The Mandalorian Season 3 Boba Fett Announcement 2021 Breakdown and Star Wars Movies Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my new Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 3 video and Boba Fett Future Series Breakdown! This is the Way. Here's my Full Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 2 video too!

TheModer8ter: Jesus of Nazareth, who was God in the flesh of a man, died for the remission of sin, including yours, was buried, and rose form the dead 3 days later. If you simply believe in this to apply to you and trust Jesus to save you from hell then you have everlasting life in heaven. As Jesus says in John 3:36 "Whosoever Believes on the Son has everlasting life"

Trinh Viet Anh: Its been so long... but I totally forgot why I hate Fett... help me out internet people

Loutzenheiser: MAn, we need like 37 series like this to really flesh out the Star Wars extended universe!

Christopher Eiken: I'm so confused, how is yoda 50 but still a baby, but he's like 1000 years old when Boba fett is in the movies, but is gonna be in the mandalorian?

Lord Byron: Hmmmmm,,, So ..... Boba Fett is the “Ugly” !! I never did like that character. Ever since a Mandalorian first appeared in the show “A New Hope “, he never appealed to me .... until they created the Mandalorian show featuring baby Yoda. Then my brain literal went through a full reset. A new “Hero” has emerged!! I fell in love that was everything StarWars again. After the prequels 1,2&3 ,, I lost interest in the StarWars franchise. The excitement was gone ... D E A D ! Gone! But baby Yoda with the Mandalorian changed all that OVERNIGHT! The two are inseparable in my book! Jon and Dave will need to come up with a sensational plot story to end their relationship if they ever separate them. Otherwise, I’ll be pissed !! 🤨

bigfellaoo7: This is the way.

Dr. Conner: I just noticed that the armor looks like boba fetts if boba fett comes back my legos shall not disappoint me

il villain: Need an Ashoka/ Bo Katan and the Nite Owls/ Boba series.


ginger hosking: boba fett is dead before this happens

Pana_ Alevizos: Theory: they throw a surprise Rex at us at one point and he meets Ahsoka again

Tim canniff: I’ve never seen those scenes where boba was walking in the desert and got slave 1 out of the sand does anyone know what that’s from

hamwic BI: I really genuinely thought I was the the only one who felt the mando was just better than the recent movies. I hate to say it but the follow on movies were just too busy on using the platform to correct societies prejudices rather than telling a good story.

mrpoloplaya1: I just want a Darth Vader movie after order 66 😞

Lars Van den Berg: Mace Windu will come back MARK MY WORDS

Lars Van den Berg: Mace Windu will come back MARK MY WORDS

Pedro José Arellano: Gran analisis

Maxime: wtf the price of one episode.... money will kill human

Maxime: la saison 2 pas finie il balance la 3 ?? parfaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

Shelton Duff: Dude season 2 isn’t even done yet

Choki Senpai: I want a fucking mando video game like seriously open world collecting bounties fighting off stormtroopers and other bounty hunters and shit like dude imagine if u could create ur own armor and shit

maladetts: Kudos to you for choosing and keeping the best possible visual-experience format on all your videos. I'm so sick with all the big channels who still litter their material with logos, black bars and other obstructive viewing-limiting nonsense at the end of 2020.

Hudson Ellis: Its been since the 19 hundreds boba fett was seen and its awesome he's finally back! This calls for a celebration

John Cockram: It's not baby yoda

We want A 104th battle pack: Boba isn’t gonna kill baby yoda if he does all of us boba fans are gonna burn down Disney if that happens and lucasfilm and Dave filing if he’s the one making taht episode

Man D: I thought Boba Fett died and that’s how that other dude got his armor

Elijah Houston: 4:01 to 4:14 was this from a video game or something?

Adam Axiak: So if The Mandalorian takes place in 9 BBY, Bobba Fett is dead already right?

brojajacra: Well its not actually Boba Fett at the end of teh Gunslinger since at that time he didnt (and still doesnt) have his armour as for teh millenium Falco on Jakku thats also explained in the film. also Boba is suddenly going to want his armour and ship back and to ally with Gideon after 5 years doing nothing on Tatooine? Ill take all predictions about season 3 with a huge pinch of salt as most tend to just predict what they want to happen

Rico Lolo: Other theories are they maybe he has given up that life..

Tomas Herring: anyone else more convinces that the boba fett series will be between episode 6 and mandalorian? i just dont see boba fett losing his armor without dying.

Hayley Willette: Boba isn’t putting his armor back on. There’s a reason he took it off and I don’t think it was by force. If he wanted his armor, he would’ve had it already.

Nerd Berg: Season *3*???

