Полицейский пытается спасти преступников? #фильмы#фильм#кино#сериал

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kinoluv: 🎬 Сериал: «Новобранец» 2018 🤑 Используй мой промокод LVKIN и получай супер бонус к пополнению. Буду рад твоей поддержке❤️

ТАНК АНХА!: Ненавижу такие моменты. Он бл*ть ребенка убил "Хммм давайте ещë парочку таких-же спасëм" Вы ещë террористов спасите. И кстати. Боеголовка была настоящая или нет?

Nikita Denisyuk: Та у него патронов не хватило бы убить всех это револьвер

Eneez: Starship is a super heavy-lift launch vehicle under development by SpaceX. At 120 metres (394 feet) in height and with a liftoff mass of 5,000 metric tons (11,000,000 pounds), Starship is the largest and most powerful rocket ever flown, surpassing the thrust of NASA's Space Launch System and Saturn V, as well as the Soviet N1, which had previously held the record.[2][3] The two-stage-to-orbit launch vehicle consists of the first-stage Super Heavy booster and the second-stage spacecraft also named Starship. Both stages are powered by Raptor rocket engines, which burn liquid methane and liquid oxygen, operating in a full-flow staged combustion power cycle. Both are designed to be fully reusable, performing controlled landings on the arms of the launch tower used to lift the vehicles and, eventually, reflown within hours. Starship is designed to have a payload capacity of 150 tonnes (330,000 lb) to low Earth orbit in a fully reusable configuration and 250 t (550,000 lb) when expended.[4] Starship vehicles in low Earth orbit are planned to be refilled with propellant launched in tanker Starships to enable transit to higher energy destinations such as geosynchronous orbit, the Moon, and Mars.[b] Plans for a heavy-lift vehicle at SpaceX date to 2005, with the earliest concept resembling the modern vehicle announced in 2016. SpaceX's Starship development follows an iterative and incremental approach involving frequent, and often destructive, test flights of prototype vehicles.[5] The first and so far only orbital test flight was attempted on 20 April 2023, when an anomaly caused the vehicle to tumble out of control four minutes after launch. SpaceX activated the flight termination system, which fired the explosive charges but did not destroy the vehicle. Approximately 40 seconds later both stages were destroyed due to increased aerodynamic forces.[6] After the test, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grounded the launch program pending results of a standard "mishap investigation".[7] SpaceX intends Starship to become its primary launch vehicle, superseding the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles as well as the Dragon 2 spacecraft currently used as part of NASA's commercial crew program to the International Space Station. Starship is often coupled with the company's Mars ambitions. Planned Starship flights include the development of SpaceX's Starlink internet constellation, crewed flights under the Polaris and dearMoon programs, and crewed lunar landings with modified Starship spacecraft under the Artemis program.

Eneez: Starship is a super heavy-lift launch vehicle under development by SpaceX. At 120 metres (394 feet) in height and with a liftoff mass of 5,000 metric tons (11,000,000 pounds), Starship is the largest and most powerful rocket ever flown, surpassing the thrust of NASA's Space Launch System and Saturn V, as well as the Soviet N1, which had previously held the record.[2][3] The two-stage-to-orbit launch vehicle consists of the first-stage Super Heavy booster and the second-stage spacecraft also named Starship. Both stages are powered by Raptor rocket engines, which burn liquid methane and liquid oxygen, operating in a full-flow staged combustion power cycle. Both are designed to be fully reusable, performing controlled landings on the arms of the launch tower used to lift the vehicles and, eventually, reflown within hours. Starship is designed to have a payload capacity of 150 tonnes (330,000 lb) to low Earth orbit in a fully reusable configuration and 250 t (550,000 lb) when expended.[4] Starship vehicles in low Earth orbit are planned to be refilled with propellant launched in tanker Starships to enable transit to higher energy destinations such as geosynchronous orbit, the Moon, and Mars.[b] Plans for a heavy-lift vehicle at SpaceX date to 2005, with the earliest concept resembling the modern vehicle announced in 2016. SpaceX's Starship development follows an iterative and incremental approach involving frequent, and often destructive, test flights of prototype vehicles.[5] The first and so far only orbital test flight was attempted on 20 April 2023, when an anomaly caused the vehicle to tumble out of control four minutes after launch. SpaceX activated the flight termination system, which fired the explosive charges but did not destroy the vehicle. Approximately 40 seconds later both stages were destroyed due to increased aerodynamic forces.[6] After the test, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grounded the launch program pending results of a standard "mishap investigation".[7] SpaceX intends Starship to become its primary launch vehicle, superseding the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles as well as the Dragon 2 spacecraft currently used as part of NASA's commercial crew program to the International Space Station. Starship is often coupled with the company's Mars ambitions. Planned Starship flights include the development of SpaceX's Starlink internet constellation, crewed flights under the Polaris and dearMoon programs, and crewed lunar landings with modified Starship spacecraft under the Artemis program.

