Barry’s NEW Speed Force Powers Revealed! The Flash Evolves! - The Flash Season 7 Promo Breakdown!

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Alex Nesti: hasn't he been able to speed think, speed read and other simple things like that since season 1?

Din Djarin: So if barry has speed thinking by episode 2, then they must have figured out the artificial speed force by episode 1 or early episode 2! I'm only a couple minutes into this video though.

Arnav Mahajan: Me

Kurt Sehmann: Zoom or savitar?


G Man: U people forget, the show is called, the iris show featuring the flash 🙄 oh and we can't forget team citizen 😒😒 poor Barry

Jorge Carbajal: Don’t worry, I understood the “shattering” wordplay before you even explained it.

PoppieXL: DeVo

Walker Nunez: 2:45 wait hold up, i've never seen Barry do that

Anthony McDowell: Remember the future episode in season 3 I think they will revisit the refractive tool Cisco created for the flash to travel where mirror master goes

Jays Here: what if barry puts his consciousness into the mirror verse?

Aqualot 1209: Barry's speed thinking is similar to Harry's thinking cap in season 4 which could be why Cisco is hesitant

Gowrishanker Manoj: Wally should be brought in to help Team Flash to access and improve the new speed force.

Gowrishanker Manoj: TOP will become a member of the Black Hole.

Nasima Khanom: Episode 1 is called All's wells that ends wells,Episode two is called the speed of thought,Episode 3 is called mother,Episode 4 is called central city strong,Episode 5 is called Fear me thats all the info i have

David Marin: Honestly, speed thinking should have been introduced in season 4 with The Thinker.

DL Damaged: Maybe Cisco doesn’t trust it because of what happened to Harry and his thinking cap

Mika Postma: When is reverse flash gonna fight flash in his old house

Supadee800 k: .___. you’re telling me this entire time this man has been thinking in the same speed as us

FiXy Flapus: this is the first time when barry has a enemy ( eva ) that stays and doesent lose for 2 season or a season and a half maybe its a sign that its the end of the flash and i hope its not tho

Ro Games: Can you watch it on Netflix when it drops??

Bubbles: What if Barry doesn’t have his super speed back the right way, instead of his body but instead affect his mind instead. Only to think fast, not to run fast.

stevenARTify: I wish there wasn't another season about saving Iris again. They already did that with Savitar

Matthew Bray: For me the wait is not as long as I only started watching the flssh this year, initailly just to see what its like then I continued watching it


big brain: What can u watch this on

Dan Campbell: This should be interesting. I mean, the Ratings after the long wait, the repeated postponements, and the selling out of Ralph to the pressures of political correctness. You can speed think and examine alternate endings all you want. But the only way to know the ratings in the first few episodes, is empirically. As far as the story goes, I just wanna see Barry up to full strength. Same with Immortal Hulk, although watching Fixit think his way through challenges is cool. Same with Raymond Reddington. Weakened super-powered characters are meant to be a temporary subplot. Not something that drags out for a year or more.

PLEXIC: did like nobody understand that he referenced “IT the movie” when he said he has been waiting for what felt like 27 years

xiGhoul: In season 6 episode 1 at the barbeque they mention speed thinking and its coming into fruition here

Ransford Coker: My hypothesis. Once Iris leaves the mirrorworld with the other two, eva will realize that what fueled her powers is gone.

Infinite Squire: Barry did sind his conscience to the future before crisis so that could have been what caused the whole speed thinking.

