Season Two Battle Pass Trailer | Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone™

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CxPlasma: 1:09 for a second I thought there’s was gonna be a MECH(reference to fortnite) in warzone 😅

Elijah Ringeisen: Fix your dumb sbmm

tom hardly: If you would only invest in your servers as much as you invest in your trailers 🙃 Ill buy Cold War maybe when it drops to 20 $ 👋

KerrHartt Adventures: Bring back the Full black Rose skin to level the battle field please

gamingnavyseal: Oke i’m hyped

Hanz: Charms being a thing makes me cringe.

Dougie: Any one know how to get the stuff I bought it says restart don’t worry you stuff is not lost but I restart and its not there 🤬😡😡😠

Ricardito Leoncito: I’m just tired of verdansk

14WoguYtHmRRiL1f55NaKkCMSpkyLH8uuv: Absolute Bitcoin...

Antony D'Andrea: Please keep zombies separate from warzone. I want map changes not fictional creatures

chad 3313: Eff this. "Were combining Cold War and Modern Warfare Seasons" actually meant "Modern Warfare is f*cked, deal with it"

sana ne: Lame

Icy: Can y’all atleast add guns to mw battle pass is useless don’t forget about you’re game!

Koby D'marcus: I see jungle but please tell me I didn’t see hacienda

Scott Daniels: Still don't get why stickers and charms now only apply to cold War guns

adan rodriguez: Who hyped for this update 11 more hours to go

Qwinn: no content for MW?

ninja # 700: I wonder what the ship will do. It's getting closer to the port.

Cait: just give us shirtless price already

Soar Kser: Anyone wanna buy me battle pass?

Old Account: Is the new season tomorrow

COLD WAR: Let's gooo bro

Dean Etheridge: Wow looks fab 🧐

Elite Ninja: Noting spacial this season in warzone :/

Elite Ninja: This time they really don‘t effort :/ waited almost 3 month for this

معتز قيمر: Warzaun

Ali Alhasee: We need this Naga Skin In CODM ASlso 😜😂🇱🇾

John Fouller: The day before the update will be my very last day playing cod. Due to not having any more space. Rip

JC Zumaya: Price of BATTLE PASS?

M. Military: Very nice 🤩👍

Harrisonerrais26: I brought my battle pass today so i coulf get cod points for this and i dont have any of the unlocks like the gallentry ext any one please help

Lucas Madera: Hello call of duty just wanted to tell you that if you can also put more clowns it would be like mm.. I don't know the baker skin team.


John Waffle: Can't wait to play the new season with hackers and a new stim glitch....

James G: new Warzone map??

Killeranger Gaming: Can't wait to get the battle pass and play Outbreak!

Josias97ful: FARA 83. Fusil de Asalto de la República Argentina Modelo 1983🇦🇷

Marcus Alley: How about, taking away the stickers, calling cards, emblems, watches, charms, and give us things that we would like and care about getting. Like more guns, player skins, gun camos, different looking attachments skins, different looking gun skins like you do in the blue prints. Wake up already. We the fans are telling you how to get our money. Go with it!!!

Cameron Fenney: My games broken

MVISSIV: Title says call of duty but actual footage of fortnite. Nice to get warning not to play :D

awit ods: Activison if i dont see fov slider on console in warzone imaa feed you to a lion pride

Big Smokeweiler: Date & UK time anybody? Cheers in advance

Urim Gashi: Total scumbags

WolfishMovie 109: Idk why people care so much about an operator skin IN A FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. You cant even see the skin that you bought for like 10-20 dollars smh

Otabek Yusupov: Call of Duty can you add Uzbekistan Flag

Dave the god: Just wow

Shawn Wavy: Charms & STICKERS?????!

bongosboi: K I L L E R C O N T E N T

Big man Chungus: I’m banned until the 27th because cod hates me 🙃

aileen flynn: Bring back animated camos that u can put on any gun like bo3

Goat Ninja: New map?

Abdurrahman Sz: I have 1000 COD Coins on my Xbox Series X, but 0 on my PS5 while Playing Warzone or Cold War. :/ To Connect the Account is a trape, i cant use any skin or something. The connection is just a word.

Sir Memelot: Yeah I'm sticking to Halo MCC.

Dusty's Arcade: still no Soap...

leo Tant: we need anti cheat in game, like if you agree

Personal Computer GAMER: We need weather dynamics guys, night/day mode, come on !!!!

Selme Mahdi: Wow its only one day left but I just can’t wait

Only COD: did i just see elements of the blackout map...

RAWAGE Private: Okay. But where is the new warzone map ?

Fake Bot2021: Remove sbmm

Travis Meta: We need more mil-sim skins

BigMacBaller: The Fara 83 is broken I can already tell 😂😂😂

Ryan De Leest: eyyo can anyone tell me why my frame dropped bec of the season 2 update, it’s more laggy and it wasn’t before this update. I play on ps4 and play on my tv

Gabriel Mejia: Soap is Coming back in Warzone This Season alon with the Makarov, Scorpion and Raal LMG

Luis Muñoz: what about the bugs???

a wizard: y'all missing out modern warfare stuff

Rtca Adw: nerf the dmr

NahSon: I swear they better have a “Welcome to the Jungle” War track. 🙏🥲

Patrick Lee: shouldn't you guys fix the broken content from season 1 first? I noticed none of the operator mission unlocks were working on the last Rumble (team death match).

Umaira M.Shabbir: Honestly the trailer got me hyped o.o (as usual)

JAKU: lame

TYPICALIRISHGAME: Is the zombies free to download tomo

Power Stranger: Aaand MW is dead now? or what I mean warzone is based on mw, why is there a battlepass for both games but nothing to achieve for MW anymore?

Joseph Oddi: Tko has entered the chat

Zishaan Khan: This guys voice is incredible

Elijah Commons: still no reactive camos🙄

WOLFDawg 606: 0:09 hear the darkness theme from destiny?

not me: the new smg i think is gonna be cracked

Villain: Great, they just needed to add the Predator onto this Battle Pass to complete it.

Ollie Nash: I swear down if the graphical errors aren’t fixed then ima flip out

Pichingoo TV: Ustedes explican mejor el psae elite

Agn Itz_Silent6: Literally a rip off of modern warfare

Evan Greene: I want Adler with his civilian outfit

Mayra Mendez: I can’t wait

Lights out T: one more day and warzone finna get Nuked

Traveon Williams: Now why did y’all name that character NAGA...🤦🏽

Crimson Thunderbird: If it starts tomorrow why is there an hour left on the current season

Wasteman: Last thing we needed was more long range ar’s and laser smg’s 😂

alvaradopalma 679: Lc 10 is the mac 10 the fara is the krig😂

Apexgamer: will this be for modern warfare to

kassim kaddoura: اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد

Florin - Laurentiu Duta: Ghost 2 ??????

Aria Bagaspati: fun fact: naga in indonesia means dragon

dZ King: people who hate cold war are the people who are garbage at it.

robharek: Update 80 gb :/

Joku Gaming: Im still on season 1...

Saadan Jawad: If you can't decide the face, just put mask or a gear that covers the face 😬

GamingWithElite: I hope the ranks stay

Exotic Milk: Time for people to sit in a corner killing zombies like how Modern Warfare multiplayer was

pencil donkey: Naw I'm not playing cod cold war its false information

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