Season Two Cinematic Trailer | Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone™

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NationJJ: Fov slider for console. Please.


Leon-David Witte: Am I the only one that keeps waiting for the Mason Operator to show up???

PRATIK GOGOI: Looks like conflict

no voice: bruhhh man we just want fov on console

ZUMO: *คำว่าฮักเกิดขึ้นที่ใด* *เกิดกับไผมันบ่สำคัญ* *มันจะอยู่ตรงนั้น* *บ่หายตามกาลเวลา* *55555555555+*

SARMAD Akreyi: It is a fun game, but the size of the problems is not limited. Among these problems, the servers are really annoying, please do not destroy this game

Max BoomBoom: I think this will destroy the game for ever

Undying Archer: I just thought about it Perseus is bringing out multiple agents just to grab Adler he must be a big part of the puzzle we see unfolding before our eyes.

Md Kawsar: ED

Deni Deni: ok can we just admire the woman character here 🙌🏾🦾🧝🏾‍♀️

Cameron Bruce: How massive is this update going to be 😅

Censer: I better see a predator Easter egg

B Bop: Imagine getting a full jungle map the size of.... VERDOOOOOOOOONSK

* Crow *: I miss when these guys had a little bit of a clue how to make a game.

laskin riubn: I was wondering there would be a crossover

UrPogBro: Jumanji: Cold war

Barbatos Solomon Key: ตำนานพญานาค....

D Martinez: Too bad black ops is trash

Emal Jan: What a dream map for campers if its coming to season 2. Claymores and ambush everywhere

fusipuro: Very realistic, but it's 1080p

Red Spy: I have flashbacks from predator hunting grounds.

дмитрий иванович: Круто

Play Jay TV: ตำนานพญานาค สวย

TheFake: Yeeeaaah

cha: naga's voice is pretty russian doe

Retr3at: im sorry but franks voice makes me cringe everytime its so off.

DIMITAR IVANOV: Put 500 or 400 more Free gold👍👍👍👍

DIMITAR IVANOV: 👍👍👍👍Free gold👍👍👍👍

DIMITAR IVANOV: 👍👍👍MORE free Gold 👍👍👍😀🔝✅👍

Yusef Hamdellah: Happy to see Bowman and Woods. They're from cod black ops which has the best campaign in the cod history.

Domin Benitez: Umtiti lands on CoD

IYeetMyKid: Imagine a different campaign every season

ICe Burn: เจ้าเชื่องเริ่องพญานาคบ่

Arsenal Rade: wait so is this the new super big map thats been rumored about and if so, i see six people 5 in the heli 1 on the ground. is it going to be teams of 6 cuz if so lawd have mercy im bout to bussssssss.

Mr.Burnass: ตำนานพญานาค Legend of Naga

Juan J Ortiz: yup thats it im getting the battle pass

Ahmed GoldenBoy: oh yea a getling canon , give it a scope , no recoil , ridiculous high damage , a very accurate hip fire just like the rest of LMGs

Dassy Wassy: YESSSSSSSSSS 👋👊👍🙌😎😃😄😁😆😀

Joshua B.: The United States also told Hmong people if they fought in the war they’d give them refuge in the States but instead they jus evacuated the soldiers from the U.S. an left most the Hmong people to be captured by Laotians an tortured. The Hmong people who did serve an was brought over to the U.S. ain’t given the resources they needed to live well or support for the transition to a foreign land.

R3ggz: Mac! Maaaac! 😂 it’s got predator written all over it.

Christian Sheffield: You already know the perfect person for this one the Rambo

non-marlboro: ตำนานพญานาค = legend of naga

Maldindu Wijayarathna: At 0:08 anyone see a crashed plane?? To the right side

zhiwei chen: ⌚⌚高端廣州N廠手錶復刻:百達翡麗,江詩丹頓,朗格,勞力士,歐米茄高端名錶,一比一復刻,專櫃品質,海外一件代發,支持無理由退換貨,WeChat: qwqwqw754

RHYS: Alexa play fortunate son

Josh S: Why do we even have theatrical trailers? Show us the maps and guns already.