Caleb Doufopt: Im still curious on how killer frost is being arrested

Matthew Miley: Lil easter egg of Top having a blackhole pin on her shirt👀

aS eNes: Hey pager, please can u talk about Flash season 7 on Netflix??? If it isn’t I won’t be able to watch it ☹️😞😔😟😖😢🥺😩😢😭😤

lvf1225: In the 1st promo when Barry has the halo thing around his head, he is standing in front of a silver case that looks a lot like the case that was full of dark matter that he and Frost used to feed to Mitch Romero in season 6, ep. 3. Maybe if the Halo somehow represents his speed thinking, he used his speed thinking to figure out a way to use the dark matter to get in and out of the mirror verse the way Eva did? Also, on a different note- when Iris finally sees Barry either in or out of the mirror verse, she’s going to be thinking- Damn Barry, guess you’ve been doing some serious working out out while I’ve been stuck in the mirror verse!

C u l t u r e s: Is it just me or dose the thing around barrys head look alot like the black hole he ran into s6 ep1 and that was caused by Chester so they might use the black holes energy to power or Chester might come into play somehow.

The Film Guardians: It's almost Here, but now with Speed Thinking does, Team Flash Need to Exist becuase if Barry can just speed think should he just Do it by himself

ツZero: 8:11 the speedforce orb thing its charged with UV rays i am pretty sure thats why they couldnt get it before bc they didnt charge it with UV rays

Faded LC: He said 27 years that how long pennywise is gone for in the books and movies penny wise is owned by wanner brothers so is flash

GamingWithJay: can I just I have a feel when they say he has 1% of his speed back he might travel back in time to when the speed force wasn't die or I'm probable not right

Chrishiian: Remember when flashpoint eobard said the you from the future his not this stupid maybe that thawne knew future Barry will create his new speed force and get a speed thinking ability. Idk😐

Yashank Singh: The only thing they need to do is make a speedster the big bad for every season that's left rather than making stupid villian a big bad. If The Flash is strongest he should fight with someone of his kind. Cicada Thinker Mirror misteress blah blah were so lame. 😑. Other villians are good for per episode villian.

datboielijah123: So hes devoe now

jeremy turner: Maybe this is how the original speed force was created

EnderSparky21: So if episode 3 will be like season 6 finale, so that means season 7 will have more episodes?

ashwin newar: Flash is dead after 3rd season

TheArcher: You should definitely have more subscribers for all the work you do on here for the shows still, I’ll be honest I wasn’t the biggest fan of you during the first few season’s of the flash, but you show great dedication and continue to provide great news for the flash. Way more than Emergency Awesome. I’ll be watching you’re season 7 videos from now on.

Boris N: If you have photographic memory you can remember every detail in your life and others

Hybrid Prince.: Lit speedster thinking lol

Beg Gus: Couldn’t Wally west send his mind into the speed force so does he already have speed thinking

vishmitha matale: Guys I still don't understand is Why is Barry waring Harrison Wells glasses I mean their is no scene in the trailer is it fake please reply I'm desperately confused

Liz Rae: unless bary gets his new force from the mirror world.

Danilo Nemanja: Shattering truth is GODSPEED

Ethan Naidoo: Speed thinking would be helpful against thet Thinker (season 4)

Awesome dog Doodoo: Iris will be have A Ability

JRMILLER13: I Think That maybe Cisco is hesitant to trust the speed thinking, because it reminds him of Harry and the thinking cap and how it ruined his smarts so he might think that will happen to Barry

ECLIPSE Reap12: @Pagey I watched your stream a few months back and you mentioned a site you use to watch cw shows live. Is there anyway you could tell me what that was?

SeanHart124: "He attempts to use his new gift to save iris" ah yes, the summary of the show lmao

KTP Mako: What if he uses the negitive speed force gift thawne said the for Nora Barry gets to the negitive speed force his is blue

Tytanium: Pretty sure he will be able to project his consciousness into the Mirrorverse and that’s why we see him in that reflected world in the promo

Kamen Critic: I just want the Infinite Mass punch to finally get utilized (It and and the ability to reach to 186,000 miles per second and beyond, aka super luminal speeds. Though with the draw back of Massive Energy consumption and can only be used for short burst to keep it from being too OP). As well as the reveal of the Post-cross multiverse to the character of Earth prime/Neo-Earth 1 to happen before the Season's end.

