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WhosImmortal: The first Season 2 reveal is here! What do you guys think about the initial trailer? Thanks for watching <3

ไม่ฮ้า ไม่ขํา ไม่สนุก: ตัวละครไทย

Loriza Murielle Victoria: Aug loadout please :)

THE BOI IN YOUR YARD: This video is it chief

Void One: New gameplay season 2 is out!! There is a lot to unpack there. Im pumped! Where is your take on it??

kinggoku56: I hope they do another free skin like in S1 with Adler

TTV Deadshooter: The reason I left fortnite was because they added the minimum back know the game I love the most is gonna spam masaaaaaaaaan

Dark Records: New op codename NAGA looks sick ngl

Hakan Iron-Hand: Anyone else notice the Galil, one of the guys on the helo was using one

Oghma Infinium: Activision need give money back to all of Us because Game is broken and Scam!!! People open your frickin eyes please and don't buy batlepass for sezon 2 before dys game is not fix!!!! When we will make progress on baying shit from store!!! Never ending story...broken game and profit for them!!!!

upperoilcan: This game should have different weather patterns!

SPECIAL EDITION: 🤞we get Fov on console next gen atleast.

Maria Damico: Treyarch has screwed up so badly when we see black ops in the title it’s a bad thing we all know it’s gonna be a half ass not finished game(like we’ve got year after year) GAMES THAT ARE OVER A DECADE OLD ARE BETTER THAN COLD WAR.

[SPG] BigBoiMadDuck: Modern warfare or Cold War?

Markell McFadden: New Operator: Jax Briggs from Mortal Combat😂😂

Xanothos Tengetsu: Omg yes!!!! The peacekeeper is coming back!!!!!

Novaaa: If the cx9 and sykov don’t come in this update im deleting modern warfare

Rey Ramos: still waiting for Shipment 24/7 to be permanent :(

K Russ: Its soap he's caught in a storm and its gnna be a raining event in verdansk

Keaton Noneyabiz: I just want the old woods back

Lewis Veale (Disgybl 2018): I thought it was coming out next week?

Liam Gallagher: If activision stops releasing new content for MW they should at least make shoot the ship a quick play mode

Asta Da Gouki: I'm hyped for season two and what could be coming. Still hoping for a brand new WZ map. Tweaking for a fresh feel. Im still enjoying and having a lot of fun in WZ.

Hear Ye Its King J: What about anti cheat software!!!!!!!!

EL LOCO CHICO: Anybody else have the problem loading up cold war on their xbox series x, i have the original and don't want to buy the cross gen bundle. U can Say I'm cheap.

Wray Smith: Hello

Ali Shah: It's taco tuseday

MaXity: You still stream on Twitch? Havent seen you on in awhile.

Colt Jackson: Ight,here me out...everyone remember the easter egg on the hill map with the predator.well what if with the new map we get a predator event!I mean the game takes place in the 80's and plus we could get a Dutch skin!?

Danny Evans: Isn't this the scene from predator???

ปรมี กางการ: Operaters in Thailand

P0RKYTHE P1G: What is it about COD villains not caring about their gas. Stitch said it in this trailer and Alasad said it during Season 1 of Modern Warfare 2019


Jot Matharu: I think there going to verdansk because of something and then the MW and CW guys fight each other. stich try killings Price but Soap comes and saves him and kills Stich. I think that's going to happen next And no clue about The man in Loas.

Shashank Lath: fun fact: naga/nag means snake in hindi

Rouch 250: Did any body notice the galil there?

Wat dn: A new crossbow tbh it looks better than the mw variant imo

Young _T_ Stunna: Then i can see them banning that character with weed leaf's on him cause he. Blind in to much lol

keelhaul your infant: Goodmorning Vietnam

Gen_X_Reaper13: Ive been seeing hot ash falling from the sky in warzone in the hill's area, like a massive or a bomb went off

Bilal Khan: where is mw characters they didn't shows up in the trailer bro

Patti Skeeterson: Please someone tell me they saw the Galil at 3:45 too

Maricio Helena: Is it this week or next week

Cgr95: Sooo Adler is the new rorke?