John Smith: Does moff Gideon know that whoever wields the black star saber, is leader of all the mandalorians? If we assume that he did then he was the one who made the mandalorians to leave and joined the empire, and the mandalorian blacksmith was ordered by moff Gideon to send mando to find other mandalorians so that moff Gideon can find all the mandalorian clans so that all the mandalorian clans will join the empire and with the knowledge, training, and skills from the mandalorians, he will order them to train the Storm troopers... or yet he could order the mandalorians to capture or kill mando and take baby Yoda from him and give him to moff Gideon... If moff doesn't know, then that's good, the mandalorians don't know that moff Gideon wields the black star saber... Which we can assume that when mando finds the mandalorians, they will not take baby Yoda from him and give him to moff, which means that there is no trap awaiting mando

DefectiveMatrix: Shut up

Chai Varier: Bro, if all this comes out to be true, the franchise would redeem itself and be better than ever before. I've honestly been wanting to see a Boba Fett live action series so badly for several years. But judging by Disney's lackluster handling of the final trilogy, I'm not sure what to expect.

Ruby Lopez: Imagine (probably dumb) but like mando being a Jedi mando w baby Yoda and or Boba fett being foe or friend

Blake B: The spin here is dizzying

SCRaM01: I thought they were parodying Reservoir Dogs in the office tho...🤔

Waltc: It's a whole new dawn. Can't wait for all these developments.

Mr Nelson: I'm confused...the actor that played Jango Fett is Boba Fett as well, or the young Boba Fett, grew up to look like his father...Jango?

Mason Borges: If Boba can best mando in a fight, I cant see why he wouldn't take all of his beskar lmfao

Mason Borges: i hope we get to see a version of rex/other clone commanders at some point too

BathrobeKeck: my prediction for season 3 is Mando finding at least A jedi, and it's Ezra, but something happens and Ezra isn't a tenable trainer for him cuz reasons.

James Brookes: If we get Kenobi, I beg we get flashbacks to some of his clone wars scenes with maul. I love the clone wars TV series, but damn I'd have loved a live action show set during that period, with note maul! This is the way!

Dominican Dostoyevsky: @Jeremy Hamilton  i myself am tired of seeing Obi-Wan on screen. Hes so boring of a chracter. He wasnt even a good teacher to Luke and a horrible sarcastic student under Qui Gon Jin.

Wayne Flanigan: 7:12 The artist drawing of Ahsoka in just plain UGLY!

MrSilender: It is just I suppose my thing and to be clear I like your content and everything, but when you're talking about the future and basically predict what gonna happen, I'm then like" I shouldn't hear/watch that ..shit":D, cause I get you're trying to inform people but then I feel like,I'm losing a sense of unknown ...

Kynatosh: They have to battle with gideon

Danny: lmao why i see so many people direspect boba, i miss that day where everyone love boba and give so much love and complaining to lucas to make him alive again, i miss those day, boba is my all time fav in star wars universe, mando or not he got raise up as a mando and endup being bounty hunter, he want to take revenge for jango but mace windu is dead, and im sure in this time after boba reclaim his armor he gonna search for han solo, the one guy that cause he fall into the sarlacc, just let the time tell us and wait for it, stop all the hate lol

Kevin Klatman: when is season 11?

Kevin Martin: Love it my friend!! So dig the channel and info!!! 🙏❤

Matthew Aguado: Did Boba Fett not die in Return of the Jedi lol Mandalorian is after this time is it not ?

Boondoggle: Only watching if Pascal gets a blaster to the face while his helmets off (which is what he’s allegedly been bitching about for awhile now).

louise dickson: How u know about season 3?!?!

HexJK: They could give every character their own series and I'd be completely content with it. I actually really like this format that heavily follows one character. It just feels more mature and serious, and extremely refreshing from the newer movies. What I really want is a Delta Squad live action series. Their existence is canon, but they only appear once for like 20 seconds in the clone wars (from what I recall) in the canon universe, so their story is literally free real estate (I'm more than certain their comics and their game isn't canon).

Mathew Davis: There has to be a redemption arc for boba. They wouldn't give him a mini series without one as he will become hated for collecting the child's bounty. Perhaps mando and the child remind him of his own upbringing and when he tries to accept the bounty, he has a change of heart which mando may consider to make him worthy to wear the mandalorian armor. The mini series may then show his struggle to stay true to whatever his beliefs are now while he is hunted for his past actions.

Michael W: I like Rosario Dawson but I think it's unacceptable that they didn't use the actress from Rebels. What a slap in the face.

Marcin Małysza: Mando dies in end of s2, Boba will pick up his mission to get Baby Yoda to force users... Boba is not a bounty hunter any more :P

Bill Clark: I like how in several episodes (most? all?) they stop and have a boss fight! Also: the EGGS! The Child ate them to preserve them! He will spit them up when they see the others are spoiled.

Tf2Terror: Season 2 end will be mando getting the dark saber season 3 will be him reuniting the clans to help them find more Jedi

Darkwater: I'd like to think Favreau and Filoni can do better than a retread of ESB / ROTJ

Retro, Rhythm, Repeat: I think they'd rather redeem boba fett maybe canonise him as a mandalorian. Like him and mando team up, mando agrees he's good enough to be a mando and then him and boba depart as allies. With boba having the mudhorn sigil.