Sylvia Daudu:

DΛVID X GOLIΛTH ヤハウェ: fix zombies first

Petrescu Lucian: I want to use my 2021 weapon league camo in warzone, works in mw multiplayer, but not in warzone, pls fix.

สิทธิศักดิ์ พลเวียงคำ: ตำนานพญานาค!!!

ssiLe: Am Im the only one who have problems with bad graphics in COD CW? I have RTX 3070, on ultra settings game looks very bad...

MrFatMan games: That guy looks like a black chris hemsworth

BlessMyShotz: Yall saw that crossbow? New dlc

Big brother Boo: Running in the jungle starts playing loudly

Kevin A: I’ll get the game when it goes on sale in the PlayStation store

Truck Driver 101: Mr. T

Young Lungs: Cold war is trash

Alexya: Looks kinda like. Jumanji

MANGAL ROY: Southeast asia. Which the country

aDrunkPolak: Fix SBMM!!

PoO GoBlIn: Zetsoubo no shima music goes hard

Drac: South East Asians will be a beast in this map

Shawtie A lil baddie: This is where Asians will shine

Angelo AGame: You can see the difference between modern warfare trailer and coldwar warzone. I really hope this game gonna get better. I miss modernwarfare warzone

Michael Pauline: Is this Cold War version of Warzone?

y0Karn: The guy in the heli sounds familiar lol

Gayboi Farti: Did anyone else randomly lose 1000 cod points?..

Thecesarhg: 1:52 galil

vansy118: Zetsabou music makes me want grab and say hypeeeeeeeee.

HARIEF EIMAN: I waiting for new season in warzone

Skiller Kai: I mean time Indians We need that we want that

EXIXIS: I was waiting for a t Rex or Kong to appear

Yao Jin Teh: the people who leaked the galil rifle was right

LaloPlayx: I was expecting for them to add ballistic knife

Dom404: Yo why's it sound like Woods' lines were spliced together 😂


chris: Call of duty beeds to RTB for retasking Listen u empty heads stop pumping these games every yr and take ur time and make a quality game that not broken

Chris Taylor: Give us MW2R multiplayer you cowards. Nothing released in the past decade even comes close.

Señoritas Top's: Estupendo ☺️👌

Red: Sooo, Modern Warfare content is dead for the season passes?

Mad Vlad: Cutscene looks great wish they would of put more effort into the Firebase z cutscene

Z8Bands: Please don’t break warzone anymore

Engineer Gaming: juggernaut scorestreak?

Shadow_Coyote: So Naga a basically a Jungle Ghost?

_: Bit excited, just hope they add more quality free battle pass items.

Big Orange Animations: 0:50 get oofed lol

Fbi: Treyarch, add death machine to zombies Zombies glitches a few days later:"hey guys today were gonna be showing you the return of the infinite death machine

Xano501: Hope our Thai Soldier killing one of CCP in Laos. หวังว่าทหารไทยของเราจะได้ไปฆ่าพวก CCP ในประเทศลาว

Ruthless13x: If flashlights lights are gonna be a thing at least allow us to be able to turn it on and off as we please.. maybe double tab bumper ? L2 twice for on n off

Jaykid2: Please let this be an excuse to add Rambo or Arnold to the game

Ksander_ 97: Damm even treyarch recycles the sounds 1:23 literally a sound from BO3

BL-z: YOO his headband has a Thai word that says "Legendary Serpent King"

Xaybandith Yoursaycome: Welcome to laos jungle

fisher5991 and the German named ki: Next call of duty should be vietnam war

Tyson Santos: Ayo zombie camos in warzone?

Harvey Handog: The Philippine Operator Skin

KENNEDI Harris: Yes

Austin Williamson: COD has really fallen off over the past few years

Cat Of The Year: 0:45 awesome

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