Francesco Longo: yo on a 9 min video u spent 15% of the time asking for subs just get to the content and be different

Jack Gath: Night vision is a item in warzone like the gas mask

Jack Gath: How can all those bullets be missing that girl and then she just quicksopes one in the head

Yahya Imran: I hope that they'll add FOV slider in warzone for consoles in thia season

Jennifer Hill: U already know Immortel is gonna rock those nes guns lol

Brent Robertson: I coulda swore I heard naga say verdansk

Luke Smith: Hopefully it fixes the recent server lag for consoles...

Itz Boltz: How is your game so vibrant!?

RebelXian Games: So no new map for Warzone? Disappointing

Loup Garou Film: We need Hudson and Mason as operators

Joshua Altenburg: Black ops just turned into modern warfare

mariano casarez: What about ppl accounts being fixed cuz they were deleted

JavierEch: I also saw a frozen loot chest today, like a freezer

Mohammad Shaaban: yo u saw the weapons yea, that smg im not sure what that is, and the galil

Noe Andrade: Anyone know what the aug class that immortal uses??

Mohammad Shaaban: u miss me

smg operator fps: sop ?

cinemaGFX: Storm could signify black rain after a nuclear explosion.

JordanRoberts96: Forget Naga! Give me that woods skin 😍

GoodBoi: Is the girl on the battle pass?

Frank Woods: Damn I look good probably new skin in battle pass just like season one skin for me still I look good man probably playing games instead of killing soviets with mason

Sgt. CheekiBreeki: could one of the new maps be Jungle from black ops 1?

Tomthetrainwreck: Hey immortal you doing awesome work and appreciate ya... BUT why the fuck do they keep this stuff secretive. Just tell us when the new maps coming or I'll buy a different game. I'm done

Cyber Wolf: I only wish they would finally add Soap and those 3 weapons to MW. This waiting period is getting on the nerves for a lot of people. No one gives a shit about any CW seasons. It's a shame that MW literally got put to its knees in front of this little fucker known as CW.

Dr. King Schultz: Dude with the mini gun looks awesome hope he is playable on warzone

Jnsr: They better make some map changes to warzone

The JoKeR: 🥱 🥱

letsplay anwar18: That trailer is awesome

re4per playz: I wish he does a face reveal

No Limit: Jax From MK LMFAO

Foggy011: Can't wait for the new warzone map thoo

Travis Mize: Has anybody else seen a gulag glitch? There seemed to be a new intro where I was dragged somewhere else. It happened to my teammate as well. It only happened once then back to normal my next game

Kolish 296: Ayyyyyyy

Adam Quinn: Maybe the storm is a result of the zombie portal machine at hospital?

IV Phoenix VainZ: Who else thinks there should be a way to 1v1 in warzone like a creative or playground mode

Manny Alcaraz: maybe that nuke will show up or blow up the dam anything different at this point

Aditya Keshwan: why am i getting 200ms+ latency in Verdansk someone please help ps4

Bolt Gamer: is king slayer trios coming??

EhhEhh Buh: In the trailer, Sims is holding a Galil as they leave the helicopter. Here’s hoping!

MAYUKH GAMER & TECH MGT: Be Ready For Huge Frame Drops, comrade!!

Sus Rac: I’m super hyped I might do what I’ve never done before and buy the battle bundle

nat: "naga" means dragon in Bahasa, interesting in my mind

OwOFurryUwU: Was hoping for a new lmg.., as usual treyarch always adding AR's and Smg's. Pretty sure they will add a new pistol, LMG, and Sniper later.

Tucker: RIP to the soldier who got the crossbow round to the head 😰

Michelle Gie: But way is there a random soldier running

Alex Ayush Ryder: Was expecting Kong to rush out of skull island.Or predator chasing with the predator dogs 😂😂🤣🤣

Quack: 6:00 _"Renegade"_ I'm ashamed to say I got fortnite flashbacks

Ricannon: Its wednesday where i live so no tacos for me :(

Michael Cannon: So wait on Thursday will warzone be officially cold wars and hav cold wars graphics and movement

VINNYxGLASSES: When the chopper lands it looks exactly like the tropic thunder scene lol

Kaden Pascua: my bday is on the updat lol

Revolution Soldiers: Thanks bro WARZONE News


ravichandra b: New smg =new broken smg😂

Rordon Gamsay: No season 7 ? :(

Weewee Beaver: Bro if 3:19 was warzone then this women would have been seeing light shows of snipers. And not to mention about 2 big Bertha, 3 tac rovers, 5 jeeps and 1 quad bike. Also she would be dead in about .5 of a second after entering that open field.

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