 🤩

Adithya Adikari: This is not only helpful for weight loss to me, bt also motivation for all things to Glow up ✨ Thank uuuuu lotttt 😘 Alivia 💕

Brenna Young: 2.16 and the number keeps climbing!!! You're amazing Alivia! Thanks for everything you have done to make such a positive impact on this world and yourself!❤❤❤

Dewantri Putri: You're so inspiring ❤️, i had bad relationship with food after i watching your videos i realize that food isn't scary at all. We have to enjoy it and set up our mindset . Thank you

Katie Kenworthy: I don’t understand how people STILL think this is about weight loss. It’s so much more then that

sierra low: fucking AMAZING alivia!!!! i love you!!!!!!<3

Cirque d'Joy: It's winter here, and it's been snowing and freezing rain a lot. I was going to wait for the weather to warm up to start running again, but today I got the idea to just run laps around my basement (which is unfinished) instead, so that's my plan now until the weather warms up and I can run outside.

jazel limbaga: She would be a great author. I wish i have your courage.

felly fellysia: ur'e not only helping 1 or two people's life u save many people's lifes for making this video❤️

Faez Normarsya Mohd Faizul: I maybe much older than her but i keep coming back to her videos for motivation. Hugs from Malaysia!

Jillian J.: I find that these moments never last. One week your hungry like crazy and the next never want to to eat. Its got to be something in the stars or hormonal.

Yusur Taha: your video edit quality never disappoints <3

Aislinn Mcmurtry: Everytime I think Alivia has fully inspired me, she brings the inspiration to a whole new level.

Emily W: Omg that dog is the most precious thing <3

sdfghj van: But what do you do when you’ve pushed your feelings away for so long that it’s hard to understand them now

I Literally LOVE This: I've been making videos on Tiktok for like 4 months and now I realize, everytime I go on that app, I leave it feeling terrible. So, that social media tip is something I needed at the moment. I like making videos but not there.

Libby Andraschko: This was my favorite so far! Thanks!

Jillian Urban: I get so excited when new videos come out!

Abby Currier: u r such a strong person it amazes me everytime i watch your videos its like wow i hope i can be like that one day <3 ily

Molly James: A little tip, cutting out sugar completely and telling your mind the reason you can't do this is because "you can't have it", this will actually harm you more than eating a little. Science has shown that by doing this and telling your brain it can't do something, that thought will then become your main thought. More and more you will think about eating that sugary thing and you won't be able to think about too much else. Eventually, that thought becomes so strong you will eat the sugary thing in an even bigger amount than if you had never tried to cut that thing out and instead just chose to eat it in moderation in the first place. I have heard that cutting cold turkey for a little can remind you that you can have control over it, but never permanently. If you want the cake slice, then eat it, not every time you crave it, but once in a while. There are many personal trainers for celebrities I think that support this, this might sound lame but Meghan Markle and Blake Lively's trainers I believe. Please trust me as a girl who has bad sugar addictions. I remember how I would deny myself a cinnamon roll so I just would take a small piece, not sit down and enjoy the piece, but just eat it standing up. I would do this a little each time I would walk into the kitchen and by the time I was done, I had consumed one and a half cinnamon rolls and didn't really enjoy it in a full and filling amount. You people got this, I believe in you.

Megan Cara: Another healthier pizza recipe is simply making a crust out of oatmeal and egg whiles. It sounds weirds, but it s honestly so good and really easy to make!

babyh666: Bro wtf if i lived in a place like that id be outside everyday on walks and in that damn pool. Instead i live in miserable england

lone !!: this is so inspiring!! thank you :)

Emmanuella A: Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Aysha Sultana: Alivia is the definition of authentic. I hope she realises how much her authenticy has changed people's lives for the absolute better , she deserves everything and anything she has to be grateful for . we love you Alivia !❤️

Simonne: I’d love to see you do a video on how being hapa has (or hasn’t) affected you growing up😃

Camryn Spurlin: Yes! I’m completely off of social media and only use Pinterest as well! It makes me happy and I don’t leave the app feeling bad about myself. It truly is a great replacement for those who habitually scroll out of nervousness, boredom, etc. 🤗

Kia Chan: Alivia ur editing is truly amazing and ur so talented!

laralily1999 Lara Maljevac: Her confidence and mindset has changed so much. She sees the beauty within herself inside and out. Its truly lovley to witness that growth xx

Aneta Kouřilová: Song 3:42?

a. m m: I am really happy for Alivia✨💗🍭🌼🤧

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