Eneez: Starship is a super heavy-lift launch vehicle under development by SpaceX. At 120 metres (394 feet) in height and with a liftoff mass of 5,000 metric tons (11,000,000 pounds), Starship is the largest and most powerful rocket ever flown, surpassing the thrust of NASA's Space Launch System and Saturn V, as well as the Soviet N1, which had previously held the record.[2][3] The two-stage-to-orbit launch vehicle consists of the first-stage Super Heavy booster and the second-stage spacecraft also named Starship. Both stages are powered by Raptor rocket engines, which burn liquid methane and liquid oxygen, operating in a full-flow staged combustion power cycle. Both are designed to be fully reusable, performing controlled landings on the arms of the launch tower used to lift the vehicles and, eventually, reflown within hours. Starship is designed to have a payload capacity of 150 tonnes (330,000 lb) to low Earth orbit in a fully reusable configuration and 250 t (550,000 lb) when expended.[4] Starship vehicles in low Earth orbit are planned to be refilled with propellant launched in tanker Starships to enable transit to higher energy destinations such as geosynchronous orbit, the Moon, and Mars.[b] Plans for a heavy-lift vehicle at SpaceX date to 2005, with the earliest concept resembling the modern vehicle announced in 2016. SpaceX's Starship development follows an iterative and incremental approach involving frequent, and often destructive, test flights of prototype vehicles.[5] The first and so far only orbital test flight was attempted on 20 April 2023, when an anomaly caused the vehicle to tumble out of control four minutes after launch. SpaceX activated the flight termination system, which fired the explosive charges but did not destroy the vehicle. Approximately 40 seconds later both stages were destroyed due to increased aerodynamic forces.[6] After the test, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grounded the launch program pending results of a standard "mishap investigation".[7] SpaceX intends Starship to become its primary launch vehicle, superseding the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles as well as the Dragon 2 spacecraft currently used as part of NASA's commercial crew program to the International Space Station. Starship is often coupled with the company's Mars ambitions. Planned Starship flights include the development of SpaceX's Starlink internet constellation, crewed flights under the Polaris and dearMoon programs, and crewed lunar landings with modified Starship spacecraft under the Artemis program.

Будка: Некоторых заключенных нужно было оставить за дверью,а так дед правильно поступил

Kassiboo: “Сложнейший выбор сделает лишь сильнейший“ © Танос

Алексей Македонский: Нельзя как ковбои? Внизу держать пистолет

Бауржан Оспанов: Нету не чего лучше чем Ока за Ока . Зуб за зуб. Кровь за кровь. Не какой закон не поможет

Макси наверн: Если бы преступник сказал такое при мне в подобной ситуации, то я бы хотел оставить его умирать на поверхности. В его голосе ни капли сожаления о содеянном.

ঔৣ☬𝕠𝕓𝕚𝕥𝕠ঔৣ☬: Лучше бы полицеский вошол бы в комнату а заключенных растрелили

Сергей Елисеев: Отбросив мораль - оставить или принять, все забывают про вариант - после. После удара - выживаемость группы людей повышается, если их больше.

Мария Юрьевна: преступники по типу насильников и убийц не достойны ничего, кроме ненависти

Leftereon Producer: Можете назвать сезон и серию?

Петр Колтуклу: Зачем спасать преступников🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Cement 2,0: Мужик поступил абсолютно правильно ,.меньше народу больше кислороду,,

Николай Вашкевич: Серіал сотня

Zero xr: Новичок топовый фильм

Ира Коломейцова: ПУТИН.ТОП

НиCola: Этот имбецил сразу бы ему в руки отдал пистолет

селина_селя_селька_селина малина_сельвинка .: Класное кино как называется

Кристина Тетерина: Не понимаю в чем прикол, зэков могли бы и оставить

humble-wind: А меня этому научили в академии ......😂😂😂😂

Leopard Revenant: без понятия что думать, я бы наверное сперва набросился на полицейского, а потом не знаю каким образом, но сделал бы всё возможное, чтобы этот чёрный уе*ан бился в агонии от мучительной смерти

Дима Греченко: Похоже как в фильме "Зелёная миля"


MG-3: Поліцейський альтернативно одаренный. Завел к обычным людям маньяков, насильников, живодеров и ТД к нормальным при том бункер не рассчитан на такую ораву. Зато защитили права моральных уродов и отбросов общества. А особенно я выпал в осадок з негра. Прекрасные люди стоило их всех вести в бункер. Защитникам скажу зеки их всех перемочат:3 От такой хороший коп

Sofia Nikolaeva: Некоторых заключенных нельзя считать людьми.

Евгений Березов: Причем тут боеголовка?он про ядерную бомбу?

Евгений Березов: выстрелить сразу-🚫 тянуть как дол@@еб-✅

тофиг: https://youtube.com/@toto11232

kostya: Дед разумнее всех поступил

Артем Sh: Бред, полиции нужно было все понять и пожертвовать собой чтобы хотя бы кого то спасти, а из за его поступка они все умрут из за нехватки припасов и возможно кислорода....

Pavel Григорьев: Блять ты если момент какойто выкладываеш серию пиши в коменты заебали сука уже или вы блять специально это не делаете чтобы в коментарии писали?

Карина Толочик: По итогу бомбы не было, но двое заключённых попытались сбежать и ранили адвоката.

herobrine: Полицейские тоже скрываются

Arnold Osipan: Какая серия ?

Арсений Луненок: И в итоге дед поступил более разумно, но его выставили злодеем

Erma Music2021mix: Серия какой

Dart Night Light Fury: Преступник это тоже человек, пускай он совершил ошибку, даже если это (извините) фатаальная ошиибка, то он все равно идет на исправление

the one who will love: По факту Заключённых надо было оставить их за дверью

Chtholly nothing: Потом заключëнные прикончили всех, потому что там не хватит припасов на всех) . По итогу "человечность" погубила людей добропорядочных.

Повелитель Перемен: В итоге из за копа могли умереть все вместо части

Макс Волков: Полицейский заводит заключенных в бункер, чтобы делать с ними всякое

Любовь Вахрушева: 😢😢😢

WHADA: Пов:Столовка в школах СНГ:

Arsen pip: Одним словом - эгоист.

Майлана: 😰😰😰😰

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