THE *NEW* SEASON 11 ROCKET PASS HAS THE *BEST* ITEMS! (Rocket League Season 11 Item Showcase)

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Tri House: Is this Rocket Pass better than last season's??? (also use support a creator code TRIHOUSE please 🙏)

Tiffany38: maelstrom wheels are amazingggg!

Rion Behluli: Trihouse 7 days bekome mi credits mi name is Brainyfire3455 in RL🎉🎉 im waiting 75days 😢😢 PLS!!

TeaLnd: yo tri house i love the content the rle car looks SICK I'm 1 day late but I love that you took the time to show us the whole battle pass cause I definitely would have missed a lot of them cool decals

~Dear._.Bangtan~: I feel like the tw nissan silvia will be alot less in value then the other tw season cars for the one reason that its so much earlier in the rocket pass tier 76 is crazy ngl

Kellie Oliver: sorry at the end of s11 do you want to open my season rewards? but i play on console

Kellie Oliver: at end of season want to open torny rewards?

EggGaming : Please anyone trade something for 900 Credits? I need Rocket Pass.

Video_Generator9000: Getting a the tw Silvia at 76 is much better than getting a tw Volkswagen at 157.

Retro God: Sucks you cant change paint finish of ombre on silvia 😕 you can with other ombre decals

Ixcy_RL: This rocket pass is much better than the others becuase you get a titanium white car at teir 77 but last time I barely got my titanium white Volkswagen at level 161

0 Hill: me getting offended because i am on switch :)

Shebe Rhrbbr: When are the rocketeer and veteran pack coming?

Cooper Roscouet: if u use bubbles and put the secondary colours to white you have almost a complete white car. doesnt work with black

Jacob Crowser: Is it just me or does maelstrom look a lot like hypnotik?

SlightlyMad25: Most of the items are underwhelming. Just like last season. I wish they wouldn't keep doing real-world themes.

Kv red: I would get the rocket pass but i have zero credits i use your creator code by the way.


Lincyboy: Love the my hero academy shirt is sick

Jace Frappier: hey kevin thanks for another amazing vid

💎𝐊𝐚𝐯𝐲𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐫: I’d use that creator code

I Am Blacky 101: When I logged into rocket league I got the polyhedral goal explosion as one of my tournament gifts

Kadeidra Weatherall: my son got the inevtt WELLE DLO tm RAEAWD

Owendrift09: The black maelstrom wheels are only at tier 127 which is good

SpeedPotatoe: Me being that kid with 0 credits and can’t buy the pass :/

Masked Gamer: I think the theme is party ngl

s3w4g3: them putting the tw car as the first color broke my heart because i barely missed tw gti 🥲

Rare R: The bubbly black market decal turns the Silvia all white if you make the secondary white for some reason

Legion RL: Are you mad that the new season dropped ppls rank by 1 whole rank basically?

Adrian Rzepka: Crickets player anthem is the best anthem in entire game LOL

Emil Guntrip: Does anyone know what happened to the 2s ranks?? I was CHAMP 2 div 2 now I’m d1 div 4 is this just me or has this happened to anyone else pls reply

A Duck: Those wheels

Antoni: 😑

Why not sub to my channel :) You know you wanna: This is the only video where you will hear tri say he thinks a banner is nice not once, not twice but three times

just because: Yeah 100% this pass is better the wheels and the car are nice I also love the way you pronounce the wheels that epic add with the most random names😂

Sportkid214 on TikTok: Hi crazy vid keep it ip

Louis HC: U r so fucking awesome!

Abandoned Raven: So many good items I would actually use. Also I really like the Maelstrom wheels. I need to see those in black especially. Ever since they stopped letting you use the KITT wheels I’ve been wanting something similar. Also for the Silvia wheels with a different front wheel, I personally love it. Those are turbofans which are used in racing that help get air to the brakes for cooling and help with aero, so it fits my tastes in racing. I can’t remember the last time I liked a season this much. Could you imagine using the crickets player anthem with poof goal explosion? That would be perfect. Edit: Also for toppers, I wish they do more realistic toppers like the snowboards, taxi, roof rack, etc. It’s kinda strange that we got more real cars with realistic wheels finally but still got goofy toppers.

FlorieboyNL: Its a good day when tri house post a video❤

Big_Litlle_Foot: I beg please unban me

ItsDatMan AG: Came from Twitter🔸

Sunil Aiyar: W video!

Exodus: Black maelstrom (baso Black infiniums is tier 127)!!!

Darklight: made my day, keep up the good work!❤

Piggy: hi can i get a hi back?

Kelssinho: Psyonix not breaking everything after an update? Mission impossible! 😂 I think I like this Rocket Pass, has some nice wheels, goal explosions, decals. And even the trail isn't bad.

rian mcsmolbean: Nison silva lookin like my parents old rust bucket car tbh 🥱

cosmo.: That player banner is GOD TIER👌

Kelsey Cox: the smoke mask reminds me of crash bandicoot

eck_money: That car is going to be a free style car. 😂❤🎉 also can I get a love and comment tri house? 😢

Revenant: imo the pass is complete ass xD out of 100 tiers there are 2-3 items that are okay

Majbrit Schmidt: Yoooo

Sayang: the cars are fire can u like my coment?

zvarten bjorling: vid from tri house=insane

BuddyShiba: A great pass imo. Glad the TW white version is so close after completing the base one

bredwaz: The support code is there for me

Roland Dziva: please gift me some wheels

Roland Dziva: tri house

MrPeelerBoi: W vid

Mateusz Telka: first?

Cbfritty: First comment

michael johnson: Second

Harry Tether: 1st to comment

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