The Flash: Season 7 Premiere - Official Exclusive Clip | IGN Fan Fest 2021

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NA: Poor Barry 😭😭😭😭

MoLLo: Well, its gonna be on netlix?

Muzi Prince: YES

iriticu mare: Super abia aștept!

Liam Sanborn: Rose's are red Violet's are blue The flash season 7 Clip preview

Jaylen Young: This season look so dipresing

Amir.Emadian: This show has dragged on for so long that even Grant Gustin doesn't care anymore

Christian TookFlight: Everyone looks dead inside especially Barry 😭 he needs his speed back

HEAT Brycen: Cecile is be gray

G-man lives: The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Vfx_ezits: When he gets his speed he needs to keep it it's getting repetitive of him loosing speed

Maria Stephens: ngl the exposition is strong in this clip, but that doesn't mean I'm any less hyped for the season to FINALLY come out

BBZ SM: and then im going to have to wait a year for it to come out on Netflix...nice

Anime Fanboy. Baller mike got dunked on and snatch: I’m so hyped up I’m doin all my hw

Maraki T: Awww Barry 🥺 Iris will come back home to you 😭 I promise 🥺🥺

Rahul Singh: Didn't like the events of .. crisis on infinite earth's.. and aftt that the show is just degrading 😓

Ovrly Em0tional: I'm so glad I'm not the only who notices how tired and depressed Barry looks. He needs some milk

freed noctis: If they have the budget, they could make it look like superman and lois

Blackravepool: A flash show where the flash is never fast enough . Amazing.

Yoshi and Friends: I'm so fuckin hyped

Brent oesterle: Barry anyone bound by up

Gaurav Kamble: What did he say about Ralph?

Vwall007ST: Flash needs the same budget as previous years, but only 10 to 12 episodes

MigGy Chubby: This is the most amazing superheroe tv series

Niyi: Barry Lost his speed : Checked Barry's Emotional : Checked Barry's Sad : Checked

jim Kirk: It gets boring every season passes

Michael Dawodu: Barry put on some weight

Lordmonocr: “All’s Well That End’s Well’s”? Something gonna happened with Nash? Or Eobard? Or maybe a new or past Wells is gonna appear in Nash’s body to help Barry with the artificial speed force?

Sohaib Ali: Have this episode been released ?

YG: I'm honestly tired of Cecile. Her powers work when they want. Take them away and make her a DA again

Fisher Theadore: 0:38 she & Ralph are way off the Grid? *Why not bring Ralp Dibney back???*

Debasis Haldar: Is is just me or Grant got a little buffy

efrain martinez: Probable synopsis for this season: He’s actually not the fastest man alive. The end.

Ethan Larrosa: barry looks hopeless its kinda sad :(

Jonathan Sawyer: Well, guess it's time we had the "Season 8" talk. Since the Crisis is over early, Oliver's dead, and even Kara's on her way out, there's no point in trying to give Barry the Spongebob treatment.

bigwhopper6501: Haven't watched this show since season 3, is he fast enough yet?

shachar movies: Omggggg so cooooollllll loook awesome

Jorel Montes: People need to remember we are only 3 years away from when The Flash disappears in 2024.

Trevor Omondi: At this point , Flash is like an anime protagonist character, all he needs to unlock to full potential is the power of flashbacks

Winteru: I'm so excited, can't wait!!

Jody Edwards: Yo grant gustin looks way more buff this season, on his insta he looks incredible. So excited for season 7, let’s go 🔥🔥

DStroke666: Kind of boring

sathish reddy: How many espiodes

Александр Мороз: Justice for Hartley Sawyer, please


Alexsa Amen: Barry needs to hit up a day spa or sum.. could fit groceries in the bags under those eyes.

CaligulaTheGreat: Stop! Stop! He's Already Dead!

Bxrbarino Alvarez: 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

Sam Davith: Anyone tell me plz will it be on Netflix?

diego lucio: its a ending of last season

AlvisWuNights: About time :)

Nick Koul: It's like they were held at gun point to "act" .

jarednil69: Boring clip! Where's the ACTION?🤔❓ Everyone looks BORED.

YB munashe: Someone get granit a choccy milk

Trishy Kandima: the flash is in 7 days rihgt

i12bcd8d_NoW: Anyone actually remember what happened last season??? when was that anyway?

RRMK BOSS: Flash quiet team 😂😊

meh: This show should be canceled. It has gone to sh*t after the first few seasons. Terrible repetitive writing & The acting is bad just look at this clip these actors are snoozing. No sign of growth on the character either. Who is even still watching this its depressing af

Cristian Ivan: It is just me or Joe lost a lot of weight? Haven't watched Flash since Zoom season lol

Cambron Davis: Can they please just stop with this show

Luca Buttini: So Sam scutter Is dead?

ziya fatimah: He looks like he'll faint in 0.1 sec

HUSH: Hartley got fired becauseshowrunner was black

Sh4unify: This show still exists? LOL

Adrian: Stopped watching in Season 2 for being TOO woke. Can't imagine what this show has become now. I'm genuinely surprised is hasn't been cancelled yet.

legostmoeliot: Um is this show still alive wtf

Pocholo Garcia: Is he finally the fastest man alive this season?

Aashish Godivale: This show is becoming more shitty everyone seasons

Herman Quintelier: How did flash become so boring....

Hentai Protagonist: What a nice clip, there is no Iris in it

FreexReaper: Imagine the burden Barry carries while protecting the city knowing his speed could finish any second. That's a true hero. My favorite hero

saurabh: Y'all still watching CW's The Flash xD

Zylan: RDJ used to do drugs before getting the role of ironman, he is a changed and a better person now. Why shouldn't ralph's actor get the same chance?

Ty Solomano: This show still going

BigNick3012: Eva killed Scudder?! damn

Ethereal Dweller: Meh.

SpeedForceNation: "Sue and Ralph are staying way off the grid." You know what you did, CW.

Ian Sherwood: Why do they all have bags under their eyes?

Dopamine Max: jeez grant's transformation over quarantine really shows, he looks big like unusually big

K Boi: Everyone in the comments: Wow. They look so tired. Me: Well working for the CW will probably do that to you.

King Dami: This season better not disappoint

lucas chase: Garbage show

DeathStroke: Another Season Another opportunity for Iris to be annoying

Furry Donkey: Is this the last season ????.....😶

Dorian: since no one said it it’s the guy from fortnite

StarWarz #1: Cool, kills off s3 mirror master off screen More happened off season than the entirety of season 6.

Vijendra Pokhriyal: Finally season 7 🔥

shadownightwolf: He looks like he cant wait to go back to Malaysia for some nasi lemak and teh tarik.

Aravind Sajeev: When the release date??????????

MustafaDarkNite: @Flashverse where's the vid at?

Shubham: He's not f depressed, it's his aging

nadine naicker: Boring

koneru neelesh: new killer frost

Nathaniel Woods: The only season Barry lost his speed completely was season 2, 3 and 4.

Comics Center: Wait...Ralph???

M0V13 M4ST3R: Sounds like Mirror Mistress killed Mirror Master

ZX: They look so tired, ngl.

Koustav Biswas: They looks older

Hanzade Sultan Selim IV Giray Khan: They should do something like back in Season 1

D C: They should get Ralph to confess for the murder than become a whole new person with his abilities 🤷🏾‍♂️

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