So... I Got A New Base!!! - Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 7 #38

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Tindrasaur !: The zither

Victor: This was fun.

Roberta Guerra: 5:04 You could have just used water.

Piddly Wink: "A hotdog that knows how to go up and down"...

Binkie: kill all the villagers

alexanderje: Feedback: You could've just made the elevator system so that one arriving sends a signal to the other one at the same floor to move. That way there are never 2 at the same floor. That would solve your issue much more easily :) No up-down connection needed.

Ebraw Ebraw: 22:49

hyske: Kinda sad i didnt watch zedaph earlier, because there are a lot of hermits and not enough time in the day. But i guess this was the push i needed to start watching you

Kate Doran: i love the intro

Gergő Bieleczki: Another solution to the vertical problem: targets. That way one pillar would be enough to send signals both ways

RenDraco YT: The captions really said ✨ green ✨ Also,I support you too now! Not because of the big base switch but the fact that I saw this video in my recommended is a blessing to you! I'll also recommend you to my friends!

Sophie Joan Salcedo: Guess we now need a Zedaph Wither mod 😹😹

BirdyKun: I would have set up somthing that toggled the redstone when an elevator arrived. Elevator reaches top, send on down. elevator comes down, send other back on.

Gabriel Caguimbal: trade grian 's base for your base again ppppplllllllssssss

Raya Draws: hallo

Alex Pilotin: how does one science up an up

ThatMarchingBunny: Could have just used observers. Basically you push the button, the elevator goes up, and when it arrives it triggers an observer which activates the other elevator to go down. When you go down and it arrives it triggers an observer and sends the other up. The only downside to this method is you have to wait for one elevator to arrive before the other will be triggered. But the great thing about it is, you are using the elevators themselves as the signal so you don't need observer towers to send a signal up and down. The other great thing is if it ever somehow gets out of sync, as soon as you use one it will fix itself. While the method you are using will just send both up or down regardless if it's out of sync. Which means you would need to manually trigger one to fix it.

Neptune's Lounge: This is my first time watching him and I like it.


Constantinos Kyriakou: you and grain are my favourit youtubers with others and now you change base!!!!!!!

Josh Renall: Awesome video Zedaph. I think this is one of the first video i have watched of your, apart from your film mumbo helped you make. I loved it. You have a unique way of making hermitcraft videos compared to other hermits.

akis sevastos: Zedaph could have just transfer the redstone line with slabs

Ian Said Torres Miranda: This base swap is helping us to see other hermits by watching how they imrpove other's bases Is amazing

Ppaatt: How is "Runaway Elevator" not a Hollywood blockbuster yet?

Ryan Kelk: Instead of the whole ordeal of connecting all 4 buttons, why not just have observers that detect the arrival of an elevator and trigger the other elevator to move off if its on the same floor?

Reen Arman: Love thissss hahahah

Nathan Moses: Hey zedaph that means you have a diamond chandaler

Damarion Spencer: # stampy

NeoCat1993: I don't know, I think a bubble elevator would've been more compact, faster and more elegant... And with block swapping it could still be pretty redstone-y

Katie Mitroka: My mind just can't handle the confusion of Redstone🤔😣😵

Idiot Chef: recommendation maybe get a pop filter or something to help the mic from picking up the "spitting breaths" dunno how to word it, my subwoofer keeps booming

Emil Larsen: Put a Big “z” between the elevators

Luke Howel: This was delightful.

Elizabeth Kanzenbach: I think the 'Z' looks better than the 'G' in the mansion. 😂 Sorry Grain

NoodleHq: Congrats on building that so fast within 1 episode you're so good at building I can't believe you built all that!!!!😀😀😀😀

Soccerjakob: I love it! Zedaph made a dumb waiter system to be the Elevator Shaft. Call the servants to send stuff from the storage room, or ride the dumb waiter and get it yourself!

Exquisite Toast: Zedaph: the real answer that no one has thought of yet is-. Me: gets flex tape ad

Wske 18: 13:15 LOL imagine if it happen 😂

Sans Comic: the donut elevator looks like a tire

mondasin: This is one of the best trade deals of the century, First vid of watching Zedaph, and I'm already loving the energy.

Harry Chester: Urm... Water elevator 🌊????

Aug 101: Never watched his channel before, but I gotta see what he’s gunna do with Grians base!