JVIT: Are they gonna call him “Flash Wells” 😂

The Gamers: Great vid 👍🏾

Cal Roswell: It's cool that Barry has a new speed force power

3gghead123: I think barry's speeding thinking will be like Devoe power.

Nathaniel Woods: This whole entire series barry has been somewhat thinking thoroughly but not as fast as he should.

Nicholas Fragello: Where was speed thinking when Devo was here 🤨 like bro

Red Dragon: This is not related to the topic at hand, but does anyone feel like as the Flash's seasons progresses. There is less but of involvement from Barry. I just notice it being more of a team effort now. I remember way back in Season 1 it used to be mainly on Barry's POV. I kind of miss that, because then why is the name still flash and not Team flash right?

Ask Trag: not the thinker lol LIMITLESS THOUGHT!

Justin Maldonado: If Barry's new speed thinking ability could let him see other timelines could he see the original timeline where he becomes the Flash in 2020 with his mother still alive before reverse flash kills her which Barry gets powers in 2014?

Skippa: If barry had the speed thinking in season 4 he could've out think the thinker

Cameron Ferrell: With flash point and now his speed thinking, Barry should be able to stop almost anybody. Maybe now they can just focus on speedster villains like Godspeed and Thawne

Jovan Harroo: The writers gunna let him use this once or twice and then just put it on a shelf and just forget about it like usual

Triple Ghoster: Pagey i have a question, when he speed thinks can’t he just go into his zone where everyone else is frozen and he thinks of an answer to something then comes back causing him to think in seconds, wouldn’t that be him doing speed thinking cause he could’ve already done that

Andrew Roth: i think the speed thinking is so he doesnt lose his mind in the mirror dimension

solarwind: Speedster brains a 1000 times faster than normal human but their their ability to process data so when he reads a book in one second he retains 100% of it before none of it ends up going into long-term memory which is why you're only hold onto the information temporarily

Vraptor: I actually have the comic where speed thinking was introduced

Christopher John Roman: Netflix Philippines will wait 1yr until it get release in here😭

Harmen Malhans: Didn’t thawne have speed thinking remember in legends in the part where he locked up zoom

Tim Riggins: Did he tap into the Sage Force.

Dustin Bradford: It’s about time, so close to resuming one of the best shows on TV..!

bob yu: What if he uses the negative speed force

Apollo NC: lol 27 years penny wise and the flash comes out 3 days before my birthday

Spooderman the Magical: Maybe back to the speed force being dead maybe it's dormant not actually dead

mike k: Pagey you are defo a virgin my friend..

Jesse Garrett: Maybe he taps into the negative speed force?

NIKE 7: Thanks pagey

solo rain: I wonder if iris will become a meta after being in the mirrorverse for so long it seems like it's going that way


Tristan Perez: is speed thinking on the same level as davoe?

Rebel Binx: I feel Cisco is going to get mad when he tries to figure out stuff and Barry knows it right away and Cisco will feel useless

Avant 1- 800 Claps: I better not see him lose any type of fight ever after he gets the ability

Qtzzant: I saw Eobard Thawne In the trailer maybe Barry Allen will work with him for his powers like Nora

Adah Goel: "anyways, on to the next part of the synopsis" me: what happened to "he attempts to use his new gift to save Iris"? Seriously, people, I can't be the only one who missed it. 7:47

Ashley Richards: Terrorists be like Thanks for the idea gonna go blow up the cw

Sir Lord of Derp: Thinking about it this probably is a situation that could be solved with time-travel. For once the most reasonable solution is ducking time

Mike Hinson: So basically Barry has the fastest mind in the world, much like a certain Season 4 villain

Leif Emery: it is cool how you always upload when nothing happens

Codename Dragon: Barry was doing something like that before Crisis with Jay on Earth-3

its Nef: I hate how they are making us so excited for this season

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