John the IV: Too bad Pedro Pascal called half the country "nazis". If you support the president, he thinks you are just as bad as the people who we defeated in WWII. I immediately canceled my Disney+ subscription and stopped watching The Mandalorian. It is too bad it was my favorite new show.

Boo2 TheSnoo: Well season 2 has been a disappointment so far so I hope it picks up

reid Olson: Love action Ashoka looks like crap lol

Aaron Skates: That skow sucks

Mike DeMarco: I believe that a millennia of peace in the Galaxy depends on the existence of one Yoda-like character. Yoda was that character for the Old Republic (he was born right after the defeat of the SITH). Baby Yoda is the next, and several dark force users know that.

Chef Carl Casper: What do you think about the theory that Boba Fett and Fennic Shang had a child, which turns out is Sasha Banks’s character? This could lead to some awesome and compelling strong elements.

Lord Fader: bro Ahsoka HAS TO MEET LUKE😁 Come on Filoni lets make it happen

batarrow: Season two just started

Bossk: I think Moff giddeon is going to get baby yoda and extract necessary assets Which are his midichlorians or force genes to make the knights of ren because they are slightly force sensitive but they do not have the force sensitivity of a Jedi or sith.

DADDY PADMAN: Wasn’t boba getting eaten by the Saarlach?

DJ Squirtnasty: My Boba Fett plot line theory: The last scene in mando s2episode 1 boba could have gotten his armor back easily, but he hesitated on the ridge. Because he saw the guy who had it has an even nicer set of armor. He was contemplating on how he was going to take Dins armour but had to come up with a plan as he is dealing with a living mandalorian who just blew up a krait dragon. Ep2 he diddnt move in on him because he knew the spiders couldn't digest the armor and was waiting to let them do his job for him then move in to collect the pieces. He is waiting for the right moment to strike. He wants mando's armour!

Charlton Williamson: They're going to water down this stuff.

NEW morganrf: Didn’t slave 1 get blown up in the clone wars series?

Rodney Ray Brown JR: #8 you said Boba Fett would probably take "baby Yoda" to Moff Gidean but I disagree. In legends Boba Fett actually came friends with Han Sola and Luke Skywalker and actually trained force users in combat and how to use a lightsaber. I bet Boba would see the Child's potential and how rare his species is and actually take him in to either train himself or help find the jedi to train him.

Ian Schank: Season 2 isn’t even finished wtf

cheyyen: LOL. a)only the cape was inspired by The Man With No Name b) Gunslinger is that badly acted amateur BH, not mando. and are you blind? tuskans dont dress in dark or black colors :D

Naya: ❤️❤️❤️💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽I’m so excited

Naya: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

BobDean Benner: Reclaiming his title for the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy makes sense. But I'm going to predict that after losing his armor and going through hell on tattooine, Boba Fett will be going through a transitional redemption stage. I'm hoping they will make him more of a protagonist occasionally helping the Mando and hopefully regaining his Mandalorian honor.

Mark Lawson: Wow, this guy thinks there's gonna be a season 3.

church v.s. the world: I want to own all of this show on Blu ray

liquidlethe: I still don't want ahsoka or sabine to appear in the mandalorian. I don't want any hints about what happens in their search for Ezra, including the fact they survive. Kinda like how star wars rebels spoils the end of TCW because you know ahsoka and maul survive.

Teige Ehlen: Why does the ending music of each Mando episode already sound like.. Starwars? It triggers that non-replicable feelings that the movies always have. Love this series so much.

Daniel Cluley: The obvious angle to me is that Boba Fett was never a true Mandalorian, but when helping Din Djarin in season 2, he earns his way into the Mandalorian creed, gets his respect, and gets his signet. Boba Fett will transition into being a TRUE Mandalorian instead of just a bounty hunter wearing the armor, and the spin-off season will show his exploits as a true Mandalorian AND a bounty hunter.

Landon Lee: Nooo! Don’t make a Boba Fett series. 🤣

Dave R: I'm really enjoying the show, but could someone explain the timeline to me... it's supposed to take place after the events in Return of the Jedi, but why then is Yoda a child? He was an adult in Episodes 5 and 6.

Ảo Quá Game: His armor look like trash

Damien S: I thought Boba Fett was going to be in season 2. Fett w/o Solo....?????

Blahblah Yaga: I don’t know if that was Fett walking up to her body in season one. Makes more sense it’s Moff Gideon tracking Mando & the Child. Especially since the cape & boots are in such emasculate condition

Saitama-DsN: nice spoil

Nicholas Bass: But I haven’t even started season 2

Steve P: Don’t start pitching a season 3 when season 2 writing is horrible so far.

Arn does: My childhood best friend as a kid and teen was charlie born 1981 died 2001 r.i.p my friend dam

Ismael Chanon: I became a subscriber And I think that mando will become a legend or like the best

Adrian Jordan: Where are all the Boba Fett clips in this from??

levopotak: He used Force into that kick 4:22 of course

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