THANOS Just Got Leaked in Fortnite Season 5....

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Smiwey: Does sypherPk Have an accent? Idk because he’s American... Unless...!

Stephanie Paredes: 1:14 look at his finger

Usayd Entertainment: Clickbait!

Joey Cavanaugh: To bad it was alien and not thonos

Thanos Moon: I think he already knows this but the space bananas were the xenomorph

Matt Francis: You’ve become a waste of time creator.


Who Rent: I never clicked on a video so fast

Boston Little: thaanos

Aaliyah Guzman: Ya

Samuel Edmonds: Regular people: Thanos Sypher: THONOS

ace_writergirl: How do you say his name, Sypher? lmao

Reslent: I THINK I JUST FOUND OUT WHO THERE TALKING ABOUT! In the season trailer jonsey is on the phone and the lady said do not draw the attention of the seven so I’m thinking the person is one of the seven and that’s why they say he’s dangerous

EdwinLara: It’s The Mummy. You heard it here first

Lacy Anderson: Family guy

Matthew Vazquez: he says thanos like Thonos

Esteban Torres: i think its just for street fighter skin

Owen Russell: Here after the Alien reveal for Space Bananas

Jayden Mamane: I think when you pick up his gauntlet, You Won’t Turn Into Thanos, But You’ll Have His Abilities And You Have 300 HP And 300 Shields Edit: And Also Drop Your Weapons And Materials, And It Will Be Exotic

mattmills1: Whenever i go on fortnite crew it shows OG jonesy as the crew skin but mandolorian doesnt change to jonesy

Yeet: space bananas was alien because their head is like banana lol

Typical Dots: Me in 2017 owww this Fortnite game is cool 2021 THIS GAME IS DOG WATER WHY NO THIS GAME SUCKS NOW CUSE ALL THE NEW UPDATES

Benjamin Oremland: I hop he will come

Matthew K: Did you watch Infinity War or Endgame? Probably not

No Limits: Thonoas

Fr0sty Gaming: Yea, i think Thanos will come back

Antwan Antwan: What about thansou

HuskyGamerMatt: Im glad its xenomorph and not Thanos.Epic Games already put too much Marvel in their game.

Ka'vion Forrest: misty meadows + lucky landing = lucky meadows

Teagan: it could be galactus tho

GOKU: I hope fortnite doesn’t collaborate with helluva boss if so then I’m not playing

Adrian Alcasas: watch loot lake comes back


Azam Luqmanulhakim: Sypher. Did you play valorant trere ninja. Its playing now

PVK phantom: Finally they are actually updating the game again

big boy doge: plz stop making that face in ur thumbnails ur making me cringe

EvanYT Channel: Thanos return again and again and aga-

BRUH just BRUH: I don't think theres going to be a female midas

JackIsntHere: So Misty Landing Or, Lucky Meadows.

Impulse_: I love how sypher pk prounoces thanks thonos

Ransford Adane: Sypher=Thanos got leak 2hours=the xl is for family guy Sypher=how can you do this to mee

Reza ZA: Extra small is the venturion skin

Squad Man: or tan_os

Squad Man: it than_nos

ana: Oh yeah Ceeday is definitely coming back for this

Asoor: i think that AntFarm is to Antman

aflah jemshi: I think the character is winston from overwatch as he is xtra large and because of space bananas from johnseys backpack

JacobLifeRules: I figured out the XL skin there making skins for time and jack

MichaelGamer: Sylhet says it as than-os

Abdul wasay: STOP SAYING THONOS IT IS THANOS Pls pronounce it correct and watch end game

HighSchool: you know what would be wild, if kevin was actually a person and he was inside the cube

Zahir S: Ant farm=Ant man

Arru8wedf !!: Wait what???????!???

CraZy21: Me, still not getting it :/

daniel speed: Can we get a hype train for thonos

Brett 00: No he didn’t

Arshman Hassan: Thaanos? lol

Marisa Trujillo: Ranorok could me you look like him but it could be drift and the other fox clan members

AtlanticClay: Hehe I broke the string of comments talking about something shape said (Damn autocorrect

Adrian Huerta: hear me out: so people want the old map but then will get bored of it so... maybe one side of the map will be old map and the other side will be new map so u will never get bored

Nardo Usmuke: if thanos dosent come back i am going to sad cri for forever

Aarush Pomar: I am not worried about him pronouncing thanos like thaanus I am worried about his finger he is 10000% double jointed their

Jerson Rivera: that finger tho 1:14

Potato Games: The way he says Thanos I can't.

Kaffi321 YouTube: You sure its not the xenomorph?


Sukhwinder Droch: T H O N O S

xuiz: its for petter griffen

Xavier Reyes: Or what if the bananas link in to goku and vegeta because in the show there consider monkeys and apes so who knows

Gqad: Thonos lmaoo

Mustafa Rizvic: i watch u my username is amarbest06

Mustafa Rizvic: hi

August Zangrilli: Epic Games makes absolutely no sense. If this were to be storyline related, it wouldn't work because Thanos is actually dead. It's probably just another way for this greedy game company to make a quick buck.

HamdoonTXR: 0:03 thonos

Vishal Manhas: All the critics who just are making fun of sypher aren't true fans it's okay if he can't say thanos he still is the best

Ndimeg 09: I hope they put cobra Kai skins in Fortnite

H1G1M5R: Thanos could use the reality stone to get into the map

Kent Kristian Hansen: Thanos

rrocksta Nexus_touch_of_gold: Marvel fans: Thanos Sypher: T-H-O-N-O-S And also green cheese in the backround

Zakarias M. Rasmussen: It could be Peter griffen and not thanos

Fright Insanity: the ant farm has to be antman

Christian Prater: He spelled peter wrong in the title

Noah Welch: thawnaws

Capt'n America: What about hulk

KingFishyy: Why does he say thanos like that

BaseballTaco: Ant farm could be Ant man :D

Carson Hindle: I am enraged, I thought fortnite was gonna go clean for maybe 1 season.

Kourosh Eghterafi: it makes sence that thanos would reatern because we are going back in time! LAZABEAM- YEET

Bro Daniel hey: I hope it returns Thanos

Vyonn: bro PLEASE stop saying “thahnost”

TAGRZ: please pronounce it right not Thonos but Thanos

jeremy kid: Sypher: Detective mode on

Chaos Kids: Thanks is koming

Xx AdamXx: Cangrates for 5 million

NorfGun: I couldn’t tell if this video was from 2 years ago or not till the vid started

Spiew Kapowski: no.

AiRsTrIkExXzZ: I wish thanos came, not sure who this thonos person is

Jennifer Sangillo: hope he comes out

JP PROULX: With the cube theory if lucky landing came back it would align with it...

KnightWolf_ 2345: Did anyone else noticed that rukus is now like bunker johnsey

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