Austin Roe: Y’all gotta sub to Zed this has 450k views and he only has 186k subs

Alby Abreu A: Nooo why grain base

Mikinak: 17:20 I'm angry that Zedaph didn't push the fourth button

Joshua O: Hey I’m new, just wanna say that intro is amazing


bob business: lol how did i miss this

Mrs. Martin's Kindergarten: "Just seeds. Seeds and blood." - Grian 2021

Nikos F: Why so small elevator?

Monkey D Luffy: Science elevator up to the second floor TNT launch elevator

Uli Schmidt: grian’s gonna destroy your cave

Desert Foxchild: That elevator is kind of more of a dumbwaiter you just crawl into a tiny little dumbwaiter and go up or down the mansion.

How To survive: All hermitcraft YouTubers need to go to the deaddiction center

Bg2006: So do you want your base or what?

Crooks Gaming and irl: You shouldUse honey blocks instead of slime it looks better

Polestar: ur lying that is grians mega base he would never give it away

Hunlover123601: *me thinking of bubble elevators *

William Dixon: go throughe the fireplace of the mansion

Its Bebe: I like how both Zedaph and Grian immediately look to better the bases in their own respective specialities. Grian makes his new base more aesthetically pleasing while Zedaph makes his new base more practical with a new contraption.

Trevor Preisser: Grian already has a secret passage in the fire place maybe not finished

Reynism: Oh my gosh this video probably would be the most viewed video by zedaph so far! Congrats dude!

Jeffrey: Subscribed, your a beauty (after seeing the ender pearl part I can confirm this is correct)

Madsiekins: You’re a great teacher Zedaph

Zwevegem_gaming: i think we now all know what the best block is... BARREEELSSSSS

ちゃんおさけ: you kinda sound like Grian 0v0

Mrinal choudhury: Ok now I'm liking HCBBS.

moneyhalt: Redstone youtubers if observers didnt esixt

-: I’m so happy I got this in my recommended The swap has brought a few new permanent viewers

Danie: 5 mints i. And all ready digging holes i. The base

WhatsInCase: The elevator creation was so spread out into parts making it easier to understand :) and I have never really played Java before (i am mostly a bedrock player) so I don’t have the same red stone as Java but nevertheless I will get there soon.

Jack Irvin: Grians mansion is now not Grians mansion pooor him after all that hard work

blaze gaming: Zedafh could just put a one button at the up and right one press the button and go up and down

Jena H: this base swap is great--it lead me to find you, zedaph! :)

KING GAMING XX: I am rewatching this for making this video the most popular video of zedaph

Tommy D: I know you figured out the circuit. But would arrow dispensers and target blocks have worked?

O S: anyone else notice that hcbbs swapped redstoners and builders? mumbo (redstoner)<> Scar (builder) zedaph<>grian tango<>false

Katydid08!: Zedaph should add elevator music!

ANVAY BS: He gonna overtake mumbo in feuture

Darth Jar Jar: You could also glass to do it

SHADOWHERO573: NOOOOOO pls bring that back to grian 😢 plss I beg u he played alot of time plss

TheLastRunicorn: 9:54 you WHAT

Loki Celio: Haven't you heard of honey blocks

Madison Hertz: you could just attach an observer to detect when one elevator arrives. that way when one arrives the other one gets sent.

godwin gasgas: Cute intro😁

Keshia Lim: be careful not to explode grian basa

X-XDârk GálåxyX-X: I think your over thinking it you can still use water elevator but i like the finnish product

JoshySickoMode: My recommendations knew what I wanted today.

Bradley Neufeld: Engagement comment

AussieLibrarian: All that's missing is the ME1 elevator music 😂

B08 Capanpan, Julius Raine D.: Why is Zed so underrated, im a new follower of zedaph ill support you all the way to the grow of this channel

Mr.Awesome: I feel like it would have been a time saver to make a water elevator it’s quicker and looks better

Little Wolf: at one point, i just thought it would be faster to put a water elevator in the pillars

P M: If you've actually Googled it, I trust you.

KIKIBOITHICC: people dont realise how good zedaph is at redstone

Incred: Zed is really underrated I love your videos

Hopeless Ramen: Me: I dont understand a word Also me: keeps watching

Philipp von Hülsen: If you want to get rid of all the junk that is around let it be said that the base has a automatic sorting system and shulkerbox unloader...

CrispBanjo342 Douglas: wait is the base yours forever

Joey Wright: I came to watch cuz of groans vidio but ur only on episode 38

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